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@opentiny/vue-locale - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.8.2 to 3.8.3



@@ -27,2 +27,6 @@ function _extends() {

ui: {
buttonMessage: {
cancel: "取消",
confirm: "确定"
wizard: {

@@ -70,2 +74,5 @@ previousStep: "上一步",

cell: {
placeholder: "请选择"
cascader: {

@@ -148,3 +155,4 @@ noMatch: "无匹配数据",

timezone: "选择时区",
year: "年"
year: "年",
to: "至"

@@ -196,3 +204,12 @@ calendar: {

create: "创建",
provide: "TINY 开发团队提供"
provide: "TINY 开发团队提供",
nodatamf: "暂无数据",
nopermmf: "无访问权限",
weaknetmf: "网络异常",
noresult: "无相关搜索结果",
nonews: "暂无最新消息",
pagenoperm: "403:无访问权限",
pageweaknet: "网络异常",
pagenothing: "404:你访问的页面不存在",
pageservererror: "500:服务器异常"

@@ -203,2 +220,3 @@ fileUpload: {

init: "服务报错,请重试",
token: "请先进行 EDM 鉴权,获取 token",
exceed: "文件超过最大限制",

@@ -212,4 +230,35 @@ largeFile: "文件大小超出限制 2G !",

deleteFile: "删除文件",
empty: "是空文件!"
empty: "是空文件!",
kiaScanTip: "抱歉,从公网接入下载文档,需要通过KIA检测;当前文档正在KIA检测中,请稍后几分钟后再下载!",
fileNameExceeds: "超过255个字符,请修改文件名。",
fileName: "该文件名",
calcHash: "文档正在计算加密中",
uploadFile: "文件上传",
downloadAll: "全部下载",
onlySupport: "仅支持{type}格式文件",
fileNotLessThan: "文件不能小于",
fileNotMoreThan: "文件不能超过",
notSupport: "不支持上传该格式的文件,请重新上传",
attachment: "附件"
uploadList: {
pictureUploading: "图片上传中",
uploadFailed: "上传失败",
uploading: "上传中",
download: "下载",
reUpload: "重新上传",
delete: "删除",
noAttachments: "暂无附件",
cancel: "取消",
preview: "预览",
releaseAndUpload: "释放鼠标,上传文件",
dragOrClickImport: "将文件拖到此处,或点击导入",
shoot: "拍摄",
selectFromAlbum: "从相册选择"
upload: {
addPicture: "添加图片",
addAudio: "添加音频",
addVideo: "添加视频"
grid: {

@@ -269,5 +318,24 @@ dataUnchanged: "数据未改动!",

frozenRight: "右冻结",
unfrozen: "未冻结"
unfrozen: "未冻结",
unfreeze: "取消冻结",
unsort: "取消排序"
toolbar: {
set: "设置",
selected: "已选",
freeze: "冻结",
sort: "排序",
clear: "清空",
search: "搜索",
all: "全选"
columnSet: "列设置",
overwriteSave: "覆盖保存",
saveAs: "另存为",
saveTemplate: "存模板",
selectTemplate: "选择模板",
hideMsg: "至少保留一列显示",
maxFreezeNumMsg: "冻结列不可超过6项",
defaultTemplateName: "请输入名称,如未填写由系统按时间生成",
reserveTemplateName: "如未填写名称将保留之前的名称",
resetBtn: "重置",

@@ -334,3 +402,9 @@ saveBtn: "确定",

prev: "上一页",
total: "总条数"
total: "总条数",
totals: "总计:",
jump: "跳至",
hundredThousand: "10万+",
million: "100万+",
tenMillion: "1千万+",
loadingTotals: "加载总条数…"

@@ -379,3 +453,3 @@ popeditor: {

noMatch: "无匹配数据",
noData: "无数据",
noData: "暂无相关数据",
placeholder: "请选择"

@@ -407,7 +481,5 @@ },

tree: {
emptyText: "暂无数据"
emptyText: "暂无数据",
switchText: "同时勾选下级"
upload: {
limitUploadFileNumber: "已达到最大上传文件数"
usercard: {

@@ -419,2 +491,4 @@ address: "地址",

employeeId: "员工 ID",
"employee_id": "员工 ID",
empno: "工号",
expand: "展开",

@@ -477,2 +551,3 @@ fax: "传真",

betterTable: "表格",
fullscreen: "全屏",
insertColumnRight: "右插入列",

@@ -488,3 +563,4 @@ insertColumnLeft: "左插入列",

colorPicker: "背景颜色",
placeholder: "在此处插入文本..."
placeholder: "在此处插入文本...",
maxLength: "文本长度超过限制,支持的最大长度是 "

@@ -509,2 +585,3 @@ steps: {

pullingUp: "上拉即可刷新",
pulling: "下拉即可刷新",
loosing: "释放即可刷新",

@@ -514,2 +591,62 @@ success: "刷新成功",

noMore: "没有更多了"
currency: {
defaultCurrency: "默认币种",
setDefault: "设为默认"
calendarBar: {
week: {
0: "日",
1: "一",
2: "二",
3: "三",
4: "四",
5: "五",
6: "六"
year: "%s年",
yearMonth: "%y年%m月",
month: {
1: "1月",
2: "2月",
3: "3月",
4: "4月",
5: "5月",
6: "6月",
7: "7月",
8: "8月",
9: "9月",
10: "10月",
11: "11月",
12: "12月"
monthAbbr: {
1: "1",
2: "2",
3: "3",
4: "4",
5: "5",
6: "6",
7: "7",
8: "8",
9: "9",
10: "10",
11: "11",
12: "12"
selectedBox: {
select: "已选(%s)",
allSelect: "已全选(%s)",
clear: "清空"
record: {
record: "录音",
cancel: "取消",
confirm: "确定",
clickToStartRecording: "点击开始录音",
clickToResumeRecording: "点击继续录音"
dialogSelect: {
treeSearch: "请输入关键字并回车"

@@ -576,14 +713,2 @@ },

whitespace: "%s 不能为空"
vueplus: {
beingMaintained: {
label: "所选服务在{city}处于维护状态。",
maintainedTime: "维护时间:",
description: "维护时间无法管理资源,给你带来不便,还请谅解!",
changeTo: "请切换至"
beta: {
moreText: "了解更多",
applyText: "立即申请"

@@ -598,2 +723,6 @@ };

ui: {
buttonMessage: {
cancel: "Cancel",
confirm: "Confirm"
wizard: {

@@ -641,2 +770,5 @@ previousStep: "LastStep",

cell: {
placeholder: "Select"
cascader: {

@@ -719,3 +851,4 @@ noMatch: "No matching data",

timezone: "selecting a timezone",
year: ""
year: "",
to: "to"

@@ -767,3 +900,12 @@ calendar: {

create: "Create",
provide: "Provided by the TINY Team DEV"
provide: "Provided by the TINY Team DEV",
nodatamf: "No data",
nopermmf: "No access",
weaknetmf: "Network anomaly",
noresult: "No result",
nonews: "No latest news",
pagenoperm: "403:No access",
pageweaknet: "Network anomaly",
pagenothing: "404:The page you visited does not exist",
pageservererror: "500:Server exception"

@@ -783,4 +925,35 @@ fileUpload: {

deleteFile: "Delete file",
empty: "is empty!"
empty: "is empty!",
kiaScanTip: "Sorry, unable to download. Please pass the KIA test first to download a file using public network. Current document is being checked by the KIA, Please wait a while then redownload.",
fileNameExceeds: "exceeds 255 characters. Please change the file name.",
fileName: "The file name",
calcHash: "Document is calculating encryption",
uploadFile: "Upload file",
downloadAll: "Download all",
onlySupport: "Only support {type} file",
fileNotLessThan: "The file cannot be less than",
fileNotMoreThan: "The file cannot be more than",
notSupport: "The file in this format cannot be uploaded. Upload the file again.",
attachment: "Attachment"
uploadList: {
pictureUploading: "Picture uploading",
uploadFailed: "Upload failed",
uploading: "Uploading",
download: "Download",
reUpload: "Re-upload",
delete: "Delete",
noAttachments: "No attachments",
cancel: "Cancel",
preview: "Preview",
releaseAndUpload: "Release the mouse and upload the file",
dragOrClickImport: "Drag the file here, or click Import",
shoot: "Shoot",
selectFromAlbum: "Select from album"
upload: {
addPicture: "Add picture",
addAudio: "Add audio",
addVideo: "Add video"
grid: {

@@ -840,5 +1013,24 @@ dataUnchanged: "Data unchanged!",

unfrozen: "Unfrozen",
visible: "Visible"
visible: "Visible",
unfreeze: "Unfrozen",
unsort: "Unsort"
toolbar: {
set: "Set",
selected: "Selected",
freeze: "Freeze",
sort: "Sort",
clear: "Clear",
search: "Search",
all: "All"
columnSet: "Column Setting",
overwriteSave: "Overwrite Save",
saveAs: "Save as",
saveTemplate: "Save Template",
selectTemplate: "Select Template",
hideMsg: "Leave one column to show at least.",
maxFreezeNumMsg: "Maxium number of frozen columns is 6",
defaultTemplateName: "Please enter a name, if not filled in, it will be generated by the system according to time",
reserveTemplateName: "If the name is not filled in, the previous name will be retained",
resetBtn: "Reset",

@@ -905,3 +1097,9 @@ saveBtn: "OK",

prev: "Prev",
total: "Total "
total: "Total ",
totals: "Total: ",
jump: "Go to",
hundredThousand: "100K+",
million: "1M+",
tenMillion: "10M+",
loadingTotals: "Loading Totals..."

@@ -977,7 +1175,5 @@ popeditor: {

tree: {
emptyText: "No data"
emptyText: "No data",
switchText: "check easily"
upload: {
limitUploadFileNumber: "The maximum number of files to be uploaded has been reached."
usercard: {

@@ -989,2 +1185,3 @@ address: "Address",

employeeId: "Employee ID",
"employee_id": "Employee ID",
empno: "Employee Number",

@@ -1048,2 +1245,3 @@ expand: "Expand",

betterTable: "Table",
fullscreen: "Fullscreen",
insertColumnRight: "Insert Column Right",

@@ -1059,3 +1257,4 @@ insertColumnLeft: "Insert Column Left",

colorPicker: "Background Color",
placeholder: "Insert text here..."
placeholder: "Insert text here...",
maxLength: "Text Length exceeds the Limit, max Length config is "

@@ -1080,2 +1279,3 @@ steps: {

pullingUp: "Pull up to refresh",
pulling: "Pull down to refresh",
loosing: "Release to refresh",

@@ -1085,2 +1285,62 @@ success: "Refresh success",

noMore: "There is no more"
currency: {
defaultCurrency: "Default currency",
setDefault: "Set as default"
calendarBar: {
week: {
0: "SUN",
1: "MON",
2: "TUE",
3: "WED",
4: "THU",
5: "FRI",
6: "SAT"
year: "Year %s",
yearMonth: "%m %y",
month: {
1: "January",
2: "February",
3: "March",
4: "April",
5: "May",
6: "June",
7: "July",
8: "August",
9: "September",
10: "October",
11: "November",
12: "December"
monthAbbr: {
1: "Jan",
2: "Feb",
3: "Mar",
4: "Apr",
5: "May",
6: "Jun",
7: "Jul",
8: "Aug",
9: "Sept",
10: "Oct",
11: "Nov",
12: "Dec"
selectedBox: {
select: "Selected (%s)",
allSelect: "All selected (%s)",
clear: "Clear"
record: {
record: "Record",
cancel: "Cancel",
confirm: "Confirm",
clickToStartRecording: "Click to start recording",
clickToResumeRecording: "Click to resume recording"
dialogSelect: {
treeSearch: "Enter a keyword and press Enter"

@@ -1090,71 +1350,59 @@ },

array: {
len: "%s must be exactly %s in length",
min: "%s cannot be less than %s in length",
max: "%s cannot be greater than %s in length",
range: "%s must be between %s and %s in length"
len: "must be exactly %s in length",
min: "cannot be less than %s in length",
max: "cannot be greater than %s in length",
range: "must be between %s and %s in length"
date: {
format: "%s date %s is invalid for format %s",
invalid: "%s date %s is invalid",
parse: "%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid "
format: "date %s is invalid for format %s",
invalid: "date %s is invalid",
parse: "date could not be parsed, %s is invalid "
default: "Validation error on field %s",
enum: "%s must be one of %s",
enum: "must be one of %s",
number: {
len: "%s must equal %s",
min: "%s cannot be less than %s",
max: "%s cannot be greater than %s",
range: "%s must be between %s and %s"
len: "must equal %s",
min: "cannot be less than %s",
max: "cannot be greater than %s",
range: "must be between %s and %s"
pattern: {
mismatch: "%s value %s does not match pattern %s"
mismatch: "value %s does not match pattern %s"
required: "%s is required",
required: "required",
string: {
len: "%s must be exactly %s characters",
min: "%s must be at least %s characters",
max: "%s cannot be longer than %s characters",
range: "%s must be between %s and %s characters"
len: "must be exactly %s characters",
min: "must be at least %s characters",
max: "cannot be longer than %s characters",
range: "must be between %s and %s characters"
types: {
acceptFile: "%s is not a valid %s",
acceptImg: "%s is not a valid %s",
array: "%s is not an %s",
boolean: "%s is not a %s",
date: "%s is not a %s",
dateTime: "%s is not a valid %s",
dateYM: "%s is not a valid %s",
dateYMD: "%s is not a valid %s",
digits: "%s is not a valid %s",
email: "%s is not a valid %s",
fileSize: "%s is not a valid %s",
float: "%s is not a %s",
hex: "%s is not a valid %s",
integer: "%s is not an %s",
longDateTime: "%s is not a valid %s",
method: "%s is not a %s (function)",
number: "%s is not a %s",
object: "%s is not an %s",
regexp: "%s is not a valid %s",
specialch: "%s is not a valid %s",
specialch2: "%s is not a valid %s",
speczh: "%s is not a valid %s",
string: "%s is not a %s",
time: "%s is not a valid %s",
url: "%s is not a valid %s",
version: "%s is not a valid %s"
acceptFile: "not a valid %s",
acceptImg: "not a valid %s",
array: "not an %s",
boolean: "not a %s",
date: "not a %s",
dateTime: "not a valid %s",
dateYM: "not a valid %s",
dateYMD: "not a valid %s",
digits: "not a valid %s",
email: "not a valid %s",
fileSize: "not a valid %s",
float: "not a %s",
hex: "not a valid %s",
integer: "not an %s",
longDateTime: "not a valid %s",
method: "not a %s (function)",
number: "not a %s",
object: "not an %s",
regexp: "not a valid %s",
specialch: "not a valid %s",
specialch2: "not a valid %s",
speczh: "not a valid %s",
string: "not a %s",
time: "not a valid %s",
url: "not a valid %s",
version: "not a valid %s"
whitespace: "%s cannot be empty"
vueplus: {
beingMaintained: {
label: "The selected service is in maintenance state in {city}.",
maintainedTime: "Maintenance time:",
description: "Maintenance time cannot manage resources, which brings inconvenience to you. ",
changeTo: "Please switch to"
beta: {
moreText: "Learn More",
applyText: "Apply Now"
whitespace: "cannot be empty"

@@ -1161,0 +1409,0 @@ };

"name": "@opentiny/vue-locale",
"version": "3.8.2",
"version": "3.8.3",
"description": "",

@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ "main": "./lib/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@opentiny/vue-renderless": "~3.8.2",
"@opentiny/vue-theme": "~3.8.2",
"@opentiny/vue-theme-mobile": "~3.8.2"
"@opentiny/vue-renderless": "~3.8.3",
"@opentiny/vue-theme": "~3.8.3",
"@opentiny/vue-theme-mobile": "~3.8.3"

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ "module": "./lib/index.js",

@@ -12,559 +12,3 @@ /**

declare const _default: {
'en-US': string;
'zh-CN': string;
'zh-TW': string;
hello: string;
code: string;
ui: {
wizard: {
previousStep: string;
nextStep: string;
save: string;
submit: string;
linkMenu: {
title: string;
placeholder: string;
sure: string;
cancel: string;
todoList: {
add: string;
placeholder: string;
alert: {
error: string;
info: string;
success: string;
title: string;
warning: string;
amount: {
currency: string;
amount: string;
date: string;
actionMenu: {
moreText: string;
base: {
all: string;
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
more: string;
reset: string;
button: {
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
cascader: {
noMatch: string;
loading: string;
placeholder: string;
noData: string;
chart: {
auxiliary: string;
emptyText: string;
kName: string;
other: string;
summation: string;
total: string;
value: string;
creditCardForm: {
submit: string;
crop: {
cropImage: string;
croppedImage: string;
datepicker: {
clear: string;
cancel: string;
endDate: string;
confirm: string;
month: string;
endTime: string;
month2: string;
month1: string;
month4: string;
month3: string;
month6: string;
month5: string;
month8: string;
month7: string;
month10: string;
month9: string;
month12: string;
month11: string;
months: {
feb: string;
jan: string;
apr: string;
mar: string;
jun: string;
may: string;
aug: string;
jul: string;
oct: string;
sep: string;
dec: string;
nov: string;
nextYear: string;
nextMonth: string;
prevMonth: string;
now: string;
selectDate: string;
prevYear: string;
startDate: string;
selectTime: string;
today: string;
currentMonth: string;
startTime: string;
week: string;
weeks: {
mon: string;
sun: string;
wed: string;
tue: string;
thu: string;
sat: string;
fri: string;
timezone: string;
year: string;
calendar: {
showType: {
year: string;
dept: {
code: string;
company: string;
dept1: string;
dept2: string;
dept3: string;
dept4: string;
dept5: string;
dept6: string;
dept7: string;
dept8: string;
input: string;
name: string;
search: string;
selected: string;
detailpage: {
saveButtonText: string;
cancelButtonText: string;
localTips: string;
localTitle: string;
valueTitle: string;
labelTitle: string;
dialogTitle: string;
dialogBox: {
confirm: string;
cancel: string;
load: {
dot: string;
exception: {
build: string;
busy: string;
noperm: string;
weaknet: string;
pcview: string;
nodata: string;
create: string;
provide: string;
fileUpload: {
largefile: string;
folder: string;
init: string;
token: string;
exceed: string;
largeFile: string;
fileSize: string;
deleteTip: string;
downloadFile: string;
previewFile: string;
updateFile: string;
deleteFile: string;
empty: string;
grid: {
dataUnchanged: string;
deleteSelectRecord: string;
emptyText: string;
error: {
cellEditRender: string;
delGetAllRecords: string;
delGetRecords: string;
delLabel: string;
delProp: string;
delRevert: string;
groupFixed: string;
notDelete: string;
notMouse: string;
notQuery: string;
notResizable: string;
notSave: string;
reqModule: string;
rowIdEmpty: string;
scrollOriginal: string;
scrollYHeight: string;
toolbarId: string;
treeFixedExpand: string;
treeInsert: string;
treeRemove: string;
unableInsert: string;
dargSelf: string;
dargFixed: string;
remoteMethod: string;
remoteSelectedMethod: string;
filter: {
allFilter: string;
clear: string;
clearAll: string;
confirmFilter: string;
empty: string;
emptyText: string;
equal: string;
include: string;
prefix: string;
resetFilter: string;
unempty: string;
individuation: {
cancelBtn: string;
colConfigs: {
asc: string;
desc: string;
frozenLeft: string;
frozenRight: string;
invisible: string;
unsorted: string;
unfrozen: string;
visible: string;
hideMsg: string;
resetBtn: string;
saveBtn: string;
tabs: {
base: {
title: string;
tips: string;
other: {
allDataSort: string;
currPageSort: string;
pageSize: string;
title: string;
tips: string;
sortType: string;
title: string;
switchtitle: string;
switchsave: string;
switchlabel: string;
switchapply: string;
switchedit: string;
switchdel: string;
switchconfirm: string;
switchonlytemp: string;
switchtempapply: string;
switchtempoverwrite: string;
switchdelcon: string;
switchdelyes: string;
switchdelno: string;
switchapplycon: string;
removeSelectRecord: string;
saveSuccess: string;
selectOneRecord: string;
isSaveMsg: string;
hrapprover: {
approver: string;
noapprover: string;
noselected: string;
remark: string;
imageViewer: {
loadErrorAlt: string;
navMenu: {
moreText: string;
logout: {
in: string;
out: string;
page: {
goto: string;
item: string;
next: string;
page: string;
pageClassifier: string;
pagesize: string;
prev: string;
total: string;
popeditor: {
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
historyLists: string;
reset: string;
search: string;
selectionLists: string;
sourceLists: string;
title: string;
filterNode: string;
popupload: {
fileName: string;
fileSize: string;
fileStatus: string;
dialogTitle: string;
cancelButtonText: string;
tipsFileText: string;
uploadError: string;
uploadButtonText: string;
uploadSuccess: string;
saveButtonText: string;
uploadsButtonText: string;
errorTypeTips: string;
errorSizeTips: string;
limitUploadFileType: string;
limitUploadFileNumber: string;
limitUploadFileSize: string;
errorNumTips: string;
rate: {
level: {
average: string;
excellent: string;
fair: string;
good: string;
poor: string;
select: {
loading: string;
noData: string;
noMatch: string;
placeholder: string;
search: {
placeholder: string;
tabs: {
moreItem: string;
tag: {
add: string;
toggleMenu: {
placeholder: string;
treeMenu: {
placeholder: string;
transfer: {
filterPlaceholder: string;
hasCheckedFormat: string;
noData: string;
noMatch: string;
noCheckedFormat: string;
titles: string[];
tree: {
emptyText: string;
upload: {
limitUploadFileNumber: string;
usercard: {
address: string;
collapse: string;
department: string;
email: string;
employeeId: string;
empno: string;
expand: string;
fax: string;
internal: string;
manager: string;
mobile: string;
other: string;
phone: string;
timezone: string;
title: string;
travelcode: string;
viop: string;
zipcode: string;
richText: {
bold: string;
italic: string;
underline: string;
header: string;
strike: string;
blockquote: string;
codeBlock: string;
size: string;
listOrdered: string;
listBullet: string;
header1: string;
header2: string;
align: string;
color: string;
background: string;
image: string;
video: string;
link: string;
formula: string;
clean: string;
indent1: string;
indent2: string;
pickerLabel: string;
headerPicker1: string;
headerPicker2: string;
headerPicker3: string;
headerPicker4: string;
headerPicker5: string;
headerPicker6: string;
normal: string;
sizeSmall: string;
sizeLarge: string;
sizeHuge: string;
alignPicker1: string;
alignPicker2: string;
alignPicker3: string;
alignPicker4: string;
subScript: string;
superScript: string;
directionRTL: string;
font: string;
file: string;
betterTable: string;
insertColumnRight: string;
insertColumnLeft: string;
insertRowUp: string;
insertRowDown: string;
mergeCells: string;
unmergeCells: string;
deleteColumn: string;
deleteRow: string;
deleteTable: string;
colorPicker: string;
placeholder: string;
steps: {
done: string;
doing: string;
wait: string;
actionSheet: {
cancel: string;
image: {
loadFail: string;
miniPicker: {
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
pullRefresh: {
pullingDown: string;
pullingUp: string;
loosing: string;
success: string;
failed: string;
noMore: string;
validation: {
array: {
len: string;
min: string;
max: string;
range: string;
date: {
format: string;
invalid: string;
parse: string;
default: string;
enum: string;
number: {
len: string;
min: string;
max: string;
range: string;
pattern: {
mismatch: string;
required: string;
string: {
len: string;
min: string;
max: string;
range: string;
types: {
acceptFile: string;
acceptImg: string;
array: string;
boolean: string;
date: string;
dateTime: string;
dateYM: string;
dateYMD: string;
digits: string;
email: string;
fileSize: string;
float: string;
hex: string;
integer: string;
longDateTime: string;
method: string;
number: string;
object: string;
regexp: string;
specialch: string;
specialch2: string;
speczh: string;
string: string;
time: string;
url: string;
version: string;
whitespace: string;
vueplus: {
beingMaintained: {
label: string;
maintainedTime: string;
description: string;
changeTo: string;
beta: {
moreText: string;
applyText: string;
declare const _default: any;
export default _default;

@@ -12,557 +12,3 @@ /**

declare const _default: {
'en-US': string;
'zh-CN': string;
'zh-TW': string;
hello: string;
code: string;
ui: {
wizard: {
previousStep: string;
nextStep: string;
save: string;
submit: string;
linkMenu: {
title: string;
placeholder: string;
sure: string;
cancel: string;
todoList: {
add: string;
placeholder: string;
alert: {
error: string;
info: string;
success: string;
title: string;
warning: string;
amount: {
currency: string;
amount: string;
date: string;
actionMenu: {
moreText: string;
base: {
all: string;
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
more: string;
reset: string;
button: {
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
cascader: {
noMatch: string;
loading: string;
placeholder: string;
noData: string;
chart: {
auxiliary: string;
emptyText: string;
kName: string;
other: string;
summation: string;
total: string;
value: string;
creditCardForm: {
submit: string;
crop: {
cropImage: string;
croppedImage: string;
datepicker: {
clear: string;
cancel: string;
endDate: string;
confirm: string;
month: string;
endTime: string;
month2: string;
month1: string;
month4: string;
month3: string;
month6: string;
month5: string;
month8: string;
month7: string;
month10: string;
month9: string;
month12: string;
month11: string;
months: {
feb: string;
jan: string;
apr: string;
mar: string;
jun: string;
may: string;
aug: string;
jul: string;
oct: string;
sep: string;
dec: string;
nov: string;
nextYear: string;
nextMonth: string;
prevMonth: string;
now: string;
selectDate: string;
prevYear: string;
startDate: string;
selectTime: string;
today: string;
currentMonth: string;
startTime: string;
week: string;
weeks: {
mon: string;
sun: string;
wed: string;
tue: string;
fri: string;
thu: string;
sat: string;
timezone: string;
year: string;
calendar: {
showType: {
year: string;
dept: {
code: string;
company: string;
dept1: string;
dept2: string;
dept3: string;
dept4: string;
dept5: string;
dept6: string;
dept7: string;
dept8: string;
input: string;
name: string;
search: string;
selected: string;
detailpage: {
saveButtonText: string;
cancelButtonText: string;
localTips: string;
localTitle: string;
valueTitle: string;
labelTitle: string;
dialogTitle: string;
dialogBox: {
confirm: string;
cancel: string;
load: {
dot: string;
exception: {
build: string;
busy: string;
noperm: string;
weaknet: string;
pcview: string;
nodata: string;
create: string;
provide: string;
fileUpload: {
largefile: string;
folder: string;
init: string;
exceed: string;
largeFile: string;
fileSize: string;
deleteTip: string;
downloadFile: string;
previewFile: string;
updateFile: string;
deleteFile: string;
empty: string;
grid: {
dataUnchanged: string;
deleteSelectRecord: string;
emptyText: string;
error: {
cellEditRender: string;
delGetAllRecords: string;
delGetRecords: string;
delLabel: string;
delProp: string;
delRevert: string;
groupFixed: string;
notDelete: string;
notMouse: string;
notQuery: string;
notResizable: string;
notSave: string;
reqModule: string;
rowIdEmpty: string;
scrollOriginal: string;
scrollYHeight: string;
toolbarId: string;
treeFixedExpand: string;
treeInsert: string;
treeRemove: string;
unableInsert: string;
dargSelf: string;
dargFixed: string;
remoteMethod: string;
remoteSelectedMethod: string;
filter: {
allFilter: string;
clear: string;
clearAll: string;
confirmFilter: string;
empty: string;
emptyText: string;
equal: string;
include: string;
prefix: string;
resetFilter: string;
unempty: string;
individuation: {
cancelBtn: string;
colConfigs: {
visible: string;
invisible: string;
asc: string;
desc: string;
unsorted: string;
frozenLeft: string;
frozenRight: string;
unfrozen: string;
hideMsg: string;
resetBtn: string;
saveBtn: string;
tabs: {
base: {
title: string;
tips: string;
other: {
title: string;
tips: string;
sortType: string;
currPageSort: string;
allDataSort: string;
pageSize: string;
title: string;
switchtitle: string;
switchsave: string;
switchlabel: string;
switchapply: string;
switchedit: string;
switchdel: string;
switchconfirm: string;
switchonlytemp: string;
switchtempapply: string;
switchtempoverwrite: string;
switchdelcon: string;
switchdelyes: string;
switchdelno: string;
switchapplycon: string;
removeSelectRecord: string;
saveSuccess: string;
selectOneRecord: string;
isSaveMsg: string;
hrapprover: {
approver: string;
noselected: string;
noapprover: string;
remark: string;
imageViewer: {
loadErrorAlt: string;
navMenu: {
moreText: string;
logout: {
in: string;
out: string;
page: {
goto: string;
item: string;
next: string;
page: string;
pageClassifier: string;
pagesize: string;
prev: string;
total: string;
popeditor: {
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
historyLists: string;
reset: string;
search: string;
selectionLists: string;
sourceLists: string;
title: string;
filterNode: string;
popupload: {
fileName: string;
fileSize: string;
fileStatus: string;
uploadError: string;
dialogTitle: string;
cancelButtonText: string;
tipsFileText: string;
saveButtonText: string;
uploadSuccess: string;
uploadButtonText: string;
uploadsButtonText: string;
errorTypeTips: string;
errorNumTips: string;
errorSizeTips: string;
limitUploadFileNumber: string;
limitUploadFileType: string;
limitUploadFileSize: string;
rate: {
level: {
average: string;
excellent: string;
fair: string;
good: string;
poor: string;
select: {
loading: string;
noMatch: string;
noData: string;
placeholder: string;
search: {
placeholder: string;
tabs: {
moreItem: string;
tag: {
add: string;
toggleMenu: {
placeholder: string;
treeMenu: {
placeholder: string;
transfer: {
filterPlaceholder: string;
hasCheckedFormat: string;
noCheckedFormat: string;
noData: string;
noMatch: string;
titles: string[];
tree: {
emptyText: string;
upload: {
limitUploadFileNumber: string;
usercard: {
address: string;
collapse: string;
department: string;
email: string;
employeeId: string;
expand: string;
fax: string;
internal: string;
manager: string;
mobile: string;
other: string;
phone: string;
timezone: string;
title: string;
travelcode: string;
viop: string;
zipcode: string;
richText: {
bold: string;
italic: string;
underline: string;
header: string;
strike: string;
blockquote: string;
codeBlock: string;
size: string;
listOrdered: string;
listBullet: string;
header1: string;
header2: string;
align: string;
color: string;
background: string;
image: string;
video: string;
link: string;
formula: string;
clean: string;
indent1: string;
indent2: string;
pickerLabel: string;
headerPicker1: string;
headerPicker2: string;
headerPicker3: string;
headerPicker4: string;
headerPicker5: string;
headerPicker6: string;
normal: string;
sizeSmall: string;
sizeLarge: string;
sizeHuge: string;
alignPicker1: string;
alignPicker2: string;
alignPicker3: string;
alignPicker4: string;
subScript: string;
superScript: string;
directionRTL: string;
font: string;
file: string;
betterTable: string;
insertColumnRight: string;
insertColumnLeft: string;
insertRowUp: string;
insertRowDown: string;
mergeCells: string;
unmergeCells: string;
deleteColumn: string;
deleteRow: string;
deleteTable: string;
colorPicker: string;
placeholder: string;
steps: {
done: string;
doing: string;
wait: string;
actionSheet: {
cancel: string;
image: {
loadFail: string;
miniPicker: {
cancel: string;
confirm: string;
pullRefresh: {
pullingDown: string;
pullingUp: string;
loosing: string;
success: string;
failed: string;
noMore: string;
validation: {
array: {
len: string;
min: string;
max: string;
range: string;
date: {
format: string;
invalid: string;
parse: string;
default: string;
enum: string;
number: {
len: string;
min: string;
max: string;
range: string;
pattern: {
mismatch: string;
required: string;
string: {
len: string;
min: string;
max: string;
range: string;
types: {
acceptFile: string;
acceptImg: string;
array: string;
boolean: string;
date: string;
dateTime: string;
dateYM: string;
dateYMD: string;
digits: string;
email: string;
fileSize: string;
float: string;
hex: string;
integer: string;
longDateTime: string;
method: string;
number: string;
object: string;
regexp: string;
specialch: string;
specialch2: string;
speczh: string;
string: string;
time: string;
url: string;
version: string;
whitespace: string;
vueplus: {
beingMaintained: {
label: string;
maintainedTime: string;
description: string;
changeTo: string;
beta: {
moreText: string;
applyText: string;
declare const _default: any;
export default _default;

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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