Snap Javascript Client
Simple Javascript client for communicating with the Searchspring Snap API.
npm install --save @searchspring/snap-client
import { Client } from '@searchspring/snap-client';
Global Config
Client is constructed with globals
Globals are API parameters that will be applied to all searches requested by the client. This will typically contain just the siteId; but could also include global filters, background filters, sorts, or merchandising segments.
const globals = {
siteId: 'a1b2c3'
Any other keys defined here will be passed to the API request
For example, with background filter:
const globals = {
siteId: 'a1b2c3',
filters: [{
field: 'stock_status',
value: 'yes',
type: 'value',
background: true
Client Config
Optional configuration for each requester. This can be used to specifiy a development origin URL or to configure cache settings per requester.
type ClientConfig = {
mode?: keyof typeof AppMode | AppMode;
fetchApi?: WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope['fetch'];
meta?: RequesterConfig<MetaRequestModel>;
search?: RequesterConfig<SearchRequestModel>;
autocomplete?: RequesterConfig<AutocompleteRequestModel> & { requesters?: HybridRequesterConfig };
finder?: RequesterConfig<SearchRequestModel>;
recommend?: RequesterConfig<RecommendRequestModel>;
suggest?: RequesterConfig<SuggestRequestModel>;
type RequesterConfig<T> = {
origin?: string;
headers?: HTTPHeaders;
cache?: CacheConfig;
globals?: Partial<T>;
type CacheConfig = {
enabled?: boolean;
ttl?: number;
maxSize?: number;
purgeable?: boolean;
entries?: { [key: string]: Response };
Controller usage
Snap Client is a dependency of Snap Controller and it is recommended to use the Controller's search
method to perform a search.
Cache usage
Each requester in the Snap Client has its own cache settings, which can be configured via the ClientConfig
under cache
. Settings include:
: to opt out - Defaults to true
: to adjust how long the requests are stored (in ms) - Defaults to 300000
: to adjust the maximum size of the cache allowed to be stored in localStorage (in kb - Defaults to 200
: to allow auto purging of the requests from localstorage when maxSize is hit, based on time remaining to expiration. - Defaults to true
with the exception of meta
: to allow preload the cache. This is primarily used in Email Recommendations.
const metaResponse = {
"facets": {
"brand": {
"display": "list",
"label": "Brand",
"collapsed": false,
"multiple": "or"
"collection": {
"display": "list",
"label": "Collection",
"collapsed": false,
"multiple": "or"
"color_family": {
"display": "palette",
"label": "Color",
"collapsed": false,
"multiple": "or"
"sortOptions": [
"type": "relevance",
"field": "relevance",
"direction": "desc",
"label": "Best Match"
"type": "field",
"field": "sales_rank",
"direction": "desc",
"label": "Most Popular"
const metaKey = `/api/meta/meta.json{"siteId":"8uyt2m"}`;
const clientConfig = {
search: {
cache: {
entries: {
[metaKey]: metaResponse
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const results = await{
search: {
query: {
string: 'dress'
Standalone usage
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const [meta, results] = await{
search: {
query: {
string: 'dress'
Makes a request to the Searchspring Search API and returns a promise.
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const [meta, results] = await{
search: {
query: {
string: 'dress'
Makes a request to the Searchspring Autocomplete API and returns a promise.
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const [meta, results] = await client.autocomplete({
suggestions: {
count: 5
search: {
query: {
string: 'yellw',
spellCorrection: true
Makes a request to the Searchspring Search API to fetch meta properties, it returns a promise. The search
method utilizes this method.
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const meta = await client.meta();
Makes a request to the Searchspring Trending API and returns a promise.
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const results = await client.trending({
siteId: 'abc123',
limit: 5
Makes a request to the Searchspring finder API and returns a promise.
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const [meta, results] = await client.finder({
filters: [{
type: "value",
field: "color",
background: false,
value: "red",
Makes a request to the Searchspring Recommend API and returns a promise.
const client = new Client(globals, clientConfig);
const results = await client.recommend({
tag: 'similar',
siteId: 'abc123',
products: ['product123'],
shopper: 'snapdev',