To get some data into a local backend-node
-instance, you can run this
as a standalone program to copy data of a remote backend-node
into your local one.
Example to copy all Events of the b-tu instance:
npm install
npm run build
node ./lib/cli.js copy Event https://stappsbe01.innocampus.tu-berlin.de http://localhost:3000 100
Example to index all items from @openstapps/core test files to a backend:
npm install
npm run build
node ./lib/cli.js e2e http://localhost:3000
Example to clone the full database
node app.js copy "*" https://mobile.app.uni-frankfurt.de http://localhost:3000 100
Program arguments
node ./lib/cli.js copy <type> <from> <to> <batchSize>
node ./lib/cli.js e2e <to>
The source identifier for the bulk to use with the target instance (default is 'copy')
-s, --bulkSource <bulkScource>
The App version to use (unset by default)
-a, --appVersion <version>
The only available option for e2e
command. File path to json test files each containing a SCThing.
-s, --samples <path>
Example execution
with docker when backend is running on localhost:3000
docker run --net=host registry.gitlab.com/openstapps/api/cli copy Place https://stappsbe01.innocampus.tu-berlin.de http://localhost:3000 100
Or using e2e
docker run --net=host registry.gitlab.com/openstapps/api/cli e2e http://localhost:3000