
is a
postprocessing wrapper for
@react-three/fiber. This is not
(yet) meant for complex orchestration of effects, but can save you
hundreds of LOC for a
straight forward effects-chain.
npm install @react-three/postprocessing
These demos are real, you can click them! They contain the full code, too. 📦
Why postprocessing and not three/examples/jsm/postprocessing?
This library provides an EffectPass which automatically organizes and merges
any given combination of effects. This minimizes the amount of render
operations and makes it possible to combine many effects without the
performance penalties of traditional pass chaining. Additionally, every effect
can choose its own blend function.
All fullscreen render operations also use a single triangle that fills the
screen. Compared to using a quad, this approach harmonizes with modern GPU
rasterization patterns and eliminates unnecessary fragment calculations along
the screen diagonal. This is especially beneficial for GPGPU passes and
effects that use complex fragment shaders.
Postprocessing also supports gamma correction out of the box, as well as WebGL2
MSAA (multi sample anti aliasing), which is react-postprocessing's default, you
get high performance crisp results w/o jagged edges.
What does it look like?
Here's an example combining a couple of effects
(live demo).
import React from 'react'
import { Bloom, DepthOfField, EffectComposer, Noise, Vignette } from '@react-three/postprocessing'
import { Canvas } from '@react-three/fiber'
function App() {
return (
{/* Your regular scene contents go here, like always ... */}
<DepthOfField focusDistance={0} focalLength={0.02} bokehScale={2} height={480} />
<Bloom luminanceThreshold={0} luminanceSmoothing={0.9} height={300} />
<Noise opacity={0.02} />
<Vignette eskil={false} offset={0.1} darkness={1.1} />