This plugin implements a collection of security rules for ESLint.
Our ambition is to eventually provide a comprehensive set of recommended security rules for:
- web browser applications
- Node.js tools
- Node.js services
If you would like to request or contribute a new security rule, you are encouraged to
create a GitHub issue in the
Rush Stack monorepo where this project is developed.
Require regular expressions to be constructed from string constants rather than dynamically
building strings at runtime.
Rule Details
Regular expressions should be constructed from string constants. Dynamically building strings at runtime may
introduce security vulnerabilities, performance concerns, and bugs involving incorrect escaping of special characters.
The following patterns are considered problems when @rushstack/security/no-unsafe-regexp
is enabled:
function parseRestResponse(request: ICatalogRequest,
items: ICatalogItem[]): ICatalogItem[] {
const regexp: RegExp = new RegExp(request.searchPattern);
return items.filter(item => regexp.test(item.title));
function hasExtension(filePath: string, extension: string): boolean {
const regexp: RegExp = new RegExp(`\.${extension}$`);
return regexp.test(filePath);
The following patterns are NOT considered problems:
function isInteger(s: string): boolean {
return /[0-9]+/.test(s);
function isInteger(s: string): boolean {
return new RegExp('[0-9]+').test(s);
is part of the Rush Stack family of projects.