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@prettier/cli - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.0 to 0.5.0



#!/usr/bin/env node
import { toKebabCase } from "kasi";
import { bin, color, parseArgv } from "specialist";
import { PRETTIER_VERSION, IS_BUN } from "./constants.js";
import { getPlugin, isNumber, normalizeOptions, normalizeFormatOptions, normalizePluginOptions } from "./utils.js";
import { run } from "./index.js";
import { bin, color, exit, parseArgv } from "specialist";
import { PRETTIER_VERSION } from "./constants.js";
import { getPlugin, isBoolean, isNumber, isString, normalizeOptions, normalizeFormatOptions, normalizePluginOptions } from "./utils.js";
const makeBin = () => {

@@ -25,3 +24,2 @@ return (bin("prettier", "An opinionated code formatter")

.option("--experimental-ternaries", 'Use curious ternaries, with the question mark after the condition\nDefaults to "false"', { section: "Format" })
.option("--arrow-parens <always|avoid>", 'Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter\nDefaults to "always"', {

@@ -41,2 +39,5 @@ section: "Format",

.option("--experimental-ternaries", 'Use curious ternaries, with the question mark after the condition\nDefaults to "false"', {
section: "Format",
.option("--html-whitespace-sensitivity <css|strict|ignore>", 'How to handle whitespaces in HTML\nDefaults to "css"', {

@@ -72,4 +73,2 @@ section: "Format",

//TODO: Maybe Rename the following to "config", but it conflicts with the "no-config" flag
.option("--config-path <path>", "Path to a Prettier configuration file (.prettierrc, package.json, prettier.config.js)", { section: "Config" })
.option("--no-config", "Do not look for a configuration file", {

@@ -79,2 +78,7 @@ section: "Config",

.option("--config-path <path>", "Path to a Prettier configuration file (.prettierrc, package.json, prettier.config.js)", { section: "Config" })
.option("--config-precedence <cli-override|file-override>", 'Define in which order config files and CLI options should be evaluated.\nDefaults to "cli-override"', {
section: "Config",
enum: ["cli-override", "file-override"],
.option("--no-editorconfig", "Don't take .editorconfig into account when parsing configuration", {

@@ -110,17 +114,16 @@ section: "Config",

.option("--no-parallel", 'Process files in parallel\nDefaults to "true"', {
default: !IS_BUN, //TOOD: always set this to "true", once "worker_threads" work in Bun
default: true,
.option("--parallel-workers <int>", 'Number of parallel workers to use\nDefaults to "0"')
.option("--require-pragma", 'Require either "@prettier" or "@format" to be present in the file\'s first docblock comment in order for it to be formatted\nDefaults to "false"')
// .option(
// "--stdin-filepath <path>",
// "Path to the file to pretend that stdin comes from",
// )
.option("--stdin-filepath <path>", "Path to the file to pretend that stdin comes from")
// .option("--support-info", "Print support information as JSON")
.argument("[file/dir/glob...]", "Files, directories or globs to format")
.action((options, files) => {
const baseOptions = normalizeOptions(options, files);
const pluginsOptions = {};
return run(baseOptions, pluginsOptions);
.action(async (options, files) => {
const { run } = await import("./index.js");
const baseOptions = await normalizeOptions(options, files);
const pluginsDefaultOptions = {};
const pluginsCustomOptions = {};
return run(baseOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);

@@ -133,3 +136,3 @@ };

const formatOptions = normalizeFormatOptions(args);
const pluginsStaticOptions = {};
const pluginsDefaultOptions = {};
const pluginsNames = formatOptions.plugins || [];

@@ -142,3 +145,3 @@ const optionsNames = [];

Object.assign(pluginsStaticOptions, plugin.defaultOptions);
Object.assign(pluginsDefaultOptions, plugin.defaultOptions);
const schema = plugin.options[option];

@@ -157,3 +160,4 @@ const type = schema.type;

const args = variadic ? "<int...>" : "<int>";
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)} ${args}`, description, { deprecated, section, default: initial });
pluginsDefaultOptions[option] = initial;
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)} ${args}`, description, { deprecated, section });

@@ -164,3 +168,4 @@ else if (type === "boolean") {

const description = `${descriptionInfo}\n${descriptionDefault}`.trim();
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)}`, description, { deprecated, section, default: initial });
pluginsDefaultOptions[option] = initial;
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)}`, description, { deprecated, section });

@@ -172,3 +177,4 @@ else if (type === "string" || type === "path") {

const args = variadic ? "<value...>" : "<value>";
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)} ${args}`, description, { deprecated, section, default: initial });
pluginsDefaultOptions[option] = initial;
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)} ${args}`, description, { deprecated, section });

@@ -180,18 +186,37 @@ else if (type === "choice") {

const args = values.length ? `<${values.join("|")}>` : "<value>";
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)} ${args}`, description, { deprecated, section, default: initial });
pluginsDefaultOptions[option] = initial;
bin = bin.option(`--${toKebabCase(option)} ${args}`, description, { deprecated, section });
bin = bin.action((options, files) => {
const baseOptions = normalizeOptions(options, files);
const pluginsDynamicOptions = normalizePluginOptions(options, optionsNames);
const pluginsOptions = { ...pluginsStaticOptions, ...pluginsDynamicOptions };
return run(baseOptions, pluginsOptions);
bin = bin.action(async (options, files) => {
const { run } = await import("./index.js");
const baseOptions = await normalizeOptions(options, files);
const pluginsCustomOptions = normalizePluginOptions(options, optionsNames);
return run(baseOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
return bin;
const makeWarnedPluggableBin = async () => {
const argv = process.argv.slice(2);
const args = parseArgv(argv);
if (isString(args["config"])) {
exit('The "--config" option has been renamed to "--config-path" instead');
if (isString(args["cache-strategy"])) {
exit('The "--cache-strategy" option has been deleted, since the "metadata" strategy is no longer supported');
if (isBoolean(args["find-config-path"])) {
exit('The "--find-config-path" is not currently supported, please open an issue on GitHub if you need it');
if (args["config-precedence"] === "prefer-file") {
exit('The "prefer-file" value for "--config-precedence" is not currently supported, please open an issue on GitHub if you need it');
const bin = await makePluggableBin();
return bin;
const runBin = async () => {
const bin = await makePluggableBin();
const bin = await makeWarnedPluggableBin();;
import * as EditorConfig from "tiny-editorconfig";
import type { Config, ConfigWithOverrides } from "tiny-editorconfig";
import type { FormatOptions, PromiseMaybe } from "./types.js";
declare const getEditorConfig: ((folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]) => PromiseMaybe<EditorConfig.ConfigWithOverrides | undefined>) & {
cache: Map<string, PromiseMaybe<EditorConfig.ConfigWithOverrides | undefined>>;
declare const getEditorConfig: import("lomemo/dist/types.js").FN<[folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]], PromiseMaybe<EditorConfig.ConfigWithOverrides | undefined>> & {
cache: Map<unknown, unknown>;
declare const getEditorConfigsMap: (foldersPaths: string[], filesNames: string[]) => Promise<Partial<Record<string, ConfigWithOverrides>>>;
declare const getEditorConfigsUp: ((folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<EditorConfig.ConfigWithOverrides[]>) & {
cache: Map<string, Promise<EditorConfig.ConfigWithOverrides[]>>;
declare const getEditorConfigsUp: import("lomemo/dist/types.js").FN<[folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]], Promise<EditorConfig.ConfigWithOverrides[]>> & {
cache: Map<unknown, unknown>;

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ declare const getEditorConfigResolved: (filePath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<Config>;

import type { Ignore } from "./types.js";
declare const getIgnoresContent: ((folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<string[] | undefined>) & {
cache: Map<string, Promise<string[] | undefined>>;
declare const getIgnoresContent: import("lomemo/dist/types.js").FN<[folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]], Promise<string[] | undefined>> & {
cache: Map<unknown, unknown>;

@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ declare const getIgnoresContentMap: (foldersPaths: string[], filesNames: string[]) => Promise<Partial<Record<string, string[]>>>;

declare const getIgnoreBys: (foldersPaths: string[], filesContents: string[][]) => Ignore | undefined;
declare const getIgnores: ((folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<Ignore | undefined>) & {
cache: Map<string, Promise<Ignore | undefined>>;
declare const getIgnores: import("lomemo/dist/types.js").FN<[folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]], Promise<Ignore | undefined>> & {
cache: Map<unknown, unknown>;
declare const getIgnoresUp: ((folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<Ignore | undefined>) & {
cache: Map<string, Promise<Ignore | undefined>>;
declare const getIgnoresUp: import("lomemo/dist/types.js").FN<[folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]], Promise<Ignore | undefined>> & {
cache: Map<unknown, unknown>;
declare const getIgnoreResolved: (filePath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<boolean>;
export { getIgnoresContent, getIgnoresContentMap, getIgnoreBy, getIgnoreBys, getIgnores, getIgnoresUp, getIgnoreResolved };

@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ import type { PrettierConfig, PrettierConfigWithOverrides, PromiseMaybe } from "./types.js";

declare const getPrettierConfigsMap: (foldersPaths: string[], filesNames: string[]) => Promise<Partial<Record<string, PrettierConfig[]>>>;
declare const getPrettierConfigsUp: ((folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<PrettierConfigWithOverrides[]>) & {
cache: Map<string, Promise<PrettierConfigWithOverrides[]>>;
declare const getPrettierConfigsUp: import("lomemo/dist/types.js").FN<[folderPath: string, filesNames: string[]], Promise<PrettierConfigWithOverrides[]>> & {
cache: Map<unknown, unknown>;
declare const getPrettierConfigResolved: (filePath: string, filesNames: string[]) => Promise<PrettierConfig>;
export { Loaders, getPrettierConfig, getPrettierConfigsMap, getPrettierConfigsUp, getPrettierConfigResolved };

@@ -1,4 +0,1 @@

import TOML from "@iarna/toml";
import yaml from "js-yaml";
import JSON5 from "json5";
import fs from "node:fs";

@@ -9,3 +6,3 @@ import path from "node:path";

import Known from "./known.js";
import { fastJoinedPath, fastRelativeChildPath, getModule, getModulePath } from "./utils.js";
import { fastJoinedPath, fastRelativeChildPath, getModulePath } from "./utils.js";
import { isObject, isString, isTruthy, isUndefined, memoize, noop, normalizePrettierOptions, omit, zipObjectUnless } from "./utils.js";

@@ -35,2 +32,3 @@ const Loaders = {

const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");
const JSON5 = (await import("json5")).default;
const config = JSON5.parse(fileContent);

@@ -52,3 +50,3 @@ return config;

const modulePath = getModulePath(config, filePath);
return Loaders.js(modulePath);

@@ -59,5 +57,7 @@ }

const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");
const TOML = (await import("@iarna/toml")).default;
return TOML.parse(fileContent);
yaml: async (filePath) => {
const yaml = (await import("js-yaml")).default;
const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8");

@@ -64,0 +64,0 @@ return yaml.load(fileContent, {

declare const PRETTIER_VERSION: any;
declare const CLI_VERSION: any;
declare const IS_BUN: boolean;

@@ -7,3 +7,2 @@ import { createRequire } from "node:module";

const CLI_VERSION = cliPackage.version;
const IS_BUN = !!process.versions["bun"];
import type { Options, PluginsOptions } from "./types.js";
declare function run(options: Options, pluginsOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<void>;
export { run };
declare function run(options: Options, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<void>;
declare function runStdin(options: Options, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<void>;
declare function runGlobs(options: Options, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<void>;
export { run, runStdin, runGlobs };

@@ -14,6 +14,30 @@ import fs from "node:fs/promises";

import { makePrettier } from "./prettier.js";
import { castArray, getExpandedFoldersPaths, getFoldersChildrenPaths, getPluginsVersions, getProjectPath, getTargetsPaths } from "./utils.js";
import { castArray, getExpandedFoldersPaths, getFoldersChildrenPaths, getPluginsVersions, getProjectPath, getStdin, getTargetsPaths } from "./utils.js";
import { fastRelativePath, isString, isUndefined, negate, pluralize, uniq } from "./utils.js";
async function run(options, pluginsOptions) {
async function run(options, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const stdin = await getStdin();
if (isString(stdin)) {
return runStdin(options, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
else {
return runGlobs(options, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
async function runStdin(options, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const logger = new Logger(options.logLevel);
const prettier = await import("./prettier_serial.js");
const fileName = options.stdinFilepath || "stdin";
const fileContent = (await getStdin()) || "";
try {
const formatted = await prettier.format(fileName, fileContent, options.formatOptions, options.contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
process.exitCode = options.check && formatted !== fileContent ? 1 : 0;
catch (error) {
process.exitCode = 1;
async function runGlobs(options, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const logger = new Logger(options.logLevel);
const spinner = options.check ? logger.spinner.log() : undefined;

@@ -58,3 +82,3 @@ spinner?.start("Checking formatting...");

const cliFormatConfig = options.formatOptions;
const cacheVersion = stringify({ prettierVersion, cliVersion, pluginsNames, pluginsVersions, editorConfigs, ignoreContents, prettierConfigs, ignoreManualFilesPaths, ignoreManualFilesContents, prettierManualFilesPaths, prettierManualFilesContents, cliContextConfig, cliFormatConfig, pluginsOptions }); // prettier-ignore
const cacheVersion = stringify({ prettierVersion, cliVersion, pluginsNames, pluginsVersions, editorConfigs, ignoreContents, prettierConfigs, ignoreManualFilesPaths, ignoreManualFilesContents, prettierManualFilesPaths, prettierManualFilesContents, cliContextConfig, cliFormatConfig, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions }); // prettier-ignore
const shouldCache = isUndefined(cliContextConfig.cursorOffset);

@@ -78,9 +102,9 @@ const cache = shouldCache ? new Cache(cacheVersion, projectPath, options, logger) : undefined;

if (options.check || options.list) {
return await prettier.checkWithPath(filePath, getFormatOptions, cliContextConfig, pluginsOptions);
return await prettier.checkWithPath(filePath, getFormatOptions, cliContextConfig, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
else if (options.write) {
return await prettier.writeWithPath(filePath, getFormatOptions, cliContextConfig, pluginsOptions);
return await prettier.writeWithPath(filePath, getFormatOptions, cliContextConfig, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
else {
return await prettier.formatWithPath(filePath, getFormatOptions, cliContextConfig, pluginsOptions);
return await prettier.formatWithPath(filePath, getFormatOptions, cliContextConfig, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);

@@ -181,2 +205,2 @@ }

export { run };
export { run, runStdin, runGlobs };

@@ -10,3 +10,2 @@ import Spinner from "tiny-spinner";

absract: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>, strength: number) => void;
silent: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;
debug: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;

@@ -16,6 +15,6 @@ log: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;

error: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;
silent: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;
always: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;
prefixed: {
abstract: (prefix: string, message: FunctionMaybe<string>, strength: number) => void;
silent: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;
debug: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;

@@ -25,2 +24,3 @@ log: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;

error: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;
silent: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;
always: (message: FunctionMaybe<string>) => void;

@@ -30,3 +30,2 @@ };

abstract: (strength: number) => Spinner | undefined;
silent: () => Spinner | undefined;
debug: () => Spinner | undefined;

@@ -36,2 +35,3 @@ log: () => Spinner | undefined;

error: () => Spinner | undefined;
silent: () => Spinner | undefined;
always: () => Spinner | undefined;

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ };

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ import Pioppo from "pioppo";

this.pioppo = new Pioppo();
this.levels = ["silent", "debug", "log", "warn", "error"];
this.levels = ["debug", "log", "warn", "error", "silent"];
this.absract = (message, strength) => {

@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ if (strength < this.strength)

this.silent = (message) => {
this.debug = (message) => {
this.absract(message, 0);
this.debug = (message) => {
this.log = (message) => {
this.absract(message, 1);
this.log = (message) => {
this.warn = (message) => {
this.absract(message, 2);
this.warn = (message) => {
this.error = (message) => {
this.absract(message, 3);
this.error = (message) => {
this.silent = (message) => {
this.absract(message, 4);

@@ -48,20 +48,20 @@ };

silent: (message) => {
const prefix = `[${color.dim("silent")}]`;
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 0);
debug: (message) => {
const prefix = `[${color.magenta("debug")}]`;
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 1);
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 0);
log: (message) => {
const prefix = `[${color.cyan("log")}]`;
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 2);
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 1);
warn: (message) => {
const prefix = `[${color.yellow("warn")}]`;
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 3);
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 2);
error: (message) => {
const prefix = `[${"error")}]`;
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 3);
silent: (message) => {
const prefix = `[${color.dim("silent")}]`;
this.prefixed.abstract(prefix, message, 4);

@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@ },

silent: () => {
debug: () => {
return this.spinner.abstract(0);
debug: () => {
log: () => {
return this.spinner.abstract(1);
log: () => {
warn: () => {
return this.spinner.abstract(2);
warn: () => {
error: () => {
return this.spinner.abstract(3);
error: () => {
silent: () => {
return this.spinner.abstract(4);

@@ -94,0 +94,0 @@ },

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ import { readFile, writeFile } from "atomically";

write: prettier.write,
async checkWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
async checkWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const data = await cache.get(filePath);

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if (isBoolean(data?.formatted))

const fileContent = data?.content?.toString() ?? (await readFile(filePath, "utf8"));
const formatted = await prettier.check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
const formatted = await prettier.check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
await data?.save(formatted, fileContent);
return formatted;
async formatWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
async formatWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const data = await cache.get(filePath);

@@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ const fileContent = data?.content?.toString() ?? (await readFile(filePath, "utf8"));

return fileContent;
const fileContentFormatted = await prettier.format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
const fileContentFormatted = await prettier.format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
if (fileContent === fileContentFormatted) {

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ await data?.save(true, fileContent);

async writeWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
async writeWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const data = await cache.get(filePath);

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ if (data?.formatted)

const fileContent = data?.content?.toString() ?? (await readFile(filePath, "utf8"));
const fileContentFormatted = await prettier.format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
const fileContentFormatted = await prettier.format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
if (fileContent === fileContentFormatted) {

@@ -44,0 +44,0 @@ await data?.save(true, fileContent);

@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ import os from "node:os";

return {
async check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
return pool.exec("check", [filePath, fileContent, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsOptions]);
async check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
return pool.exec("check", [filePath, fileContent, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions]);
async checkWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
return pool.exec("checkWithPath", [filePath, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsOptions]);
async checkWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
return pool.exec("checkWithPath", [filePath, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions]);
async format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
return pool.exec("format", [filePath, fileContent, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsOptions]);
async format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
return pool.exec("format", [filePath, fileContent, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions]);
async formatWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
return pool.exec("formatWithPath", [filePath, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsOptions]);
async formatWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
return pool.exec("formatWithPath", [filePath, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions]);
async write(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
return pool.exec("write", [filePath, fileContent, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsOptions]);
async write(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
return pool.exec("write", [filePath, fileContent, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions]);
async writeWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
return pool.exec("writeWithPath", [filePath, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsOptions]);
async writeWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
return pool.exec("writeWithPath", [filePath, await resolve(formatOptions), contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions]);

@@ -31,0 +31,0 @@ };

import type { ContextOptions, LazyFormatOptions, PluginsOptions } from "./types.js";
declare function check(filePath: string, fileContent: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
declare function checkWithPath(filePath: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
declare function format(filePath: string, fileContent: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<string>;
declare function formatWithPath(filePath: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<string>;
declare function write(filePath: string, fileContent: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
declare function writeWithPath(filePath: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
declare function check(filePath: string, fileContent: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
declare function checkWithPath(filePath: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
declare function format(filePath: string, fileContent: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<string>;
declare function formatWithPath(filePath: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<string>;
declare function write(filePath: string, fileContent: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
declare function writeWithPath(filePath: string, formatOptions: LazyFormatOptions, contextOptions: ContextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions: PluginsOptions, pluginsCustomOptions: PluginsOptions): Promise<boolean>;
export { check, checkWithPath, format, formatWithPath, write, writeWithPath };
import { readFile, writeFile } from "atomically";
import process from "node:process";
import prettier from "prettier/standalone";
import prettierAcorn from "prettier/plugins/acorn";
import prettierAngular from "prettier/plugins/angular";
import prettierBabel from "prettier/plugins/babel";
import prettierEstree from "prettier/plugins/estree";
import prettierFlow from "prettier/plugins/flow";
import prettierGlimmer from "prettier/plugins/glimmer";
import prettierGraphql from "prettier/plugins/graphql";
import prettierHtml from "prettier/plugins/html";
import prettierMarkdown from "prettier/plugins/markdown";
import prettierMeriyah from "prettier/plugins/meriyah";
import prettierPostcss from "prettier/plugins/postcss";
import prettierTypescript from "prettier/plugins/typescript";
import prettierYaml from "prettier/plugins/yaml";
import { getPlugins, resolve } from "./utils.js";
//TODO: Avoid loading plugins until they are actually needed
async function check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
const fileContentFormatted = await format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
import { getPlugins, getPluginsBuiltin, resolve } from "./utils.js";
async function check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const fileContentFormatted = await format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
return fileContent === fileContentFormatted;
async function checkWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
async function checkWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const fileContent = await readFile(filePath, "utf8");
return check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
return check(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
async function format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
async function format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
formatOptions = await resolve(formatOptions);
const pluginsBuiltin = await getPluginsBuiltin();
const plugins = await getPlugins(formatOptions.plugins || []);
const pluginsOverride = contextOptions.configPrecedence !== 'file-override';
const options = {
...(pluginsOverride ? formatOptions : pluginsCustomOptions),
...(pluginsOverride ? pluginsCustomOptions : formatOptions),
filepath: filePath,
plugins: [

@@ -58,8 +35,8 @@ ],

async function formatWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
async function formatWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const fileContent = await readFile(filePath, "utf8");
return format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
return format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
async function write(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
const fileContentFormatted = await format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
async function write(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const fileContentFormatted = await format(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
if (fileContent === fileContentFormatted)

@@ -70,6 +47,6 @@ return true;

async function writeWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions) {
async function writeWithPath(filePath, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions) {
const fileContent = await readFile(filePath, "utf8");
return write(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsOptions);
return write(filePath, fileContent, formatOptions, contextOptions, pluginsDefaultOptions, pluginsCustomOptions);
export { check, checkWithPath, format, formatWithPath, write, writeWithPath };
type Bin = ReturnType<typeof import("tiny-bin").default>;
type ContextOptions = {
configPrecedence?: "cli-override" | "file-override";
cursorOffset?: number;

@@ -54,2 +55,3 @@ rangeEnd?: number;

parallelWorkers: number;
stdinFilepath: string | undefined;
contextOptions: ContextOptions;

@@ -56,0 +58,0 @@ formatOptions: FormatOptions;

@@ -0,8 +1,6 @@

import once from "function-once";
import memoize from "lomemo";
import type { FormatOptions, FunctionMaybe, Key, Options, PrettierConfigWithOverrides, PrettierPlugin } from "./types.js";
import type { PluginsOptions, PromiseMaybe } from "./types.js";
declare function memoize<Args extends unknown[], Return>(fn: (...args: Args) => Return): ((...args: Args) => Return) & {
cache: Map<Args[0], Return>;
declare function castArray<T>(value: T | T[]): T[];
declare function everyOf<T>(fns: ((arg: T) => unknown)[]): (arg: T) => boolean;
declare function fastJoinedPath(folderPath: string, fileName: string): string;

@@ -16,7 +14,7 @@ declare function fastRelativePath(fromPath: string, toPath: string): string;

declare function getFoldersChildrenPaths(foldersPaths: string[]): Promise<string[]>;
declare function getGlobPaths(rootPath: string, globs: string[], withNodeModules: boolean): Promise<import("tiny-readdir-glob/dist/types.js").Result>;
declare function getGlobPaths(rootPath: string, globs: string[], withNodeModules: boolean): Promise<import("tiny-readdir-glob").Result>;
declare function getModule<T = unknown>(modulePath: string): Promise<T>;
declare function getModulePath(name: string, rootPath: string): string;
declare const getPlugin: ((name: string) => Promise<import("prettier").Plugin<any>>) & {
cache: Map<string, Promise<import("prettier").Plugin<any>>>;
declare const getPlugin: import("lomemo/dist/types.js").FN<[name: string], Promise<import("prettier").Plugin<any>>> & {
cache: Map<unknown, unknown>;

@@ -26,9 +24,10 @@ declare function getPluginPath(name: string): string;

declare function getPlugins(names: string[]): PromiseMaybe<PrettierPlugin[]>;
declare const getPluginsBuiltin: () => Promise<import("prettier").Plugin<any>[]>;
declare function getPluginsPaths(names: string[]): string[];
declare function getPluginsVersions(names: string[]): string[];
declare function getProjectPath(rootPath: string): string;
declare const getStdin: () => Promise<string | undefined>;
declare function getTargetsPaths(rootPath: string, globs: string[], withNodeModules: boolean): Promise<[string[], string[], Record<string, string[]>, string[], string[]]>;
declare function isArray(value: unknown): value is unknown[];
declare function isBoolean(value: unknown): value is boolean;
declare function isFalsy<T>(value: T): value is Extract<T, 0 | -0 | 0n | -0n | "" | false | null | undefined | void>;
declare function isFunction(value: unknown): value is Function;

@@ -38,3 +37,2 @@ declare function isInteger(value: unknown): value is number;

declare function isObject(value: unknown): value is object;
declare function isPromise(value: unknown): value is Promise<unknown>;
declare function isString(value: unknown): value is string;

@@ -45,3 +43,3 @@ declare function isTruthy<T>(value: T): value is Exclude<T, 0 | -0 | 0n | -0n | "" | false | null | undefined | void>;

declare function noop(): undefined;
declare function normalizeOptions(options: unknown, targets: unknown[]): Options;
declare function normalizeOptions(options: unknown, targets: unknown[]): Promise<Options>;
declare function normalizeFormatOptions(options: unknown): FormatOptions;

@@ -51,3 +49,2 @@ declare function normalizePluginOptions(options: unknown, names: string[]): PluginsOptions;

declare function omit<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(object: T, keys: K[]): Omit<T, K>;
declare function once<T>(fn: () => T): () => T;
declare function pluralize(value: string, length: number): string;

@@ -59,4 +56,3 @@ declare function resolve<T>(value: FunctionMaybe<T>): T;

declare function uniq<T>(values: T[]): T[];
declare function zipObject<T extends Key, U>(keys: T[], values: U[]): Partial<Record<T, U>>;
declare function zipObjectUnless<T extends Key, U>(keys: T[], values: U[], unless: (value: U) => boolean): Partial<Record<T, U>>;
export { castArray, everyOf, fastJoinedPath, fastRelativePath, fastRelativeChildPath, findLastIndex, getCachePath, getFolderChildrenPaths, getFoldersChildrenPaths, getExpandedFoldersPaths, getGlobPaths, getModule, getModulePath, getPlugin, getPluginPath, getPluginVersion, getPlugins, getPluginsPaths, getPluginsVersions, getProjectPath, getTargetsPaths, isArray, isBoolean, isFalsy, isFunction, isInteger, isNumber, isObject, isPromise, isString, isTruthy, isUndefined, memoize, negate, noop, normalizeOptions, normalizeFormatOptions, normalizePluginOptions, normalizePrettierOptions, omit, once, pluralize, resolve, sha1hex, sha1base64, someOf, uniq, zipObject, zipObjectUnless, };
export { castArray, fastJoinedPath, fastRelativePath, fastRelativeChildPath, findLastIndex, getCachePath, getFolderChildrenPaths, getFoldersChildrenPaths, getExpandedFoldersPaths, getGlobPaths, getModule, getModulePath, getPlugin, getPluginPath, getPluginVersion, getPlugins, getPluginsBuiltin, getPluginsPaths, getPluginsVersions, getProjectPath, getStdin, getTargetsPaths, isArray, isBoolean, isFunction, isInteger, isNumber, isObject, isString, isTruthy, isUndefined, memoize, negate, noop, normalizeOptions, normalizeFormatOptions, normalizePluginOptions, normalizePrettierOptions, omit, once, pluralize, resolve, sha1hex, sha1base64, someOf, uniq, zipObjectUnless, };
import findUp from "find-up-json";
import once from "function-once";
import { moduleResolve } from "import-meta-resolve";
import memoize from "lomemo";
import crypto from "node:crypto";

@@ -7,30 +9,12 @@ import fs from "node:fs";

import process from "node:process";
import { text as stream2text } from "node:stream/consumers";
import url from "node:url";
import resolveTimeout from "promise-resolve-timeout";
import { exit } from "specialist";
import readdir from "tiny-readdir-glob";
import zeptomatch from "zeptomatch";
//FIXME: Ensure all arguments are actually taken into account
//TODO: Publish something like this as a standalone module, rather than manually hoisting this up
function memoize(fn) {
const memoized = (...args) => {
const { cache } = memoized;
const id = args[0];
const cached = cache.get(id);
if (!isUndefined(cached) || cache.has(id))
return cached;
const result = fn(...args);
cache.set(id, result);
return result;
memoized.cache = new Map();
return memoized;
import zeptomatchEscape from "zeptomatch-escape";
import zeptomatchIsStatic from "zeptomatch-is-static";
function castArray(value) {
return isArray(value) ? value : [value];
function everyOf(fns) {
return (arg) => {
return fns.every((fn) => fn(arg));
function fastJoinedPath(folderPath, fileName) {

@@ -137,2 +121,5 @@ return `${folderPath}${path.sep}${fileName}`;

const getPluginsBuiltin = once(async () => {
return [(await import("./prettier_plugins_builtin.js")).default];
function getPluginsPaths(names) {

@@ -172,2 +159,10 @@ const pluginsPaths =;

const getStdin = once(async () => {
// Without a TTY, the process is likely, but not certainly, being piped
if (!process.stdin.isTTY) {
const stdin = stream2text(process.stdin);
const fallback = resolveTimeout(1000, undefined);
return Promise.race([stdin, fallback]);
async function getTargetsPaths(rootPath, globs, withNodeModules) {

@@ -210,5 +205,2 @@ const targetFiles = [];

function isFalsy(value) {
return !value;
function isFile(targetPath) {

@@ -226,6 +218,2 @@ try {

function isGlobStatic(glob) {
//TODO: Make this perfect, grammar-based, rather than letting some glob-looking paths slip through
return /^(?:\\.|[ a-zA-Z0-9/._-])*$/.test(glob);
function isInteger(value) {

@@ -243,5 +231,2 @@ return Number.isInteger(value);

function isPromise(value) {
return value instanceof Promise;
function isString(value) {

@@ -264,9 +249,10 @@ return typeof value === "string";

function normalizeOptions(options, targets) {
async function normalizeOptions(options, targets) {
if (!isObject(options))
exit("Invalid options object");
const targetsGlobs = targets.filter(isString);
const targetsStatic = "--" in options && Array.isArray(options["--"]) ? options["--"].filter(isString).map(zeptomatch.escape) : [];
const targetsStatic = "--" in options && Array.isArray(options["--"]) ? options["--"].filter(isString).map(zeptomatchEscape) : [];
const globs = [...targetsGlobs, ...targetsStatic];
if (!globs.length)
const stdin = await getStdin();
if (!isString(stdin) && !globs.length)
exit("Expected at least one target file/dir/glob");

@@ -290,6 +276,7 @@ const check = "check" in options && !!options.check;

const errorOnUnmatchedPattern = "errorOnUnmatchedPattern" in options ? !!options.errorOnUnmatchedPattern : true;
const ignoreUnknown = "ignoreUnknown" in options && isBoolean(options.ignoreUnknown) ? !!options.ignoreUnknown : globs.some(isGlobStatic);
const ignoreUnknown = "ignoreUnknown" in options && isBoolean(options.ignoreUnknown) ? !!options.ignoreUnknown : globs.some(zeptomatchIsStatic);
const logLevel = "logLevel" in options ? (options.logLevel || "log") : "log";
const parallel = "parallel" in options && !!options.parallel;
const parallelWorkers = ("parallelWorkers" in options && Math.round(Number(options.parallelWorkers))) || 0;
const stdinFilepath = "stdinFilepath" in options && isString(options.stdinFilepath) ? options.stdinFilepath : undefined;
const contextOptions = normalizeContextOptions(options);

@@ -314,2 +301,3 @@ const formatOptions = normalizeFormatOptions(options);


@@ -323,2 +311,8 @@ formatOptions,

const contextOptions = {};
if ("configPrecedence" in options) {
const value = options.configPrecedence;
if (isString(value) && (value === "cli-override" || value === "file-override")) {
contextOptions.configPrecedence = value;
if ("cursorOffset" in options) {

@@ -540,13 +534,2 @@ const value = Number(options.cursorOffset);

function once(fn) {
let inited = false;
let result;
return () => {
if (!inited) {
inited = true;
result = fn();
return result;
function pluralize(value, length) {

@@ -574,9 +557,2 @@ return `${value}${length === 1 ? "" : "s"}`;

function zipObject(keys, values) {
const map = {};
for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
map[keys[i]] = values[i];
return map;
function zipObjectUnless(keys, values, unless) {

@@ -592,2 +568,2 @@ const map = {};

export { castArray, everyOf, fastJoinedPath, fastRelativePath, fastRelativeChildPath, findLastIndex, getCachePath, getFolderChildrenPaths, getFoldersChildrenPaths, getExpandedFoldersPaths, getGlobPaths, getModule, getModulePath, getPlugin, getPluginPath, getPluginVersion, getPlugins, getPluginsPaths, getPluginsVersions, getProjectPath, getTargetsPaths, isArray, isBoolean, isFalsy, isFunction, isInteger, isNumber, isObject, isPromise, isString, isTruthy, isUndefined, memoize, negate, noop, normalizeOptions, normalizeFormatOptions, normalizePluginOptions, normalizePrettierOptions, omit, once, pluralize, resolve, sha1hex, sha1base64, someOf, uniq, zipObject, zipObjectUnless, };
export { castArray, fastJoinedPath, fastRelativePath, fastRelativeChildPath, findLastIndex, getCachePath, getFolderChildrenPaths, getFoldersChildrenPaths, getExpandedFoldersPaths, getGlobPaths, getModule, getModulePath, getPlugin, getPluginPath, getPluginVersion, getPlugins, getPluginsBuiltin, getPluginsPaths, getPluginsVersions, getProjectPath, getStdin, getTargetsPaths, isArray, isBoolean, isFunction, isInteger, isNumber, isObject, isString, isTruthy, isUndefined, memoize, negate, noop, normalizeOptions, normalizeFormatOptions, normalizePluginOptions, normalizePrettierOptions, omit, once, pluralize, resolve, sha1hex, sha1base64, someOf, uniq, zipObjectUnless, };

@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ {

"license": "MIT",
"version": "0.3.0",
"version": "0.5.0",
"type": "module",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"bin": {
"prettier-next": "dist/bin.js"
"main": "dist/index.js",
"exports": {

@@ -21,3 +22,6 @@ ".": "./dist/index.js",

"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public",
"registry": ""
"scripts": {

@@ -30,7 +34,11 @@ "clean": "rm -rf dist",

"peerDependencies": {
"prettier": "^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0"
"dependencies": {
"@iarna/toml": "^2.2.5",
"atomically": "^2.0.2",
"fast-ignore": "^1.1.1",
"find-up-json": "^2.0.2",
"atomically": "^2.0.3",
"fast-ignore": "^1.1.3",
"find-up-json": "^2.0.4",
"function-once": "^3.0.0",
"import-meta-resolve": "^4.0.0",

@@ -42,24 +50,21 @@ "is-binary-path": "^2.1.0",

"kasi": "^1.1.0",
"pioppo": "^1.1.0",
"lomemo": "^1.0.0",
"pioppo": "^1.1.1",
"promise-resolve-timeout": "^2.0.0",
"specialist": "^1.4.0",
"tiny-editorconfig": "^1.0.0",
"tiny-jsonc": "^1.0.1",
"tiny-readdir-glob": "^1.2.1",
"tiny-readdir-glob": "^1.22.24",
"tiny-spinner": "^2.0.3",
"worktank": "^2.6.0",
"zeptomatch": "^1.2.2"
"worktank": "^2.6.1",
"zeptomatch": "^2.0.0",
"zeptomatch-escape": "^1.0.0",
"zeptomatch-is-static": "^1.0.0"
"peerDependencies": {
"prettier": "^3.1.0 || ^4.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/js-yaml": "^4.0.9",
"@types/node": "^20.9.3",
"@types/node": "^20.12.7",
"prettier": "3.1.0",
"typescript": "^5.3.2"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public",
"registry": ""
"typescript": "^5.4.5"
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