Singpass and Corppass no longer support SAML as of December 2022.
Please use @govtechsg/singpass-myinfo-oidc-helper to connect via OIDC instead.
This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained.
A node.js library for SingPass and CorpPass, common authentication methods
for public-facing government systems in Singapore
Quick Start
const SPCPAuthClient = require('@opengovsg/spcp-auth-client')
const client = new SPCPAuthClient({
partnerEntityId: '<your partner entity id>',
idpLoginURL: '<the SingPass/CorpPass IDP url to redirect login attempts to>',
idpEndpoint: '<the SingPass/CorpPass IDP url for out-of-band (OOB) authentication>',
esrvcID: '<the e-service identifier registered with SingPass/CorpPass>',
appCert: '<the e-service public certificate issued to SingPass/CorpPass>',
appKey: '<the e-service certificate private key>',
appEncryptionKey: '<optional: the e-service certificate private key used for decrypting artifact response, if different from appKey>',
spcpCert: '<the public certificate of SingPass/CorpPass, for OOB authentication>',
extract: '<custom fn or SPCPAuthClient.extract.CORPPASS or SPCPAuthClient.extract.SINGPASS (default)>',
const express = require('express')
const POST_LOGIN_PAGE = '/<target-url-after-login>'
const app = express()
app.route('/login', (req, res) => {
const redirectURL = client.createRedirectURL(POST_LOGIN_PAGE)
res.status(200).send({ redirectURL })
app.route('/assert', (req, res) => {
const { SAMLart: samlArt, RelayState: relayState } = req.query
client.getAttributes(samlArt, relayState, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
res.cookie('login.error', err.message)
} else {
const { attributes, relayState } = data
const { UserName: userName } = attributes
const FOUR_HOURS = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000
const jwt = client.createJWT({ userName }, FOUR_HOURS)
res.cookie('connect.sid', jwt)
const isAuthenticated = (req, res, next) => {
client.verifyJWT(req.cookies['connect.sid'], (err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
req.userName = data.userName
About SingPass/CorpPass and this package
SingPass and CorpPass are identity providers to provide a single set of login
credentials for Singapore residents and Singapore-based corporate entities
respectively. They are both based on SAML 2.0,
and interact with service providers through HTTP Artifact Binding. The artifact returned
by the identity provider is a SAML Assertion consisting of attributes concerning the user.
What the attributes actually are depends on the identity provider:
- SingPass will return the user's NRIC as the UserName attribute
(this is even if the user has a non-NRIC login id)
- CorpPass will return an attribute whose name is the UEN of the
corporate entity, and whose value is a base64-encoded payload of
an XML document whose structure is defined in Section 4.4.3 of the
CorpPass Interface Specification v1.5
This package is a very lightweight implementation of the above, written after
failing to find an npm package that supports artifact binding. It is meant for
those who are solely focused on using SingPass or CorpPass as a sign-in mechanism,
solely to retrieve the contents of the SAML AttributeStatement, without being
too concerned about other SAML 2.0 features.
More full-fledged SAML 2.0 implementations for node.js include:
- @socialtables/saml-protocol
(GitHub, npm) -
a port of the Java-based Spring-Security-SAML
- saml2-js
(GitHub, npm) -
CoffeeScript implementation from Clever
Note that these do not have HTTP Artifact Binding at time of writing,
but would probably accept pull requests
We welcome contributions to code open-sourced by the Government Technology
Agency of Singapore. All contributors will be asked to sign a Contributor
License Agreement (CLA) in order to ensure that everybody is free to use their