Avro Typecript CLI
Command line tool to convert Avro Schemas into typescript files. More precicely it generates the typescript that would describe the objects that avsc produces.

yarn global add @ovotech/avro-ts-cli
avro-ts --help
avro-ts avro-schema-file.json
avro-ts avro-dir/*.json
avro-ts avro-dir/*.json --output-dir src/__generated__/
avro-ts avro-dir/*.json --logical-type date=string
-h, --help
- output usage information
-e, --defaults-as-optional
- Fields with defaults as optional
-O, --output-dir <outputDir>
- Directory to write typescript files to
- Typescript Enum declarations instead of string union
--logical-type <logicalType>
- Logical type, example: date=string (default: {})
--logical-type-import <logicalType>
- Logical type import custom module, example: date=Decimal:decimal.js (default: {})
--logical-type-import-all <logicalType>
- Logical type import custom module as *, example: date=Decimal:decimal.js (default: {})
--logical-type-import-default <logicalType>
- Logical type import custom module as default, example: date=Decimal:decimal.js (default: {})
-h, --help
- output usage information
Logical Types
Avro has logical types. In their docs:
The built-in types provided by Avro are sufficient for many use-cases, but it can often be much more convenient to work with native JavaScript objects.
To support them we need to modify the typescript generation to use the typescript type instead of the logical type. If we don't avro-ts will fall back on the original underlying type.
If we had this json avro schema:
"type": "record",
"name": "Event",
"fields": [
{ "name": "id", "type": "int" },
{ "name": "createdAt", "type": { "type": "int", "logicalType": "date" } }
avro-ts examples/event-1.json --logical-type date=string
THis would output this file. Notice that the type of createdAt
is not int
but string
. This is the logical types in action.
export type AvroType = Event;
export interface Event {
id: number;
createdAt: number;
Custom logical types
We can also use custom classes for our logical types. It will also add the code to import the module.
"type": "record",
"name": "Event",
"fields": [
{ "name": "id", "type": "int" },
{ "name": "decimalValue", "type": { "type": "long", "logicalType": "decimal" } },
{ "name": "anotherDecimal", "type": { "type": "long", "logicalType": "decimal" } }
avro-ts examples/event-2.json --logical-type-import decimal=Decimal:decimal.js
export type AvroType = Event;
export interface Event {
id: number;
decimalValue: number;
anotherDecimal: number;
If you need to use a default import you can use --logical-type-import-default
avro-ts examples/event-2.json --logical-type-import-default decimal=Decimal:decimal.js
import Decimal from 'decimal.js';
And ``--logical-type-import-all` for a synthetic default import
avro-ts examples/event-2.json --logical-type-import-all decimal=Decimal:decimal.js
import * as Decimal from 'decimal.js';
Running the tests
You can run the tests with:
yarn test
Coding style (linting, etc) tests
Style is maintained with prettier and eslint
yarn lint
We use termtosvg to generate the docs svg aniamtion.
termtosvg record -g 100x35 docs/avro-ts.cast
termtosvg render docs/avro-ts.cast docs/avro-ts.svg -D 5000 -M 150 -t docs/template.svg
First we record the cast, then we modify it as necessary (remove exit at the end) then we render it to an svg.
Deployment is preferment by lerna automatically on merge / push to main, but you'll need to bump the package version numbers yourself. Only updated packages with newer versions will be pushed to the npm registry.
Have a bug? File an issue with a simple example that reproduces this so we can take a look & confirm.
Want to make a change? Submit a PR, explain why it's useful, and make sure you've updated the docs (this file) and the tests (see test folder).
This project is licensed under Apache 2 - see the LICENSE file for details