use24Hours | bool | false | Select drop-downs display 12 hour or 24 hour time. |
startLabel | string | "Start:" | Text label that appears before the start time select drop-down. |
endLabel | string | "End:" | Text label that appears before the end time select drop-down. |
startMoment | string | undefined | A moment ISO 8601 time string representing the start time. |
endMoment | string | undefined | A moment ISO 8601 time string representing the end time. |
minuteIncrement | Number | 30 | Defines the increments in time that should appear in the drop-down menus. Increments must be one of the following 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 minutes. |
sameIsValid | boolean | true | If both the start and end times are the same, this may or may not be considered a valid time range. |
className | string | undefined | Prop for handling custom styling of the component. |
onClick | function | undefined | Return function that is called when one of the time drop-down menus is clicked. |
onChange | function | undefined | Return function that is called when one of the values in the time drop-down menu changes. |
showErrors | boolean | true | Display an error message when the input times are considered invalid. |
equalTimeError | string | "Please enter a valid time. Start and End times cannot be equal." | Error string that is rendered when both start and time values are the same, and this is considered invalid when sameIsValid={true} |
endTimeError | string | "Please enter a valid time. End time cannot be before start time." | Error string that is rendered when the selected end time occurs before the start time. |
onStartTimeClick | function | undefined | Return function that is called when the start time drop-down menu is clicked. |
onStartTimeChange | function | undefined | Return function that is called when the start time drop-down value is changed. |
onEndTimeClick | function | undefined | Return function that is called when the end time drop-down menu is clicked. |
onEndTimeChange | function | undefined | Return function that is called when the end time drop-down value is changed. |