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@shopware-pwa/helpers-next - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.1.1



@@ -1,4 +0,2286 @@

import { Product, CalculatedPrice, Category, CmsBlock, CmsSection, SearchCriteria, Aggregations } from '@shopware-pwa/commons';
type CalculatedTax$1 = {
tax: number;
taxRate: number;
price: number;
type TaxRule$1 = {
taxRate: number;
percentage: number;
type ReferencePrice = {
price: number;
* @public
type CalculatedPrice = {
unitPrice: number;
quantity: number;
totalPrice: number;
calculatedTaxes: CalculatedTax$1[];
taxRules: TaxRule$1[];
referencePrice: ReferencePrice;
listPrice: {
price: number;
discount: number;
percentage: number;
apiAlias: string;
type MediaType = unknown;
type MediaTranslation = unknown;
type CustomFields = {
[key: string]: boolean | string | number | Date;
* @public
type CustomField = unknown;
* @public
type ProductMedia = {
productId: string;
mediaId: string;
position: number;
media: Media;
product: Product;
customFields: CustomField[];
url: string;
* @public
type Tax = {
taxRate: number;
name: string;
products: Product[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type UnitTranslation = {
unitId: string;
shortCode: string | null;
name: string | null;
unit: Unit | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type Unit = {
shortCode: string | null;
name: string | null;
translations: UnitTranslation[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type CountryStateTranslation = {
countryStateId: string;
name: string | null;
countryState: CountryState | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
type OrderAddress = unknown;
* @public
type CountryState = {
countryId: string;
shortCode: string;
name: string | null;
position: number;
active: boolean;
country: Country | null;
translations: CountryStateTranslation[] | null;
customerAddresses: CustomerAddress[] | null;
orderAddresses: OrderAddress[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type CountryTranslation = {
countryId: string;
name: string | null;
country: Country | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type Country = {
active: boolean;
createdAt: string;
customFields: object | null;
name: string | null;
iso: string | null;
translated: any;
updatedAt: string | null;
versionId: string | null;
id: string;
position: number;
taxFree: boolean;
shippingAvailable: boolean;
iso3: string | null;
displayStateInRegistration: boolean;
forceStateInRegistration: boolean;
states: CountryState[] | null;
translations: CountryTranslation[] | null;
orderAddresses: OrderAddress[] | null;
customerAddress: CustomerAddress[] | null;
salesChannelDefaultAssignments: SalesChannel[] | null;
salesChannels: SalesChannel[] | null;
* @public
type CustomerAddress = {
customerId?: string;
countryId: string;
countryStateId?: string | null;
salutationId: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
zipcode: string;
city: string;
company?: string | null;
department?: string | null;
title?: string | null;
street: string;
vatId?: string | null;
phoneNumber?: string | null;
additionalAddressLine1?: string;
additionalAddressLine2?: string;
country?: Country;
countryState?: string;
salutation: string | null;
customer?: string;
customFields?: CustomField;
id?: string;
type PriceDefinitionInterface = unknown;
type OrderDeliveryPosition = unknown;
* @public
type OrderLineItem = {
orderId: string;
identifier: string;
referenceId: string | null;
quantity: number;
unitPrice: number;
totalPrice: number;
label: string;
description: string | null;
good: boolean;
removable: boolean;
coverId: string | null;
stackable: boolean;
price: CalculatedPrice | null;
priceDefinition: PriceDefinitionInterface | null;
payload: string[] | null;
parentId: string | null;
type: string | null;
order: Order | null;
orderDeliveryPosition: OrderDeliveryPosition[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
cover: Media | null;
children: OrderLineItem[] | null;
* @public
type StateMachineTransition = {
actionName: string;
stateMachineId: string;
stateMachine: StateMachineState | null;
fromStateId: string;
fromStateMachineState: StateMachineState | null;
toStateId: string;
toStateMachineState: StateMachineState | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type StateMachineStateTranslation = {
name: string | null;
stateMachineStateId: string;
stateMachineState: StateMachineState | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ShippingAddress = CustomerAddress;
* @public
type BillingAddress = CustomerAddress;
type User = {
activeBillingAddress?: BillingAddress;
activeShippingAddress?: ShippingAddress;
* @public
type StateMachineHistory = {
stateMachineId: string;
stateMachine: StateMachine | null;
entityName: string;
entityId: [];
fromStateId: string;
fromStateMachineState: StateMachineState | null;
toStateId: string;
toStateMachineState: StateMachineState | null;
userId: string;
user: User | null;
* @public
type StateMachine = {
technicalName: string;
name: string;
transitions: StateMachineTransition[] | null;
states: StateMachineState[] | null;
initialStateId: string | null;
translations: StateMachineStateTranslation[];
historiEntries: StateMachineHistory[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type PluginTranslation = {
pluginId: string;
label: string | null;
description: string | null;
manufacturerLink: string | null;
supportLink: string | null;
changelog: [] | null;
plugin: Plugin | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type Plugin = {
baseClass: string;
name: string;
composerName: string | null;
active: boolean;
managedByComposer: boolean;
path: string | null;
author: string | null;
copyright: string | null;
license: string | null;
version: string;
upgradeVersion: string | null;
installedAt: Date;
upgradedAt: Date;
iconRaw: string | null;
icon: string | null;
label: string;
description: string | null;
manufacturerLink: string | null;
supportLink: string | null;
changelog: [] | null;
translations: PluginTranslation[] | null;
paymentMethods: PaymentMethod[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
autoload: [];
* @public
type CustomerGroup = {
id: string;
name: string;
displayGross: boolean;
customFields: CustomField[];
* Parent interface of all the interfaces for Shopware model entities.
* It provides the following fields: _uniqueIdentifier:string, versionId:string, translated[], createdAt:Date|null, updatedat:Date|null.
* @beta
type Entity = {
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: string;
translated: unknown;
createdAt: Date | null;
updatedAt: Date | null;
* @public
type DeliveryTime = {
name: string | null;
min: number;
max: number;
unit: string;
shippingMethods: ShippingMethod[] | null;
translations: Entity[];
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductPrice = {
productId: number;
quantityStart: number;
quantityEnd: number | null;
product: Product | null;
rule: Rule | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type PromotionSalesChannel = {
promotionId: string;
salesChannelId: string;
priority: number;
promotion: Promotion | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
* @public
type PromotionIndividualCode = {
promotionId: string;
code: string;
promotion: Promotion | null;
payload: string[] | null;
type PromotionSetGroup = unknown;
type PromotionTranslation = {
promotionId: string;
name: string | null;
* @public
type Promotion = {
name: string | null;
active: boolean;
validFrom: Date;
validUntil: Date;
maxRedemptionsGlobal: number;
maxRedemptionsPerCustomer: number;
exclusive: boolean;
useCodes: boolean;
useSetGroups: boolean;
customerRestriction: boolean;
useIndividualCodes: boolean;
individualCodePattern: string;
salesChannels: PromotionSalesChannel[] | null;
code: string | null;
discounts: PromotionDiscount[] | null;
individualCodes: PromotionIndividualCode[] | null;
setgroups: PromotionSetGroup[] | null;
orderRules: Rule[] | null;
personaRules: Rule[] | null;
personaCustomers: Customer[] | null;
cartRules: TaxRule$1[];
translations: PromotionTranslation[] | null;
orderCount: number;
ordersPerCustomerCount: [] | null;
exclusionIds: string[];
* @public
type PromotionDiscount = {
promotionId: string;
scope: string;
type: string;
value: number;
promotion: Promotion | null;
discountRules: Rule[] | null;
considerAdvancedRules: boolean;
maxValue: number | null;
promotionDiscountPrices: number | null;
* @public
type RuleCondition = {
type: string;
ruleId: string;
parentId: string | null;
value: [] | null;
rule: Rule | null;
children: RuleCondition | null;
parent: RuleCondition | null;
position: number;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type Rule = {
name: string;
description: string | null;
payload: string | Rule | null;
moduleTypes: [] | null;
productPrices: ProductPrice[];
shippingMethods: ShippingMethod[];
paymentMethods: PaymentMethod[];
conditions: RuleCondition[];
invalid: boolean;
customFields: CustomField[];
shippingMethodPrices: ShippingMethodPrice[] | null;
promotionDiscounts: PromotionDiscount[] | null;
promotionSetGroups: PromotionSetGroup[] | null;
ShippingMethodPriceCalculations: ShippingMethodPrice[] | null;
personaPromotions: Promotion[] | null;
orderPromotions: Promotion[] | null;
cartPromotions: Promotion[] | null;
* @public
type ShippingMethodPrice = {
shippingMethodId: string;
currencyId: string;
calculation: number | null;
quantityStart: number | null;
quantityEnd: number | null;
price: number;
shippingMethod: ShippingMethodPrice | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
rule: Rule | null;
currency: Currency | null;
calculationRuleId: string | null;
* @public
type OrderDelivery = {
orderId: string;
shippingOrderAddressId: string;
shippingMethodId: string;
trackingCode: string | null;
shippingDateEarliest: Date;
shippingDateLatest: Date;
shippingCosts: CalculatedPrice;
shippingOrderAddress: OrderAddress | null;
stateId: string;
stateMachineState: StateMachineState | null;
shippingMethod: ShippingMethodPrice | null;
order: Order | null;
positions: OrderDeliveryPosition[] | null;
* @public
type LocaleTranslation = {
localeId: string;
name: string | null;
territory: string | null;
locale: Locale | null;
customFields: CustomField | null;
* @public
type Locale = {
code: string;
name: string | null;
territory: string | null;
translations: LocaleTranslation[] | null;
users: User[] | null;
languages: Language[] | null;
customFields: CustomField | null;
type CategoryTranslation = unknown;
* @public
type CustomerGroupTranslation = {
customerGroupId: string;
name: string | null;
customerGroup: CustomerGroup | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type PaymentMethodTranslation = {
paymentMethodId: string;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductManufacturer = {
mediaId: string | null;
name: string | null;
link: string | null;
description: string | null;
translations: ProductManufacturerTranslation | null;
products: Product[];
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductManufacturerTranslation = {
productManufacturerId: number;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
productManufacturer: ProductManufacturer | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductTranslation = {
productId: string;
additionalText: string | null;
name: string | null;
keywords: string | null;
description: string | null;
metaTitle: string | null;
packUnit: string | null;
product: Product;
customFields: CustomField | null;
* @public
type ShippingMethodTranslation = {
shippingMethodId: string;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type PropertyGroupTranslation = {
shippingMethodId: string;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductStreamFilter = {
type: string;
field: string | null;
operator: string | null;
value: string | null;
productStreamId: string;
parentId: string | null;
productStream: ProductStream | null;
queries: ProductStreamFilter[] | null;
parent: ProductStreamFilter | null;
position: number;
parameters: [] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductStream = {
name: string;
description: string | null;
apiFilter: [] | null;
filters: ProductStreamFilter[] | null;
invalid: boolean;
translations: ProductStreamTranslation[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductStreamTranslation = {
productStreamId: string;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
productStream: ProductStream | null;
customFields: CustomField;
type MailTemplateMedia = unknown;
* @public
type MailTemplateTypeTranslation = {
mailTemplateTypeId: string;
mailTemplateType: MailTemplateType | null;
name: string | null;
* @public
type MailTemplateType = {
name: string;
technicalName: string;
availableEntities: [] | null;
translations: MailTemplateTypeTranslation[] | null;
mailTemplates: MailTemplateType[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
salesChannels: MailTemplateSalesChannel[] | null;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
* @public
type MailTemplateSalesChannel = {
mailTemplateId: string;
salesChannelId: string | null;
mailTemplateTypeId: string;
mailTemplateType: MailTemplateType | null;
mailTemplate: MailTemplateSalesChannel | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
* @public
type MailTemplateTranslation = {
mailTemplateId: string;
senderName: string | null;
description: string | null;
subject: string | null;
contentHtml: string | null;
contentPlain: string | null;
mailTemplate: MailTemplate | null;
* @public
type MailTemplate = {
mailTemplateTypeId: string | null;
mailTemplateType: MailTemplateType | null;
systemDefault: boolean;
senderName: string | null;
description: string | null;
subject: string | null;
contentHtml: string | null;
contentPlain: string | null;
salesChannels: MailTemplateSalesChannel[] | null;
translations: MailTemplateTranslation[] | null;
media: MailTemplateMedia[] | null;
* @public
type MailHeaderFooterTranslation = {
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
headerHtml: string | null;
headerPlain: string | null;
footerHtml: string | null;
footerPlain: string | null;
mailHeaderFooter: MailHeaderFooter | null;
mailHeaderFooterId: string;
* @public
type MailHeaderFooter = {
name: string | null;
systemDefault: boolean;
description: string | null;
headerHtml: string | null;
headerPlain: string | null;
footerHtml: string | null;
footerPlain: string | null;
salesChannels: SalesChannel[] | null;
translations: MailHeaderFooterTranslation[] | null;
* @public
type DocumentTypeTranslation = {
documentTypeId: string;
documentType: DocumentType | null;
name: string | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductSearchKeyword = {
languageId: string;
productId: string;
keyword: string;
ranking: number;
product: Product | null;
language: Language | null;
* @public
type ProductKeywordDictionary = {
id: string;
languageId: string;
keyword: string;
reserved: string;
language: Language | null;
* @public
type NumberRangeSalesChannel = {
numberRangeId: string;
salesChannelId: string;
numberRange: NumberRange | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
numberRangeType: NumberRangeType | null;
* @public
type NumberRangeTypeTranslation = {
numberRangeTypeId: string;
typeName: string | null;
numberRangeType: NumberRangeType | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type NumberRangeType = {
typeName: string;
technicalName: string;
global: boolean;
numberRanges: NumberRange[] | null;
numberRangeSalesChannels: NumberRangeSalesChannel | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
translations: NumberRangeTypeTranslation[] | null;
* @public
type NumberRangeState = {
numberRangeId: string;
lastValue: number;
numberRange: NumberRange | null;
* @public
type NumberRange = {
typeId: string | null;
global: boolean;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
pattern: string | null;
start: number | null;
type: NumberRangeType | null;
numberRangeSalesChannels: NumberRangeSalesChannel[] | null;
state: NumberRangeState | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
translations: NumberRangeTranslation[] | null;
* @public
type NumberRangeTranslation = {
numberRangeId: string;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
numberRange: NumberRange | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type PropertyGroup = {
name: string;
displayType: string;
sortingType: string;
description: string | null;
options: PropertyGroupOption[] | null;
translations: PropertyGroupOptionTranslation[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
translated: {
[key: string]: unknown;
* @public
type ProductConfiguratorSetting = {
productId: number;
optionId: number;
mediaId: number;
position: number;
price: [] | null;
option: PropertyGroupOption | null;
media: Media | null;
selected: boolean;
product: Product | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type PropertyGroupOption = {
id: string;
groupId: string;
name: string | null;
position: number;
colorHexCode: string | null;
mediaId: string | null;
group: PropertyGroup;
translations: PropertyGroupOptionTranslation[] | null;
productConfiguratorSettings: ProductConfiguratorSetting[] | null;
productProperties: Product[] | null;
productOptions: Product[] | null;
media: Media | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
translated: {
[key: string]: unknown;
* @public
type PropertyGroupOptionTranslation = {
propertyGroupOptionId: string;
name: string | null;
position: number | null;
propertyGroupOption: PropertyGroupOption | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type SalesChannelTranslation = {
salesChannelId: string;
name: string | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type SalesChannelType = {
name: string | null;
manufacturer: string | null;
description: string | null;
descriptionLong: string | null;
coverUrl: string | null;
iconName: string | null;
screenshotUrls: [] | null;
salesChannels: SalesChannel[] | null;
translations: SalesChannelTypeTranslation[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type SalesChannelTypeTranslation = {
salesChannelTypeId: string;
name: string | null;
manufacturer: string | null;
description: string | null;
descriptionLong: string | null;
salesChannelType: SalesChannelType | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type Snippet = {
setId: string;
translationKey: string;
value: string;
author: string;
set: SnippetSet | null;
customFields: CustomField | null;
* @public
type SnippetSet = {
name: string;
baseFile: string;
iso: string;
snippets: Snippet[] | null;
salesChannelDomains: SalesChannelDomain[] | null;
customFields: CustomField | null;
* @public
type SalesChannelDomain = {
url: string;
currencyId: string | null;
currency: Currency | null;
snippetSetId: string | null;
snippetSet: SnippetSet | null;
salesChannelId: string;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
languageId: string;
language: Language | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* Interface that is being used for just a few fields in Shopware models. It contains elements[] only.
* @public
type Collection = {
elements: [];
* @public
type Language = {
parentId: string | null;
localeId: string;
translationCodeId: string | null;
translationCode: Locale | null;
name: string;
locale: Locale | null;
parent: Language | null;
children: Language[] | null;
salesChannels: SalesChannel[] | null;
customers: Customer[] | null;
salesChannelDefaultAssignments: SalesChannel[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
categoryTranslations: CategoryTranslation[] | null;
countryStateTranslations: CountryStateTranslation[] | null;
countryTranslations: CategoryTranslation[] | null;
currencyTranslations: CurrencyTranslation[] | null;
customerGroupTranslations: CustomerGroupTranslation[] | null;
localeTranslations: LocaleTranslation[] | null;
mediaTranslations: MediaTranslation[] | null;
paymentMethodTranslations: PaymentMethodTranslation[] | null;
productManufacturerTranslations: ProductManufacturerTranslation[] | null;
productTranslations: ProductTranslation[] | null;
shippingMethodTranslations: ShippingMethodTranslation[] | null;
unitTranslations: UnitTranslation[] | null;
propertyGroupTranslations: PropertyGroupTranslation[] | null;
propertyGroupOptionTranslations: PropertyGroupOptionTranslation[] | null;
salesChannelTranslations: SalesChannelTranslation[] | null;
salesChannelTypeTranslations: SalesChannelTypeTranslation[] | null;
salutationTranslations: SalutationTranslation[] | null;
salesChannelDomains: SalesChannelDomain[] | null;
pluginTranslations: PluginTranslation[] | null;
productStreamTranslations: ProductStreamTranslation[] | null;
stateMachineTranslations: Collection[] | null;
stateMachineStateTranslations: Collection[] | null;
cmsPageTranslations: Collection[] | null;
cmsSlotTranslations: Collection[] | null;
mailTemplateTranslations: MailTemplate[] | null;
mailHeaderFooterTranslation: MailHeaderFooter[] | null;
documentTypeTranslations: DocumentTypeTranslation[] | null;
deliveryTimeTranslations: DeliveryTime[] | null;
newsletterRecipients: NewsletterRecipient[] | null;
orders: Order[] | null;
numberRangeTypeTranslations: NumberRangeTypeTranslation[] | null;
productSearchKeywords: ProductSearchKeyword[] | null;
productKeywordDictionaries: ProductKeywordDictionary[] | null;
mailTemplateTypeTranslations: MailTemplateTypeTranslation[] | null;
promotionTranslations: PromotionTranslation[] | null;
numberRangeTranslations: NumberRangeTranslation[] | null;
productReviews: ProductReview[] | null;
* @public
type NewsletterRecipient = {
email: string;
title: string | null;
firstName: string | null;
lastName: string | null;
zipCode: string | null;
city: string | null;
street: string | null;
status: string | null;
hash: string;
salutationId: string | null;
salutation: Salutation | null;
languageId: string;
language: Language | null;
salesChannelId: string;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
confirmedAt: Date | null;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date | null;
tags: Tag[] | null;
* @public
type Tag = {
name: string;
products: Product[] | null;
media: Media[] | null;
categories: Category[] | null;
orders: Order[] | null;
shippingMethods: ShippingMethod[] | null;
newsletterRecipients: NewsletterRecipient[] | null;
* @public
type ShippingMethod = {
id: string;
name: string | null;
active: boolean;
description: string | null;
deliveryTimeId: string;
deliveryTime: DeliveryTime | null;
translations: ShippingMethodTranslation[] | null;
orderDeliveries: OrderDelivery[] | null;
salesChannelDefaultAssignments: SalesChannel[] | null;
salesChannels: SalesChannel[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
availabilityRule: Rule | null;
availabilityRuleId: string;
prices: ShippingMethodPrice[];
mediaId: string | null;
media: Media | null;
tags: Tag[] | null;
* @public
type SalutationTranslation = {
shippingMethodId: string;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod | null;
* @public
type Salutation = {
salutationKey: string;
id: string;
displayName: string | null;
letterName: string | null;
createdAt: string;
translations: SalutationTranslation[] | null;
translated: object;
updatedAt: string | null;
extenstions: object;
* @public
type OrderCustomer$1 = {
email: string;
orderId: string;
salutationId: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
title: string | null;
company: string | null;
customerNumber: string | null;
customerId: string;
customer: Customer | null;
salutation: Salutation | null;
order: Order | null;
* @beta
type Customer = {
id: string;
groupId: string;
defaultPaymentMethodId: string;
salesChannelId: string;
languageId: string;
lastPaymentMethodId: string | null;
defaultBillingAddressId: string | null;
defaultShippingAddressId: string | null;
customerNumber: number;
salutationId: string | null;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
company: string | null;
email: string;
title: string | null;
active: boolean;
guest: boolean;
firstLogin: Date | null;
lastLogin: Date | null;
newsletter: boolean;
birthday: Date;
lastOrderDate: Date;
orderCount: number;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
group: CustomerGroup;
defaultPaymentMethod: PaymentMethod;
defaultBillingAddress: BillingAddress;
defaultShippingAddress: ShippingAddress;
activeBillingAddress: BillingAddress;
activeShippingAddress: ShippingAddress;
addresses: Array<CustomerAddress>;
orderCustomers: Array<OrderCustomer$1> | null;
autoIncrement: number;
tags: Tag[] | null;
promotions: Promotion[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
productReviews: ProductReview[];
doubleOptInConfirmDate: null | string;
doubleOptInEmailSentDate: string;
doubleOptInRegistration: boolean;
* @beta
type PaymentMethod = {
id: string;
pluginId: string | null;
handlerIdentifier: string;
name: string | null;
description: string | null;
position: number;
active: boolean;
plugin: Plugin | null;
translations: PaymentMethodTranslation[] | null;
orderTransactions: OrderTransaction[] | null;
customers: Customer[] | null;
salesChannelDefaultAssignments: SalesChannel[] | null;
availabilityRule: Rule | null;
availabilityRuleId: string;
mediaId: string | null;
media: Media | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
formattedHandlerIDentifier: string;
* @public
type OrderTransaction = {
orderId: string;
paymentMethodId: string;
amount: CalculatedPrice;
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod | null;
order: Order | null;
stateMachineState: StateMachineState | null;
stateId: string;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type StateMachineState = {
name: string;
technicalName: string;
stateMachine: StateMachine | null;
fromStateMachineTransitions: StateMachineTransition[] | null;
toStateMachineTransitions: StateMachineTransition[] | null;
translations: StateMachineStateTranslation[];
orders: Order[] | null;
orderTransactions: OrderTransaction[] | null;
orderDeliveries: OrderDelivery[] | null;
fromStateMachineHistoryEntries: StateMachineHistory[] | null;
toStateMachineHistoryEntries: StateMachineHistory[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type Delivery = {
apiAlias: string;
createdAt: string;
customFields: unknown | null;
extensions: unknown;
id: string;
orderId: string;
orderVersionId: string;
positions: unknown | null;
shippingCosts: {
unitPrice: number;
quantity: number;
listPrice: number | null;
apiAlias: string;
shippingDateEarliest: string;
shippingDateLatest: string;
shippingMethod: ShippingMethod;
shippingMethodId: string;
shippingOrderAddress: ShippingAddress;
shippingOrderAddressId: string;
shippingOrderAddressVersionId: string;
stateId: string;
stateMachineState: StateMachineState;
trackingCodes: unknown[];
translated: unknown[];
updatedAt: string | null;
versionId: string;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
interface CalculatedTax {
tax: number;
taxRate: number;
price: number;
extensions: any[];
interface TaxRule {
taxRate: number;
percentage: number;
extensions: any[];
interface Price$1 {
netPrice: number;
totalPrice: number;
calculatedTaxes: CalculatedTax[];
taxRules: TaxRule[];
positionPrice: number;
taxStatus: string;
extensions: any[];
interface ShippingCost {
unitPrice: number;
quantity: number;
calculatedTaxes: CalculatedTax[];
taxRules: TaxRule[];
referencePrice: number | null;
listPrice: number | null;
extensions: any[];
interface OrderCustomer {
email: string;
orderId: string;
salutationId: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
title: null;
company: null;
customerNumber: number;
customerId: string;
customer: null;
salutation: null;
order: null;
customFields: null;
remoteAddress: string;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: string;
translated: [];
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: null;
extensions: unknown;
id: string;
orderVersionId: string;
type Order = {
orderNumber: number;
currencyId: string;
currencyFactor: number;
salesChannelId: string;
billingAddressId: string;
orderDateTime: Date;
orderDate: Date;
price: Price$1;
amountTotal: number;
amountNet: number;
positionPrice: number;
taxStatus: string;
shippingCosts: ShippingCost;
shippingTotal: number;
orderCustomer: OrderCustomer;
currency: Currency | null;
languageId: string;
language: Language | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
addresses: CustomerAddress[];
deliveries: Delivery[];
lineItems: OrderLineItem[] | null;
transactions: OrderTransaction[] | null;
deepLinkCode: string;
stateMachineState: StateMachineState;
stateId: string;
customFields: CustomFields;
documents: null;
tags: Tag[] | null;
affiliateCode: string | null;
campaignCode: string | null;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: string;
translated: any[];
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date | null;
extensions: unknown;
id: string;
billingAddressVersionId: string;
* @public
type PromotionDiscountPrice = {
currencyId: string;
discountId: string;
price: number;
promotionDiscount: PromotionDiscount;
currency: Currency;
* @public
type Currency = {
id: string;
isoCode: string;
factor: number;
symbol: string;
shortName: string | null;
name: string | null;
position: number;
decimalPrecision: number;
translations: CurrencyTranslation[] | null;
orders: Order[] | null;
salesChannels: SalesChannel[] | null;
salesChannelDefaultAssignments: SalesChannel[] | null;
salesChannelDomains: SalesChannelDomain[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
shippingMethodPrices: ShippingMethodPrice[] | null;
promotionDiscountPrices: PromotionDiscountPrice[];
isSystemDefault: boolean | null;
* @public
type CurrencyTranslation = {
currencyId: string;
shortName: string | null;
name: string | null;
currency: Currency | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
* @public
type ProductVisibility = {
visibility: number;
productId: string;
salesChannelId: string;
product: Product | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
type DocumentBaseConfigDefinition = unknown;
* @public
type SystemConfig = {
configurationKey: string;
configurationValue: unknown;
salesChannelId: string | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
* @public
type SalesChannel = {
typeId: string;
languageId: string;
currencyId: string;
paymentMethodId: string;
shippingMethodId: string;
countryId: string;
navigationCategoryId: string;
footerCategoryId: string | null;
serviceCategoryId: string | null;
name: string | null;
shortName: string | null;
accessKey: string;
currencies: CurrencyTranslation[] | null;
languages: Language[] | null;
configuration: [] | null;
active: boolean;
type: SalesChannelType | null;
currency: Currency | null;
language: Language | null;
paymentMethod: PaymentMethod | null;
shippingMethod: ShippingMethodPrice | null;
country: Country | null;
orders: Order[] | null;
customers: Customer[] | null;
countries: Country[] | null;
paymentMethods: PaymentMethod[] | null;
shippingMethods: ShippingMethod[] | null;
translations: SalesChannelTranslation[] | null;
domains: SalesChannelDomain[] | null;
systemConfigs: SystemConfig[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
naigationCategory: Category | null;
footerCategory: Category | null;
serviceCategory: Category | null;
productVisibilities: ProductVisibility[] | null;
mailTemplates: MailTemplateSalesChannel[] | null;
mailHeaderFooterId: string | null;
numberRangeSalesChannels: NumberRangeSalesChannel[] | null;
mailHeaderFooter: MailHeaderFooter | null;
customerGroupId: string | null;
customerGroup: CustomerGroup | null;
newsletterRecipients: NewsletterRecipient[] | null;
promotionSalesChannels: PromotionSalesChannel[] | null;
documentBaseConfigSalesChannels: DocumentBaseConfigDefinition | null;
productReviews: ProductReview[] | null;
* @public
type ProductReview = {
id: string;
productId: string;
customerId: string;
salesChannelId: string;
languageId: string;
externalUser: string | null;
externalEmail: string | null;
points: number | null;
status: boolean;
comment: string | null;
salesChannel: SalesChannel | null;
language: Language | null;
customer: Customer | null;
product: Product | null;
content: string | null;
title: string | null;
createdAt: Date;
type ListingPrice = {
from: unknown;
to: unknown;
extensions: any[];
type Price = {
currencyId: number;
net: number;
gross: number;
linked: boolean;
* @public
type SeoUrl = {
salesChannelId: string;
languageId: string;
routeName: string;
foreignKey: string;
pathInfo: string;
seoPathInfo: string;
isCanonical: boolean;
isModified: boolean;
isDeleted: boolean;
isValid: null | boolean;
language: null | boolean;
url: null | string;
customFields: null | any;
error: null | any;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: null | string;
translated: [];
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: null | Date;
extensions: unknown;
id: string;
apiAlias: string;
type CrossSelling = {
name: String;
position: number;
sortBy: string;
sortDirection: string;
limit: number;
active: boolean;
productId: string;
product: null | Product;
productStreamId: null | string;
type: string;
assignedProducts: Product[];
translations: unknown;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: null | string;
translated: unknown;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: null | Date;
extensions: unknown;
id: string;
productVersionId: string;
apiAlias: string;
* @public
type Product = {
calculatedCheapestPrice: CalculatedPrice;
calculatedListingPrice: ListingPrice;
calculatedPrices: CalculatedPrice[];
calculatedPrice: CalculatedPrice;
sortedProperties: PropertyGroup[] | null;
isNew: boolean;
parentId: string | null;
childCount: number;
autoIncrement: number;
taxId: string | null;
manufacturerId: string | null;
unitId: string | null;
active: boolean;
displayGroup: string;
price: Price[] | null;
manufacturerNumber: string | null;
ean: string | null;
productNumber: string;
stock: number;
availableStock: number | null;
available: boolean;
deliveryTimeId: string | null;
deliveryTime: DeliveryTime;
restockTime: number;
isCloseout: boolean | null;
purchaseSteps: number | null;
maxPurchase: number | null;
minPurchase: number | null;
purchaseUnit: number | null;
referenceUnit: number | null;
shippingFree: boolean | null;
purchasePrice: number | null;
markAsTopseller: boolean | null;
weight: number | null;
width: number | null;
height: number | null;
length: number | null;
releaseDate: Date;
categoryTree: [] | null;
optionIds?: string[];
propertyIds: [] | null;
additionalText?: string | null;
name: string | null;
keywords: string | null;
description: string | null;
metaTitle: string | null;
packUnit: string | null;
tax: Tax;
manufacturer: ProductManufacturer | null;
unit: Unit | null;
prices: ProductPrice[];
listingPrices: ListingPrice[] | null;
cover: ProductMedia;
parent: Product;
children: Product[];
media: ProductMedia[];
translations: ProductTranslation[];
categories: Category[];
tags: Tag[];
properties: PropertyGroupOption[] | null;
options: PropertyGroupOption[] | null;
categoriesRo: Category[] | null;
coverId: string | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
tagIds: [] | null;
productReviews: ProductReview[] | null;
ratingAverage: number | null;
extensions: [];
id: string;
parentVersionId: string;
productManufacturerVersionId: string;
seoUrls: SeoUrl[] | null;
translated: {
name: string | null;
productMediaVersiond?: null;
crossSellings: CrossSelling[];
cmsPage: null | CmsPage;
type Aggregation = {
* name of the aggregation
name: string;
* types: count , avg, max, min, stats, sum, filter, entity, terms, histogram
type: string;
field: string;
* @public
type CmsBlock = {
apiAlias: string;
createdAt: string;
customFields: null | unknown;
extensions: unknown;
id: string;
locked: true;
marginBottom: string | null;
marginLeft: string | null;
marginRight: string | null;
marginTop: string | null;
name: string;
position: number;
section: CmsSection | null;
sectionId: string;
sectionPosition: string;
slots: CmsSlot[];
translated: unknown;
type: string;
updatedAt: Date | null;
versionId: string | null;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
sizingMode: SizingMode;
mobileBehavior: MobileBehavior;
backgroundColor: string | null;
backgroundMediaId: string | null;
backgroundMedia: Media | null;
backgroundMediaMode: BackgroundMediaMode;
cssClass: string | null;
* Cms page type
* @public
type CmsPageType = "product_list" | "landingpage" | "product_detail";
* @public
type CmsPage = {
category: Category;
type: CmsPageType;
name: string;
customFields: CustomField[] | null;
locked: boolean;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: string | null;
translated: unknown;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
extensions: [any];
id: string;
entity: any | null;
sections: CmsSection[];
translations: [any] | null;
categories: [Category] | null;
config: any | null;
previewMediaId: any | null;
previewMedia: any | null;
* @public
type CmsSlotType =
| "image"
| "product-slider"
| "product-listing"
| "product-box"
| "slot"
| "text";
* @public
type CmsFieldConfig = {
name: string;
source: string;
value: string;
* @public
type CmsSlot = {
type: CmsSlotType;
customFields: CustomField[] | null;
locked: boolean;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: string;
translated: unknown;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date | null;
extensions: [any];
id: string;
translations: any | null;
config: unknown;
slot: string;
block: CmsBlock | null;
blockId: string;
fieldConfig: CmsFieldConfig[];
data?: unknown;
apiAlias: string;
* @public
type SectionType = "default" | "sidebar";
* @public
type SizingMode = "boxed";
* @public
type MobileBehavior = "boxed" | "wrap";
* @public
type BackgroundMediaMode = "cover";
* @public
type CmsSection = {
type: SectionType;
pageId: string;
page: null;
position: number;
name: string | null;
sizingMode: SizingMode;
mobileBehavior: MobileBehavior;
backgroundColor: string | null;
backgroundMediaId: string | null;
backgroundMedia: null;
backgroundMediaMode: BackgroundMediaMode;
cssClass: string | null;
customFields: CustomField[] | null;
locked: false;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: string | null;
translated: [any];
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
extensions: [any];
id: string;
blocks: CmsBlock[];
* Source:
* @beta
type CategoryType = "page" | "link" | "folder";
* @beta
type Category = Entity & {
parentId: string | null;
autoIncrement: number;
mediaId: string | null;
name: string | null;
breadcrumb: string[];
level: number;
active: boolean;
childCount: number;
displayNestedProducts: boolean;
parent: Category | null;
children: Category[] | null;
translations: CategoryTranslation[] | null;
media: Media | null;
products: Product[] | null;
nestedProducts: Product[] | null;
afterCategoryId: string | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
tags: Tag[] | null;
cmsPageId: string | null;
cmsPage: CmsPage | null;
slotConfig: [] | null;
externalLink: string | null;
linkNewTab: boolean;
visible: boolean;
type: CategoryType;
description: string;
id: string;
parentVersionId: string;
childrenCount: number;
afterCategoryVersionId: string;
route?: {
path?: string;
seoUrls: {
apiAlias: string;
pathInfo: string;
seoPathInfo: string;
translated: {
breadcrumb: string[];
description: string;
externalLink: string;
type MediaThumbnail = {
width: string;
height: string;
[x: string]: any;
type MediaFolder = unknown;
type DocumentBaseConfig = unknown;
type Document = unknown;
* @public
type Media = {
userId: string | null;
mimeType: string | null;
fileExtension: string | null;
fileSize: number | null;
title: string | null;
metaDataRaw: string | null;
metaData: [] | null;
mediaType: MediaType;
uploadedAt: Date | null;
alt: string | null;
url: string;
fileName: string;
user: User;
translations: MediaTranslation[] | null;
categories: Category[] | null;
productManufacturers: ProductManufacturer[] | null;
productMedia: ProductMedia | null;
avatarUser: User | null;
thumbnails: MediaThumbnail[] | null;
mediaFolderId: string | null;
mediaFolder: MediaFolder | null;
hasFile: boolean;
private: boolean;
propertyGroupOptions: PropertyGroupOption[] | null;
mailTemplateMedia: MailTemplateMedia[] | null;
customFields: CustomField[];
tags: Tag | null;
thumbnailsRo: string | null;
documentBaseConfigs: DocumentBaseConfig[] | null;
shippingMethods: ShippingMethod[] | null;
paymentMethods: PaymentMethod[] | null;
orderLineItems: OrderLineItem[] | null;
cmsBlocks: CmsBlock[] | null;
documents: Document[] | null;
* @public
type Pagination = {
limit?: number;
page?: number;
type LtRangeFilter = {
lt: string | number;
* @alpha
type GtRangeFilter = {
gt: string | number;
* @alpha
type LteRangeFilter = {
lte: string | number;
* @alpha
type GteRangeFilter = {
gte: string | number;
* @alpha
type LtGtRangeFilter = {
lt: string | number;
gt: string | number;
* @alpha
type LtGteRangeFilter = {
lt: string | number;
gte: string | number;
* @alpha
type LteGtRangeFilter = {
lte: string | number;
gt: string | number;
* @alpha
type LteGteRangeFilter = {
lte: string | number;
gte: string | number;
* @beta
enum SearchFilterType {
EQUALS = "equals",
CONTAINS = "contains",
EQUALS_ANY = "equalsAny",
NOT = "not",
MULTI = "multi",
RANGE = "range",
MAX = "max",
* @beta
type SearchFilter = {
type: SearchFilterType;
* @beta
type EqualsFilter = SearchFilter & {
value: string | null;
field: string;
* @beta
type EqualsAnyFilter = SearchFilter & {
value: string[];
field: string;
* @beta
type ContainsFilter = SearchFilter & {
value: string[];
field: string;
* @public
type RangeFilter = SearchFilter & {
field: string;
| LtRangeFilter
| GtRangeFilter
| LteRangeFilter
| GteRangeFilter
| LtGtRangeFilter
| LtGteRangeFilter
| LteGtRangeFilter
| LteGteRangeFilter;
* @beta
type MultiFilter = SearchFilter & {
operator: string;
queries: Array<
EqualsAnyFilter | RangeFilter | ContainsFilter | EqualsFilter | MultiFilter
type TotalCountMode = {
* values exact, next_pages, none (default)
mode?: string;
* @beta
type ShopwareAssociation = {
[name: string]: {
associations?: ShopwareAssociation;
| {
field: string;
order: string;
naturalSorting: boolean;
| string;
* @public
type Grouping = {
field: string;
* @public
type Sort = {
key: string;
priority: number;
label: string;
* @beta
type Includes = {
[key: string]: string[];
* configutarion.displayParents: true - if you want to show all the products
* @beta
type SearchCriteria = {
filters?: Array<EqualsFilter | EqualsAnyFilter | RangeFilter | MultiFilter>;
pagination?: Pagination;
sort?: Sort | Sort[];
term?: string;
manufacturer?: string[];
properties?: string[];
configuration?: {
displayParents?: boolean;
grouping?: Grouping;
associations?: ShopwareAssociation;
aggregations?: Aggregation[];
totalCountMode?: TotalCountMode;
includes?: Includes;
ids?: string[];
* @beta
type AggregationFilterEntity = {
name: string;
displayType: string;
sortingType: string;
description: string | null;
position: number;
options: AggregationFilterEntityOption[];
* @beta
type AggregationFilterEntityOption = {
groupId: string;
name: string;
position: number;
colorHexCode: string | null;
mediaId: string | null;
group: string;
translations: any | null;
productConfiguratorSettings: any | null;
productProperties: any | null;
productOptions: any | null;
media: any | null;
customFields: any | null;
_uniqueIdentifier: string;
versionId: null;
translated: {
name: string;
position: number;
customFields: [];
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: null;
extensions: {
foreignKeys: {
apiAlias: string;
id: string;
apiAlias: string;
type EntitiesAggregation<ENTITY_TYPE> = {
entities: ENTITY_TYPE[];
type MaxAggregation = {
max: number;
apiAlias: string;
type PriceAggregation = {
min: number;
max: number;
avg: number;
sum: number;
apiAlias: string;
* @public
type Aggregations = {
manufacturer: EntitiesAggregation<AggregationFilterEntity>;
price: PriceAggregation;
"shipping-free": MaxAggregation;
rating: MaxAggregation;
properties: EntitiesAggregation<AggregationFilterEntity>;
* @public
type ListingFilter = {
label: string;
code: string;
type?: "range" | "max";
[key: string]: any;
* Get product free shipping property

@@ -20,17 +2302,17 @@ *

interface UiMediaGalleryItemUrl {
declare type UiMediaGalleryItemUrl = {
url: string;
* @public
interface UiMediaGalleryItem {
declare type UiMediaGalleryItem = {
icon: UiMediaGalleryItemUrl;
mobile: UiMediaGalleryItemUrl;
desktop: UiMediaGalleryItemUrl;
* @public
interface UiProductOption {
declare type UiProductOption = {
label: string;

@@ -40,14 +2322,14 @@ value: string;

color: string | null;
* @public
interface UiProductProperty {
declare type UiProductProperty = {
name: string;
value: string | null;
* @public
interface UiProductReview {
declare type UiProductReview = {
id: string;

@@ -58,3 +2340,3 @@ author: string;

rating: number | null;

@@ -107,7 +2389,7 @@ /**

interface TierPrice {
declare type TierPrice = {
label: string;
quantity: number;
unitPrice: number;

@@ -209,3 +2491,3 @@ * Get the prices depending on quantity added to cart.

interface LayoutConfiguration {
declare type LayoutConfiguration = {
layoutStyles: {

@@ -220,3 +2502,3 @@ backgroundColor: string | null;

cssClasses: string | null;

@@ -247,11 +2529,2 @@ * @beta

* @public
interface ListingFilter {
label: string;
code: string;
type?: "range" | "max";
[key: string]: any;
* @beta

@@ -261,2 +2534,2 @@ */

export { LayoutConfiguration, ListingFilter, TierPrice, UiMediaGalleryItem, UiMediaGalleryItemUrl, UiProductOption, UiProductProperty, UiProductReview, _parseUrlQuery, debounce, getCategoryUrl, getCmsLayoutConfiguration, getListingFilters, getProductCalculatedListingPrice, getProductCalculatedPrice, getProductFreeShipping, getProductFromPrice, getProductMainImageUrl, getProductMediaGallery, getProductName, getProductOptions, getProductPriceDiscount, getProductPriceDiscountPercentage, getProductProperties, getProductRatingAverage, getProductRealPrice, getProductReviews, getProductThumbnailUrl, getProductTierPrices, getProductUrl, getProductVariantsFromPrice, getTranslatedProperty, isLinkCategory };
export { LayoutConfiguration, TierPrice, UiMediaGalleryItem, UiMediaGalleryItemUrl, UiProductOption, UiProductProperty, UiProductReview, _parseUrlQuery, debounce, getCategoryUrl, getCmsLayoutConfiguration, getListingFilters, getProductCalculatedListingPrice, getProductCalculatedPrice, getProductFreeShipping, getProductFromPrice, getProductMainImageUrl, getProductMediaGallery, getProductName, getProductOptions, getProductPriceDiscount, getProductPriceDiscountPercentage, getProductProperties, getProductRatingAverage, getProductRealPrice, getProductReviews, getProductThumbnailUrl, getProductTierPrices, getProductUrl, getProductVariantsFromPrice, getTranslatedProperty, isLinkCategory };


"name": "@shopware-pwa/helpers-next",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.1.1",
"module": "./dist/index.mjs",

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ "types": "./dist/index.d.ts",

"devDependencies": {
"@shopware-pwa/commons": "canary",
"@shopware-pwa/types": "workspace:*",
"eslint-config-shopware": "workspace:*",

@@ -30,6 +30,3 @@ "query-string": "^7.1.1",

"dependencies": {},
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"dependencies": {}

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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