URA Subzones
Simple library for dealing with URA subzones
Example use
$ npm install ura-subzones
$ npm install git+ssh://git@github.com/datagovsg/ura-subzones.git
const subzones = require('ura-subzones')
subzones.getSubzoneAtPoint([103.673784, 1.256942]).properties.niceName
Data Source
Data is sourced from the 2014 Master Plan Subzone Boundaries.
The data has been converted from KML and saved in data/subzones.js as GeoJSON.
The subzone names in the original dataset contained contractions and were in UPPERCASE. We have
converted the names to Title Case and saved the conversion as the niceName
subzones.getSubzoneAtPoint([103.777475, 1.295793]).properties.niceName
subzones.getSubzoneAtPoint([103.777475, 1.295793]).properties.name
List of conversions can be found at scripts/convertToGeojson.js
The original dataset is licenced under the Singapore Open Data Licence.