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@sap-ux/annotation-converter - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.7 to 0.6.8

# @sap-ux/annotation-converter
## 0.6.8
### Patch Changes
- 6c325c5: We have improved the handling of aliases
## 0.6.7

@@ -4,0 +10,0 @@


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.convert = void 0;
const VocabularyReferences_1 = require("@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const VocabularyReferences_1 = require("@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences");

@@ -125,3 +125,3 @@ * Symbol to extend an annotation with the reference to its target.

const thisElement =;
if (segment === '' || segment === thisElement.fullyQualifiedName) {
if (segment === '' || converter.unalias(segment) === thisElement.fullyQualifiedName) {
return current;

@@ -175,3 +175,4 @@ }

const action = thisElement.actions[segment];
const actionName = (0, utils_1.substringBeforeFirst)(converter.unalias(segment), '(');
const action = thisElement.actions[actionName];
if (action) {

@@ -428,44 +429,26 @@ = action;

function parseRecord(converter, currentTerm, currentTarget, currentProperty, currentSource, annotationRecord, currentFQN) {
var _a;
const annotationTerm = {
const record = {
$Type: parseRecordType(converter, currentTerm, currentTarget, currentProperty, annotationRecord),
fullyQualifiedName: currentFQN,
[ANNOTATION_TARGET]: currentTarget
[ANNOTATION_TARGET]: currentTarget,
__source: currentSource
for (const propertyValue of annotationRecord.propertyValues) {
(0, utils_1.lazy)(record,, () => parseValue(converter, currentTarget, currentTerm,, currentSource, propertyValue.value, `${currentFQN}/${}`));
// annotations on the record
(0, utils_1.lazy)(annotationTerm, 'annotations', () => {
var _a;
// be graceful when resolving annotations on annotations: Sometimes they are referenced directly, sometimes they
// are part of the global annotations list
let annotations;
if (annotationRecord.annotations && annotationRecord.annotations.length > 0) {
annotations = annotationRecord.annotations;
else {
annotations = (_a = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[currentFQN]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.annotations;
annotations === null || annotations === void 0 ? void 0 : annotations.forEach((annotation) => { = currentFQN;
annotation.__source = currentSource;
annotation[ANNOTATION_TARGET] = currentTarget;
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = `${currentFQN}@${annotation.term}`;
return createAnnotationsObject(converter, annotationTerm, annotations !== null && annotations !== void 0 ? annotations : []);
const annotationContent = (_a = annotationRecord.propertyValues) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.reduce((annotationContent, propertyValue) => {
(0, utils_1.lazy)(annotationContent,, () => parseValue(converter, currentTarget, currentTerm,, currentSource, propertyValue.value, `${currentFQN}/${}`));
return annotationContent;
}, annotationTerm);
if (isDataFieldWithForAction(annotationContent)) {
(0, utils_1.lazy)(annotationContent, 'ActionTarget', () => {
var _a, _b;
// try to resolve to a bound action of the annotation target
let actionTarget = (_a = currentTarget.actions) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[annotationContent.Action];
(0, utils_1.lazy)(record, 'annotations', resolveAnnotationsOnAnnotation(converter, annotationRecord, record));
if (isDataFieldWithForAction(record)) {
(0, utils_1.lazy)(record, 'ActionTarget', () => {
var _a, _b, _c;
const actionTargetFQN = converter.unalias((_a = record.Action) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString());
// (1) Bound action of the annotation target?
let actionTarget = (_b = currentTarget.actions) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b[actionTargetFQN];
if (!actionTarget) {
// try to find a corresponding unbound action
actionTarget = (_b = converter.getConvertedActionImport(annotationContent.Action)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.action;
// (2) ActionImport (= unbound action)?
actionTarget = (_c = converter.getConvertedActionImport(actionTargetFQN)) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.action;
if (!actionTarget) {
// try to find a corresponding bound (!) action
actionTarget = converter.getConvertedAction(annotationContent.Action);
// (3) Bound action of a different EntityType
actionTarget = converter.getConvertedAction(actionTargetFQN);
if (!(actionTarget === null || actionTarget === void 0 ? void 0 : actionTarget.isBound)) {

@@ -476,3 +459,3 @@ actionTarget = undefined;

if (!actionTarget) {
converter.logError(`Unable to resolve the action '${annotationContent.Action}' defined for '${annotationTerm.fullyQualifiedName}'`);
converter.logError(`${record.fullyQualifiedName}: Unable to resolve '${record.Action}' ('${actionTargetFQN}')`);

@@ -482,3 +465,3 @@ return actionTarget;

return annotationContent;
return record;

@@ -643,26 +626,7 @@ /**

const [vocAlias, vocTerm] = converter.splitTerm(rawAnnotation.term);
annotation.term = converter.unalias(`${vocAlias}.${vocTerm}`);
annotation.term = converter.unalias(`${vocAlias}.${vocTerm}`, VocabularyReferences_1.VocabularyReferences);
annotation.qualifier = rawAnnotation.qualifier;
annotation.__source = rawAnnotation.__source;
try {
(0, utils_1.lazy)(annotation, 'annotations', () => {
var _a;
const annotationFQN = annotation.fullyQualifiedName;
// be graceful when resolving annotations on annotations: Sometimes they are referenced directly, sometimes they
// are part of the global annotations list
let annotations;
if (rawAnnotation.annotations && rawAnnotation.annotations.length > 0) {
annotations = rawAnnotation.annotations;
else {
annotations = (_a = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[annotationFQN]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.annotations;
annotations === null || annotations === void 0 ? void 0 : annotations.forEach((rawSubAnnotation) => { = annotationFQN;
rawSubAnnotation.__source = annotation.__source;
rawSubAnnotation[ANNOTATION_TARGET] = target;
rawSubAnnotation.fullyQualifiedName = `${annotationFQN}@${rawSubAnnotation.term}`;
return createAnnotationsObject(converter, annotation, annotations !== null && annotations !== void 0 ? annotations : []);
(0, utils_1.lazy)(annotation, 'annotations', resolveAnnotationsOnAnnotation(converter, rawAnnotation, annotation));

@@ -674,60 +638,45 @@ catch (e) {

function getAnnotationFQN(currentTargetName, references, annotation) {
const annotationFQN = `${currentTargetName}@${(0, utils_1.unalias)(references, annotation.term)}`;
if (annotation.qualifier) {
return `${annotationFQN}#${annotation.qualifier}`;
else {
return annotationFQN;
* Merge annotation from different source together by overwriting at the term level.
* @param rawMetadata
* @param converter
* @returns the resulting merged annotations
function mergeAnnotations(rawMetadata) {
const annotationListPerTarget = {};
Object.keys(rawMetadata.schema.annotations).forEach((annotationSource) => {
rawMetadata.schema.annotations[annotationSource].forEach((annotationList) => {
const currentTargetName = (0, utils_1.unalias)(rawMetadata.references,;
annotationList.__source = annotationSource;
if (!annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName]) {
annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName] = {
annotations: => {
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = getAnnotationFQN(currentTargetName, rawMetadata.references, annotation);
annotation.__source = annotationSource;
return annotation;
target: currentTargetName
annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName].__source = annotationSource;
function mergeAnnotations(converter) {
return Object.keys(converter.rawSchema.annotations).reduceRight((annotationsPerTarget, annotationSource) => {
for (const { target: rawTarget, annotations: rawAnnotations } of converter.rawSchema.annotations[annotationSource]) {
const target = converter.unalias(rawTarget);
if (!annotationsPerTarget[target]) {
annotationsPerTarget[target] = [];
else {
annotationList.annotations.forEach((annotation) => {
const findIndex = annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName].annotations.findIndex((referenceAnnotation) => {
return (referenceAnnotation.term === annotation.term &&
referenceAnnotation.qualifier === annotation.qualifier);
annotation.__source = annotationSource;
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = getAnnotationFQN(currentTargetName, rawMetadata.references, annotation);
if (findIndex !== -1) {
annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName].annotations.splice(findIndex, 1, annotation);
else {
return annotationListPerTarget;
.filter((rawAnnotation) => !annotationsPerTarget[target].some((existingAnnotation) => existingAnnotation.term === rawAnnotation.term &&
existingAnnotation.qualifier === rawAnnotation.qualifier))
.map((rawAnnotation) => {
let annotationFQN = `${target}@${converter.unalias(rawAnnotation.term)}`;
if (rawAnnotation.qualifier) {
annotationFQN = `${annotationFQN}#${rawAnnotation.qualifier}`;
const annotation = rawAnnotation;
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = annotationFQN;
annotation.__source = annotationSource;
return annotation;
return annotationsPerTarget;
}, {});
class Converter {
get rawAnnotationsPerTarget() {
if (this._rawAnnotationsPerTarget === undefined) {
this._rawAnnotationsPerTarget = mergeAnnotations(this.rawMetadata);
* Get preprocessed annotations on the specified target.
* @param target The annotation target
* @returns An array of annotations
getAnnotations(target) {
var _a;
if (this.annotationyByTarget === undefined) {
this.annotationyByTarget = mergeAnnotations(this);
return this._rawAnnotationsPerTarget;
return (_a = this.annotationyByTarget[target]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [];

@@ -816,5 +765,5 @@ getConvertedEntityContainer() {

unalias(value) {
unalias(value, references = this.rawMetadata.references) {
var _a;
return (_a = (0, utils_1.unalias)(this.rawMetadata.references, value)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';
return (_a = (0, utils_1.unalias)(references, value)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '';

@@ -854,5 +803,23 @@ }

const nestedAnnotations = rawAnnotationTarget.annotations;
return () => createAnnotationsObject(converter, rawAnnotationTarget, nestedAnnotations !== null && nestedAnnotations !== void 0 ? nestedAnnotations : converter.getAnnotations(rawAnnotationTarget.fullyQualifiedName));
function resolveAnnotationsOnAnnotation(converter, annotationRecord, annotationTerm) {
return () => {
var _a, _b;
return createAnnotationsObject(converter, rawAnnotationTarget, (_b = nestedAnnotations !== null && nestedAnnotations !== void 0 ? nestedAnnotations : (_a = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[rawAnnotationTarget.fullyQualifiedName]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.annotations) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : []);
const currentFQN = annotationTerm.fullyQualifiedName;
// be graceful when resolving annotations on annotations: Sometimes they are referenced directly, sometimes they
// are part of the global annotations list
let annotations;
if (annotationRecord.annotations && annotationRecord.annotations.length > 0) {
annotations = annotationRecord.annotations;
else {
annotations = converter.getAnnotations(currentFQN);
annotations === null || annotations === void 0 ? void 0 : annotations.forEach((annotation) => { = currentFQN;
annotation.__source = annotationTerm.__source;
annotation[ANNOTATION_TARGET] = annotationTerm[ANNOTATION_TARGET];
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = `${currentFQN}@${annotation.term}`;
return createAnnotationsObject(converter, annotationTerm, annotations !== null && annotations !== void 0 ? annotations : []);

@@ -1032,20 +999,13 @@ }

(0, utils_1.lazy)(convertedAction, 'annotations', () => {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l;
// --> action: '', overload: 'on.this.type'
// --> action: '', overload: undefined
// --> action: '', overload: undefined
const actionAndOverload = rawAction.fullyQualifiedName.match(/(?<action>[^()]+)(?:\((?<overload>.*)\))?/);
let rawAnnotations = [];
if (actionAndOverload) {
if ((_a = actionAndOverload.groups) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.overload) {
rawAnnotations = (_c = (_b = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[rawAction.fullyQualifiedName]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.annotations) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : [];
const action = (0, utils_1.substringBeforeFirst)(rawAction.fullyQualifiedName, '(');
// if the action is unbound (e.g. "myAction"), the annotation target is "myAction()"
const annotationTargetFQN = rawAction.isBound
? rawAction.fullyQualifiedName
: `${rawAction.fullyQualifiedName}()`;
const rawAnnotations = converter.getAnnotations(annotationTargetFQN);
const baseAnnotations = converter.getAnnotations(action);
for (const baseAnnotation of baseAnnotations) {
if (!rawAnnotations.some((annotation) => annotation.term === baseAnnotation.term && annotation.qualifier === baseAnnotation.qualifier)) {
else {
rawAnnotations =
(_f = (_e = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[`${(_d = actionAndOverload.groups) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.action}()`]) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.annotations) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : [];
if (((_g = actionAndOverload.groups) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.action) && ((_h = actionAndOverload.groups) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.action) !== rawAction.fullyQualifiedName) {
const baseAnnotations = (_l = (_k = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[(_j = actionAndOverload.groups) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.action]) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.annotations) !== null && _l !== void 0 ? _l : [];
rawAnnotations = rawAnnotations.concat(baseAnnotations);

@@ -1052,0 +1012,0 @@ return createAnnotationsObject(converter, rawAction, rawAnnotations);

export * from './converter';
export * from './utils';
export * from './writeback';
export * from './utils';

@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ "use strict";

__exportStar(require("./converter"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./utils"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./writeback"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./utils"), exports);

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import type { ComplexType, Reference, TypeDefinition, ArrayWithIndex } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types';
export { VocabularyReferences as defaultReferences } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences';
import type { ArrayWithIndex, ComplexType, Reference, TypeDefinition } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types';
export { EnumIsFlag } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/EnumIsFlag';
export { TermToTypes } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/TermToTypes';
export { VocabularyReferences as defaultReferences } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences';
export type ReferencesWithMap = Reference[] & {

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ referenceMap?: Record<string, Reference>;

* Transform an aliased string representation annotation to the unaliased version.
* Transform an aliased string to its unaliased version given a set of references.
* @param references currentReferences for the project
* @param aliasedValue the aliased value
* @returns the unaliased string representing the same
* @param references The references to use for unaliasing.
* @param aliasedValue The aliased value
* @returns The equal unaliased string.

@@ -57,0 +57,0 @@ export declare function unalias(references: ReferencesWithMap, aliasedValue: string | undefined): string | undefined;

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.addGetByValue = exports.createIndexedFind = exports.lazy = exports.Decimal = exports.isComplexTypeDefinition = exports.unalias = exports.alias = exports.substringBeforeLast = exports.substringBeforeFirst = exports.splitAtLast = exports.splitAtFirst = exports.TermToTypes = exports.EnumIsFlag = exports.defaultReferences = void 0;
var VocabularyReferences_1 = require("@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "defaultReferences", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return VocabularyReferences_1.VocabularyReferences; } });
exports.addGetByValue = exports.createIndexedFind = exports.lazy = exports.Decimal = exports.isComplexTypeDefinition = exports.unalias = exports.alias = exports.substringBeforeLast = exports.substringBeforeFirst = exports.splitAtLast = exports.splitAtFirst = exports.defaultReferences = exports.TermToTypes = exports.EnumIsFlag = void 0;
var EnumIsFlag_1 = require("@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/EnumIsFlag");

@@ -10,2 +8,4 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, "EnumIsFlag", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return EnumIsFlag_1.EnumIsFlag; } });

Object.defineProperty(exports, "TermToTypes", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return TermToTypes_1.TermToTypes; } });
var VocabularyReferences_1 = require("@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "defaultReferences", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return VocabularyReferences_1.VocabularyReferences; } });
function splitAt(string, index) {

@@ -94,9 +94,13 @@ return index < 0 ? [string, ''] : [string.substring(0, index), string.substring(index + 1)];

* Transform an aliased string representation annotation to the unaliased version.
* Transform an aliased string to its unaliased version given a set of references.
* @param references currentReferences for the project
* @param aliasedValue the aliased value
* @returns the unaliased string representing the same
* @param references The references to use for unaliasing.
* @param aliasedValue The aliased value
* @returns The equal unaliased string.
function unalias(references, aliasedValue) {
var _a, _b;
if (!aliasedValue) {
return aliasedValue;
if (!references.referenceMap) {

@@ -108,18 +112,21 @@ references.referenceMap = references.reduce((map, ref) => {

if (!aliasedValue) {
return aliasedValue;
const separators = ['@', '/', '('];
const unaliased = [];
let start = 0;
for (let end = 0, maybeAlias = true; end < aliasedValue.length; end++) {
const char = aliasedValue[end];
if (maybeAlias && char === '.') {
const alias = aliasedValue.substring(start, end);
unaliased.push((_b = (_a = references.referenceMap[alias]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.namespace) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : alias);
start = end;
maybeAlias = false;
if (separators.includes(char)) {
unaliased.push(aliasedValue.substring(start, end + 1));
start = end + 1;
maybeAlias = true;
const [vocAlias, value] = splitAtFirst(aliasedValue, '.');
const reference = references.referenceMap[vocAlias];
if (reference) {
return `${reference.namespace}.${value}`;
else if (aliasedValue.includes('@')) {
// Try to see if it's an annotation Path like to_SalesOrder/@UI.LineItem
const [preAlias, postAlias] = splitAtFirst(aliasedValue, '@');
return `${preAlias}@${unalias(references, postAlias)}`;
else {
return aliasedValue;
return unaliased.join('');

@@ -126,0 +133,0 @@ exports.unalias = unalias;

"name": "@sap-ux/annotation-converter",
"version": "0.6.7",
"version": "0.6.8",
"description": "SAP Fiori OData - Annotation converter",

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ "repository": {

"clean": "rimraf dist",
"format": "prettier --write '**/*.{js,json,ts,yaml,yml}' --ignore-path ../../.prettierignore",
"format": "prettier **/* --write --ignore-unknown --ignore-path ../../.prettierignore",
"lint": "eslint . --ext .ts",

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ "lint:fix": "eslint . --ext .ts --fix",

@@ -6,3 +6,2 @@ import type {


@@ -35,3 +34,2 @@ ArrayWithIndex,


@@ -42,2 +40,3 @@ ResolutionTarget,

} from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types';
import { VocabularyReferences } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences';
import {

@@ -56,3 +55,2 @@ addGetByValue,

} from './utils';
import { VocabularyReferences } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences';

@@ -200,3 +198,3 @@ /**

if (segment === '' || segment === thisElement.fullyQualifiedName) {
if (segment === '' || converter.unalias(segment) === thisElement.fullyQualifiedName) {
return current;

@@ -265,3 +263,4 @@ }

const action = thisElement.actions[segment];
const actionName = substringBeforeFirst(converter.unalias(segment), '(');
const action = thisElement.actions[actionName];
if (action) {

@@ -606,31 +605,11 @@ = action;

) {
const annotationTerm: any = {
const record: any = {
$Type: parseRecordType(converter, currentTerm, currentTarget, currentProperty, annotationRecord),
fullyQualifiedName: currentFQN,
[ANNOTATION_TARGET]: currentTarget
[ANNOTATION_TARGET]: currentTarget,
__source: currentSource
// annotations on the record
lazy(annotationTerm, 'annotations', () => {
// be graceful when resolving annotations on annotations: Sometimes they are referenced directly, sometimes they
// are part of the global annotations list
let annotations;
if (annotationRecord.annotations && annotationRecord.annotations.length > 0) {
annotations = annotationRecord.annotations;
} else {
annotations = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[currentFQN]?.annotations;
annotations?.forEach((annotation: any) => { = currentFQN;
annotation.__source = currentSource;
annotation[ANNOTATION_TARGET] = currentTarget;
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = `${currentFQN}@${annotation.term}`;
return createAnnotationsObject(converter, annotationTerm, annotations ?? []);
const annotationContent = annotationRecord.propertyValues?.reduce((annotationContent, propertyValue) => {
lazy(annotationContent,, () =>
for (const propertyValue of annotationRecord.propertyValues) {
lazy(record,, () =>

@@ -646,19 +625,22 @@ converter,

return annotationContent;
}, annotationTerm);
// annotations on the record
lazy(record, 'annotations', resolveAnnotationsOnAnnotation(converter, annotationRecord, record));
if (isDataFieldWithForAction(annotationContent)) {
lazy(annotationContent, 'ActionTarget', () => {
// try to resolve to a bound action of the annotation target
let actionTarget = currentTarget.actions?.[annotationContent.Action];
if (isDataFieldWithForAction(record)) {
lazy(record, 'ActionTarget', () => {
const actionTargetFQN = converter.unalias(record.Action?.toString());
// (1) Bound action of the annotation target?
let actionTarget = currentTarget.actions?.[actionTargetFQN];
if (!actionTarget) {
// try to find a corresponding unbound action
actionTarget = converter.getConvertedActionImport(annotationContent.Action)?.action;
// (2) ActionImport (= unbound action)?
actionTarget = converter.getConvertedActionImport(actionTargetFQN)?.action;
if (!actionTarget) {
// try to find a corresponding bound (!) action
actionTarget = converter.getConvertedAction(annotationContent.Action);
// (3) Bound action of a different EntityType
actionTarget = converter.getConvertedAction(actionTargetFQN);
if (!actionTarget?.isBound) {

@@ -671,3 +653,3 @@ actionTarget = undefined;

`Unable to resolve the action '${annotationContent.Action}' defined for '${annotationTerm.fullyQualifiedName}'`
`${record.fullyQualifiedName}: Unable to resolve '${record.Action}' ('${actionTargetFQN}')`

@@ -678,3 +660,3 @@ }

return annotationContent;
return record;

@@ -922,3 +904,3 @@

annotation.term = converter.unalias(`${vocAlias}.${vocTerm}`);
annotation.term = converter.unalias(`${vocAlias}.${vocTerm}`, VocabularyReferences);
annotation.qualifier = rawAnnotation.qualifier;

@@ -928,23 +910,3 @@ annotation.__source = (rawAnnotation as any).__source;

try {
lazy(annotation, 'annotations', () => {
const annotationFQN = annotation.fullyQualifiedName;
// be graceful when resolving annotations on annotations: Sometimes they are referenced directly, sometimes they
// are part of the global annotations list
let annotations;
if (rawAnnotation.annotations && rawAnnotation.annotations.length > 0) {
annotations = rawAnnotation.annotations;
} else {
annotations = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[annotationFQN]?.annotations;
annotations?.forEach((rawSubAnnotation: any) => { = annotationFQN;
rawSubAnnotation.__source = annotation.__source;
rawSubAnnotation[ANNOTATION_TARGET] = target;
rawSubAnnotation.fullyQualifiedName = `${annotationFQN}@${rawSubAnnotation.term}`;
return createAnnotationsObject(converter, annotation, annotations ?? []);
lazy(annotation, 'annotations', resolveAnnotationsOnAnnotation(converter, rawAnnotation, annotation));
} catch (e) {

@@ -957,73 +919,62 @@ // not an error: parseRecord() already adds annotations, but the other parseXXX functions don't, so this can happen

function getAnnotationFQN(currentTargetName: string, references: Reference[], annotation: RawAnnotation) {
const annotationFQN = `${currentTargetName}@${unalias(references, annotation.term)}`;
if (annotation.qualifier) {
return `${annotationFQN}#${annotation.qualifier}`;
} else {
return annotationFQN;
* Merge annotation from different source together by overwriting at the term level.
* @param rawMetadata
* @param converter
* @returns the resulting merged annotations
function mergeAnnotations(rawMetadata: RawMetadata): Record<string, AnnotationList> {
const annotationListPerTarget: Record<string, AnnotationList> = {};
Object.keys(rawMetadata.schema.annotations).forEach((annotationSource) => {
rawMetadata.schema.annotations[annotationSource].forEach((annotationList: AnnotationList) => {
const currentTargetName = unalias(rawMetadata.references, as string;
(annotationList as any).__source = annotationSource;
if (!annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName]) {
annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName] = {
annotations: RawAnnotation) => {
(annotation as Annotation).fullyQualifiedName = getAnnotationFQN(
(annotation as any).__source = annotationSource;
function mergeAnnotations(converter: Converter): Record<string, Annotation[]> {
return Object.keys(converter.rawSchema.annotations).reduceRight((annotationsPerTarget, annotationSource) => {
for (const { target: rawTarget, annotations: rawAnnotations } of converter.rawSchema.annotations[
]) {
const target = converter.unalias(rawTarget);
if (!annotationsPerTarget[target]) {
annotationsPerTarget[target] = [];
(rawAnnotation) =>
(existingAnnotation) =>
existingAnnotation.term === rawAnnotation.term &&
existingAnnotation.qualifier === rawAnnotation.qualifier
.map((rawAnnotation) => {
let annotationFQN = `${target}@${converter.unalias(rawAnnotation.term)}`;
if (rawAnnotation.qualifier) {
annotationFQN = `${annotationFQN}#${rawAnnotation.qualifier}`;
const annotation = rawAnnotation as Annotation & { __source: string };
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = annotationFQN;
annotation.__source = annotationSource;
return annotation;
target: currentTargetName
(annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName] as any).__source = annotationSource;
} else {
annotationList.annotations.forEach((annotation: RawAnnotation) => {
const findIndex = annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName].annotations.findIndex(
(referenceAnnotation: RawAnnotation) => {
return (
referenceAnnotation.term === annotation.term &&
referenceAnnotation.qualifier === annotation.qualifier
(annotation as any).__source = annotationSource;
(annotation as Annotation).fullyQualifiedName = getAnnotationFQN(
if (findIndex !== -1) {
annotationListPerTarget[currentTargetName].annotations.splice(findIndex, 1, annotation);
} else {
return annotationListPerTarget;
return annotationsPerTarget;
}, {} as Record<string, Annotation[]>);
class Converter {
private _rawAnnotationsPerTarget: Record<FullyQualifiedName, AnnotationList>;
get rawAnnotationsPerTarget(): Record<FullyQualifiedName, AnnotationList> {
if (this._rawAnnotationsPerTarget === undefined) {
this._rawAnnotationsPerTarget = mergeAnnotations(this.rawMetadata);
private annotationyByTarget: Record<FullyQualifiedName, Annotation[]>;
* Get preprocessed annotations on the specified target.
* @param target The annotation target
* @returns An array of annotations
getAnnotations(target: FullyQualifiedName): Annotation[] {
if (this.annotationyByTarget === undefined) {
this.annotationyByTarget = mergeAnnotations(this);
return this._rawAnnotationsPerTarget;
return this.annotationyByTarget[target] ?? [];

@@ -1149,3 +1100,3 @@

toDefaultAlias(value: string) {
toDefaultAlias(value: string | undefined) {
const unaliased = unalias(this.rawMetadata.references, value) ?? '';

@@ -1155,4 +1106,4 @@ return alias(VocabularyReferences, unaliased);

unalias(value: string | undefined) {
return unalias(this.rawMetadata.references, value) ?? '';
unalias(value: string | undefined, references = this.rawMetadata.references) {
return unalias(references, value) ?? '';

@@ -1210,8 +1161,34 @@ }

nestedAnnotations ??
converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[rawAnnotationTarget.fullyQualifiedName]?.annotations ??
nestedAnnotations ?? converter.getAnnotations(rawAnnotationTarget.fullyQualifiedName)
function resolveAnnotationsOnAnnotation(
converter: Converter,
annotationRecord: AnnotationRecord | RawAnnotation,
annotationTerm: any
) {
return () => {
const currentFQN = annotationTerm.fullyQualifiedName;
// be graceful when resolving annotations on annotations: Sometimes they are referenced directly, sometimes they
// are part of the global annotations list
let annotations;
if (annotationRecord.annotations && annotationRecord.annotations.length > 0) {
annotations = annotationRecord.annotations;
} else {
annotations = converter.getAnnotations(currentFQN);
annotations?.forEach((annotation: any) => { = currentFQN;
annotation.__source = annotationTerm.__source;
annotation[ANNOTATION_TARGET] = annotationTerm[ANNOTATION_TARGET];
annotation.fullyQualifiedName = `${currentFQN}@${annotation.term}`;
return createAnnotationsObject(converter, annotationTerm, annotations ?? []);
function createAnnotationsObject(converter: Converter, target: any, rawAnnotations: RawAnnotation[]) {

@@ -1475,20 +1452,20 @@ return rawAnnotations.reduce((vocabularyAliases, annotation) => {

lazy(convertedAction, 'annotations', () => {
// --> action: '', overload: 'on.this.type'
// --> action: '', overload: undefined
// --> action: '', overload: undefined
const actionAndOverload = rawAction.fullyQualifiedName.match(/(?<action>[^()]+)(?:\((?<overload>.*)\))?/);
const action = substringBeforeFirst(rawAction.fullyQualifiedName, '(');
let rawAnnotations: RawAnnotation[] = [];
if (actionAndOverload) {
if (actionAndOverload.groups?.overload) {
rawAnnotations = converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[rawAction.fullyQualifiedName]?.annotations ?? [];
} else {
rawAnnotations =
converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[`${actionAndOverload.groups?.action}()`]?.annotations ?? [];
// if the action is unbound (e.g. "myAction"), the annotation target is "myAction()"
const annotationTargetFQN = rawAction.isBound
? rawAction.fullyQualifiedName
: `${rawAction.fullyQualifiedName}()`;
if (actionAndOverload.groups?.action && actionAndOverload.groups?.action !== rawAction.fullyQualifiedName) {
const baseAnnotations =
converter.rawAnnotationsPerTarget[actionAndOverload.groups?.action]?.annotations ?? [];
rawAnnotations = rawAnnotations.concat(baseAnnotations);
const rawAnnotations = converter.getAnnotations(annotationTargetFQN);
const baseAnnotations = converter.getAnnotations(action);
for (const baseAnnotation of baseAnnotations) {
if (
(annotation) =>
annotation.term === baseAnnotation.term && annotation.qualifier === baseAnnotation.qualifier
) {

@@ -1495,0 +1472,0 @@ }

export * from './converter';
export * from './utils';
export * from './writeback';
export * from './utils';

@@ -1,5 +0,6 @@

import type { Index, ComplexType, Reference, TypeDefinition, ArrayWithIndex } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types';
export { VocabularyReferences as defaultReferences } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences';
import type { ArrayWithIndex, ComplexType, Index, Reference, TypeDefinition } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types';
export { EnumIsFlag } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/EnumIsFlag';
export { TermToTypes } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/TermToTypes';
export { VocabularyReferences as defaultReferences } from '@sap-ux/vocabularies-types/vocabularies/VocabularyReferences';

@@ -94,9 +95,13 @@ export type ReferencesWithMap = Reference[] & {

* Transform an aliased string representation annotation to the unaliased version.
* Transform an aliased string to its unaliased version given a set of references.
* @param references currentReferences for the project
* @param aliasedValue the aliased value
* @returns the unaliased string representing the same
* @param references The references to use for unaliasing.
* @param aliasedValue The aliased value
* @returns The equal unaliased string.
export function unalias(references: ReferencesWithMap, aliasedValue: string | undefined): string | undefined {
if (!aliasedValue) {
return aliasedValue;
if (!references.referenceMap) {

@@ -108,16 +113,23 @@ references.referenceMap = references.reduce((map: Record<string, Reference>, ref) => {

if (!aliasedValue) {
return aliasedValue;
const separators = ['@', '/', '('];
const unaliased: string[] = [];
let start = 0;
for (let end = 0, maybeAlias = true; end < aliasedValue.length; end++) {
const char = aliasedValue[end];
if (maybeAlias && char === '.') {
const alias = aliasedValue.substring(start, end);
unaliased.push(references.referenceMap[alias]?.namespace ?? alias);
start = end;
maybeAlias = false;
if (separators.includes(char)) {
unaliased.push(aliasedValue.substring(start, end + 1));
start = end + 1;
maybeAlias = true;
const [vocAlias, value] = splitAtFirst(aliasedValue, '.');
const reference = references.referenceMap[vocAlias];
if (reference) {
return `${reference.namespace}.${value}`;
} else if (aliasedValue.includes('@')) {
// Try to see if it's an annotation Path like to_SalesOrder/@UI.LineItem
const [preAlias, postAlias] = splitAtFirst(aliasedValue, '@');
return `${preAlias}@${unalias(references, postAlias)}`;
} else {
return aliasedValue;
return unaliased.join('');

@@ -124,0 +136,0 @@

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