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@progress/kendo-theme-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 7.2.2-dev.0 to 7.3.0-dev.0



@@ -30,2 +30,162 @@ {

"kendo-palettes": {
"type": "Map",
"value": "(neutral: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f8f8f8, 100: #ededed, 200: #d6d6d6, 300: #b7b7b7, 400: #949494, 500: #767676, 600: #5f5f5f, 700: #494949, 800: #373737, 900: #282828, 1000: #000000), marsala: (0: #ffffff, 50: #faf0f2, 100: #f3dde0, 200: #e197a3, 300: #c54e69, 400: #8b3548, 500: #622331, 600: #551d2a, 700: #441620, 800: #340f17, 900: #23080e, 1000: #000000), bootstrapGray: (0: #ffffff, 100: #f8f9fa, 200: #e9ecef, 300: #dee2e6, 400: #ced4da, 500: #adb5bd, 600: #6c757d, 700: #495057, 800: #343a40, 900: #212529, 1000: #000000), bootstrapBlue: (0: #ffffff, 100: #cfe2ff, 200: #9ec5fe, 300: #6ea8fe, 400: #3d8bfd, 500: #0d6efd, 600: #0a58ca, 700: #084298, 800: #052c65, 900: #031633, 1000: #000000), bootstrapIndigo: (0: #ffffff, 100: #e0cffc, 200: #c29ffa, 300: #a370f7, 400: #8540f5, 500: #6610f2, 600: #520dc2, 700: #3d0a91, 800: #290661, 900: #140330, 1000: #000000), bootstrapPurple: (0: #ffffff, 100: #e2d9f3, 200: #c5b3e6, 300: #a98eda, 400: #8c68cd, 500: #6f42c1, 600: #59359a, 700: #432874, 800: #2c1a4d, 900: #160d27, 1000: #000000), bootstrapPink: (0: #ffffff, 100: #f7d6e6, 200: #efadce, 300: #e685b5, 400: #de5c9d, 500: #d63384, 600: #ab296a, 700: #801f4f, 800: #561435, 900: #2b0a1a, 1000: #000000), bootstrapRed: (0: #ffffff, 100: #f8d7da, 200: #f1aeb5, 300: #ea868f, 400: #e35d6a, 500: #dc3545, 600: #b02a37, 700: #842029, 800: #58151c, 900: #2c0b0e, 1000: #000000), bootstrapOrange: (0: #ffffff, 100: #ffe5d0, 200: #fecba1, 300: #feb272, 400: #fd9843, 500: #fd7e14, 600: #ca6510, 700: #984c0c, 800: #653208, 900: #331904, 1000: #000000), bootstrapYellow: (0: #ffffff, 100: #fff3cd, 200: #ffe69c, 300: #ffda6a, 400: #ffcd39, 500: #ffc107, 600: #cc9a06, 700: #997404, 800: #664d03, 900: #332701, 1000: #000000), bootstrapGreen: (0: #ffffff, 100: #d1e7dd, 200: #a3cfbb, 300: #75b798, 400: #479f76, 500: #198754, 600: #146c43, 700: #0f5132, 800: #0a3622, 900: #051b11, 1000: #000000), bootstrapTeal: (0: #ffffff, 100: #d2f4ea, 200: #a6e9d5, 300: #79dfc1, 400: #4dd4ac, 500: #20c997, 600: #1aa179, 700: #13795b, 800: #0d503c, 900: #06281e, 1000: #000000), bootstrapCyan: (0: #ffffff, 100: #cff4fc, 200: #9eeaf9, 300: #6edff6, 400: #3dd5f3, 500: #0dcaf0, 600: #0aa2c0, 700: #087990, 800: #055160, 900: #032830, 1000: #000000), fluentNeutral: (0: #ffffff, 50: #faf9f8, 100: #edebe9, 150: #e1dfdd, 200: #d2d0ce, 250: #c8c6c4, 300: #bdbbb8, 350: #b3b0ad, 400: #a19f9d, 450: #8a8886, 500: #797775, 550: #605e5c, 600: #484644, 650: #3b3a39, 700: #323130, 750: #292827, 800: #201f1e, 850: #1b1a19, 900: #161514, 950: #11100f, 1000: #000000), materialGray: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fafafa, 100: #f5f5f5, 200: #eeeeee, 300: #e0e0e0, 400: #bdbdbd, 500: #9e9e9e, 600: #757575, 700: #616161, 800: #424242, 900: #212121, 1000: #000000), materialBlueGray: (0: #ffffff, 50: #eceff1, 100: #cfd8dc, 200: #b0bec5, 300: #90a4ae, 400: #78909c, 500: #607d8b, 600: #546e7a, 700: #455a64, 800: #37474f, 900: #263238, 1000: #000000), materialRed: (0: #ffffff, 50: #ffebee, 100: #ffcdd2, 200: #ef9a9a, 300: #e57373, 400: #ef5350, 500: #f44336, 600: #e53935, 700: #d32f2f, 800: #c62828, 900: #b71c1c, 1000: #000000), materialPink: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fce4ec, 100: #f8bbd0, 200: #f48fb1, 300: #f06292, 400: #ec407a, 500: #e51a5f, 600: #d81b60, 700: #c2185b, 800: #ad1457, 900: #880e4f, 1000: #000000), materialPurple: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f3e5f5, 100: #e1bee7, 200: #ce93d8, 300: #ba68c8, 400: #ab47bc, 500: #9c27b0, 600: #8e24aa, 700: #7b1fa2, 800: #6a1b9a, 900: #4a148c, 1000: #000000), materialDeepPurple: (0: #ffffff, 50: #ede7f6, 100: #d1c4e9, 200: #b39ddb, 300: #9575cd, 400: #7e57c2, 500: #673ab7, 600: #5e35b1, 700: #512da8, 800: #4527a0, 900: #311b92, 1000: #000000), materialIndigo: (0: #ffffff, 50: #e8eaf6, 100: #c5cae9, 200: #9fa8da, 300: #7986cb, 400: #5c6bc0, 500: #3f51b5, 600: #3949ab, 700: #303f9f, 800: #283593, 900: #1a237e, 1000: #000000), materialBlue: (0: #ffffff, 50: #e3f2fd, 100: #bbdefb, 200: #90caf9, 300: #64b5f6, 400: #42a5f5, 500: #2196f3, 600: #1e88e5, 700: #1976d2, 800: #1565c0, 900: #0d47a1, 1000: #000000), materialLightBlue: (0: #ffffff, 50: #e1f5fe, 100: #b3e5fc, 200: #81d4fa, 300: #4fc3f7, 400: #29b6f6, 500: #03a9f4, 600: #039be5, 700: #0288d1, 800: #0277bd, 900: #01579b, 1000: #000000), materialCyan: (0: #ffffff, 50: #e0f7fa, 100: #b2ebf2, 200: #80deea, 300: #4dd0e1, 400: #26c6da, 500: #00bcd4, 600: #00acc1, 700: #0097a7, 800: #00838f, 900: #006064, 1000: #000000), materialTeal: (0: #ffffff, 50: #e0f2f1, 100: #b2dfdb, 200: #80cbc4, 300: #4db6ac, 400: #26a69a, 500: #009688, 600: #00897b, 700: #00796b, 800: #00695c, 900: #004d40, 1000: #000000), materialGreen: (0: #ffffff, 50: #e8f5e9, 100: #c8e6c9, 200: #a5d6a7, 300: #81c784, 400: #66bb6a, 500: #4caf50, 600: #43a047, 700: #388e3c, 800: #2e7d32, 900: #1b5e20, 1000: #000000), materialLightGreen: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f1f8e9, 100: #dcedc8, 200: #c5e1a5, 300: #aed581, 400: #9ccc65, 500: #8bc34a, 600: #7cb342, 700: #689f38, 800: #558b2f, 900: #33691e, 1000: #000000), materialLime: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f9fbe7, 100: #f0f4c3, 200: #e6ee9c, 300: #dce775, 400: #d4e157, 500: #cddc39, 600: #c0ca33, 700: #afb42b, 800: #9e9d24, 900: #827717, 1000: #000000), materialYellow: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fffde7, 100: #fff9c4, 200: #fff59d, 300: #fff176, 400: #ffee58, 500: #ffeb3b, 600: #fdd835, 700: #fbc02d, 800: #f9a825, 900: #f57f17, 1000: #000000), materialAmber: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fff8e1, 100: #ffecb3, 200: #ffe082, 300: #ffd54f, 400: #ffca28, 500: #ffc107, 600: #ffb300, 700: #ffa000, 800: #ff8f00, 900: #ff6f00, 1000: #000000), materialOrange: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fff3e0, 100: #ffe0b2, 200: #ffcc80, 300: #ffb74d, 400: #ffa726, 500: #ff9800, 600: #fb8c00, 700: #f57c00, 800: #ef6c00, 900: #e65100, 1000: #000000), materialDeepOrange: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fbe9e7, 100: #ffccbc, 200: #ffab91, 300: #ff8a65, 400: #ff7043, 500: #ff5722, 600: #f4511e, 700: #e64a19, 800: #d84315, 900: #bf360c, 1000: #000000), materialBrown: (0: #ffffff, 50: #efebe9, 100: #d7ccc8, 200: #bcaaa4, 300: #a1887f, 400: #8d6e63, 500: #795548, 600: #6d4c41, 700: #5d4037, 800: #4e342e, 900: #3e2723, 1000: #000000), primerGray: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f6f8fa, 100: #eaeef2, 200: #d0d7de, 300: #afb8c1, 400: #8c959f, 500: #6e7781, 600: #57606a, 700: #424a53, 800: #32383f, 900: #24292f, 1000: #000000), primerBlue: (0: #ffffff, 50: #ddf4ff, 100: #b6e3ff, 200: #80ccff, 300: #54aeff, 400: #218bff, 500: #0969da, 600: #0550ae, 700: #033d8b, 800: #0a3069, 900: #002155, 1000: #000000), primerGreen: (0: #ffffff, 50: #dafbe1, 100: #aceebb, 200: #6fdd8b, 300: #4ac26b, 400: #2da44e, 500: #1a7f37, 600: #116329, 700: #044f1e, 800: #003d16, 900: #002d11, 1000: #000000), primerYellow: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fff8c5, 100: #fae17d, 200: #eac54f, 300: #d4a72c, 400: #bf8700, 500: #9a6700, 600: #7d4e00, 700: #633c01, 800: #4d2d00, 900: #3b2300, 1000: #000000), primerOrange: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fff1e5, 100: #ffd8b5, 200: #ffb77c, 300: #fb8f44, 400: #e16f24, 500: #bc4c00, 600: #953800, 700: #762c00, 800: #5c2200, 900: #471700, 1000: #000000), primerRed: (0: #ffffff, 50: #ffebe9, 100: #ffcecb, 200: #ffaba8, 300: #ff8182, 400: #fa4549, 500: #cf222e, 600: #a40e26, 700: #82071e, 800: #660018, 900: #4c0014, 1000: #000000), primerPurple: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fbefff, 100: #ecd8ff, 200: #d8b9ff, 300: #c297ff, 400: #a475f9, 500: #8250df, 600: #6639ba, 700: #512a97, 800: #3e1f79, 900: #2e1461, 1000: #000000), primerPink: (0: #ffffff, 50: #ffeff7, 100: #ffd3eb, 200: #ffadda, 300: #ff80c8, 400: #e85aad, 500: #bf3989, 600: #99286e, 700: #772057, 800: #611347, 900: #4d0336, 1000: #000000), primerCoral: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fff0eb, 100: #ffd6cc, 200: #ffb4a1, 300: #fd8c73, 400: #ec6547, 500: #c4432b, 600: #9e2f1c, 700: #801f0f, 800: #691105, 900: #510901, 1000: #000000), tailwindNeutral: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fafafa, 100: #f5f5f5, 200: #e5e5e5, 300: #d4d4d4, 400: #a3a3a3, 500: #737373, 600: #525252, 700: #404040, 800: #262626, 900: #171717, 1000: #000000), tailwindSlate: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f8fafc, 100: #f1f5f9, 200: #e2e8f0, 300: #cbd5e1, 400: #94a3b8, 500: #64748b, 600: #475569, 700: #334155, 800: #1e293b, 900: #0f172a, 1000: #000000), tailwindGray: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f9fafb, 100: #f3f4f6, 200: #e5e7eb, 300: #d1d5db, 400: #9ca3af, 500: #6b7280, 600: #4b5563, 700: #374151, 800: #1f2937, 900: #111827, 1000: #000000), tailwindZinc: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fafafa, 100: #f4f4f5, 200: #e4e4e7, 300: #d4d4d8, 400: #a1a1aa, 500: #71717a, 600: #52525b, 700: #3f3f46, 800: #27272a, 900: #18181b, 1000: #000000), tailwindStone: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fafaf9, 100: #f5f5f4, 200: #e7e5e4, 300: #d6d3d1, 400: #a8a29e, 500: #78716c, 600: #57534e, 700: #44403c, 800: #292524, 900: #1c1917, 1000: #000000), tailwindRed: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fef2f2, 100: #fee2e2, 200: #fecaca, 300: #fca5a5, 400: #f87171, 500: #ef4444, 600: #dc2626, 700: #b91c1c, 800: #991b1b, 900: #7f1d1d, 1000: #000000), tailwindOrange: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fff7ed, 100: #ffedd5, 200: #fed7aa, 300: #fdba74, 400: #fb923c, 500: #f97316, 600: #ea580c, 700: #c2410c, 800: #9a3412, 900: #7c2d12, 1000: #000000), tailwindAmber: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fffbeb, 100: #fef3c7, 200: #fde68a, 300: #fcd34d, 400: #fbbf24, 500: #f59e0b, 600: #d97706, 700: #b45309, 800: #92400e, 900: #78350f, 1000: #000000), tailwindYellow: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fefce8, 100: #fef9c3, 200: #fef08a, 300: #fde047, 400: #facc15, 500: #eab308, 600: #ca8a04, 700: #a16207, 800: #854d0e, 900: #713f12, 1000: #000000), tailwindLime: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f7fee7, 100: #ecfccb, 200: #d9f99d, 300: #bef264, 400: #a3e635, 500: #84cc16, 600: #65a30d, 700: #4d7c0f, 800: #3f6212, 900: #365314, 1000: #000000), tailwindGreen: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f0fdf4, 100: #dcfce7, 200: #bbf7d0, 300: #86efac, 400: #4ade80, 500: #22c55e, 600: #16a34a, 700: #15803d, 800: #166534, 900: #14532d, 1000: #000000), tailwindEmerald: (0: #ffffff, 50: #ecfdf5, 100: #d1fae5, 200: #a7f3d0, 300: #6ee7b7, 400: #34d399, 500: #10b981, 600: #059669, 700: #047857, 800: #065f46, 900: #064e3b, 1000: #000000), tailwindTeal: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f0fdfa, 100: #ccfbf1, 200: #99f6e4, 300: #5eead4, 400: #2dd4bf, 500: #14b8a6, 600: #0d9488, 700: #0f766e, 800: #115e59, 900: #134e4a, 1000: #000000), tailwindCyan: (0: #ffffff, 50: #ecfeff, 100: #cffafe, 200: #a5f3fc, 300: #67e8f9, 400: #22d3ee, 500: #06b6d4, 600: #0891b2, 700: #0e7490, 800: #155e75, 900: #164e63, 1000: #000000), tailwindSky: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f0f9ff, 100: #e0f2fe, 200: #bae6fd, 300: #7dd3fc, 400: #38bdf8, 500: #0ea5e9, 600: #0284c7, 700: #0369a1, 800: #075985, 900: #0c4a6e, 1000: #000000), tailwindBlue: (0: #ffffff, 50: #eff6ff, 100: #dbeafe, 200: #bfdbfe, 300: #93c5fd, 400: #60a5fa, 500: #3b82f6, 600: #2563eb, 700: #1d4ed8, 800: #1e40af, 900: #1e3a8a, 1000: #000000), tailwindIndigo: (0: #ffffff, 50: #eef2ff, 100: #e0e7ff, 200: #c7d2fe, 300: #a5b4fc, 400: #818cf8, 500: #6366f1, 600: #4f46e5, 700: #4338ca, 800: #3730a3, 900: #312e81, 1000: #000000), tailwindViolet: (0: #ffffff, 50: #f5f3ff, 100: #ede9fe, 200: #ddd6fe, 300: #c4b5fd, 400: #a78bfa, 500: #8b5cf6, 600: #7c3aed, 700: #6d28d9, 800: #5b21b6, 900: #4c1d95, 1000: #000000), tailwindPurple: (0: #ffffff, 50: #faf5ff, 100: #f3e8ff, 200: #e9d5ff, 300: #d8b4fe, 400: #c084fc, 500: #a855f7, 600: #9333ea, 700: #7e22ce, 800: #6b21a8, 900: #581c87, 1000: #000000), tailwindFuchsia: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fdf4ff, 100: #fae8ff, 200: #f5d0fe, 300: #f0abfc, 400: #e879f9, 500: #d946ef, 600: #c026d3, 700: #a21caf, 800: #86198f, 900: #701a75, 1000: #000000), tailwindPink: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fdf2f8, 100: #fce7f3, 200: #fbcfe8, 300: #f9a8d4, 400: #f472b6, 500: #ec4899, 600: #db2777, 700: #be185d, 800: #9d174d, 900: #831843, 1000: #000000), tailwindRose: (0: #ffffff, 50: #fff1f2, 100: #ffe4e6, 200: #fecdd3, 300: #fda4af, 400: #fb7185, 500: #f43f5e, 600: #e11d48, 700: #be123c, 800: #9f1239, 900: #881337, 1000: #000000))"
"kendo-enable-color-system": {
"type": "Bool",
"value": "false"
"kendo-colors": {
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"value": "(app-surface: null, on-app-surface: null, subtle: null, surface: null, surface-alt: null, border: null, border-alt: null, base-subtle: null, base-subtle-hover: null, base-subtle-active: null, base: null, base-hover: null, base-active: null, base-emphasis: null, base-on-subtle: null, on-base: null, base-on-surface: null, primary-subtle: null, primary-subtle-hover: null, primary-subtle-active: null, primary: null, primary-hover: null, primary-active: null, primary-emphasis: null, primary-on-subtle: null, on-primary: null, primary-on-surface: null, secondary-subtle: null, secondary-subtle-hover: null, secondary-subtle-active: null, secondary: null, secondary-hover: null, secondary-active: null, secondary-emphasis: null, secondary-on-subtle: null, on-secondary: null, secondary-on-surface: null, tertiary-subtle: null, tertiary-subtle-hover: null, tertiary-subtle-active: null, tertiary: null, tertiary-hover: null, tertiary-active: null, tertiary-emphasis: null, tertiary-on-subtle: null, on-tertiary: null, tertiary-on-surface: null, info-subtle: null, info-subtle-hover: null, info-subtle-active: null, info: null, info-hover: null, info-active: null, info-emphasis: null, info-on-subtle: null, on-info: null, info-on-surface: null, success-subtle: null, success-subtle-hover: null, success-subtle-active: null, success: null, success-hover: null, success-active: null, success-emphasis: null, success-on-subtle: null, on-success: null, success-on-surface: null, warning-subtle: null, warning-subtle-hover: null, warning-subtle-active: null, warning: null, warning-hover: null, warning-active: null, warning-emphasis: null, warning-on-subtle: null, on-warning: null, warning-on-surface: null, error-subtle: null, error-subtle-hover: null, error-subtle-active: null, error: null, error-hover: null, error-active: null, error-emphasis: null, error-on-subtle: null, on-error: null, error-on-surface: null, light-subtle: null, light-subtle-hover: null, light-subtle-active: null, light: null, light-hover: null, light-active: null, light-emphasis: null, light-on-subtle: null, on-light: null, light-on-surface: null, dark-subtle: null, dark-subtle-hover: null, dark-subtle-active: null, dark: null, dark-hover: null, dark-active: null, dark-emphasis: null, dark-on-subtle: null, on-dark: null, dark-on-surface: null, inverse-subtle: null, inverse-subtle-hover: null, inverse-subtle-active: null, inverse: null, inverse-hover: null, inverse-active: null, inverse-emphasis: null, inverse-on-subtle: null, on-inverse: null, inverse-on-surface: null, series-a: null, series-a-bold: null, series-a-bolder: null, series-a-subtle: null, series-a-subtler: null, series-b: null, series-b-bold: null, series-b-bolder: null, series-b-subtle: null, series-b-subtler: null, series-c: null, series-c-bold: null, series-c-bolder: null, series-c-subtle: null, series-c-subtler: null, series-d: null, series-d-bold: null, series-d-bolder: null, series-d-subtle: null, series-d-subtler: null, series-e: null, series-e-bold: null, series-e-bolder: null, series-e-subtle: null, series-e-subtler: null, series-f: null, series-f-bold: null, series-f-bolder: null, series-f-subtle: null, series-f-subtler: null)"
"kendo-color-white": {
"type": "Color",
"value": "#ffffff"
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"type": "List",
"value": "white, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"
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"type": "List",
"value": "#ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00, #00ffff, #0000ff, #ff00ff, #ff0000"
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"type": "Bool",
"value": "false"
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"type": "Null",
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"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
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"type": "Null",
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"kendo-invalid-border": {
"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
"kendo-invalid-shadow": {
"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
"kendo-disabled-bg": {
"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
"kendo-disabled-text": {
"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
"kendo-disabled-border": {
"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
"kendo-loading-bg": {
"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
"kendo-loading-text": {
"type": "Null",
"value": "null"
"kendo-theme-colors": {
"type": "List",
"value": "()"
"kendo-prefix": {

@@ -39,10 +199,14 @@ "type": "String",

"kendo-theme-colors": {
"kendo-font-sizes": {
"type": "List",
"value": "()"
"kendo-font-sizes": {
"kendo-util-colors-list": {
"type": "List",
"value": "()"
"value": "primary-subtle, primary, primary-emphasis, secondary-subtle, secondary, secondary-emphasis, tertiary-subtle, tertiary, tertiary-emphasis, info-subtle, info, info-emphasis, success-subtle, success, success-emphasis, warning-subtle, warning, warning-emphasis, error-subtle, error, error-emphasis, light-subtle, light, light-emphasis, dark-subtle, dark, dark-emphasis"
"kendo-util-colors": {
"type": "Map",
"value": "(primary-subtle: null, primary: null, primary-emphasis: null, secondary-subtle: null, secondary: null, secondary-emphasis: null, tertiary-subtle: null, tertiary: null, tertiary-emphasis: null, info-subtle: null, info: null, info-emphasis: null, success-subtle: null, success: null, success-emphasis: null, warning-subtle: null, warning: null, warning-emphasis: null, error-subtle: null, error: null, error-emphasis: null, light-subtle: null, light: null, light-emphasis: null, dark-subtle: null, dark: null, dark-emphasis: null)"
"kendo-spacing": {

@@ -49,0 +213,0 @@ "type": "Map",


"name": "@progress/kendo-theme-utils",
"description": "Utility first library alongside Kendo UI",
"version": "7.2.2-dev.0",
"version": "7.3.0-dev.0",
"author": "Progress",

@@ -46,3 +46,3 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"dependencies": {
"@progress/kendo-theme-core": "7.2.2-dev.0"
"@progress/kendo-theme-core": "7.3.0-dev.0"

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ "directories": {

"gitHead": "14dd89a76f235649ba2cf9f260465cdcb486c135"
"gitHead": "01297a87bc94d867851e28577c04a0596e35e4f9"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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