
An all-in-one React library to implement custom Page Sharing Meta and Social Media Sharing Buttons.
Designed to use and extend OpenGraph standards, including built-in support for sharing with:
- Facebook
- Linkedin
- Twitter
- WhatsApp
- Copy to Clipboard
Install this package with npm
npm i @phantomstudios/react-share
Example usage in Next.js:
import Head from 'next/head';
import { MetaHeadEmbed } from "@phantomstudios/react-share";
const PageLayout: React.FC = ({children}) => {
render={(meta: React.ReactNode) => <Head>{meta}</Head>}
pageTitle="Our Work"
titleTemplate="[pageTitle] | [siteTitle]"
description="Transforming challenges of all shapes and sizes into inventive, engaging and performance driven solutions that change the game."
keywords={["creative-agency", "phantom", "work"]}
imageAlt="PHANTOM logo."
cardSize: "large",
siteUsername: "@phntmLDN",
creatorUsername: "@phntmLDN",
export default PageLayout;
<MetaHeadEmbed />
render | React.ReactNode | Yes | Unfortunately react-helmet and next/head are strict with how they accept meta tags. react-helmet doesn't support nesting. Whereas Next.JS only supports some children and not all, therefore a render function is required. |
pageTitle | string | No | Unique page title that describes the page, such as Home , About etc. etc. |
siteTitle | string | Yes | Title of the site, usually the organization / brand name. If pageTitle and siteTitle are the same, only this shows. |
titleTemplate | string | No | Title template used to display pageTitle and siteTitle in a template, displays the values using corresponding [pageTitle] and [siteTitle] . Example template: "[pageTitle] | [siteTitle]". |
description | string | Yes | A one to two sentence description of your webpage. Keep it within 160 characters, and write it to catch the user's attention. |
baseSiteUrl | string | Yes | Base site URL, excluding trailing slash. |
pagePath | string | No | The path of the current page, excluding leading slash. |
disableCanonical | boolean | No | Disable canonical if not desired, defaults to false . |
keywords | string|string[] | No | List of SEO keywords describing what your webpage does. Example, "your, tags" or ["your", "tags"] . |
imageUrl | string | No | Image url of asset to share. Recommended aspect ratio for landscape is 1.9:1 (1200x630) or for squares 1:1 (1200x1200). For more info, visit here. If a relative URL is provided, baseSiteUrl is prefixed. If specifying a relative URL do not add the leading slash. |
imageAlt | string | No | Image alt for users who are visually impaired. |
imageWidth | number | No | Width of share image, defaults to 1200 . |
imageHeight | number | No | Height of share image, defaults to 630 . |
locale | string | No | The locale these tags are marked up in, such as; en_GB , fr_FR and es_ES . Defaults to en_US . |
twitter | TwitterEmbedProps | No | Optional twitter embed properties to include. |
To use simply add MetaHeadEmbed
to a shared layout to get the best out of page specific properties such as pagePath
Note: baseSiteUrl
and imageUrl
must start with https://
, else they won't work when sharing.
cardSize | 'small'|'large' | Yes | Summary card size. |
title | string | No | A concise title for the related content. If left blank, page title will be inherited instead. |
description | string | No | A description that concisely summarizes the content as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Should not be the same as title. If left blank, MetaHeadEmbed description will be inherited instead. |
siteUsername | string | No | The Twitter @username the card should be attributed to. |
creatorUsername | string | No | The Twitter @username for the content creator / author. |
imageUrl | string | No | Image to show in card. Images must be less than 5MB in size. Supported file types; JPG, PNG, WEBP and GIF. |
imageAlt | string | No | Image alt for users who are visually impaired. Maximum 420 characters. |
Note: Image used should be different based on cardSize
- For
cards, use a 2:1 aspect ratio (300x157 px minium or 4096x4096 px maximum).
- For
cards, use a 1:1 aspect ratio (144x144 px minium or 4096x4096 px maximum).
A Note on Twitter Tags
Twitter will inherit og:title
, og:description
and og:image
tags by default, so unless you want unique fields, respective fields in TwitterEmbedProps
should be left blank to avoid duplication.
url | string | Yes | URL of shared webpage. |
hashtag | string | No | Hashtag to show in Facebook card. |
Basic component example usage:
import { getFacebookUrl } from "@phantomstudios/react-share";
const ShareToFacebook = () => (
<a href={getFacebookUrl({ url: "" })}>
Share to Facebook
export default ShareToFacebook;
url | string | Yes | URL of shared webpage. |
title | string | No | Title to show in card. |
summary | string | No | Description to show in card. |
source | string | No | Source of the content. For example, your website or application name. |
Basic component example usage:
import { getLinkedinUrl } from "@phantomstudios/react-share";
const ShareToLinkedin = () => (
<a href={getLinkedinUrl({ url: "" })}>
Share to Linkedin
export default ShareToLinkedin;
url | string | Yes | URL of shared webpage. |
text | string | No | Text to show in Twitter card. |
hashtags | string|string[] | No | Hashtags to show in Twitter card. Example, "your,tags" or ["your", "tags"] . |
related | string|string[] | No | Accounts to recommend following. Example, "your, tags" or ["your", "tags"] . |
Basic component example usage:
import { getTwitterUrl } from "@phantomstudios/react-share";
const ShareToTwitter = () => (
<a href={getTwitterUrl({ url: "" })}>Share to Twitter</a>
export default ShareToTwitter;
url | string | Yes | URL of shared webpage. |
text | string | No | Text to show in the WhatsApp message before the URL. |
Basic component example usage:
import { getWhatsAppUrl } from "@phantomstudios/react-share";
const ShareToWhatsApp = () => (
<a href={getWhatsAppUrl({ url: "" })}>
Share to WhatsApp
export default ShareToWhatsApp;
Note: WhatsApp links will only work on mobile, so be sure to hide any WhatsApp links if the user is not on a mobile device!
If you would rather have all share urls in one place, getShareUrl()
can be used! It includes props from every social platform listed above, so simply pass in a SocialPlatform
, and the platforms corresponding props.
Example usage:
import { getShareUrl, SocialPlatforms } from "@phantomstudios/react-share";
const Share = () => (
<a href={getShareUrl(SocialPlatforms.Facebook, {url: "" })}>
Share to Facebook
<a href={getShareUrl(SocialPlatforms.Linkedin, { url: "" })}>
Share to Linkedin
<a href={getShareUrl(SocialPlatforms.Twitter, { url: "" })}>
Share to Twitter
<a href={getShareUrl(SocialPlatforms.WhatsApp, { url: "" })}>
Share to WhatsApp
export default Share;
Method used to copy a given text into your clipboard.
import { copyToClipboard } from "@phantomstudios/react-share";
const Copy = () => (
<div onClick={() => copyToClipboard("")}>Copy</div>
export default Copy;
Further Resources
Useful resources for testing meta properties:
- Meta Tags - With Meta Tags you can preview how your webpage will look on Google, Facebook, Twitter and more.
- Social Share Preview - Chrome browser extension to live preview how the webpage will look when shared. Especially useful for testing when app is auth protected.
🍰 Requests and Contributing
If a social media platform you want to use isn't already supported, or found an issue? Get involved! Please contribute using the GitHub Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a Pull Request or submit a new issue.
for details on our CODE_OF_CONDUCT
, and the process for submitting pull requests to us!