AWS ECS Inspection
this node module allows you to retrieve information about an ecs instance for the current process.
During discovery this module will perform several http calls against the local ecs agent and the ec2 metadata service. AWS throttles queries to the instance metadata service on a per-instance basis and places limits on the number of simultaneous connections from an instance to the instance metadata service.
Getting Started
you can install this package via npm
npm i @openreply/ecs-inspector
const inspector = require('@openreply/ecs-inspector');
inspector().then( result => console.log(result) ).catch( error => console.error(error.message) );
inspector({callback: (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return console.error(err.message);
Example result
cluster: 'default',
arn: 'arn:aws:ecs:eu-central-1:123456789012:task/9c621769-1a09-42c7-8d5d-2ba3319682c7',
dockerId: '2418684f95999553475079f1c6845f5b6cc99a057cbe680a82ad3396db799542',
containerName: 'service-b',
ports: [{
protocol: 'tcp',
container: 3000,
host: 36092
publicHostname: '',
publicIpv4: '',
localHostname: 'private-hostname.internal',
localIpv4: ''
ECSTaskInformationPortInfo : Object
Kind: global typedef
protocol | string | protocol used e.g. tcp |
container | number | port on the container side |
host | number | port on the host side |
ECSTaskInformation : Object
Kind: global typedef
arn | string | aws arn uniquely identifying the task |
cluster | string | name of the cluster |
dockerId | string | docker id |
containerName | string | name of the container |
publicHostname | string | public dns domain name of the ec2 instance (if available) |
publicIpv4 | string | public ipv4 address of the ec2 instance (if available) |
localHostname | string | private dns domain name of the ec2 instance (if available) |
localIpv4 | string | private ipv4 address of the ec2 instance (if available) |
ports | Array. | docker to host port mapping |
See the API documentation for more details.
Running the tests
You can run the test suite via
npm test
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of authors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details