Mocha Esbuild

Run tests with mocha compiled by esbuild at lightning fast speeds.
CLI requires a .esbuildrc.js file with an annotated example here
while its possible it would work only the defaults it really depends on your projects setup.
I personally made this CLI to compile vue SFC components that are then tested with mocha and have seen pretty big speed increases.
One in partically that stood out to me was webpack building a single test file and all its dependencies took 1 minute and 15s while
esbuild did it in about 15s. When developing tests this time saving really adds up!
If you need alias's to work like webpacks common @ resolving to ./src then you can add a tsconfig.json or a jsconfig.json file and add
the aliases like described here. You can use
this even if you don't have any typescript in your project since esbuild will look at your config file regardless.
If you want to use sourcemaps, you will need to either start mocha-esbuild with the node --enable-source-maps flag i.e.
node --enable-source-maps node_modules/@rtvision/bin/run -s --noImportSourceMapSupport
or do npm install --save-dev source-map-support
Until node allows scripts to determine whether or not sources maps should be on this is only solution I know of.
Note that this does introduce some big overhead for bigger files/projects, I myself notice several seconds of slowdown in startup time of the tests. I only enable it while developing tests or rerunning a failed test locally.
npm i --save-dev @rtvision/mocha-esbuild
npx mocha-esbuild --help
Run tests with mocha compiled by esbuild
$ mocha-esbuild [FILE]
FILE [default: test/unit/**/*.spec.js] File path to the entry point to build from. Can be 1 specific file or take a globstar such as 'test/unit/**/*.spec.js'
-b, --bail Bail on the first test failure.
-c, --color Color TTY output from reporter.
-g, --grep=grep Test filter given regular expression.
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --parallel Run test in parallel.
-r, --require=require Pathname of file that will be imported before tests run
-s, --sourcemaps Generates inline sourcemaps for easier debugging. Will overwrite sourcemaps if custom config provided
-t, --timeout=timeout Timeout threshold value for mocha.
-v, --version show CLI version
-w, --watch Enable watch mode for esbuild. Will overwrite watch if custom config provided
--esbuildConfig=esbuildConfig [default: .esbuildrc.js] Esbuild config file path. The follow options will always be overwritten: bundle, stdin/entryPoints, and outfile
--fgrep=fgrep Test filter given string
--fullTrace=fullTrace Full stacktrace upon failure?
--invert Invert test filter matches?
--jobs=jobs Max number of worker processes for parallel runs
--mochaConfigPath=mochaConfigPath Filepath to read mocha configs from, can be js or json file
--reporter=reporter Reporter name to use
--retries=retries Number of times to retry failed tests
MIT © RtVision