🎨 @palette/color-picker
A hackable React color picker that exposes all the right things
Why another color picker?
Multiple Color Formats
This color picker supports rgb(a), hsl(a), and hex(8), and will return a color in the format you (or your user) chooses.
Mix n match
Don't get stuck using a color picker that has a predetermined configuration. Use props to mix and match different color editing components. And they actually all play nicely together.
Sane (Re)Styling
This color picker does not pretend to think it knows exactly how everyone will want it to look. We implement base styles but also maintain sensible classes following SUIT Methodologies for easy style overrides.
See the picker in action
(open the console and watch it print a color)
Including in your project
may be included as a node module like so:
npm install @palette/color-picker
Then it can be imported in your project like so:
import ColorPicker from '@palette/color-picker'
<ColorPicker value={'#FF0'} />
Component Configuration with Props
The initial rendered color for your component & the only required
Should be a string containing a valid color (rgb(a), hex(8), hsl(a), hsv)
array | N | ['hex', 'hex8', 'rgb', 'hsl'] |
An array of color formats to accept
string | N | color mode of defaultValue |
The mode with which to initialize the picker. | | |
A function to which the picker will return a color on updates.
is the color in the prescribed mode.
Subcomponent Configuration with Props
Chooses whether to show the Color Inspector (eyedropper) subcomponent
Chooses whether to show the Color Range Sliders (hue & opacity)
Chooses whether to show the Color Value Editor subcomponent
Custom Swatch Recommendations
Chooses whether to show the Color Swatch subcomponent
Prescribe the default swatches that are shown in the color picker like:
name: 'some purpley pink',
value: 'hsl(300, 76%, 72%, 0.67)',
mode: 'hsl'
Provide a label to describe your swatches
Chooses whether to show a tooltip revealing a color's name of swatch hover