Capital Style
This package contains several resources that can be used for building applications with the visual style of Capital Design System.
Installing the package
You can add this package to your application by running:
yarn add @opengov/capital-style
Token Documentation
Tokens are individual variables that can be used to build styles, such as colors, fonts, or size units. We build in JSON under the /tokens
folder. From there they are exported to scss
. A few mixins are added to these tokens as well to build more complex styles (such as focus).
To import just the tokens into your scss
file, place this line at the top of every file you want to use your tokens:
@import “~@opengov/capital-style/scss/tokens;
If your SCSS is compiled all together, this should only be needed once. If you are using CSS Modules in React, this will be needed for every scss
file you need to use the tokens in.
Using Tokens & Mixins
Tokens should be used just like any other variable within your scss, for example:
color: $color-primary-selection;
To reference a token within a function:
width: calc(100vw - #{$unit-20});
To use media queries:
@media #{$mq-small} { ... }
To use mixins:
@include focus-wrap;
Tokens are not currently available in JS.
We offer a few base stylesheets that you can use for your application. We recommend using these only once in your application.
@import “~@opengov/capital-style/scss/tokens;
- Token and mixin definitions
@import “~@opengov/capital-style/scss/font;
@import “~@opengov/capital-style/scss/base;
- Imports tokens, mixins and fonts
- Imports normalize.css
- A few base styles for your application: setting the font, basic focus, and bold font weight
@import “~@opengov/capital-style/scss/components;
@import “~@opengov/capital-style/scss/capital;
The capital stylesheet is also compiled as CSS and can be pointed to with:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[relative file path]/@opengov/capital-style/css/capital.css">
Using Component Styles
Component styles are written with the namespace .cds-
to avoid conflicts with any existing styles. All children styles will only be affective with the correct parent style.
Styles are written with BEM. Children objects are prefixed with __
and modifiers are prefixed with --
. Modifiers should state what is being modified and then the modification. For example:
.cds-button {
&.cds-button--variantPrimary {}
&.cds-button--sizeDefault {}
svg.cds-button__icon {}
Font files are available under /fonts
and can be imported with:
@import “~@opengov/capital-style/scss/font;
Visualization Colors
You can see all of the token on this Github Page:
import { vizColors } from '@opengov/capital-style/js';
import { getVizColors } from '@opengov/capital-style/js';
Adding Tokens, Mixins or Styles
Tokens should be added within the /tokens
folder to the appropriate json
file. Update the docs/index.html
to list any new tokens added.
Mixins should be added to the /scss/tokens/mixins
file. Update the docs/index.html
to list any new mixins added.
Component Styles
Component Styles are maintained under /scss/components
Style Namespacing
Please see the above notes on how classes are named and follow this pattern.
Targeting HTML elements
NEVER target an HTML element directly without a class used as an identifier.
Nesting Styles
Styles should always be nested under one parent style for the component.