Tool used to standardize some common tasks in frontend projects
npm install --save-dev @pismo/almighty
almighty release version (patch, minor, major) [--no-push]
Basically a version bump based on [semver] (
This task bump the desired version, change the of the project to show the changes, commit and tag the version.
If you only want to make the version bump without pushing anything, just use the flag --no-push
almighty release version (patch, minor, major) --no-push
This task use some environment variables to make the communication with GitHub service:
- GIT_AUTH_TOKEN // GitHub authentication token
almighty deploy [-p dist]
By default, it deploys the contents of the dist
folder to a bucket on S3. If the bucket does not exist, the bucket is created and configured to serve as a website.
You can define the path where almight will get the final distribution folder, with the -p
(alias for --path) parameter.
The bucket is created based on the project name and the current branch. So if the project is foo
and the branch is bar
the bucket name will be foo-bar
This task use some environment variables to make the communication with AWS service:
- GIT_BRANCH // git project branch
- AWS_REGION // aws region
- AWS_KEY // access key id
- AWS_SECRET // secret access key
- AWS_BUCKET // if this variable is not set, fallback will occurs for the project + branch
All assets that go up to the bucket already go up with configured cache system
almighty rollbar
Notify the rollbar about the new deploy.
This task use some environment variables to make the communication with rollbar service:
- ROLLBAR_SERVER_TOKEN // token to communicate with rollbar
- ROLLBAR_ENVIRONMENT // rollbar environment where the deploy was made
- BUILD_TAG // build version
- GIT_COMMIT // commit of the build
- USER // user that did the build (optional)