Export Patternfly Tokens Plugin
This plugin exports Patternfly tokens out of Figma and creates JSON files that can be added to the design tokens repo and processed by style dictionary.
- Clone the design-tokens repository.
- Open the Figma app.
- In Figma, select Plugins > Development > Import plugin from manifest.
- Browse to design-tokens\packages\module\plugins\export-patternfly-tokens and select the manifest.json file from your cloned design-tokens repository and click Open.
The Export Patternfly Tokens plugin should now be available to use as a development plugin in your Figma environment.
Once the plugin has been added to Figma via the manifest file:
- In Figma, select Plugins > Development > Export Patternfly Tokens > Export Tokens.
- Click Export Tokens. The text area will display a concatenated list of all tokens exported from the Figma library. Links to each exported JSON file are displayed at the bottom of the dialog.
- Click each JSON file link to save them locally (do not rename the JSON files!).
- Copy the local JSON files to your cloned design-tokens repo:
- Copy base.dimension.json, base.json, semantic.dimension.json, semantic.json, and palette.color.json to \packages\module\tokens\default.
- Copy base.dark.json, semantic.dark.json, and palette.color.json to \packages\module\tokens\dark to \packages\module\tokens\dark.
Note that palette.color.json is saved to both the default and dark directories.