Official Sentry SDK for SvelteKit

The minimum supported version of SvelteKit is 1.0.0
. The SDK works best with Vite 4.2 and newer. Older Vite versions
might not generate source maps correctly.
The SDK supports the following SvelteKit adapters:
- for Vercel with the Node runtime. Other deployment targets might work but we don't
guarantee compatibility.@sveltejs/adapter-vercel
- only for Node (Lambda) runtimes, not yet Vercel's edge runtime@sveltejs/adapter-node
If you use the SDK with other adapters, we cannot guarantee that everything works as expected. You might need to
manually configure source maps upload. The SDK is currently not compatible with
none-Node server runtimes, such as Vercel's Edge runtime or Cloudflare workers.
This package is a wrapper around @sentry/node
for the server and @sentry/svelte
for the client side, with added
functionality related to SvelteKit.
Automatic Setup
We recommend installing the SDK by running the
Sentry wizard in the root directory of your
npx @sentry/wizard@latest -i sveltekit
Take a look at the sections below if you want to customize your SDK configuration.
Manual Setup
If the setup through the wizard doesn't work for you, you can also set up the SDK manually.
1. Prerequesits & Installation
Install the Sentry SvelteKit SDK:
npm install @sentry/sveltekit
yarn add @sentry/sveltekit
2. Client-side Setup
The Sentry SvelteKit SDK mostly relies on SvelteKit Hooks to capture error and
performance data.
If you don't already have a client hooks file, create a new one in src/hooks.client.(js|ts)
On the top of your hooks.client.(js|ts)
file, initialize the Sentry SDK:
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/sveltekit';
dsn: '__DSN__',
tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1,
replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0,
integrations: [Sentry.replayIntegration()],
Add our handleErrorWithSentry
function to the handleError
import { handleErrorWithSentry } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
const myErrorHandler = ({ error, event }) => {
console.error('An error occurred on the client side:', error, event);
export const handleError = handleErrorWithSentry(myErrorHandler);
3. Server-side Setup
If you don't already have a server hooks file, create a new one in src/hooks.server.(js|ts)
On the top of your hooks.server.(js|ts)
file, initialize the Sentry SDK:
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/sveltekit';
dsn: '__DSN__',
tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
Add our handleErrorWithSentry
function to the handleError
import { handleErrorWithSentry } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
const myErrorHandler = ({ error, event }) => {
console.error('An error occurred on the server side:', error, event);
export const handleError = handleErrorWithSentry(myErrorHandler);
Add our request handler to the handle
hook in hooks.server.ts
import { sentryHandle } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export const handle = sentryHandle();
4. Vite Setup
Add sentrySvelteKit
to your Vite plugins in vite.config.(js|ts)
file so that the Sentry SDK can apply build-time
features. Make sure that it is added before the sveltekit
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { sentrySvelteKit } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export default {
plugins: [sentrySvelteKit(), sveltekit()],
This adds the
Sentry Vite Plugin to
your Vite config to automatically upload source maps to Sentry.
Uploading Source Maps
After completing the Vite Setup, the SDK will automatically upload source maps to Sentry, when you
build your project. However, you still need to specify your Sentry auth token as well as your org and project slugs. You
can either set them as env variables (for example in a .env
your Sentry org slugSENTRY_PROJECT
your Sentry project slugSENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN
your Sentry auth token
Or you can pass them in whatever form you prefer to sentrySvelteKit
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { sentrySvelteKit } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export default {
plugins: [
sourceMapsUploadOptions: {
org: 'my-org-slug',
project: 'my-project-slug',
authToken: process.env.SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN,
Configuring Source maps upload
Under sourceMapsUploadOptions
, you can also specify all additional options supported by the
Sentry Vite Plugin. This might be useful if you're using adapters
other than the Node adapter or have a more customized build setup.
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { sentrySvelteKit } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export default {
plugins: [
sourceMapsUploadOptions: {
org: 'my-org-slug',
project: 'my-project-slug',
authToken: process.env.SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN,
include: ['dist'],
cleanArtifacts: true,
setCommits: {
auto: true,
Disabling automatic source map upload
If you don't want to upload source maps automatically, you can disable it as follows:
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { sentrySvelteKit } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export default {
plugins: [
autoUploadSourceMaps: false,
Configure Auto-Instrumentation
The SDK mostly relies on SvelteKit's hooks to collect error and performance data.
However, SvelteKit doesn't yet offer a hook for universal or server-only load
function calls. Therefore, the SDK uses
a Vite plugin to auto-instrument load
functions so that you don't have to add a Sentry wrapper to each function
manually. Auto-instrumentation is enabled by default, as soon as you add the sentrySvelteKit()
function call to your
. However, you can customize the behavior, or disable it entirely. In this case, you can still
manually wrap specific load
functions with the withSentry
Note: The SDK will only auto-instrument load
functions in +page
or +layout
files that do not yet contain any
Sentry code. If you already have custom Sentry code in such files, you'll have to
manually add our wrapper to your load
Customize Auto-instrumentation
By passing the autoInstrument
option to sentrySvelteKit
you can disable auto-instrumentation entirely, or customize
which load
functions should be instrumented:
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { sentrySvelteKit } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export default {
plugins: [
autoInstrument: {
load: true,
serverLoad: false,
Disable Auto-instrumentation
If you set the autoInstrument
option to false
, the SDK won't auto-instrument any load
function. You can still
manually instrument specific load
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { sentrySvelteKit } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export default {
plugins: [
autoInstrument: false;
Instrument load
Functions Manually
If you don't want to use auto-instrumentation, you can also manually instrument specific load
functions with our load
function wrappers:
To instrument your universal load
functions in +(page|layout).(js|ts)
, wrap our wrapLoadWithSentry
function around
your load code:
import { wrapLoadWithSentry } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export const load = wrapLoadWithSentry(event => {
To instrument server load
functions in +(page|layout).server.(js|ts)
, wrap our wrapServerLoadWithSentry
around your load code:
import { wrapServerLoadWithSentry } from '@sentry/sveltekit';
export const load = wrapServerLoadWithSentry(event => {