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@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

* Fetches data from the installationStore.
* Fetches data from the installationStore for non Org Installations.
authorize(source: InstallationQuery): Promise<AuthorizeResult>;
authorize(source: InstallationQuery<boolean>): Promise<AuthorizeResult>;

@@ -68,3 +68,3 @@ * Returns a URL that is suitable for including in an Add to Slack button

export interface CallbackOptions {
success?: (installation: Installation, options: InstallURLOptions, callbackReq: IncomingMessage, callbackRes: ServerResponse) => void;
success?: (installation: Installation | OrgInstallation, options: InstallURLOptions, callbackReq: IncomingMessage, callbackRes: ServerResponse) => void;
failure?: (error: CodedError, options: InstallURLOptions, callbackReq: IncomingMessage, callbackRes: ServerResponse) => void;

@@ -77,13 +77,56 @@ }

export interface InstallationStore {
storeInstallation: (installation: Installation, logger?: Logger) => Promise<void>;
fetchInstallation: (query: InstallationQuery, logger?: Logger) => Promise<Installation>;
storeInstallation<AuthVersion extends 'v1' | 'v2'>(installation: Installation<AuthVersion, false>, logger?: Logger): Promise<void>;
storeOrgInstallation?(installation: OrgInstallation, logger?: Logger): Promise<void>;
fetchInstallation: (query: InstallationQuery<false>, logger?: Logger) => Promise<Installation<'v1' | 'v2', false>>;
fetchOrgInstallation?: (query: OrgInstallationQuery, logger?: Logger) => Promise<OrgInstallation>;
export interface Installation {
team: {
* An individual installation of the Slack app.
* This interface creates a representation for installations that normalizes the responses from OAuth grant exchanges
* across auth versions (responses from the Web API methods `oauth.v2.access` and `oauth.access`). It describes some of
* these differences using the `AuthVersion` generic placeholder type.
* This interface also represents both installations which occur on individual Slack workspaces and on Slack enterprise
* organizations. The `IsEnterpriseInstall` generic placeholder type is used to describe some of those differences.
* This representation is designed to be used both when producing data that should be stored by an InstallationStore,
* and when consuming data that is fetched from an InstallationStore. Most often, InstallationStore implementations
* are a database. If you are going to implement an InstallationStore, it's advised that you **store as much of the
* data in these objects as possible so that you can return as much as possible inside `fetchInstallation()`**.
* A few properties are synthesized with a default value if they are not present when returned from
* `fetchInstallation()`. These properties are optional in the interface so that stored installations from previous
* versions of this library (from before those properties were introduced) continue to work without requiring a breaking
* change. However the synthesized default values are not always perfect and are based on some assumptions, so this is
* why it's recommended to store as much of that data as possible in any InstallationStore.
* Some of the properties (e.g. ``) can change between when the installation occurred and when it is fetched
* from the InstallationStore. This can be seen as a reason not to store those properties. In most workspaces these
* properties rarely change, and for most Slack apps having a slightly out of date value has no impact. However if your
* app uses these values in a way where it must be up to date, it's recommended to implement a caching strategy in the
* InstallationStore to fetch the latest data from the Web API (using methods such as `auth.test`, ``, etc.)
* as often as it makes sense for your Slack app.
* TODO: IsEnterpriseInstall is always false when AuthVersion is v1
export interface Installation<AuthVersion extends ('v1' | 'v2') = ('v1' | 'v2'), IsEnterpriseInstall extends boolean = boolean> {
* TODO: when performing a “single workspace” install with the admin scope on the enterprise,
* is the team property returned from oauth.access?
team: IsEnterpriseInstall extends true ? undefined : {
id: string;
name: string;
/** Left as undefined when not returned from fetch. */
name?: string;
enterprise?: {
* When the installation is an enterprise install or when the installation occurs on the org to acquire `admin` scope,
* the name and ID of the enterprise org.
enterprise: IsEnterpriseInstall extends true ? EnterpriseInfo : (EnterpriseInfo | undefined);
user: {
token: AuthVersion extends 'v1' ? string : (string | undefined);
scopes: AuthVersion extends 'v1' ? string[] : (string[] | undefined);
id: string;
name?: string;

@@ -93,25 +136,44 @@ bot?: {

scopes: string[];
id?: string;
id: string;
userId: string;
user: {
token?: string;
scopes?: string[];
id: string;
incomingWebhook?: {
url: string;
channel: string;
channelId: string;
configurationUrl: string;
/** Left as undefined when not returned from fetch. */
channel?: string;
/** Left as undefined when not returned from fetch. */
channelId?: string;
/** Left as undefined when not returned from fetch. */
configurationUrl?: string;
appId: string | undefined;
tokenType?: string;
/** The App ID, which does not vary per installation. Left as undefined when not returned from fetch. */
appId?: AuthVersion extends 'v2' ? string : undefined;
/** When the installation contains a bot user, the token type. Left as undefined when not returned from fetch. */
tokenType?: 'bot';
* When the installation is an enterprise org install, the URL of the landing page for all workspaces in the org.
* Left as undefined when not returned from fetch.
enterpriseUrl?: AuthVersion extends 'v2' ? string : undefined;
/** Whether the installation was performed on an enterprise org. Synthesized as `false` when not present. */
isEnterpriseInstall?: IsEnterpriseInstall;
/** The version of Slack's auth flow that produced this installation. Synthesized as `v2` when not present. */
authVersion?: AuthVersion;
export interface InstallationQuery {
teamId: string;
enterpriseId?: string;
* A type to describe enterprise organization installations.
export declare type OrgInstallation = Installation<'v2', true>;
interface EnterpriseInfo {
id: string;
name?: string;
export interface InstallationQuery<isEnterpriseInstall extends boolean> {
teamId: isEnterpriseInstall extends false ? string : undefined;
enterpriseId: isEnterpriseInstall extends true ? string : (string | undefined);
userId?: string;
conversationId?: string;
isEnterpriseInstall: isEnterpriseInstall;
export declare type OrgInstallationQuery = InstallationQuery<true>;
export interface AuthorizeResult {

@@ -122,4 +184,6 @@ botToken?: string;

botUserId?: string;
teamId?: string;
enterpriseId?: string;
export { Logger, LogLevel } from './logger';

@@ -108,3 +108,3 @@ "use strict";

* Fetches data from the installationStore.
* Fetches data from the installationStore for non Org Installations.

@@ -117,6 +117,17 @@ InstallProvider.prototype.authorize = function (source) {

case 0:
_a.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]);
return [4 /*yield*/, this.installationStore.fetchInstallation(source, this.logger)];
_a.trys.push([0, 5, , 6]);
queryResult = void 0;
if (!source.isEnterpriseInstall) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
if (this.installationStore.fetchOrgInstallation === undefined) {
throw new Error('Installation Store is missing the fetchOrgInstallation method');
return [4 /*yield*/, this.installationStore.fetchOrgInstallation(source, this.logger)];
case 1:
queryResult = _a.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 2: return [4 /*yield*/, this.installationStore.fetchInstallation(source, this.logger)];
case 3:
queryResult = _a.sent();
_a.label = 4;
case 4:
if (queryResult === undefined) {

@@ -127,2 +138,18 @@ throw new Error('Failed fetching data from the Installation Store');

authResult.userToken = queryResult.user.token;
if ( !== undefined) {
authResult.teamId =;
else if (source.teamId !== undefined) {
* since queryResult is a org installation, it won't have If one was passed in via source,
* we should add it to the authResult
authResult.teamId = source.teamId;
if (queryResult.enterprise !== undefined) {
authResult.enterpriseId =;
else if (source.enterpriseId !== undefined) {
authResult.enterpriseId = source.enterpriseId;
if ( !== undefined) {

@@ -134,6 +161,6 @@ authResult.botToken =;

return [2 /*return*/, authResult];
case 2:
case 5:
error_1 = _a.sent();
throw new errors_1.AuthorizationError(error_1.message);
case 3: return [2 /*return*/];
case 6: return [2 /*return*/];

@@ -205,8 +232,9 @@ });

InstallProvider.prototype.handleCallback = function (req, res, options) {
var _a;
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var parsedUrl, code, state, installOptions, client, resp, installation, botId, botId, error_2;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
var parsedUrl, code, state, installOptions, client, installation, resp, v1Resp, v1Installation, authResult, botId, v2Resp, v2Installation, authResult, authResult, error_2;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
_a.trys.push([0, 10, , 11]);
_b.trys.push([0, 17, , 18]);
if (req.url !== undefined) {

@@ -225,6 +253,6 @@ parsedUrl = url_1.parse(req.url, true);

case 1:
installOptions = _a.sent();
client = new web_api_1.WebClient('', this.clientOptions);
installOptions = _b.sent();
client = new web_api_1.WebClient(undefined, this.clientOptions);
installation = void 0;
resp = void 0;
installation = void 0;
if (!(this.authVersion === 'v1')) return [3 /*break*/, 5];

@@ -238,32 +266,31 @@ return [4 /*yield*/, client.oauth.access({

case 2:
// convert response type from WebApiCallResult to OAuthResponse
resp = (_a.sent());
// resp obj for v1 -
installation = {
team: { id: resp.team_id, name: resp.team_name },
appId: resp.app_id,
v1Resp = _b.sent();
v1Installation = {
team: { id: v1Resp.team_id, name: v1Resp.team_name },
enterprise: v1Resp.enterprise_id === null ? undefined : { id: v1Resp.enterprise_id },
user: {
token: resp.access_token,
scopes: resp.scope.split(','),
id: resp.user_id !== undefined ? resp.user_id : '',
token: v1Resp.access_token,
scopes: v1Resp.scope.split(','),
id: v1Resp.user_id,
// synthesized properties: enterprise installation is unsupported in v1 auth
isEnterpriseInstall: false,
authVersion: 'v1',
if (!( !== undefined)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
return [4 /*yield*/, getBotId(, this.clientOptions)];
if (!( !== undefined)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
return [4 /*yield*/, runAuthTest(, this.clientOptions)];
case 3:
botId = _a.sent(); = {
authResult = _b.sent();
botId = authResult.bot_id; = {
id: botId,
scopes: ['bot'],
_a.label = 4;
_b.label = 4;
case 4:
if (resp.enterprise_id !== null) {
installation.enterprise = {
id: resp.enterprise_id,
return [3 /*break*/, 8];
resp = v1Resp;
installation = v1Installation;
return [3 /*break*/, 12];
case 5: return [4 /*yield*/, client.oauth.v2.access({

@@ -276,32 +303,47 @@ code: code,

case 6:
// convert response type from WebApiCallResult to OAuthResponse
resp = (_a.sent());
return [4 /*yield*/, getBotId(resp.access_token, this.clientOptions)];
case 7:
botId = _a.sent();
// resp obj for v2 -
installation = {
appId: resp.app_id,
v2Resp = _b.sent();
v2Installation = {
team: === null ? undefined :,
enterprise: v2Resp.enterprise == null ? undefined : v2Resp.enterprise,
user: {
token: resp.authed_user.access_token,
scopes: resp.authed_user.scope !== undefined ? resp.authed_user.scope.split(',') : undefined,
token: v2Resp.authed_user.access_token,
scopes: (_a = v2Resp.authed_user.scope) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.split(','),
bot: {
scopes: resp.scope.split(','),
token: resp.access_token,
userId: resp.bot_user_id,
id: botId,
tokenType: resp.token_type,
tokenType: v2Resp.token_type,
isEnterpriseInstall: v2Resp.is_enterprise_install,
appId: v2Resp.app_id,
// synthesized properties
authVersion: 'v2',
if (resp.enterprise !== null) {
installation.enterprise = {
if (!(v2Resp.access_token !== undefined && v2Resp.scope !== undefined && v2Resp.bot_user_id !== undefined)) return [3 /*break*/, 8];
return [4 /*yield*/, runAuthTest(v2Resp.access_token, this.clientOptions)];
case 7:
authResult = _b.sent(); = {
scopes: v2Resp.scope.split(','),
token: v2Resp.access_token,
userId: v2Resp.bot_user_id,
id: authResult.bot_id,
if (v2Resp.is_enterprise_install) {
// if it is an org enterprise install, add the enterprise url
v2Installation.enterpriseUrl = authResult.url;
_a.label = 8;
return [3 /*break*/, 11];
case 8:
if (!(v2Resp.authed_user.access_token !== undefined && v2Resp.is_enterprise_install)) return [3 /*break*/, 10];
return [4 /*yield*/, runAuthTest(v2Resp.authed_user.access_token, this.clientOptions)];
case 9:
authResult = _b.sent();
v2Installation.enterpriseUrl = authResult.url;
return [3 /*break*/, 11];
case 10:
// TODO: make this a coded error
throw new Error('The response from the authorization URL contained inconsistent information. Please file a bug.');
case 11:
resp = v2Resp;
installation = v2Installation;
_b.label = 12;
case 12:
if (resp.incoming_webhook !== undefined) {

@@ -315,7 +357,17 @@ installation.incomingWebhook = {

// save access code to installationStore
return [4 /*yield*/, this.installationStore.storeInstallation(installation, this.logger)];
case 9:
// save access code to installationStore
if (!installation.isEnterpriseInstall) return [3 /*break*/, 14];
if (this.installationStore.storeOrgInstallation === undefined) {
// TODO: make this a coded error
throw new Error('Installation store is missing the storeOrgInstallation method');
return [4 /*yield*/, this.installationStore.storeOrgInstallation(installation, this.logger)];
case 13:
return [3 /*break*/, 16];
case 14: return [4 /*yield*/, this.installationStore.storeInstallation(installation, this.logger)];
case 15:
_b.label = 16;
case 16:
// Call the success callback
if (options !== undefined && options.success !== undefined) {

@@ -329,6 +381,7 @@ this.logger.debug('calling passed in options.success');

return [3 /*break*/, 11];
case 10:
error_2 = _a.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 18];
case 17:
error_2 = _b.sent();
// Call the failure callback
if (options !== undefined && options.failure !== undefined) {

@@ -342,4 +395,4 @@ this.logger.debug('calling passed in options.failure');

return [3 /*break*/, 11];
case 11: return [2 /*return*/];
return [3 /*break*/, 18];
case 18: return [2 /*return*/];

@@ -386,7 +439,15 @@ });

return __generator(this, function (_a) {
// NOTE: installations on a single workspace that happen to be within an enterprise organization are stored by
// the team ID as the key
// TODO: what about installations on an enterprise (acting as a single workspace) with `admin` scope, which is not
// an org install?
if (logger !== undefined) {
logger.warn('Storing Access Token. Please use a real Installation Store for production!');
// db write
this.devDB[] = installation;
if (isNotOrgInstall(installation)) {
this.devDB[] = installation;
else {
throw new Error('Failed saving installation data to installationStore');
return [2 /*return*/];

@@ -396,5 +457,20 @@ });

MemoryInstallationStore.prototype.storeOrgInstallation = function (installation, logger) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
if (logger !== undefined) {
logger.warn('Storing Access Token. Please use a real Installation Store for production!');
if (isOrgInstall(installation)) {
this.devDB[] = installation;
else {
throw new Error('Failed saving installation data to installationStore');
return [2 /*return*/];
MemoryInstallationStore.prototype.fetchInstallation = function (query, logger) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var item;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {

@@ -404,7 +480,22 @@ if (logger !== undefined) {

item = this.devDB[query.teamId];
return [2 /*return*/, item];
if (query.teamId !== undefined) {
return [2 /*return*/, this.devDB[query.teamId]];
throw new Error('Failed fetching installation');
MemoryInstallationStore.prototype.fetchOrgInstallation = function (query, logger) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
if (logger !== undefined) {
logger.warn('Retrieving Access Token from DB. Please use a real Installation Store for production!');
if (query.enterpriseId !== undefined) {
return [2 /*return*/, this.devDB[query.enterpriseId]];
throw new Error('Failed fetching installation');
return MemoryInstallationStore;

@@ -415,3 +506,3 @@ }());

var redirectUrl;
if ( !== null && !== undefined && installation.appId !== undefined) {
if (isNotOrgInstall(installation) && installation.appId !== undefined) {
// redirect back to Slack native app

@@ -421,2 +512,6 @@ // Changes to the workspace app was installed to, to the app home

else if (isOrgInstall(installation)) {
// redirect to Slack app management dashboard
redirectUrl = installation.enterpriseUrl + "manage/organization/apps/profile/" + installation.appId + "/workspaces/add";
else {

@@ -437,3 +532,3 @@ // redirect back to Slack native app

// Gets the bot_id using the `auth.test` method.
function getBotId(token, clientOptions) {
function runAuthTest(token, clientOptions) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {

@@ -448,8 +543,3 @@ var client, authResult;

authResult = _a.sent();
if (authResult.bot_id !== undefined) {
return [2 /*return*/, authResult.bot_id];
// If a user token was used for auth.test, there is no bot_id
// return an empty string in this case
return [2 /*return*/, ''];
return [2 /*return*/, authResult];

@@ -459,4 +549,11 @@ });

// Type guard to narrow Installation type to OrgInstallation
function isOrgInstall(installation) {
return installation.isEnterpriseInstall || false;
function isNotOrgInstall(installation) {
return !(isOrgInstall(installation));
var logger_2 = require("./logger");
exports.LogLevel = logger_2.LogLevel;
"name": "@slack/oauth",
"version": "1.3.0",
"version": "1.4.0",
"description": "Official library for interacting with Slack's Oauth endpoints",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "Slack Technologies, Inc.",

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ # Slack OAuth

This package exposes an `InstallProvider` class, which sets up the required configuration and exposes methods such as `generateInstallUrl`, `handleCallback`, `authorize` for use within your apps. At a minimum, `InstallProvider` takes a `clientId` and `clientSecret` (both which can be obtained under the **Basic Information** of your app configuration). `InstallProvider` also requires a `stateSecret`, which is used to encode the generated state, and later used to decode that same state to verify it wasn't tampered with during the OAuth flow. **Note**: This example is not ready for production because it only stores installations (tokens) in memory. Please go to the [storing installations in a database](#storing-installations-in-a-database) section to learn how to plug in your own database.
This package exposes an `InstallProvider` class, which sets up the required configuration and exposes methods such as `generateInstallUrl`, `handleCallback`, `authorize`, `orgAuthorize` for use within your apps. At a minimum, `InstallProvider` takes a `clientId` and `clientSecret` (both which can be obtained under the **Basic Information** of your app configuration). `InstallProvider` also requires a `stateSecret`, which is used to encode the generated state, and later used to decode that same state to verify it wasn't tampered with during the OAuth flow. **Note**: This example is not ready for production because it only stores installations (tokens) in memory. Please go to the [storing installations in a database](#storing-installations-in-a-database) section to learn how to plug in your own database.

@@ -146,3 +146,3 @@ ```javascript

const htmlResponse = `<html><body>Success!</body></html>`
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8' });

@@ -152,3 +152,3 @@ },

// Do custom failure logic here
res.writeHead(500, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' });
res.writeHead(500, { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8' });
res.end('<html><body><h1>Oops, Something Went Wrong! Please Try Again or Contact the App Owner</h1></body></html>');

@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ }

An installation store is an object that provides two methods: `storeInstallation` and `fetchInstallation`. `storeInstallation` takes an `installation` as an argument, which is an object that contains all installation related data (like tokens, teamIds, enterpriseIds, etc). `fetchInstallation` takes in a `installQuery`, which is used to query the database. The `installQuery` can contain `teamId`, `enterpriseId`, `userId`, and `conversationId`.
An installation store is an object that provides four methods: `storeInstallation`, `storeOrgInstallation`, `fetchInstallation` and `fetchOrgInstallation`. `storeInstallation` and `storeOrgInstallation` takes an `installation` as an argument, which is an object that contains all installation related data (like tokens, teamIds, enterpriseIds, etc). `fetchInstallation` and `fetchOrgInstallation` takes in a `installQuery`, which is used to query the database. The `installQuery` can contain `teamId`, `enterpriseId`, `userId`, and `conversationId`.
In the following example, the `installationStore` option is used and the object is defined in line. The required methods are implemented by calling an example database library with simple get and set operations.
**Note**: `fetchOrgInstallation` and `storeOrgInstallation` were introduced to support Org wide app installations (currently in beta).
In the following example, the `installationStore` option is used and the object is defined in line. The methods are implemented by calling an example database library with simple get and set operations.

@@ -181,6 +183,10 @@ const installer = new InstallProvider({

// returns nothing
storeInstallation: (installation) => {
storeInstallation: async (installation) => {
// replace myDB.set with your own database or OEM setter
myDB.set(, installation);
if ( !== undefined) {
// non enterprise org app installation
return myDB.set(, installation);
} else {
throw new Error('Failed saving installation data to installationStore');

@@ -190,6 +196,26 @@ // takes in an installQuery as an argument

// returns installation object from database
fetchInstallation: (installQuery) => {
fetchInstallation: async (installQuery) => {
// replace myDB.get with your own database or OEM getter
return myDB.get(installQuery.teamId);
// non enterprise org app lookup
return await myDB.get(installQuery.teamId);
// takes in an installation object as an argument
// returns nothing
storeOrgInstallation: async (installation) => {
// replace myDB.set with your own database or OEM setter
if (installation.isEnterpriseInstall && installation.enterprise !== undefined) {
// enterprise app, org wide installation
return myDB.set(, installation);
} else {
throw new Error('Failed saving installation data to installationStore');
// takes in an installQuery as an argument
// installQuery = {teamId: 'string', enterpriseId: 'string', userId: string, conversationId: 'string'};
// returns installation object from database
fetchInstallation: async (installQuery) => {
// replace myDB.get with your own database or OEM getter
// enterprise org app installation lookup
return await myDB.get(installQuery.enterpriseId);

@@ -202,3 +228,3 @@ });

You can use the the `installationProvider.authorize()` function to fetch data that has been saved in your installation store.
You can use the the `installationProvider.authorize()` function to fetch data that has been saved in your installation store. For Org wide app installations, you can use `installationProvider.orgAuthorize()`

@@ -208,3 +234,4 @@ ```javascript

// installQuery = {teamId: 'string', enterpriseId: 'string', userId: string, conversationId: 'string'};
const result = installer.installationStore.fetchInstallation({teamId:'my-team-ID', enterpriseId:'my-enterprise-ID'});
const result = installer.authorize({teamId: 'my-team-ID'});
const orgResult = installer.orgAuthorize({enterpriseId: 'my-enterprise-ID'});

@@ -225,3 +252,3 @@ result = {

The `installer.authorize()` method only returns a subset of the installation data returned by the installation store. To fetch the entire saved installation, use the `installer.installationStore.fetchInstallation()` method.
The `installer.authorize()`/`installer.orgAuthorize()` methods only returns a subset of the installation data returned by the installation store. To fetch the entire saved installation, use the `installer.installationStore.fetchInstallation()`/`installer.installationStore.fetchOrgInstallation()` methods.

@@ -232,3 +259,4 @@ ```javascript

// returns an installation object
const result = installer.installationStore.fetchInstallation({teamId:'my-Team-ID'});
const result = await installer.installationStore.fetchInstallation({teamId:'my-team-ID', enterpriseId:'my-enterprise-ID'});
const orgResult = await installer.installationStore.fetchOrgInstallation({enterpriseId:'my-enterprise-ID'});

@@ -235,0 +263,0 @@ </details>

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet