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@oddbird/slide-deck - npm Package Versions


published 0.2.0-rc.1 •
published 0.1.4 •



v0.1.4 - 2024-02-28

  • 🐞 FIXED: session view preference overrides attribute when deck is first constructed
published 0.1.3 •



v0.1.3 - 2024-02-13

  • 💥 BREAKING: All events and slide-event controls use lowercase hyphenated names, for consistency with html conventions (toggleControl -> toggle-control, toggleFollow -> toggle-follow, toggleFullscreen -> toggle-fullscreen)
  • 🚀 NEW: Use the to-slide attribute on buttons in the slide deck to move focus to any slide -- either the parent slide of the button, or the slide index given as a value of the attribute
  • 🚀 NEW: Custom goToSlide event accepts an integer value in the event.detail property
  • 🚀 NEW: --slide-count-string and --slide-index-string can be used for CSS generated content
  • 🐞 FIXED: Less nesting for lower specificity in the slide-deck.css theme
  • 🐞 FIXED: Provide shadow-DOM control-panel styles
published 0.1.2 •



v0.1.2 - 2024-01-16

  • 💥 BREAKING: Disabled the full-screen keyboard shortcut, until we have a chance to address the various fullscreen browser issues
  • 💥 BREAKING: Removed the 'end presentation' event and keyboard shortcuts, which were more confusing than useful
  • 💥 BREAKING: Removed the shadow DOM content wrapper, and all shadow DOM styles for slide layout
  • 💥 BREAKING: The reset event targets the first slide rather than the slide-deck container
  • 🚀 NEW / 💥 BREAKING: Renamed and added control-panel parts, to allow for more customization of the default panel including pressed buttons with :part(button pressed)
  • 🚀 NEW: Set aria-current='true' on active slide
  • 🚀 NEW: View settings are maintained across page refresh using sessionStorage
  • 🚀 NEW: Add support for slide parts – slide-canvas & slide-note
  • 🚀 NEW: Each slide is labeled with either slide-item='container' (if it has nested parts) or slide-item='canvas' slide-canvas (if there are no nested parts)
  • 🚀 NEW: The slide-deck has a --slide-count property, and each slide has a --slide-index
  • 🚀 NEW: Default styles are in slide-deck.css and can be applied from the light DOM
  • 🚀 NEW: The entire control panel can be replaced from the light DOM using slot=control-panel on a slotted dialog element
  • 🚀 NEW: Blank slides are implemented as shadow DOM dialogues, which can be replaced from the light DOM using slot=blank-slide on a slotted dialog element
  • 🚀 NEW: When key-control is activated (including on-load), we target the stored active slide (or the first slide)
  • 🚀 NEW: Support for keyboard shortcuts on Windows/Linux using control instead of command
  • 🐞 FIXED: Slotted controls are no longer treated as slides
  • 🐞 FIXED: When restoring the active slide from memory, we go to the first slide if there's no stored state
  • 🐞 FIXED: Use any key to exit a blank-slide mode
published 0.1.1 •



v0.1.1 - 2023-12-26

  • 💥 BREAKING: Updated keyboard shortcuts to match PowerPoint, including command-. as 'end presentation' rather than 'toggle full-screen' (now command-shift-f)
  • 🚀 NEW: Support for blank-screen shortcuts (inspired by Curtis Wilcox)
  • 🚀 NEW: Both start/resume events target active slides
  • 🚀 NEW: Control panel includes toggle for keyboard controls
  • 🚀 NEW: Control panel buttons have aria-pressed styles
  • 🚀 NEW: All slide-event buttons that toggle a boolean state get aria-pressed values that update with the state
  • 🐞 FIXED: Scroll to the active slide when changing views
  • 🐞 FIXED: Control panel view toggles were broken
  • 🐞 FIXED: Control panel prevents propagation of keyboard shortcuts
  • 👀 INTERNAL: The current slide is stored in an activeSlide property
published 0.1.0 •



v0.1.0 - 2023-12-22

Initial draft based on Miriam's Proof of Concept.