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@rollup/plugin-node-resolve - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 7.0.0 to 7.1.0

# @rollup/plugin-node-resolve ChangeLog
## v7.1.0
### Updates
- refactor: clean codebase and fix external warnings (#155)
## v7.0.0

@@ -4,0 +12,0 @@



@@ -1,96 +0,143 @@

import { dirname, resolve, normalize, sep, extname } from 'path';
import fs, { realpathSync } from 'fs';
import { dirname, resolve, extname, normalize, sep } from 'path';
import builtinList from 'builtin-modules';
import resolveId from 'resolve';
import isModule from 'is-module';
import fs, { realpathSync } from 'fs';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { createFilter } from '@rollup/pluginutils';
import resolveModule from 'resolve';
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
if (!(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr) || === "[object Arguments]")) {
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {
var info = gen[key](arg);
var value = info.value;
} catch (error) {
var _arr = [];
var _n = true;
var _d = false;
var _e = undefined;
if (info.done) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
try {
for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
return function () {
var self = this,
args = arguments;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
} catch (err) {
_d = true;
_e = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();
} finally {
if (_d) throw _e;
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
return _arr;
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
function _nonIterableRest() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
var peerDependencies = {
rollup: "^1.20.0"
const exists = promisify(fs.exists);
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);
const realpath = promisify(fs.realpath);
const stat = promisify(fs.stat);
const onError = error => {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
return false;
throw error;
const builtins = new Set(builtinList);
const ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY = '\0node-resolve:empty.js'; // It is important that .mjs occur before .js so that Rollup will interpret npm modules
// which deploy both ESM .mjs and CommonJS .js files as ESM.
const makeCache = fn => {
const cache = new Map();
const DEFAULT_EXTS = ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node'];
const wrapped =
function () {
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (param, done) {
if (cache.has(param) === false) {
cache.set(param, fn(param).catch(err => {
throw err;
const existsAsync = file => new Promise(fulfil => fs.exists(file, fulfil));
try {
const result = cache.get(param);
const value = yield result;
return done(null, value);
} catch (error) {
return done(error);
const readFileAsync = file => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => fs.readFile(file, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents)));
return function wrapped(_x, _x2) {
return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
const realpathAsync = file => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => fs.realpath(file, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents)));
wrapped.clear = () => cache.clear();
const statAsync = file => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => fs.stat(file, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents)));
return wrapped;
const cache = fn => {
const cache = new Map();
const isDirCached = makeCache(
function () {
var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (file) {
try {
const stats = yield stat(file);
return stats.isDirectory();
} catch (error) {
return onError(error);
const wrapped = (param, done) => {
if (cache.has(param) === false) {
cache.set(param, fn(param).catch(err => {
throw err;
return function (_x3) {
return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);
const isFileCached = makeCache(
function () {
var _ref3 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (file) {
try {
const stats = yield stat(file);
return stats.isFile();
} catch (error) {
return onError(error);
return cache.get(param).then(result => done(null, result), done);
return function (_x4) {
return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);
const readCachedFile = makeCache(readFile);
wrapped.clear = () => cache.clear();
const resolveId = promisify(resolveModule); // returns the imported package name for bare module imports
return wrapped;
function getPackageName(id) {
if (id.startsWith('.') || id.startsWith('/')) {
return null;
const ignoreENOENT = err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') return false;
throw err;
const split = id.split('/'); // @my-scope/my-package/foo.js -> @my-scope/my-package
// @my-scope/my-package -> @my-scope/my-package
const readFileCached = cache(readFileAsync);
const isDirCached = cache(file => statAsync(file).then(stat => stat.isDirectory(), ignoreENOENT));
const isFileCached = cache(file => statAsync(file).then(stat => stat.isFile(), ignoreENOENT));
if (split[0][0] === '@') {
return `${split[0]}/${split[1]}`;
} // my-package/foo.js -> my-package
// my-package -> my-package
return split[0];
function getMainFields(options) {

@@ -100,21 +147,5 @@ let mainFields;

if (options.mainFields) {
if ('module' in options || 'main' in options || 'jsnext' in options) {
throw new Error(`node-resolve: do not use deprecated 'module', 'main', 'jsnext' options with 'mainFields'`);
mainFields = options.mainFields;
} else {
mainFields = [];
[['module', 'module', true], ['jsnext', 'jsnext:main', false], ['main', 'main', true]].forEach(([option, field, defaultIncluded]) => {
if (option in options) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`node-resolve: setting options.${option} is deprecated, please override options.mainFields instead`);
if (options[option]) {
} else if (defaultIncluded) {
mainFields = ['main', 'module'];

@@ -127,3 +158,3 @@

if (!mainFields.length) {
throw new Error(`Please ensure at least one 'mainFields' value is specified`);
throw new Error('Please ensure at least one `mainFields` value is specified');

@@ -133,167 +164,191 @@

function getPackageInfo(options) {
const cache = options.cache,
extensions = options.extensions,
pkg = options.pkg,
mainFields = options.mainFields,
preserveSymlinks = options.preserveSymlinks,
useBrowserOverrides = options.useBrowserOverrides;
let pkgPath = options.pkgPath;
const alwaysNull = () => null;
if (cache.has(pkgPath)) {
return cache.get(pkgPath);
} // browserify/resolve doesn't realpath paths returned in its packageFilter callback
const resolveIdAsync = (file, opts) => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => resolveId(file, opts, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents))); // Resolve module specifiers in order. Promise resolves to the first
// module that resolves successfully, or the error that resulted from
// the last attempted module resolution.
if (!preserveSymlinks) {
pkgPath = realpathSync(pkgPath);
function resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, resolveOptions) {
let p = Promise.resolve();
const pkgRoot = dirname(pkgPath);
const packageInfo = {
// copy as we are about to munge the `main` field of `pkg`.
packageJson: Object.assign({}, pkg),
// path to package.json file
packageJsonPath: pkgPath,
// directory containing the package.json
root: pkgRoot,
// which main field was used during resolution of this module (main, module, or browser)
resolvedMainField: 'main',
// whether the browser map was used to resolve the entry point to this module
browserMappedMain: false,
// the entry point of the module with respect to the selected main field and any
// relevant browser mappings.
resolvedEntryPoint: ''
let overriddenMain = false;
for (let i = 0; i < importSpecifierList.length; i++) {
p = p.then(v => {
// if we've already resolved to something, just return it.
if (v) return v;
return resolveIdAsync(importSpecifierList[i], resolveOptions);
for (let i = 0; i < mainFields.length; i++) {
const field = mainFields[i];
if (i < importSpecifierList.length - 1) {
// swallow MODULE_NOT_FOUND errors from all but the last resolution
p = p.catch(err => {
if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw err;
if (typeof pkg[field] === 'string') {
pkg.main = pkg[field];
packageInfo.resolvedMainField = field;
overriddenMain = true;
return p;
} // returns the imported package name for bare module imports
const internalPackageInfo = {
cachedPkg: pkg,
hasModuleSideEffects: () => null,
hasPackageEntry: overriddenMain !== false || mainFields.indexOf('main') !== -1,
packageBrowserField: useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && Object.keys(pkg.browser).reduce((browser, key) => {
let resolved = pkg.browser[key];
if (resolved && resolved[0] === '.') {
resolved = resolve(pkgRoot, resolved);
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
function getPackageName(id) {
if (id.startsWith('.') || id.startsWith('/')) {
return null;
const split = id.split('/'); // @my-scope/my-package/foo.js -> @my-scope/my-package
// @my-scope/my-package -> @my-scope/my-package
browser[key] = resolved;
if (split[0][0] === '@') {
return `${split[0]}/${split[1]}`;
} // my-package/foo.js -> my-package
// my-package -> my-package
if (key[0] === '.') {
const absoluteKey = resolve(pkgRoot, key);
browser[absoluteKey] = resolved;
if (!extname(key)) {
extensions.reduce((subBrowser, ext) => {
subBrowser[absoluteKey + ext] = subBrowser[key];
return subBrowser;
}, browser);
return split[0];
return browser;
}, {}),
const browserMap = internalPackageInfo.packageBrowserField;
function nodeResolve(options = {}) {
const mainFields = getMainFields(options);
const useBrowserOverrides = mainFields.indexOf('browser') !== -1;
const dedupe = options.dedupe || [];
const isPreferBuiltinsSet = options.preferBuiltins === true || options.preferBuiltins === false;
const preferBuiltins = isPreferBuiltinsSet ? options.preferBuiltins : true;
const customResolveOptions = options.customResolveOptions || {};
const rootDir = options.rootDir || process.cwd();
const jail = options.jail;
const only = Array.isArray(options.only) ? => o instanceof RegExp ? o : new RegExp(`^${String(o).replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')}$`)) : null;
const browserMapCache = new Map();
let preserveSymlinks;
if (options.skip) {
throw new Error('options.skip is no longer supported — you should use the main Rollup `external` option instead');
if (useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
browserMap.hasOwnProperty(pkg.main)) {
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = browserMap[pkg.main];
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = true;
} else {
// index.node is technically a valid default entrypoint as well...
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = resolve(pkgRoot, pkg.main || 'index.js');
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = false;
const extensions = options.extensions || DEFAULT_EXTS;
const packageInfoCache = new Map();
const idToPackageInfo = new Map();
const shouldDedupe = typeof dedupe === 'function' ? dedupe : importee => dedupe.includes(importee) || dedupe.includes(getPackageName(importee));
const packageSideEffects = pkg.sideEffects;
function getCachedPackageInfo(pkg, pkgPath) {
if (packageInfoCache.has(pkgPath)) {
return packageInfoCache.get(pkgPath);
} // browserify/resolve doesn't realpath paths returned in its packageFilter callback
if (typeof packageSideEffects === 'boolean') {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = () => packageSideEffects;
} else if (Array.isArray(packageSideEffects)) {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = createFilter(packageSideEffects, null, {
resolve: pkgRoot
cache.set(pkgPath, internalPackageInfo);
return internalPackageInfo;
function normalizeInput(input) {
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
return input;
} else if (typeof input === 'object') {
return Object.values(input);
} // otherwise it's a string
if (!preserveSymlinks) {
pkgPath = realpathSync(pkgPath);
const pkgRoot = dirname(pkgPath);
const packageInfo = {
// copy as we are about to munge the `main` field of `pkg`.
packageJson: Object.assign({}, pkg),
// path to package.json file
packageJsonPath: pkgPath,
// directory containing the package.json
root: pkgRoot,
// which main field was used during resolution of this module (main, module, or browser)
resolvedMainField: 'main',
// whether the browser map was used to resolve the entry point to this module
browserMappedMain: false,
// the entry point of the module with respect to the selected main field and any
// relevant browser mappings.
resolvedEntryPoint: ''
let overriddenMain = false;
return input;
} // Resolve module specifiers in order. Promise resolves to the first module that resolves
// successfully, or the error that resulted from the last attempted module resolution.
for (let i = 0; i < mainFields.length; i++) {
const field = mainFields[i];
function resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, resolveOptions) {
let promise = Promise.resolve();
if (typeof pkg[field] === 'string') {
pkg.main = pkg[field];
packageInfo.resolvedMainField = field;
overriddenMain = true;
for (let i = 0; i < importSpecifierList.length; i++) {
promise = promise.then(value => {
// if we've already resolved to something, just return it.
if (value) {
return value;
const internalPackageInfo = {
cachedPkg: pkg,
hasModuleSideEffects: alwaysNull,
hasPackageEntry: overriddenMain !== false || mainFields.indexOf('main') !== -1,
packageBrowserField: useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && Object.keys(pkg.browser).reduce((browser, key) => {
let resolved = pkg.browser[key];
return resolveId(importSpecifierList[i], resolveOptions);
if (resolved && resolved[0] === '.') {
resolved = resolve(pkgRoot, resolved);
if (i < importSpecifierList.length - 1) {
// swallow MODULE_NOT_FOUND errors from all but the last resolution
promise = promise.catch(error => {
if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw error;
browser[key] = resolved;
return promise;
if (key[0] === '.') {
const absoluteKey = resolve(pkgRoot, key);
browser[absoluteKey] = resolved;
const builtins = new Set(builtinList);
const ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY = '\0node-resolve:empty.js';
if (!extname(key)) {
extensions.reduce((browser, ext) => {
browser[absoluteKey + ext] = browser[key];
return browser;
}, browser);
const nullFn = () => null;
return browser;
}, {}),
const browserMap = internalPackageInfo.packageBrowserField;
const defaults = {
customResolveOptions: {},
dedupe: [],
// It's important that .mjs is listed before .js so that Rollup will interpret npm modules
// which deploy both ESM .mjs and CommonJS .js files as ESM.
extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node'],
resolveOnly: []
function nodeResolve(opts = {}) {
const options = Object.assign({}, defaults, opts);
const customResolveOptions = options.customResolveOptions,
extensions = options.extensions,
jail = options.jail;
const warnings = [];
const packageInfoCache = new Map();
const idToPackageInfo = new Map();
const mainFields = getMainFields(options);
const useBrowserOverrides = mainFields.indexOf('browser') !== -1;
const isPreferBuiltinsSet = options.preferBuiltins === true || options.preferBuiltins === false;
const preferBuiltins = isPreferBuiltinsSet ? options.preferBuiltins : true;
const rootDir = options.rootDir || process.cwd();
let dedupe = options.dedupe;
let rollupOptions;
if (useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
browserMap.hasOwnProperty(pkg.main)) {
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = browserMap[pkg.main];
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = true;
} else {
// index.node is technically a valid default entrypoint as well...
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = resolve(pkgRoot, pkg.main || 'index.js');
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = false;
if (options.only) {
warnings.push('node-resolve: The `only` options is deprecated, please use `resolveOnly`');
options.resolveOnly = options.only;
const packageSideEffects = pkg.sideEffects;
if (typeof dedupe !== 'function') {
dedupe = importee => options.dedupe.includes(importee) || options.dedupe.includes(getPackageName(importee));
if (typeof packageSideEffects === 'boolean') {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = () => packageSideEffects;
} else if (Array.isArray(packageSideEffects)) {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = createFilter(packageSideEffects, null, {
resolve: pkgRoot
const resolveOnly = => {
if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
return pattern;
packageInfoCache.set(pkgPath, internalPackageInfo);
return internalPackageInfo;
const normalized = pattern.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
return new RegExp(`^${normalized}$`);
const browserMapCache = new Map();
let preserveSymlinks;
return {

@@ -303,23 +358,32 @@ name: 'node-resolve',

buildStart(options) {
preserveSymlinks = options.preserveSymlinks;
rollupOptions = options;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
const _this$meta$rollupVers = this.meta.rollupVersion.split('.').map(Number),
_this$meta$rollupVers2 = _slicedToArray(_this$meta$rollupVers, 2),
major = _this$meta$rollupVers2[0],
minor = _this$meta$rollupVers2[1];
try {
for (var _iterator = warnings[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
const warning = _step.value;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
const minVersion = peerDependencies.rollup.slice(2);
const _minVersion$split$map = minVersion.split('.').map(Number),
_minVersion$split$map2 = _slicedToArray(_minVersion$split$map, 2),
minMajor = _minVersion$split$map2[0],
minMinor = _minVersion$split$map2[1];
if (major < minMajor || major === minMajor && minor < minMinor) {
this.error(`Insufficient Rollup version: "rollup-plugin-node-resolve" requires at least rollup@${minVersion} but found rollup@${this.meta.rollupVersion}.`);
preserveSymlinks = options.preserveSymlinks;
generateBundle() {

@@ -330,141 +394,174 @@ isDirCached.clear();

resolveId(importee, importer) {
if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
return importee;
} // ignore IDs with null character, these belong to other plugins
var _this = this;
return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {
if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
return importee;
} // ignore IDs with null character, these belong to other plugins
if (/\0/.test(importee)) return null;
const basedir = !importer || shouldDedupe(importee) ? rootDir : dirname(importer); //
const browser = browserMapCache.get(importer);
if (/\0/.test(importee)) return null;
const basedir = !importer || dedupe(importee) ? rootDir : dirname(importer); //
if (useBrowserOverrides && browser) {
const resolvedImportee = resolve(basedir, importee);
const browser = browserMapCache.get(importer);
if (browser[importee] === false || browser[resolvedImportee] === false) {
if (useBrowserOverrides && browser) {
const resolvedImportee = resolve(basedir, importee);
if (browser[importee] === false || browser[resolvedImportee] === false) {
const browserImportee = browser[importee] || browser[resolvedImportee] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.js`] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.json`];
if (browserImportee) {
importee = browserImportee;
const browserImportee = browser[importee] || browser[resolvedImportee] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.js`] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.json`];
const parts = importee.split(/[/\\]/);
let id = parts.shift();
if (browserImportee) {
importee = browserImportee;
if (id[0] === '@' && parts.length > 0) {
// scoped packages
id += `/${parts.shift()}`;
} else if (id[0] === '.') {
// an import relative to the parent dir of the importer
id = resolve(basedir, importee);
const parts = importee.split(/[/\\]/);
let id = parts.shift();
const input = normalizeInput(rollupOptions.input);
if (id[0] === '@' && parts.length > 0) {
// scoped packages
id += `/${parts.shift()}`;
} else if (id[0] === '.') {
// an import relative to the parent dir of the importer
id = resolve(basedir, importee);
if (resolveOnly.length && !resolveOnly.some(pattern => pattern.test(id))) {
if (input.includes(id)) {
return null;
if (only && !only.some(pattern => pattern.test(id))) return null;
let hasModuleSideEffects = alwaysNull;
let hasPackageEntry = true;
let packageBrowserField = false;
let packageInfo;
const resolveOptions = {
return false;
packageFilter(pkg, pkgPath) {
let cachedPkg;
let hasModuleSideEffects = nullFn;
let hasPackageEntry = true;
let packageBrowserField = false;
let packageInfo;
var _getCachedPackageInfo = getCachedPackageInfo(pkg, pkgPath);
const filter = (pkg, pkgPath) => {
const info = getPackageInfo({
cache: packageInfoCache,
packageInfo = info.packageInfo;
hasModuleSideEffects = info.hasModuleSideEffects;
hasPackageEntry = info.hasPackageEntry;
packageBrowserField = info.packageBrowserField;
return info.cachedPkg;
packageInfo = _getCachedPackageInfo.packageInfo;
cachedPkg = _getCachedPackageInfo.cachedPkg;
hasModuleSideEffects = _getCachedPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects;
hasPackageEntry = _getCachedPackageInfo.hasPackageEntry;
packageBrowserField = _getCachedPackageInfo.packageBrowserField;
return cachedPkg;
let resolveOptions = {
packageFilter: filter,
readFile: readCachedFile,
isFile: isFileCached,
isDirectory: isDirCached,
readFile: readFileCached,
isFile: isFileCached,
isDirectory: isDirCached,
if (preserveSymlinks !== undefined) {
resolveOptions.preserveSymlinks = preserveSymlinks;
if (preserveSymlinks !== undefined) {
resolveOptions.preserveSymlinks = preserveSymlinks;
const importSpecifierList = [];
const importSpecifierList = [];
if (importer === undefined && !importee[0].match(/^\.?\.?\//)) {
// For module graph roots (i.e. when importer is undefined), we
// need to handle 'path fragments` like `foo/bar` that are commonly
// found in rollup config files. If importee doesn't look like a
// relative or absolute path, we make it relative and attempt to
// resolve it. If we don't find anything, we try resolving it as we
// got it.
if (importer === undefined && !importee[0].match(/^\.?\.?\//)) {
// For module graph roots (i.e. when importer is undefined), we
// need to handle 'path fragments` like `foo/bar` that are commonly
// found in rollup config files. If importee doesn't look like a
// relative or absolute path, we make it relative and attempt to
// resolve it. If we don't find anything, we try resolving it as we
// got it.
const importeeIsBuiltin = builtins.has(importee);
const importeeIsBuiltin = builtins.has(importee);
if (importeeIsBuiltin && (!preferBuiltins || !isPreferBuiltinsSet)) {
// The `resolve` library will not resolve packages with the same
// name as a node built-in module. If we're resolving something
// that's a builtin, and we don't prefer to find built-ins, we
// first try to look up a local module with that name. If we don't
// find anything, we resolve the builtin which just returns back
// the built-in's name.
if (importeeIsBuiltin && (!preferBuiltins || !isPreferBuiltinsSet)) {
// The `resolve` library will not resolve packages with the same
// name as a node built-in module. If we're resolving something
// that's a builtin, and we don't prefer to find built-ins, we
// first try to look up a local module with that name. If we don't
// find anything, we resolve the builtin which just returns back
// the built-in's name.
resolveOptions = Object.assign(resolveOptions, customResolveOptions);
return resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, Object.assign(resolveOptions, customResolveOptions)).then(resolved => {
if (resolved && packageBrowserField) {
if (, resolved)) {
if (!packageBrowserField[resolved]) {
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
try {
let resolved = yield resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, resolveOptions);
if (resolved && packageBrowserField) {
if (, resolved)) {
if (!packageBrowserField[resolved]) {
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
resolved = packageBrowserField[resolved];
resolved = packageBrowserField[resolved];
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
if (hasPackageEntry && !preserveSymlinks && resolved) {
const fileExists = yield exists(resolved);
if (hasPackageEntry && !preserveSymlinks && resolved) {
return existsAsync(resolved).then(exists => exists ? realpathAsync(resolved) : resolved);
if (fileExists) {
resolved = yield realpath(resolved);
return resolved;
}).then(resolved => {
idToPackageInfo.set(resolved, packageInfo);
idToPackageInfo.set(resolved, packageInfo);
if (hasPackageEntry) {
if (builtins.has(resolved) && preferBuiltins && isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
return null;
} else if (importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins) {
if (!isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
this.warn(`preferring built-in module '${importee}' over local alternative ` + `at '${resolved}', pass 'preferBuiltins: false' to disable this ` + `behavior or 'preferBuiltins: true' to disable this warning`);
if (hasPackageEntry) {
if (builtins.has(resolved) && preferBuiltins && isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
return null;
} else if (importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins) {
if (!isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
_this.warn(`preferring built-in module '${importee}' over local alternative at '${resolved}', pass 'preferBuiltins: false' to disable this behavior or 'preferBuiltins: true' to disable this warning`);
return null;
} else if (jail && resolved.indexOf(normalize(jail.trim(sep))) !== 0) {
return null;
if (resolved && options.modulesOnly) {
const code = yield readFile(resolved, 'utf-8');
if (isModule(code)) {
return {
id: resolved,
moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)
return null;
} else if (jail && resolved.indexOf(normalize(jail.trim(sep))) !== 0) {
return null;
if (resolved && options.modulesOnly) {
return readFileAsync(resolved).then(code => isModule(code) ? {
const result = {
id: resolved,
moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)
} : null);
return result;
} catch (error) {
return null;
return {
id: resolved,
moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)
}).catch(() => null);

@@ -471,0 +568,0 @@

@@ -6,97 +6,144 @@ 'use strict';

var path = require('path');
var builtinList = _interopDefault(require('builtin-modules'));
var isModule = _interopDefault(require('is-module'));
var fs = require('fs');
var fs__default = _interopDefault(fs);
var builtinList = _interopDefault(require('builtin-modules'));
var resolveId = _interopDefault(require('resolve'));
var isModule = _interopDefault(require('is-module'));
var util = require('util');
var pluginutils = require('@rollup/pluginutils');
var resolveModule = _interopDefault(require('resolve'));
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) {
return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest();
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) {
if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr;
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) {
if (!(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr) || === "[object Arguments]")) {
function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) {
try {
var info = gen[key](arg);
var value = info.value;
} catch (error) {
var _arr = [];
var _n = true;
var _d = false;
var _e = undefined;
if (info.done) {
} else {
Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw);
try {
for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) {
function _asyncToGenerator(fn) {
return function () {
var self = this,
args = arguments;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var gen = fn.apply(self, args);
if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
} catch (err) {
_d = true;
_e = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"]();
} finally {
if (_d) throw _e;
function _next(value) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value);
return _arr;
function _throw(err) {
asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err);
function _nonIterableRest() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
var peerDependencies = {
rollup: "^1.20.0"
const exists = util.promisify(fs__default.exists);
const readFile = util.promisify(fs__default.readFile);
const realpath = util.promisify(fs__default.realpath);
const stat = util.promisify(fs__default.stat);
const onError = error => {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
return false;
throw error;
const builtins = new Set(builtinList);
const ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY = '\0node-resolve:empty.js'; // It is important that .mjs occur before .js so that Rollup will interpret npm modules
// which deploy both ESM .mjs and CommonJS .js files as ESM.
const makeCache = fn => {
const cache = new Map();
const DEFAULT_EXTS = ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node'];
const wrapped =
function () {
var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* (param, done) {
if (cache.has(param) === false) {
cache.set(param, fn(param).catch(err => {
throw err;
const existsAsync = file => new Promise(fulfil => fs__default.exists(file, fulfil));
try {
const result = cache.get(param);
const value = yield result;
return done(null, value);
} catch (error) {
return done(error);
const readFileAsync = file => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => fs__default.readFile(file, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents)));
return function wrapped(_x, _x2) {
return _ref.apply(this, arguments);
const realpathAsync = file => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => fs__default.realpath(file, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents)));
wrapped.clear = () => cache.clear();
const statAsync = file => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => fs__default.stat(file, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents)));
return wrapped;
const cache = fn => {
const cache = new Map();
const isDirCached = makeCache(
function () {
var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (file) {
try {
const stats = yield stat(file);
return stats.isDirectory();
} catch (error) {
return onError(error);
const wrapped = (param, done) => {
if (cache.has(param) === false) {
cache.set(param, fn(param).catch(err => {
throw err;
return function (_x3) {
return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);
const isFileCached = makeCache(
function () {
var _ref3 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (file) {
try {
const stats = yield stat(file);
return stats.isFile();
} catch (error) {
return onError(error);
return cache.get(param).then(result => done(null, result), done);
return function (_x4) {
return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);
const readCachedFile = makeCache(readFile);
wrapped.clear = () => cache.clear();
const resolveId = util.promisify(resolveModule); // returns the imported package name for bare module imports
return wrapped;
function getPackageName(id) {
if (id.startsWith('.') || id.startsWith('/')) {
return null;
const ignoreENOENT = err => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') return false;
throw err;
const split = id.split('/'); // @my-scope/my-package/foo.js -> @my-scope/my-package
// @my-scope/my-package -> @my-scope/my-package
const readFileCached = cache(readFileAsync);
const isDirCached = cache(file => statAsync(file).then(stat => stat.isDirectory(), ignoreENOENT));
const isFileCached = cache(file => statAsync(file).then(stat => stat.isFile(), ignoreENOENT));
if (split[0][0] === '@') {
return `${split[0]}/${split[1]}`;
} // my-package/foo.js -> my-package
// my-package -> my-package
return split[0];
function getMainFields(options) {

@@ -106,21 +153,5 @@ let mainFields;

if (options.mainFields) {
if ('module' in options || 'main' in options || 'jsnext' in options) {
throw new Error(`node-resolve: do not use deprecated 'module', 'main', 'jsnext' options with 'mainFields'`);
mainFields = options.mainFields;
} else {
mainFields = [];
[['module', 'module', true], ['jsnext', 'jsnext:main', false], ['main', 'main', true]].forEach(([option, field, defaultIncluded]) => {
if (option in options) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`node-resolve: setting options.${option} is deprecated, please override options.mainFields instead`);
if (options[option]) {
} else if (defaultIncluded) {
mainFields = ['main', 'module'];

@@ -133,3 +164,3 @@

if (!mainFields.length) {
throw new Error(`Please ensure at least one 'mainFields' value is specified`);
throw new Error('Please ensure at least one `mainFields` value is specified');

@@ -139,167 +170,191 @@

function getPackageInfo(options) {
const cache = options.cache,
extensions = options.extensions,
pkg = options.pkg,
mainFields = options.mainFields,
preserveSymlinks = options.preserveSymlinks,
useBrowserOverrides = options.useBrowserOverrides;
let pkgPath = options.pkgPath;
const alwaysNull = () => null;
if (cache.has(pkgPath)) {
return cache.get(pkgPath);
} // browserify/resolve doesn't realpath paths returned in its packageFilter callback
const resolveIdAsync = (file, opts) => new Promise((fulfil, reject) => resolveId(file, opts, (err, contents) => err ? reject(err) : fulfil(contents))); // Resolve module specifiers in order. Promise resolves to the first
// module that resolves successfully, or the error that resulted from
// the last attempted module resolution.
if (!preserveSymlinks) {
pkgPath = fs.realpathSync(pkgPath);
function resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, resolveOptions) {
let p = Promise.resolve();
const pkgRoot = path.dirname(pkgPath);
const packageInfo = {
// copy as we are about to munge the `main` field of `pkg`.
packageJson: Object.assign({}, pkg),
// path to package.json file
packageJsonPath: pkgPath,
// directory containing the package.json
root: pkgRoot,
// which main field was used during resolution of this module (main, module, or browser)
resolvedMainField: 'main',
// whether the browser map was used to resolve the entry point to this module
browserMappedMain: false,
// the entry point of the module with respect to the selected main field and any
// relevant browser mappings.
resolvedEntryPoint: ''
let overriddenMain = false;
for (let i = 0; i < importSpecifierList.length; i++) {
p = p.then(v => {
// if we've already resolved to something, just return it.
if (v) return v;
return resolveIdAsync(importSpecifierList[i], resolveOptions);
for (let i = 0; i < mainFields.length; i++) {
const field = mainFields[i];
if (i < importSpecifierList.length - 1) {
// swallow MODULE_NOT_FOUND errors from all but the last resolution
p = p.catch(err => {
if (err.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw err;
if (typeof pkg[field] === 'string') {
pkg.main = pkg[field];
packageInfo.resolvedMainField = field;
overriddenMain = true;
return p;
} // returns the imported package name for bare module imports
const internalPackageInfo = {
cachedPkg: pkg,
hasModuleSideEffects: () => null,
hasPackageEntry: overriddenMain !== false || mainFields.indexOf('main') !== -1,
packageBrowserField: useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && Object.keys(pkg.browser).reduce((browser, key) => {
let resolved = pkg.browser[key];
if (resolved && resolved[0] === '.') {
resolved = path.resolve(pkgRoot, resolved);
/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
function getPackageName(id) {
if (id.startsWith('.') || id.startsWith('/')) {
return null;
const split = id.split('/'); // @my-scope/my-package/foo.js -> @my-scope/my-package
// @my-scope/my-package -> @my-scope/my-package
browser[key] = resolved;
if (split[0][0] === '@') {
return `${split[0]}/${split[1]}`;
} // my-package/foo.js -> my-package
// my-package -> my-package
if (key[0] === '.') {
const absoluteKey = path.resolve(pkgRoot, key);
browser[absoluteKey] = resolved;
if (!path.extname(key)) {
extensions.reduce((subBrowser, ext) => {
subBrowser[absoluteKey + ext] = subBrowser[key];
return subBrowser;
}, browser);
return split[0];
return browser;
}, {}),
const browserMap = internalPackageInfo.packageBrowserField;
function nodeResolve(options = {}) {
const mainFields = getMainFields(options);
const useBrowserOverrides = mainFields.indexOf('browser') !== -1;
const dedupe = options.dedupe || [];
const isPreferBuiltinsSet = options.preferBuiltins === true || options.preferBuiltins === false;
const preferBuiltins = isPreferBuiltinsSet ? options.preferBuiltins : true;
const customResolveOptions = options.customResolveOptions || {};
const rootDir = options.rootDir || process.cwd();
const jail = options.jail;
const only = Array.isArray(options.only) ? => o instanceof RegExp ? o : new RegExp(`^${String(o).replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')}$`)) : null;
const browserMapCache = new Map();
let preserveSymlinks;
if (options.skip) {
throw new Error('options.skip is no longer supported — you should use the main Rollup `external` option instead');
if (useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
browserMap.hasOwnProperty(pkg.main)) {
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = browserMap[pkg.main];
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = true;
} else {
// index.node is technically a valid default entrypoint as well...
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = path.resolve(pkgRoot, pkg.main || 'index.js');
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = false;
const extensions = options.extensions || DEFAULT_EXTS;
const packageInfoCache = new Map();
const idToPackageInfo = new Map();
const shouldDedupe = typeof dedupe === 'function' ? dedupe : importee => dedupe.includes(importee) || dedupe.includes(getPackageName(importee));
const packageSideEffects = pkg.sideEffects;
function getCachedPackageInfo(pkg, pkgPath) {
if (packageInfoCache.has(pkgPath)) {
return packageInfoCache.get(pkgPath);
} // browserify/resolve doesn't realpath paths returned in its packageFilter callback
if (typeof packageSideEffects === 'boolean') {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = () => packageSideEffects;
} else if (Array.isArray(packageSideEffects)) {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = pluginutils.createFilter(packageSideEffects, null, {
resolve: pkgRoot
cache.set(pkgPath, internalPackageInfo);
return internalPackageInfo;
function normalizeInput(input) {
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
return input;
} else if (typeof input === 'object') {
return Object.values(input);
} // otherwise it's a string
if (!preserveSymlinks) {
pkgPath = fs.realpathSync(pkgPath);
const pkgRoot = path.dirname(pkgPath);
const packageInfo = {
// copy as we are about to munge the `main` field of `pkg`.
packageJson: Object.assign({}, pkg),
// path to package.json file
packageJsonPath: pkgPath,
// directory containing the package.json
root: pkgRoot,
// which main field was used during resolution of this module (main, module, or browser)
resolvedMainField: 'main',
// whether the browser map was used to resolve the entry point to this module
browserMappedMain: false,
// the entry point of the module with respect to the selected main field and any
// relevant browser mappings.
resolvedEntryPoint: ''
let overriddenMain = false;
return input;
} // Resolve module specifiers in order. Promise resolves to the first module that resolves
// successfully, or the error that resulted from the last attempted module resolution.
for (let i = 0; i < mainFields.length; i++) {
const field = mainFields[i];
function resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, resolveOptions) {
let promise = Promise.resolve();
if (typeof pkg[field] === 'string') {
pkg.main = pkg[field];
packageInfo.resolvedMainField = field;
overriddenMain = true;
for (let i = 0; i < importSpecifierList.length; i++) {
promise = promise.then(value => {
// if we've already resolved to something, just return it.
if (value) {
return value;
const internalPackageInfo = {
cachedPkg: pkg,
hasModuleSideEffects: alwaysNull,
hasPackageEntry: overriddenMain !== false || mainFields.indexOf('main') !== -1,
packageBrowserField: useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && Object.keys(pkg.browser).reduce((browser, key) => {
let resolved = pkg.browser[key];
return resolveId(importSpecifierList[i], resolveOptions);
if (resolved && resolved[0] === '.') {
resolved = path.resolve(pkgRoot, resolved);
if (i < importSpecifierList.length - 1) {
// swallow MODULE_NOT_FOUND errors from all but the last resolution
promise = promise.catch(error => {
if (error.code !== 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') {
throw error;
browser[key] = resolved;
return promise;
if (key[0] === '.') {
const absoluteKey = path.resolve(pkgRoot, key);
browser[absoluteKey] = resolved;
const builtins = new Set(builtinList);
const ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY = '\0node-resolve:empty.js';
if (!path.extname(key)) {
extensions.reduce((browser, ext) => {
browser[absoluteKey + ext] = browser[key];
return browser;
}, browser);
const nullFn = () => null;
return browser;
}, {}),
const browserMap = internalPackageInfo.packageBrowserField;
const defaults = {
customResolveOptions: {},
dedupe: [],
// It's important that .mjs is listed before .js so that Rollup will interpret npm modules
// which deploy both ESM .mjs and CommonJS .js files as ESM.
extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node'],
resolveOnly: []
function nodeResolve(opts = {}) {
const options = Object.assign({}, defaults, opts);
const customResolveOptions = options.customResolveOptions,
extensions = options.extensions,
jail = options.jail;
const warnings = [];
const packageInfoCache = new Map();
const idToPackageInfo = new Map();
const mainFields = getMainFields(options);
const useBrowserOverrides = mainFields.indexOf('browser') !== -1;
const isPreferBuiltinsSet = options.preferBuiltins === true || options.preferBuiltins === false;
const preferBuiltins = isPreferBuiltinsSet ? options.preferBuiltins : true;
const rootDir = options.rootDir || process.cwd();
let dedupe = options.dedupe;
let rollupOptions;
if (useBrowserOverrides && typeof pkg.browser === 'object' && // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
browserMap.hasOwnProperty(pkg.main)) {
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = browserMap[pkg.main];
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = true;
} else {
// index.node is technically a valid default entrypoint as well...
packageInfo.resolvedEntryPoint = path.resolve(pkgRoot, pkg.main || 'index.js');
packageInfo.browserMappedMain = false;
if (options.only) {
warnings.push('node-resolve: The `only` options is deprecated, please use `resolveOnly`');
options.resolveOnly = options.only;
const packageSideEffects = pkg.sideEffects;
if (typeof dedupe !== 'function') {
dedupe = importee => options.dedupe.includes(importee) || options.dedupe.includes(getPackageName(importee));
if (typeof packageSideEffects === 'boolean') {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = () => packageSideEffects;
} else if (Array.isArray(packageSideEffects)) {
internalPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects = pluginutils.createFilter(packageSideEffects, null, {
resolve: pkgRoot
const resolveOnly = => {
if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
return pattern;
packageInfoCache.set(pkgPath, internalPackageInfo);
return internalPackageInfo;
const normalized = pattern.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
return new RegExp(`^${normalized}$`);
const browserMapCache = new Map();
let preserveSymlinks;
return {

@@ -309,23 +364,32 @@ name: 'node-resolve',

buildStart(options) {
preserveSymlinks = options.preserveSymlinks;
rollupOptions = options;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
const _this$meta$rollupVers = this.meta.rollupVersion.split('.').map(Number),
_this$meta$rollupVers2 = _slicedToArray(_this$meta$rollupVers, 2),
major = _this$meta$rollupVers2[0],
minor = _this$meta$rollupVers2[1];
try {
for (var _iterator = warnings[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
const warning = _step.value;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
const minVersion = peerDependencies.rollup.slice(2);
const _minVersion$split$map = minVersion.split('.').map(Number),
_minVersion$split$map2 = _slicedToArray(_minVersion$split$map, 2),
minMajor = _minVersion$split$map2[0],
minMinor = _minVersion$split$map2[1];
if (major < minMajor || major === minMajor && minor < minMinor) {
this.error(`Insufficient Rollup version: "rollup-plugin-node-resolve" requires at least rollup@${minVersion} but found rollup@${this.meta.rollupVersion}.`);
preserveSymlinks = options.preserveSymlinks;
generateBundle() {

@@ -336,141 +400,174 @@ isDirCached.clear();

resolveId(importee, importer) {
if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
return importee;
} // ignore IDs with null character, these belong to other plugins
var _this = this;
return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {
if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
return importee;
} // ignore IDs with null character, these belong to other plugins
if (/\0/.test(importee)) return null;
const basedir = !importer || shouldDedupe(importee) ? rootDir : path.dirname(importer); //
const browser = browserMapCache.get(importer);
if (/\0/.test(importee)) return null;
const basedir = !importer || dedupe(importee) ? rootDir : path.dirname(importer); //
if (useBrowserOverrides && browser) {
const resolvedImportee = path.resolve(basedir, importee);
const browser = browserMapCache.get(importer);
if (browser[importee] === false || browser[resolvedImportee] === false) {
if (useBrowserOverrides && browser) {
const resolvedImportee = path.resolve(basedir, importee);
if (browser[importee] === false || browser[resolvedImportee] === false) {
const browserImportee = browser[importee] || browser[resolvedImportee] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.js`] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.json`];
if (browserImportee) {
importee = browserImportee;
const browserImportee = browser[importee] || browser[resolvedImportee] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.js`] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.json`];
const parts = importee.split(/[/\\]/);
let id = parts.shift();
if (browserImportee) {
importee = browserImportee;
if (id[0] === '@' && parts.length > 0) {
// scoped packages
id += `/${parts.shift()}`;
} else if (id[0] === '.') {
// an import relative to the parent dir of the importer
id = path.resolve(basedir, importee);
const parts = importee.split(/[/\\]/);
let id = parts.shift();
const input = normalizeInput(rollupOptions.input);
if (id[0] === '@' && parts.length > 0) {
// scoped packages
id += `/${parts.shift()}`;
} else if (id[0] === '.') {
// an import relative to the parent dir of the importer
id = path.resolve(basedir, importee);
if (resolveOnly.length && !resolveOnly.some(pattern => pattern.test(id))) {
if (input.includes(id)) {
return null;
if (only && !only.some(pattern => pattern.test(id))) return null;
let hasModuleSideEffects = alwaysNull;
let hasPackageEntry = true;
let packageBrowserField = false;
let packageInfo;
const resolveOptions = {
return false;
packageFilter(pkg, pkgPath) {
let cachedPkg;
let hasModuleSideEffects = nullFn;
let hasPackageEntry = true;
let packageBrowserField = false;
let packageInfo;
var _getCachedPackageInfo = getCachedPackageInfo(pkg, pkgPath);
const filter = (pkg, pkgPath) => {
const info = getPackageInfo({
cache: packageInfoCache,
packageInfo = info.packageInfo;
hasModuleSideEffects = info.hasModuleSideEffects;
hasPackageEntry = info.hasPackageEntry;
packageBrowserField = info.packageBrowserField;
return info.cachedPkg;
packageInfo = _getCachedPackageInfo.packageInfo;
cachedPkg = _getCachedPackageInfo.cachedPkg;
hasModuleSideEffects = _getCachedPackageInfo.hasModuleSideEffects;
hasPackageEntry = _getCachedPackageInfo.hasPackageEntry;
packageBrowserField = _getCachedPackageInfo.packageBrowserField;
return cachedPkg;
let resolveOptions = {
packageFilter: filter,
readFile: readCachedFile,
isFile: isFileCached,
isDirectory: isDirCached,
readFile: readFileCached,
isFile: isFileCached,
isDirectory: isDirCached,
if (preserveSymlinks !== undefined) {
resolveOptions.preserveSymlinks = preserveSymlinks;
if (preserveSymlinks !== undefined) {
resolveOptions.preserveSymlinks = preserveSymlinks;
const importSpecifierList = [];
const importSpecifierList = [];
if (importer === undefined && !importee[0].match(/^\.?\.?\//)) {
// For module graph roots (i.e. when importer is undefined), we
// need to handle 'path fragments` like `foo/bar` that are commonly
// found in rollup config files. If importee doesn't look like a
// relative or absolute path, we make it relative and attempt to
// resolve it. If we don't find anything, we try resolving it as we
// got it.
if (importer === undefined && !importee[0].match(/^\.?\.?\//)) {
// For module graph roots (i.e. when importer is undefined), we
// need to handle 'path fragments` like `foo/bar` that are commonly
// found in rollup config files. If importee doesn't look like a
// relative or absolute path, we make it relative and attempt to
// resolve it. If we don't find anything, we try resolving it as we
// got it.
const importeeIsBuiltin = builtins.has(importee);
const importeeIsBuiltin = builtins.has(importee);
if (importeeIsBuiltin && (!preferBuiltins || !isPreferBuiltinsSet)) {
// The `resolve` library will not resolve packages with the same
// name as a node built-in module. If we're resolving something
// that's a builtin, and we don't prefer to find built-ins, we
// first try to look up a local module with that name. If we don't
// find anything, we resolve the builtin which just returns back
// the built-in's name.
if (importeeIsBuiltin && (!preferBuiltins || !isPreferBuiltinsSet)) {
// The `resolve` library will not resolve packages with the same
// name as a node built-in module. If we're resolving something
// that's a builtin, and we don't prefer to find built-ins, we
// first try to look up a local module with that name. If we don't
// find anything, we resolve the builtin which just returns back
// the built-in's name.
resolveOptions = Object.assign(resolveOptions, customResolveOptions);
return resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, Object.assign(resolveOptions, customResolveOptions)).then(resolved => {
if (resolved && packageBrowserField) {
if (, resolved)) {
if (!packageBrowserField[resolved]) {
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
try {
let resolved = yield resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, resolveOptions);
if (resolved && packageBrowserField) {
if (, resolved)) {
if (!packageBrowserField[resolved]) {
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
resolved = packageBrowserField[resolved];
resolved = packageBrowserField[resolved];
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
if (hasPackageEntry && !preserveSymlinks && resolved) {
const fileExists = yield exists(resolved);
if (hasPackageEntry && !preserveSymlinks && resolved) {
return existsAsync(resolved).then(exists => exists ? realpathAsync(resolved) : resolved);
if (fileExists) {
resolved = yield realpath(resolved);
return resolved;
}).then(resolved => {
idToPackageInfo.set(resolved, packageInfo);
idToPackageInfo.set(resolved, packageInfo);
if (hasPackageEntry) {
if (builtins.has(resolved) && preferBuiltins && isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
return null;
} else if (importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins) {
if (!isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
this.warn(`preferring built-in module '${importee}' over local alternative ` + `at '${resolved}', pass 'preferBuiltins: false' to disable this ` + `behavior or 'preferBuiltins: true' to disable this warning`);
if (hasPackageEntry) {
if (builtins.has(resolved) && preferBuiltins && isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
return null;
} else if (importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins) {
if (!isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
_this.warn(`preferring built-in module '${importee}' over local alternative at '${resolved}', pass 'preferBuiltins: false' to disable this behavior or 'preferBuiltins: true' to disable this warning`);
return null;
} else if (jail && resolved.indexOf(path.normalize(jail.trim(path.sep))) !== 0) {
return null;
if (resolved && options.modulesOnly) {
const code = yield readFile(resolved, 'utf-8');
if (isModule(code)) {
return {
id: resolved,
moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)
return null;
} else if (jail && resolved.indexOf(path.normalize(jail.trim(path.sep))) !== 0) {
return null;
if (resolved && options.modulesOnly) {
return readFileAsync(resolved).then(code => isModule(code) ? {
const result = {
id: resolved,
moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)
} : null);
return result;
} catch (error) {
return null;
return {
id: resolved,
moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)
}).catch(() => null);

@@ -477,0 +574,0 @@

"name": "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve",
"version": "7.0.0",
"version": "7.1.0",
"publishConfig": {

@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@ "access": "public"

"dependencies": {
"@rollup/pluginutils": "^3.0.0",
"@rollup/pluginutils": "^3.0.6",
"@types/resolve": "0.0.8",
"builtin-modules": "^3.1.0",
"is-module": "^1.0.0",
"resolve": "^1.11.1"
"resolve": "^1.14.2"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.4.5",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.4.5",
"@rollup/plugin-json": "^4.0.0",
"es5-ext": "^0.10.50",
"rollup": "^1.20.0",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.3.2",
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^10.0.0",
"@babel/core": "^7.8.3",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.8.3",
"@rollup/plugin-json": "^4.0.1",
"es5-ext": "^0.10.53",
"rollup": "^1.29.0",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.3.3",
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^10.1.0",
"source-map": "^0.7.3",

@@ -67,0 +67,0 @@ "string-capitalize": "^1.0.1"

@@ -47,34 +47,46 @@ [npm]:

### `mainFields`
### `browser`
Type: `Array[...String]`<br>
Default: `['module', 'main']`<br>
Valid values: `['browser', 'jsnext', 'module', 'main']`
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Default: `false`
Specifies the properties to scan within a `package.json`, used to determine the bundle entry point. The order of property names is significant, as the first-found property is used as the resolved entry point. If the array contains `'browser'`, key/values specified in the `package.json` `browser` property will be used.
If `true`, instructs the plugin to use the `"browser"` property in `package.json` files to specify alternative files to load for bundling. This is useful when bundling for a browser environment. Alternatively, a value of `'browser'` can be added to the `mainFields` option. If `false`, any `"browser"` properties in package files will be ignored. This option takes precedence over `mainFields`.
### `module`
### `customResolveOptions`
DEPRECATED: use "mainFields" instead
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Default: `null`
Use `pkg.module` field for ES6 module if possible. This option takes precedence over both "jsnext" and "main" in the list if such are present.
An `Object` that specifies additional options that should be passed through to `node-resolve`.
### `jsnext`
customResolveOptions: {
moduleDirectory: 'js_modules'
DEPRECATED: use "mainFields" instead
### `dedupe`
Use `pkg['jsnext:main']` if possible, legacy field pointing to ES6 module in third-party libraries, deprecated in favor of `pkg.module`, see: This option takes precedence over "main" in the list if such is present.
Type: `Array[...String]`<br>
Default: `[]`
### `main`
An `Array` of modules names, which instructs the plugin to force resolving for the specified modules to the root `node_modules`. Helps to prevent bundling the same package multiple times if package is imported from dependencies.
DEPRECATED: use "mainFields" instead
dedupe: ['my-package', '@namespace/my-package'];
Use `pkg.main` field or index.js, even if it's not an ES6 module (needs to be converted from CommonJS to ES6), see
This will deduplicate bare imports such as:
### `browser`
import 'my-package';
import '@namespace/my-package';
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Default: `false`
And it will deduplicate deep imports such as:
If `true`, instructs the plugin to use the `"browser"` property in `package.json` files to specify alternative files to load for bundling. This is useful when bundling for a browser environment. Alternatively, a value of `'browser'` can be added to the `mainFields` option. If `false`, any `"browser"` properties in package files will be ignored. This option takes precedence over `mainFields`.
import 'my-package/foo.js';
import '@namespace/my-package/bar.js';

@@ -86,11 +98,4 @@ ### `extensions`

Resolve extensions other than .js in the order specified.
Specifies the extensions of files that the plugin will operate on.
### `preferBuiltins`
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Default: `true`
Whether to prefer built-in modules (e.g. `fs`, `path`) or local ones with the same names
### `jail`

@@ -101,55 +106,38 @@

Lock the module search in this path (like a chroot). Modules defined outside this path will be marked as external.
Locks the module search within specified path (e.g. chroot). Modules defined outside this path will be marked as external.
### `only`
### `mainFields`
Type: `Array[...String|RegExp]`<br>
Default: `null`
Type: `Array[...String]`<br>
Default: `['module', 'main']`<br>
Valid values: `['browser', 'jsnext', 'module', 'main']`
Example: `only: ['some_module', /^@some_scope\/.*$/]`
Specifies the properties to scan within a `package.json`, used to determine the bundle entry point. The order of property names is significant, as the first-found property is used as the resolved entry point. If the array contains `'browser'`, key/values specified in the `package.json` `browser` property will be used.
### `modulesOnly`
### `only`
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Default: `false`
DEPRECATED: use "resolveOnly" instead
If true, inspect resolved files to check that they are ES2015 modules.
### `preferBuiltins`
### `dedupe`
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Default: `true`
Type: `Array[...String]`<br>
Default: `[]`
If `true`, the plugin will prefer built-in modules (e.g. `fs`, `path`). If `false`, the plugin will look for locally installed modules of the same name.
Force resolving for these modules to root's node_modules that helps to prevent bundling the same package multiple times if package is imported from dependencies.
### `modulesOnly`
dedupe: [ 'my-package', '@namespace/my-package' ]
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Default: `false`
This will deduplicate bare imports such as:
If `true`, inspect resolved files to assert that they are ES2015 modules.
import 'my-package';
import '@namespace/my-package';
### `resolveOnly`
And it will deduplicate deep imports such as:
import 'my-package/foo.js';
import '@namespace/my-package/bar.js';
### `customResolveOptions`
Type: `Boolean`<br>
Type: `Array[...String|RegExp]`<br>
Default: `null`
Any additional options that should be passed through to node-resolve.
An `Array` which instructs the plugin to limit module resolution to those whose names match patterns in the array. _Note: Modules not matching any patterns will be marked as external._
customResolveOptions: {
moduleDirectory: 'js_modules'
Example: `resolveOnly: ['batman', /^@batcave\/.*$/]`

@@ -161,3 +149,3 @@ ### `rootDir`

Root directory to resolve modules from. Used when resolving entrypoint imports, and when resolving deduplicated modules. Useful when executing rollup in a package of a monorepository.
Specifies the root directory from which to resolve modules. Typically used when resolving entry-point imports, and when resolving deduplicated modules. Useful when executing rollup in a package of a mono-repository.

@@ -191,3 +179,3 @@ ```

This plugin won't resolve any builtins (e.g. `fs`). If you need to resolve builtins you can install local modules and set `preferBuiltins` to `false`, or install a plugin like [rollup-plugin-node-builtins]( which provides stubbed versions of these methods.
This plugin won't resolve any builtins (e.g. `fs`). If you need to resolve builtins you can install local modules and set `preferBuiltins` to `false`, or install a plugin like [rollup-plugin-node-polyfills]( which provides stubbed versions of these methods.

@@ -194,0 +182,0 @@ If you want to silence warnings about builtins, you can add the list of builtins to the `externals` option; like so:

@@ -6,46 +6,25 @@ import { Plugin } from 'rollup';

* the fields to scan in a package.json to determine the entry point
* if this list contains "browser", overrides specified in "pkg.browser"
* will be used
* @default ['module', 'main']
mainFields?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
* @deprecated use "mainFields" instead
* use "module" field for ES6 module if possible
* @default true
module?: boolean;
* @deprecated use "mainFields" instead
* use "jsnext:main" if possible
* legacy field pointing to ES6 module in third-party libraries,
* deprecated in favor of "pkg.module":
* - see:
* If `true`, instructs the plugin to use the `"browser"` property in `package.json`
* files to specify alternative files to load for bundling. This is useful when
* bundling for a browser environment. Alternatively, a value of `'browser'` can be
* added to the `mainFields` option. If `false`, any `"browser"` properties in
* package files will be ignored. This option takes precedence over `mainFields`.
* @default false
jsnext?: boolean;
browser?: boolean;
* @deprecated use "mainFields" instead
* use "main" field or index.js, even if it's not an ES6 module
* (needs to be converted from CommonJS to ES6)
* – see
* @default true
* An `Object` that specifies additional options that should be passed through to `node-resolve`.
main?: boolean;
customResolveOptions?: AsyncOpts;
* some package.json files have a "browser" field which specifies
* alternative files to load for people bundling for the browser. If
* that's you, either use this option or add "browser" to the
* "mainfields" option, otherwise pkg.browser will be ignored
* @default false
* An `Array` of modules names, which instructs the plugin to force resolving for the
* specified modules to the root `node_modules`. Helps to prevent bundling the same
* package multiple times if package is imported from dependencies.
browser?: boolean;
dedupe?: string[] | ((importee: string) => boolean);
* not all files you want to resolve are .js files
* Specifies the extensions of files that the plugin will operate on.
* @default [ '.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.node' ]

@@ -56,11 +35,4 @@ */

* whether to prefer built-in modules (e.g. `fs`, `path`) or
* local ones with the same names
* @default true
preferBuiltins?: boolean;
* Lock the module search in this path (like a chroot). Module defined
* outside this path will be marked as external
* Locks the module search within specified path (e.g. chroot). Modules defined
* outside this path will be marked as external.
* @default '/'

@@ -71,12 +43,10 @@ */

* Set to an array of strings and/or regexps to lock the module search
* to modules that match at least one entry. Modules not matching any
* entry will be marked as external
* @default null
* Specifies the properties to scan within a `package.json`, used to determine the
* bundle entry point.
* @default ['module', 'main']
only?: ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp> | null;
mainFields?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
* If true, inspect resolved files to check that they are
* ES2015 modules
* If `true`, inspect resolved files to assert that they are ES2015 modules.
* @default false

@@ -87,18 +57,24 @@ */

* Force resolving for these modules to root's node_modules that helps
* to prevent bundling the same package multiple times if package is
* imported from dependencies.
* @deprecated use "resolveOnly" instead
* @default null
dedupe?: string[] | ((importee: string) => boolean);
only?: ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp> | null;
* Any additional options that should be passed through
* to node-resolve
* If `true`, the plugin will prefer built-in modules (e.g. `fs`, `path`). If `false`,
* the plugin will look for locally installed modules of the same name.
* @default true
customResolveOptions?: AsyncOpts;
preferBuiltins?: boolean;
* Root directory to resolve modules from. Used when resolving entrypoint imports,
* and when resolving deduplicated modules. Useful when executing rollup in a package
* of a monorepository.
* An `Array` which instructs the plugin to limit module resolution to those whose
* names match patterns in the array.
* @default []
resolveOnly?: ReadonlyArray<string | RegExp> | null;
* Specifies the root directory from which to resolve modules. Typically used when
* resolving entry-point imports, and when resolving deduplicated modules.
* @default process.cwd()

@@ -105,0 +81,0 @@ */

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