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@onflow/util-template - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0-alpha.0 to 1.0.0-alpha.1

# @onflow/util-template
## 1.0.0-alpha.1
### Patch Changes
- [#1164]( [`11229868`]( Thanks [@justinbarry](! - No longer minify released source code.
## 1.0.0-alpha.0

@@ -4,0 +10,0 @@



@@ -1,2 +0,62 @@

function n(t,e,o){if(void 0===t&&(t=[]),void 0===e&&(e=[]),void 0===o&&(o=[]),!t.length&&!e.length)return o;if(!t.length)return o;if(!e.length)return[].concat(o,[t[0]]);var r=t[0],i=t.slice(1),a=e[0],u=e.slice(1);return void 0!==r&&o.push(r),void 0!==a&&o.push(a),n(i,u,o)}function t(n){return function(e){return"function"==typeof e?(console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ","font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;"),t(n)(e(n))):String(e)}}exports.interleave=n,exports.template=function(e){for(var o=arguments.length,r=new Array(o>1?o-1:0),i=1;i<o;i++)r[i-1]=arguments[i];return"string"==typeof e?function(){return e}:Array.isArray(e)?function(o){return n(e,"").trim()}:e};
function interleave(a, b, c) {
if (a === void 0) {
a = [];
if (b === void 0) {
b = [];
if (c === void 0) {
c = [];
if (!a.length && !b.length) return c;
if (!a.length) return c;
if (!b.length) return [].concat(c, [a[0]]);
var _a = a,
aHead = _a[0],
aRest = _a.slice(1);
var _b = b,
bHead = _b[0],
bRest = _b.slice(1);
if (aHead !== undefined) c.push(aHead);
if (bHead !== undefined) c.push(bHead);
return interleave(aRest, bRest, c);
function recApply(d) {
return function (arg1) {
if (typeof arg1 === "function") {
console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ", "font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;");
return recApply(d)(arg1(d));
return String(arg1);
function template(head) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
rest[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
if (typeof head === "string") return function () {
return head;
if (Array.isArray(head)) {
return function (d) {
return interleave(head,"").trim();
return head;
exports.interleave = interleave;
exports.template = template;

@@ -1,2 +0,61 @@

function n(t,o,r){if(void 0===t&&(t=[]),void 0===o&&(o=[]),void 0===r&&(r=[]),!t.length&&!o.length)return r;if(!t.length)return r;if(!o.length)return[].concat(r,[t[0]]);var e=t[0],i=t.slice(1),a=o[0],u=o.slice(1);return void 0!==e&&r.push(e),void 0!==a&&r.push(a),n(i,u,r)}function t(n){return function(o){return"function"==typeof o?(console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ","font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;"),t(n)(o(n))):String(o)}}function o(o){for(var r=arguments.length,e=new Array(r>1?r-1:0),i=1;i<r;i++)e[i-1]=arguments[i];return"string"==typeof o?function(){return o}:Array.isArray(o)?function(r){return n(o,"").trim()}:o}export{n as interleave,o as template};
function interleave(a, b, c) {
if (a === void 0) {
a = [];
if (b === void 0) {
b = [];
if (c === void 0) {
c = [];
if (!a.length && !b.length) return c;
if (!a.length) return c;
if (!b.length) return [].concat(c, [a[0]]);
var _a = a,
aHead = _a[0],
aRest = _a.slice(1);
var _b = b,
bHead = _b[0],
bRest = _b.slice(1);
if (aHead !== undefined) c.push(aHead);
if (bHead !== undefined) c.push(bHead);
return interleave(aRest, bRest, c);
function recApply(d) {
return function (arg1) {
if (typeof arg1 === "function") {
console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ", "font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;");
return recApply(d)(arg1(d));
return String(arg1);
function template(head) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
rest[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
if (typeof head === "string") return function () {
return head;
if (Array.isArray(head)) {
return function (d) {
return interleave(head,"").trim();
return head;
export { interleave, template };

@@ -1,2 +0,61 @@

function n(t,o,r){if(void 0===t&&(t=[]),void 0===o&&(o=[]),void 0===r&&(r=[]),!t.length&&!o.length)return r;if(!t.length)return r;if(!o.length)return[].concat(r,[t[0]]);var e=t[0],i=t.slice(1),a=o[0],u=o.slice(1);return void 0!==e&&r.push(e),void 0!==a&&r.push(a),n(i,u,r)}function t(n){return function(o){return"function"==typeof o?(console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ","font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;"),t(n)(o(n))):String(o)}}function o(o){for(var r=arguments.length,e=new Array(r>1?r-1:0),i=1;i<r;i++)e[i-1]=arguments[i];return"string"==typeof o?function(){return o}:Array.isArray(o)?function(r){return n(o,"").trim()}:o}export{n as interleave,o as template};
function interleave(a, b, c) {
if (a === void 0) {
a = [];
if (b === void 0) {
b = [];
if (c === void 0) {
c = [];
if (!a.length && !b.length) return c;
if (!a.length) return c;
if (!b.length) return [].concat(c, [a[0]]);
var _a = a,
aHead = _a[0],
aRest = _a.slice(1);
var _b = b,
bHead = _b[0],
bRest = _b.slice(1);
if (aHead !== undefined) c.push(aHead);
if (bHead !== undefined) c.push(bHead);
return interleave(aRest, bRest, c);
function recApply(d) {
return function (arg1) {
if (typeof arg1 === "function") {
console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ", "font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;");
return recApply(d)(arg1(d));
return String(arg1);
function template(head) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
rest[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
if (typeof head === "string") return function () {
return head;
if (Array.isArray(head)) {
return function (d) {
return interleave(head,"").trim();
return head;
export { interleave, template };

@@ -1,2 +0,69 @@

!function(n,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?e(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],e):e((n=n||self).utilTemplate={})}(this,function(n){function e(n,t,o){if(void 0===n&&(n=[]),void 0===t&&(t=[]),void 0===o&&(o=[]),!n.length&&!t.length)return o;if(!n.length)return o;if(!t.length)return[].concat(o,[n[0]]);var i=n[0],r=n.slice(1),f=t[0],u=t.slice(1);return void 0!==i&&o.push(i),void 0!==f&&o.push(f),e(r,u,o)}function t(n){return function(e){return"function"==typeof e?(console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ","font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;"),t(n)(e(n))):String(e)}}n.interleave=e,n.template=function(n){for(var o=arguments.length,i=new Array(o>1?o-1:0),r=1;r<o;r++)i[r-1]=arguments[r];return"string"==typeof n?function(){return n}:Array.isArray(n)?function(o){return e(n,"").trim()}:n}});
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.utilTemplate = {}));
}(this, (function (exports) {
function interleave(a, b, c) {
if (a === void 0) {
a = [];
if (b === void 0) {
b = [];
if (c === void 0) {
c = [];
if (!a.length && !b.length) return c;
if (!a.length) return c;
if (!b.length) return [].concat(c, [a[0]]);
var _a = a,
aHead = _a[0],
aRest = _a.slice(1);
var _b = b,
bHead = _b[0],
bRest = _b.slice(1);
if (aHead !== undefined) c.push(aHead);
if (bHead !== undefined) c.push(bHead);
return interleave(aRest, bRest, c);
function recApply(d) {
return function (arg1) {
if (typeof arg1 === "function") {
console.warn("\n %cFCL/SDK Deprecation Notice\n ============================\n\n Interopolation of functions into template literals will not be a thing in future versions of the Flow-JS-SDK or FCL.\n You can learn more (including a guide on common transition paths) here:\n\n ============================\n ", "font-weight:bold;font-family:monospace;");
return recApply(d)(arg1(d));
return String(arg1);
function template(head) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, rest = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
rest[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
if (typeof head === "string") return function () {
return head;
if (Array.isArray(head)) {
return function (d) {
return interleave(head,"").trim();
return head;
exports.interleave = interleave;
exports.template = template;


"name": "@onflow/util-template",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.0",
"version": "1.0.0-alpha.1",
"description": "Template Literal used for Cadence Interop",

@@ -32,3 +32,3 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"test": "jest",
"build": "microbundle",
"build": "microbundle --no-compress",
"test:watch": "jest --watch",

@@ -35,0 +35,0 @@ "start": "microbundle watch"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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