context-messenger allows defining and calling functions and variables across multiple iframes.
Quick Use
npm install @plattar/context-messenger
How to execute functions from an iframe on the parent page
- Define a function in the parent page that executes and returns a result
This function will then become available to be executed from other context-messenger frameworks from either the parent or child iframes.
Plattar.messenger.self.sum = (arg1, arg2) => {
return arg1 + arg2;
From within the iframe itself that has the context-messenger framework, the above function can be executed as follows. Notice that the function is executed asynchronously and handled via a Promise chain.
Plattar.messenger.parent.sum(1,4).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
- Define a function in the current context that executes and returns a result asynchronously
The context-messenger framework can also handle asynchronous functions using Promises. Below we define a function that performs a sum asynchronously.
Plattar.messenger.self.sumDelayed = (arg1, arg2) => {
return new Promise((accept, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
accept(arg1 + arg2);
}, 3000);
From within an iframe itself that has the context-messenger framework, the above function can be executed as follows. Notice that nothing changes with the function execution and the results are still handled using a Promise chain. In this instance, the Promise will execute after 3 seconds.
Plattar.messenger.parent.sumDelayed(1,4).then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
How to execute functions from the parent page inside of the iframe
- Define an iframe on the parent page that has the context-messenger framework and provide some ID
<iframe id="frame1" src="./your-nested-page.html"></iframe>
- Define a function inside your-nested-page.html file using the context-messenger that returns the page background color
Plattar.messenger.self.getBackgroundColor = () => {
return document.body.style.backgroundColor;
- To execute the function inside of frame1 do the following
Plattar.messenger.frame1.getBackgroundColor().then((result) => {
}).catch((err) => {
context-messenger is designed to automatically initialise itself from other instances of context-messenger that exist inside iframes and/or the parent page. Because this process is asynchronous, sometimes the iframe is not ready before calling its functions. To fix this, listen for the onload event for your desired iframe as follows.
Plattar.messenger.onload("frame1", () => {
The same can be done for the parent page to ensure its loaded before iframes can call parent functions
Plattar.messenger.onload("parent", () => {
How to execute functions from the parent page inside of multiple iframes
- Define multiple iframes on the parent page that has the context-messenger framework and provide some ID
<iframe id="frame1" src="./your-nested-page.html"></iframe>
<iframe id="frame2" src="./your-nested-page.html"></iframe>
<iframe id="frame3" src="./your-nested-page.html"></iframe>
- Define a function inside your-nested-page.html file using the context-messenger that returns the page background color
Plattar.messenger.self.getBackgroundColor = () => {
return document.body.style.backgroundColor;
Sometimes its easier to just call the same function on all available iframes on the page at the same time. The context-messenger provides a broadcast functinality that can handle the function call and resolution for you.
Plattar.messenger.broadcast.getBackgroundColor().then((results) => {
results.forEach((result) => {
if (result.status == "fulfilled") {
For more details on how this is handled see Promise.allSettled
How to store and read variables from iframes
Storing of variables is done using context-messenger memory
module. All variables are available to be accessed in all contexts. Note that the memory module does not allow storing functions. Use messenger module for that.
- To store a temporary variable use the following. Temporary variables are not persistent and will be cleared when the javascript context ends.
Plattar.memory.temp.my_variable = "hello world!";
- Access the variable as follows from any context that has context-messenger
- To store a persistent variable use the following. Persistent memory uses localStorage behind the scenes.
Plattar.memory.perm.my_variable = "hello world!";
- Access the variable as follows from any context that has context-messenger
How to watch for variable changes
context-messenger memory
module provides a watch
function that allows detecting when the variable has changed.
- Watch a
or perm
variable example
Plattar.memory.temp.watch("my_temp_variable", (oldVar, newVar) => {
console.log("old variable was " + oldVar);
console.log("new variable was " + newVar);
Plattar.memory.perm.watch("my_perm_variable", (oldVar, newVar) => {
console.log("old variable was " + oldVar);
console.log("new variable was " + newVar);
Plattar.memory.temp.my_temp_variable = "hello world!";
Plattar.memory.perm.my_perm_variable = "hello world!";
Plattar.memory.temp.my_temp_variable = "hello world again!";
Plattar.memory.perm.my_perm_variable = "hello world again!";