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@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import { CoreObjectRelations } from "./relations/core-object-relations";

@@ -6,3 +7,26 @@ * This interface will need to be implemented by the SDK generator

export interface CoreObjectPayload {
readonly data: {
readonly attributes: CoreObjectAttributes;
* This is input from the fetch operation with the required data to construct this object and all
* internal hierarcies
* data - the primary data that belongs to this object
* records - a global list of additional records that might belong to this object (will be filtered)
* cache - a global cache map to break recursion so multiple object of same type are not created
export interface FetchData {
readonly object: {
readonly id: string;
readonly type: string;
readonly attributes: any;
readonly relationships: any;
readonly includes: Map<string, any>;
readonly cache: Map<string, CoreObject<CoreObjectAttributes>>;
* CoreObject is the base object that all Objects in the API derive base functionality from

@@ -12,5 +36,11 @@ */

private readonly _attributes;
private readonly _relations;
private _id;
constructor(id?: string | null, attributes?: Attributes);
get attributes(): Attributes;
get relationships(): CoreObjectRelations;
* Generates a JSON Payload that can be sent to a backend server
get payload(): CoreObjectPayload;
get id(): string;

@@ -27,4 +57,12 @@ hasID(): boolean;

* Re-fills tis object instance with data from the api
* data - the primary data that belongs to this object
* records - a global list of additional records that might belong to this object (will be filtered)
* cache - a global cache map to break recursion so multiple object of same type are not created
setFromAPI(data: any): void;
setFromAPI(data: FetchData): void;
* internal use function by setFromAPI that constructs a new record
private _CreateRecord;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CoreObject = void 0;
const global_object_pool_1 = require("./global-object-pool");
const core_object_relations_1 = require("./relations/core-object-relations");

@@ -10,2 +12,4 @@ * CoreObject is the base object that all Objects in the API derive base functionality from

// these are a list of all objects related to this object
// every object has a unique ID assigned, this is filled by the remote API

@@ -16,2 +20,3 @@ _id;

this._attributes = attributes ? attributes : {};
this._relations = new core_object_relations_1.CoreObjectRelations(this);

@@ -21,2 +26,15 @@ get attributes() {

get relationships() {
return this._relations;
* Generates a JSON Payload that can be sent to a backend server
get payload() {
return {
data: {
attributes: this.attributes
get id() {

@@ -65,18 +83,75 @@ if (!this._id) {

* Re-fills tis object instance with data from the api
* data - the primary data that belongs to this object
* records - a global list of additional records that might belong to this object (will be filtered)
* cache - a global cache map to break recursion so multiple object of same type are not created
setFromAPI(data) {
// error out if we try to write the data from the api into the wrong type
if (this.type !== data.type) {
throw new Error(`CoreObject.setFromAPI() - type mismatch, cannot set ${this.type} from data type ${data.type}`);
if (this.type !== data.object.type) {
throw new Error(`CoreObject.setFromAPI() - type mismatch, cannot set ${this.type} from data type ${data.object.type}`);
// assign the ID
this._id =;
// clear all previous cache as new object is getting constructed
// assign the ID from the record
this._id =;
// delete all previous keys from our object instance
Object.keys(this._attributes).forEach(key => delete (this._attributes)[key]);
// assign new keys to our attributes
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.attributes)) {
// NOTE: this could probably be optimized by using attributes directly instead of deep-copy
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.object.attributes)) {
(this._attributes)[key] = value;
// we need to build the relationships of this object from the records section
// which includes all the records from any include query
for (const [_key, value] of Object.entries(data.object.relationships)) {
const relationRecord =;
// check if the object exists in the includes section - the value
// can either be a single object or an array
// this only contains id or type but not the full record
if (Array.isArray(relationRecord)) {
const arrayRecord = relationRecord;
arrayRecord.forEach((record) => {
this._CreateRecord(data, record);
else {
this._CreateRecord(data, relationRecord);
* internal use function by setFromAPI that constructs a new record
_CreateRecord(data, record) {
const includedRecord = data.includes.get(;
// quick exit - we don't need to do anything if record doesn't exist
// and doesn't want to be constructed
if (!includedRecord) {
// check the cache to see if this record was previously constructed
// if so, we use that and quick exit
const cachedRecord = data.cache.get(;
if (cachedRecord) {
// otherwise, create a new record and add it as a relation
const newObject = global_object_pool_1.GlobalObjectPool.newInstance(record.type);
if (!newObject) {
throw new Error(`record constructor is unable to create a new record of type ${record.type}`);
// add the new object into the cache
data.cache.set(, newObject);
// recursively construct the new object
object: record,
includes: data.includes,
cache: data.cache
// add as a relationship to the current object
exports.CoreObject = CoreObject;

@@ -18,6 +18,15 @@ import { CoreObject, CoreObjectAttributes } from '../core-object';

private readonly _queries;
private readonly _abort;
constructor(instance: T, service?: Service);
get instance(): T;
get service(): Service;
where(variable: keyof U, operation: FilterQueryOperator | SearchQueryOperator, value: string | number | boolean): this;
* Call this to abort/terminate incomplete query requests
abort(reason?: string): void;
* Allows multiple queries to be joined together
join(...queries: Array<CoreQuery<CoreObject<CoreObjectAttributes>, CoreObjectAttributes>>): this;
where(variable: keyof U, operation: FilterQueryOperator | SearchQueryOperator, value: string | number | boolean | Date): this;
fields(...fields: Array<keyof U>): this;

@@ -29,2 +38,5 @@ include(...objects: Array<(typeof CoreObject<CoreObjectAttributes>) | Array<string>>): this;

page(count: number, size: number): this;
* Performs the primary request and returns the responses as an array
protected _Fetch(url: string, type: QueryFetchType): Promise<Array<T>>;

@@ -35,2 +47,3 @@ /**

toString(): string;
static fetch<T extends CoreObject<CoreObjectAttributes>>(service: Service, instance: T, encodedURL: string, type: QueryFetchType, abort?: AbortSignal): Promise<Array<T>>;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CoreQuery = void 0;
const global_object_pool_1 = require("../global-object-pool");
const service_1 = require("../service");
const core_error_1 = require("./errors/core-error");
const contains_query_1 = require("./queries/contains-query");

@@ -10,2 +12,3 @@ const deleted_query_1 = require("./queries/deleted-query");

const include_query_1 = require("./queries/include-query");
const join_query_1 = require("./queries/join-query");
const pagination_query_1 = require("./queries/pagination-query");

@@ -21,2 +24,3 @@ const search_query_1 = require("./queries/search-query");

constructor(instance, service) {

@@ -26,2 +30,3 @@ this._instance = instance;

this._queries = new Array();
this._abort = new AbortController();

@@ -34,2 +39,17 @@ get instance() {

* Call this to abort/terminate incomplete query requests
abort(reason) {
* Allows multiple queries to be joined together
join(...queries) {
queries.forEach((query) => {
this._queries.push(new join_query_1.JoinQuery(query.toString()));
return this;
where(variable, operation, value) {

@@ -39,6 +59,6 @@ switch (operation) {

case '~=':
this._queries.push(new search_query_1.SearchQuery(this.instance.type, variable, value));
this._queries.push(new search_query_1.SearchQuery(this.instance.type, variable, (value instanceof Date ? value.toISOString() : value)));
this._queries.push(new filter_query_1.FilterQuery(this.instance.type, variable, operation, value));
this._queries.push(new filter_query_1.FilterQuery(this.instance.type, variable, operation, (value instanceof Date ? value.toISOString() : value)));

@@ -92,11 +112,7 @@ }

* Performs the primary request and returns the responses as an array
async _Fetch(url, type) {
const results = new Array();
// encode the full url to safely escape all characters (like whitespaces)
const encodedURL = encodeURI(url + this.toString());
// proceed with generating the request - for anything other than GET we need to generate a payload
// this payload is generated from non-null values of the object attributes
// TO-DO
// return the final results which might contain 0 or more objects (depending on the request)
return results;
return CoreQuery.fetch(this.service, this.instance, encodeURI(`${url}?${this.toString()}`), type, this._abort.signal);

@@ -111,3 +127,3 @@ /**

let url = '?';
let url = '';
queries.forEach((query) => {

@@ -119,3 +135,196 @@ url += `${query.toString()}&`;

static async fetch(service, instance, encodedURL, type, abort) {
const results = new Array();
// init our request type
const request = {
method: type,
mode: 'cors',
cache: 'no-cache',
credentials: 'include',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json'
redirect: 'follow',
referrerPolicy: 'origin'
// send the payload if performing POST/PUT/PATCH requests
switch (type) {
case 'POST':
case 'PUT':
case 'PATCH':
request.body = JSON.stringify(instance.payload);
// set the abort signal to terminate the query if needed
if (abort) {
request.signal = abort;
// proceed with generating the request - for anything other than GET we need to generate a payload
// this payload is generated from non-null values of the object attributes
try {
const response = await fetch(encodedURL, request);
if (!response.ok) {
error: {
title: 'Network Error',
text: `there was an unexpected issue with the network`
return results;
// catch backend timeout errors for long-running requests
if (response.status === 408) {
error: {
status: 408,
title: 'Request Timeout',
text: `request timed out`
return results;
let json = null;
try {
json = await response.json();
catch (err) {
error: {
title: 'Runtime Error',
text: `something unexpected occured during results parsing, details - ${err.message}`
return results;
// ensure there is a json object that was parsed properly
if (!json) {
error: {
title: 'Runtime Error',
text: 'runtime expected json results from fetch to be non-null'
return results;
// check if the returned data is json error object
if (json.error) {
return results;
// ensure json has the critical data section in-tact
if (! {
error: {
title: 'Runtime Error',
text: 'runtime tried to parse malformed json data'
return results;
// map includes query into a map structure
const includes = json.included || new Array();
const includesMap = new Map();
// fill in the includes map for faster Lookup when creating object hierarchies
includes.forEach((includesRecord) => {
if ( {
includesMap.set(, includesRecord);
// begin parsing the json, which should be the details of the current
// object type - this could also be an array so we'll need extra object instances
// if Array - we are dealing with multiple records, otherwise its a single record
if (Array.isArray( {
const listRecords =;
// we don't have ANY results, return an empty array
if (listRecords.length <= 0) {
return results;
// otherwise, the first result will be our current instance and any
// consecutive results will be created dynamically
// we create a global LUT cache to keep track of recursions
const cache = new Map();
const object = listRecords[0];
// add the first object to the instance
cache.set(, instance);
// construct the first object
object: object,
includes: includesMap,
cache: cache
// begin construction of every other instance
for (let i = 1; i < listRecords.length; i++) {
const record = listRecords[i];
const objectInstance = cache.get( || global_object_pool_1.GlobalObjectPool.newInstance(record.type);
if (!objectInstance) {
error: {
title: 'Runtime Error',
text: `runtime could not create a new instance of object type ${record.type} at index ${i}`
// add the first object to the instance
cache.set(, objectInstance);
object: listRecords[i],
includes: includesMap,
cache: cache
else {
// handle single record types
const record =;
// we don't have ANY results, return an empty array
if (!record.type || ! {
return results;
// otherwise, the first result will be our current instance and any
// consecutive results will be created dynamically
// we create a global LUT cache to keep track of recursions
const cache = new Map();
// add the first object to the instance
cache.set(, instance);
// construct the first object
object: record,
includes: includesMap,
cache: cache
catch (err) {
// throw the signal error in case the request was canelled
if (abort && abort.aborted) {
error: {
title: 'Aborted',
text: 'request was manually aborted'
return results;
// throw general errors
if (err instanceof core_error_1.CoreError) {
else {
error: {
title: 'Runtime Error',
text: `something unexpected occured during runtime, details - ${err.message}`
// return the final results which might contain 0 or more objects (depending on the request)
return results;
exports.CoreQuery = CoreQuery;



@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ export type ServiceAuthType = 'cookie' | 'token';

readonly errorListener?: ServiceErrorListener | null;
readonly version?: string | null;
readonly version?: number | null;

@@ -22,10 +22,2 @@ export interface ServiceConfig {

* Static container used for holding the default service, since sdk-core is used
* in multiple projects, using an anti-pattern can become troublesome for state
* storage
export interface ServiceStaticContainer {
service: Service | null;
* Locked down, immutable version of ServiceConfig with defaults already set

@@ -50,3 +42,4 @@ */

export declare abstract class Service {
export declare class Service {
private static _defaultServiceInstance;
private readonly _config;

@@ -57,3 +50,3 @@ constructor(config: ServiceConfig);

static config(_config: ServiceConfig): Service;
static config(config: ServiceConfig): Service;

@@ -63,3 +56,2 @@ * Returns the default service object

static get default(): Service;
static get container(): ServiceStaticContainer;

@@ -66,0 +58,0 @@ * Returns the currently locked, read-only Service Configuration

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ "use strict";

class Service {
static _defaultServiceInstance;

@@ -17,3 +18,3 @@ constructor(config) {

options: {
version: (config.options && config.options.version) ? config.options.version : 'v3',
version: (config.options && config.options.version) ? `v${config.options.version}` : 'v3',
tls: (config.options && config.options.tls) ? util_1.Util.parseBool(config.options.tls) : false,

@@ -42,4 +43,5 @@ gzip: (config.options && config.options.gzip) ? util_1.Util.parseBool(config.options.gzip) : false,

static config(_config) {
throw new Error('Service.config is not implemented correctly, contact admin');
static config(config) {
Service._defaultServiceInstance = new Service(config);
return Service._defaultServiceInstance;

@@ -50,10 +52,7 @@ /**

static get default() {
if (!this.container.service) {
if (!Service._defaultServiceInstance) {
throw new Error('Service.default is not configured, use Service.config() to set a new default');
return this.container.service;
return Service._defaultServiceInstance;
static get container() {
throw new Error('Service.container is not implemented correctly, contact admin');

@@ -60,0 +59,0 @@ * Returns the currently locked, read-only Service Configuration

import { CoreController } from "@plattar/api-core";
import { PackageJsonVars } from "./generators/project";
import { GeneratedSchema } from "./generators/schema";
export interface GeneratorData {

@@ -12,3 +11,2 @@ readonly controllers: Array<typeof CoreController>;

private static generateIndexFile;
static generateServiceFile(data: GeneratorData): GeneratedSchema;

@@ -22,3 +22,2 @@ "use strict";

fs_1.default.mkdirSync(`${outputDir}/src/schemas`, { recursive: true });
fs_1.default.mkdirSync(`${outputDir}/src/core`, { recursive: true });
// write the .npmignore file

@@ -39,5 +38,2 @@ await fs_1.default.promises.writeFile(`${outputDir}/${project.npmIgnore.fname}`,;

const serviceSchema = this.generateServiceFile(data);
// write the service file
await Promise.all(allSchemas);

@@ -49,6 +45,2 @@ // write the index.ts file

schemas: schemas
dir: 'core',
schemas: [serviceSchema]

@@ -59,3 +51,3 @@ ]));

let output = '/*\n * Warning: Do Not Edit - Auto Generated via @plattar/sdk-core\n */\n\n';
output += `export { Service, ServiceConfig, ServiceAuth, ServiceOptions, ServiceAuthType, ServiceErrorHandler, ServiceErrorListener } from '@plattar/sdk-core';\n`;
output += `export { Service, ServiceConfig, ServiceAuth, ServiceOptions, ServiceAuthType, ServiceErrorHandler, ServiceErrorListener, CoreError } from '@plattar/sdk-core';\n`;
files.forEach((schemas) => {

@@ -68,22 +60,3 @@ schemas.schemas.forEach((schema) => {

static generateServiceFile(data) {
const className = `Connection`;
let output = `import { Service, ServiceConfig, ServiceStaticContainer } from '@plattar/sdk-core';\n\n`;
output += `export class ${className} extends Service {\n`;
output += `\tprivate static readonly serviceContainer: ServiceStaticContainer = {service:null}\n`;
output += `\tpublic static override get container(): ServiceStaticContainer {\n`;
output += `\t\treturn this.serviceContainer;\n`;
output += `\t}\n`;
output += `\tpublic static override config(config: ServiceConfig): ${className} {\n`;
output += `\t\tthis.container.service = new ${className}(config);\n`;
output += `\t\treturn <${className}>this.container.service;\n`;
output += `\t}\n`;
output += '}\n';
return {
name: `connection`,
fname: `connection.ts`,
data: output
exports.Generator = Generator;

@@ -6,2 +6,3 @@ export * from "./core/service";

export * from "./core/query/core-query";
export * from "./core/query/errors/core-error";
export * from "./generator/generator";

@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ "use strict";

__exportStar(require("./core/query/core-query"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./core/query/errors/core-error"), exports);
// export generator - this only works in NodeJS
__exportStar(require("./generator/generator"), exports);

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

declare const _default: "1.163.10";
declare const _default: "1.164.1";
export default _default;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.default = "1.163.10";
exports.default = "1.164.1";
"name": "@plattar/sdk-core",
"version": "1.163.10",
"version": "1.164.1",
"description": "Core SDK Module for Generative SDK using API Core",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",