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@react-querybuilder/bulma - npm Package Versions



published 7.0.0 •



[v7.0.0] - 2024-03-06


  • The minimum React version is now 18, due to the new react-redux v9 dependency.
  • [#654] The minimum TypeScript version is now 5.1.
  • [#595] The parser functions have been removed from the main export, and are only available as separate exports. This change reduces the main bundle size by roughly 50%. <!-- prettier-ignore --> | Function | New import requirement | | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | parseCEL | import { parseCEL } from "react-querybuilder/parseCEL" | | parseJsonLogic | import { parseJsonLogic } from "react-querybuilder/parseJsonLogic" | | parseMongoDB | import { parseMongoDB } from "react-querybuilder/parseMongoDB" | | parseSQL | import { parseSQL } from "react-querybuilder/parseSQL" |
  • [#537] Some of the default labels have been updated per the table below. <!-- prettier-ignore --> | Key | Old | New | Notes | | -------------------------------- | ---------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------- | | translations.addRule.label | "+Rule" | "+ Rule" | Space added between "+" and "Rule" | | translations.addGroup.label | "+Group" | "+ Group" | Space added between "+" and "Group" | | translations.removeRule.label | "x" | "⨯" | HTML entity &cross; / &#x2A2F; | | translations.removeGroup.label | "x" | "⨯" | HTML entity &cross; / &#x2A2F; |
  • [#589] The independentCombinators prop has been deprecated and will be ignored if used. To enable the independent combinators functionality, use RuleGroupTypeIC for the query or defaultQuery prop. The query builder will detect the query type and behave accordingly. If the independentCombinators prop is present, a warning will be logged to the console (in "development" mode only).
  • [#523] parseMongoDB now generates more concise queries when it encounters $not operators that specify a single, boolean condition. Whereas previously that would yield a group with not: true, it will now generate a rule with a inverted/negated operator ("=" inverted is "!=", "contains" inverted is "doesNotContain", etc.). To prevent this behavior, set the preventOperatorNegation option to true ([#653]).
  • [#589] The disabled prop has been un-deprecated. Disabling the entire query with the prop and setting disabled: true as a property of the root group now produce different behaviors. Specifically, the root group's lock/unlock button will always be enabled if the disabled prop is not true.
  • [#555] Value editors for compatibility packages that render components specific to their respective library now accept an extraProps prop that will be passed directly to the library component, spread like {...extraProps}. The type of extraProps is any because each value editor can render one of several library components that accept different props.
  • [#637] The "json_without_ids" export format now explicitly removes the id and path properties from the output, leaving all other properties unchanged. Previously this format would only include specific properties which had the effect of removing any non-standard properties.
  • The first generic argument of ValueEditorProps, ValueSelectorProps, and FieldSelectorProps must extend the new FullOption interface instead of Option.
<details> <summary>Compatibility packages</summary>
  • [#537] Several compatibility packages now override the default labels for non-text components (lock*, clone*, remove*, and dragHandle) with SVGs from official icon packages. This brings them more in line with their respective design systems by default.
    • @react-querybuilder/antd: @ant-design/icons
    • @react-querybuilder/bootstrap: bootstrap-icons
    • @react-querybuilder/chakra: @chakra-ui/icons
    • @react-querybuilder/fluent: @fluentui/react-icons-mdl2
    • @react-querybuilder/material: @mui/icons-material
  • [#537] @react-querybuilder/mantine now requires Mantine v7.
  • [#537] @react-querybuilder/bootstrap component BootstrapDragHandle has been removed. It is redundant since dragHandle.label can now be a ReactNode.
</details> <details> <summary>Low-impact changes</summary>
  • [#537] The useQueryBuilder hook has been split into useQueryBuilderSetup and useQueryBuilderSchema. Each hook takes the full QueryBuilder props object as its first parameter (as useQueryBuilder did), and useQueryBuilderSchema accepts the return value of useQueryBuilderSetup as its second parameter.
  • [#537] The useStopEventPropagation hook now takes a single function as its parameter instead of an object map of functions, so it must be run for each wrapped function individually.
  • [#537] Paths are now declared with a new type alias Path instead of number[]. The actual type is the same: type Path = number[].
  • [#537] The RuleGroupTypeIC type now includes combinator?: undefined to ensure that query objects intended for use in query builders where independentCombinators is enabled do not contain combinator properties.
  • [#663] Whereever the native parseFloat was used internally, parseNumber is now used. parseNumber now delegates parsing to the more versatile numeric-quantity package. The default behavior has not changed, but a new "enhanced" option will ignore trailing invalid characters (e.g., "abc" in "123abc") just like the native parseFloat method, with the only difference being it won't return NaN when parsing fails. Additionally, the numericRegex export is now adapted from (but largely identical to) the export of the same name from numeric-quantity.
  • The logic to prefer a field's valueEditorType over the getValueEditorType prop has moved from the useRule hook to the useQueryBuilderSetup hook.


  • Default structural styles (flex direction, alignment, spacing, etc.) are now available in a standalone stylesheet query-builder-layout.css/query-builder-layout.scss. The default stylesheet, query-builder.css/query-builder.scss, still contains structural styles but also includes more decorative styles like colors and border styles. The effective styles of the default stylesheet have not changed from version 6.
  • [#586] Options in list-type props can now use value as the identifier property in lieu of name. Additionally, all Options within OptionLists passed down to subcomponents (fields, fieldData, combinators, operators, values, etc.) are guaranteed to have both name and value. This makes it easier to use libraries like react-select that expect a list of type { value: string; label: string; }[] and not { name: string; label: string; }[].
    • [#654] Relatedly, field identifier types (name/value properties) will now be inferred from the fields prop if they have been narrowed from string. These narrowed types will be applied to subcomponents and other props that take fields or field identifiers as arguments/props.
    • [#663] The Field, Operator, and Combinator interfaces each have corresponding Full* and *ByValue counterparts. Both name and value are required in the Full* interfaces; only value is required in the *ByValue interfaces.
  • [#595] Two "bulk override" properties have been added to the controlElements prop: actionElement and valueSelector. When actionElement is defined, it will be used for each component that defaults to ActionElement (as long as that component is not explicitly overridden in the controlElements prop). Same for valueSelector and components that default to ValueSelector (including ValueEditor in cases where it renders a value selector). This makes it possible to define replacement components for all buttons and selectors at once instead of one-by-one. <!-- prettier-ignore --> | controlElements property | Sets default for | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | valueSelector | combinatorSelector, fieldSelector, operatorSelector, valueSourceSelector, valueEditor (when rendering a value selector) | | actionElement | addGroupAction, addRuleAction, cloneGroupAction, cloneRuleAction, lockGroupAction, lockRuleAction, removeGroupAction, removeRuleAction |
  • [#577] A new showShiftActions prop provides first-class support for rearranging rules within a query without enabling drag-and-drop. When showShiftActions is true, two buttons will appear at the front of each rule and group (except the root group), stacked vertically by default. The first/upper button will shift the rule or group one spot higher, while the second/lower button will shift it one spot lower. Pressing the modifier key (Alt on Windows/Linux, Option/ on Mac) while clicking a shift action will clone the rule or group instead of just moving it. A ShiftActions component has been added, along with a corresponding component for each compatibility package. New translations properties shiftActionUp and shiftActionDown allow configuration of the label and title of each button within the new component.
  • [#512] Accessibility is improved with the addition of a title attribute to the outermost <div> of each rule group. The text of this attribute can be customized with the accessibleDescriptionGenerator function prop.
  • [#537]/[#589] Three new methods make it easier to manage arbitrary query updates from custom components. (Previously we recommended including the query object as a property of the context prop, but that workaround is no longer necessary.) The first two methods are available from the schema prop passed to every component, and should only be used in event handlers. The third is a React Hook and should follow the appropriate rules.
    • getQuery(): returns the current root query object.
    • dispatchQuery(query): updates the internal query state and then calls the onQueryChange callback.
    • useQueryBuilderSelector(selector): returns the current root query object using the provided selector function, which can be generated with getQuerySelectorById(props.schema.qbId).
  • Most of the get* callback props now receive an additional "meta" parameter with a fieldData property (more properties may be added to the "meta" object in the future). fieldData is the full Field object from the fields array for the given field name, including any custom properties (a common one is datatype). This eliminates the need to find the field object based solely on the field's name within the get* functions themselves. The following callback props provide the new "meta" parameter: getDefaultOperator, getDefaultValue, getInputType, getOperators, getRuleClassname, getValueEditorSeparator, getValueEditorType, getValues, and getValueSources.
  • [#537] <QueryBuilderDnD /> and <QueryBuilderDndWithoutProvider /> from @react-querybuilder/dnd now accept a canDrop callback prop. If provided, the function will be called when dragging a rule or group. The only parameter will be an object containing dragging and hovering properties, representing the rule/group being dragged and the rule/group over which it is hovered, respectively. The objects will also contain the path of each item. If canDrop returns false, dropping the item at its current position will have no effect on the query. Otherwise the normal drag-and-drop rules will apply.
  • [#537] All label props and translations.*.label properties now accept ReactNode. This includes all action elements (buttons), "not" toggles, and drag handles. Previously label was limited to string. This enables, for example, the assignment of SVG elements as labels.
  • [#537] The translations prop can now be passed down through the compatibility context providers like <QueryBuilderBootstrap /> and <QueryBuilderMaterial />. The object will be merged with the translations prop of descendant QueryBuilder components.
  • [#589] Custom rule processors for formatQuery now receive the full Field object in the options parameter, as long as the fields array is provided alongside ruleProcessor. In TypeScript, the member type of the fields array now requires a label: string property. Previously, only name was required.
  • [#595] parseMongoDB now supports custom operators through the additionalOperators option.
  • [#589] New utility function uniqByIdentifier replaces uniqByName, which has been deprecated. uniqByIdentifier will remove duplicates based on the value property, or name if value is undefined (see [#586]).
  • [#526] Experimental support for ElasticSearch export format in formatQuery.
  • [#606] New compatibility package for Tremor, @react-querybuilder/tremor.
  • [#537] New API documentation, generated directly from the source code, at In support of this, many types and functions now have better JSDoc comments which should provide a better developer experience in modern IDEs.
  • [#638] Value selectors now respect the disabled property of individual options in option lists.
  • [#663] The format option set during a call to formatQuery will be passed to custom rule processors as a property of the options object in the second parameter.
  • [#663] parseSpEL method for importing SpEL expressions.


  • [#537] Performance is improved (especially for large queries), as long as each prop except for query has a stable reference. The most common violation of that rule is probably inline arrow function declarations in the onQueryChange prop, a problem which can usually be addressed with useCallback.
  • [#589] Fixed issue where locking the root group would prevent unlocking the query.
  • [#595] MantineValueSelector now correctly renders option group headers.
  • [#619] The package.json#types location has been corrected for all packages. This (probably) only affected legacy build systems that don't support/respect package.json#exports.
  • [#623] Fixed an issue where Next triggered the "uncontrolled to controlled" warning unnecessarily. Removed a useEffect call from usePrevious and a ref that tracked "first render" from useQueryBuilderSchema.
  • [#625] A default value will not be selected unnecessarily when valueEditorType evaluates to "multiselect".
  • Refactored custom hooks to avoid unnecessary useEffect calls.
  • [#663] formatQuery for "jsonlogic" will no longer collapse subgroups that only contain one rule into a single JsonLogic rule. Full query objects that contain only one rule will still be collapsed.
  • [#663] When a values list is defined for a field, and the value is reset due to resetOnFieldChange or resetOnOperatorChange being true, the rule value will no longer be set to the first value in the list unless the valueEditorType evaluates to "select" or "radio".
  • [#663] formatQuery now renders the fallback expression for subgroups where all rules are invalid. Previously this could result in "()", which is invalid SQL.
published 7.0.0-rc.1 •
published 7.0.0-rc.0 •
published 7.0.0-beta.5 •
published 7.0.0-beta.4 •
published 7.0.0-beta.3 •
published 7.0.0-beta.2 •
published 7.0.0-beta.1 •
published 7.0.0-beta.0 •
published 7.0.0-alpha.7 •