Username/password or JsonWebToken based authentication process
activity diagram
✓ returns a promise
✓ invokes "noCredentials", if username or password is empty
✓ invokes "notFound", if user not found by usesername
✓ invokes "isDeactivated", if user is deactivated
✓ invokes "toDeactivate" for HUMAN users, if last login and user's creation long time ago
✓ invokes "loginExpired" for HUMAN users, if last login is some hours ago
✓ invokes "invalidPassword" if active user exists, but passwort is wrong
✓ invokes "invalidWebToken", if JsonWebToken is there (not falsy) and invalid
✓ invokes "authenticated", if active user found and passwort is ok
✓ invokes "authenticated", if valid JsonWebToken is there
✓ invokes "notFound", if user not found by JsonWebToken
✓ invokes "invalidWebToken" by list of JsonWebTokens (jwtList)
✓ invokes "notFound", if last token is valid, but user not found (jwtList)
✓ invokes "authenticated" by jwtList (last entry will be checked first)
✓ invokes "authenticated" by jwtList (both entries will be checked if last one is invalid)
✓ invokes "oldPwUsed" (oldPasswordUsed), if secondary password is given, but old password is used (and does match) to authenticate
✓ supports login with secondary password, if configured
✓ invokes "toDeactivate", if active, non system user reach max attempts with wrong password, within some time-frame
✓ invokes "passwordExpired", if active, non system user login with old password
✓ supports login with temporary password
✓ must not invoke "toDeactivate", "loginExpired" and "passwordExpired" for SYSTEM user
The argument object consists of
arg = {gofer, carrier, lib, jwt, jwtList, username, password}
Gofers are callback functions which will be invoked with "user" argument.
Carriers are Promises to load/send data.
Libs are functions or promises to map data.
jwt is optional JsonWebToken string, encoded as it comes from request data.
username/password is required, if jwt is falsy or invalid.
jwtList (array of string): with this argument, potential existence of more than one token (e.g. due to usage of cross-domain cookies) is supported. According to standard's recommendations how browsers send duplicate cookies, last item will be checked first. If jwtList is given, jwt is ignored.
gofer = {
carrier = {
getUser: ({username}) => <Promise resolve to user or null>
getOptions: () => <Promise resolve to an options object>
lib = { comparePassword: (x, y) => <Promise resolve to boolean> }
maxTimeWithoutActivity: (integer)[milli seconds],
maxTimeWithout401: (integer)[milli seconds],
maxLoginAttempts: (integer),
maxLoginAttemptsTimeWindow: (integer)[milli seconds],
jwtKey: (string), required if argument "jwt" is not falsy
Required datastructure of user
username: <String>,
created_time: <Date>,
last_login: <Date>,
type: <String>,
password: <String>,
password_secondary: <String>,
password_new: <String>,
last_login_failed: <Date>,
login_failed_count: <Integer>,
password_expiry_date: <Date>
deactivate: <String>