React Email Autocomplete
Before typing @ | After typing @ (optional) |
![@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete]( | ![@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete]( |
React Email Autocomplete is an unstyled, zero-dependency component inspired by some european flight booking websites. As soon as users start typing their email address, it will suggest the most common email providers.
- Completely unstyled and white labeled (ships with zero CSS)
- Fully accessible with superlative keyboard controls
- Forward any event and attribute to the
<input />
element or control it with React Hook Form
Demo and examples — Stackblitz — NextJS
:floppy_disk: Installation
pnpm add @smastrom/react-email-autocomplete
:art: Usage / Styling
The component renders a single div
with a very simple structure:
Wrapper — div
├── Email Input Field — input
└── Dropdown — ul
└── Suggestions - li[]
└──[username - span:first-of-type] [ - span:last-of-type]
Specify classNames
for each element you'd like to style:
import { Email } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
const classNames = {
wrapper: 'my-wrapper',
input: 'my-input',
dropdown: 'my-dropdown',
suggestion: 'my-suggestion',
username: 'my-username',
domain: 'my-domain',
const baseList = ['', '', '', '', '']
function App() {
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
onChange={setEmail} // or (newValue) => customSetter(newValue)
NextJS App Router
'use client'
import { useState } from 'react'
import { Email as EmailAutocomplete } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
const classNames = {
wrapper: 'my-wrapper',
input: 'my-input',
dropdown: 'my-dropdown',
suggestion: 'my-suggestion',
username: 'my-username',
domain: 'my-domain',
const baseList = ['', '', '', '', '']
export function Email() {
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
onChange={setEmail} // or (newValue) => customSetter(newValue)
import { Email } from '@/components/Email'
export default function Home() {
return (
{/* ... */}
<Email />
{/* ... */}
import type { ClassNames } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
const myClassNames: ClassNames = {
wrapper: 'my-wrapper',
input: 'my-input',
Tailwind Intellisense
You can add a this property in VSCode's settings.json
in order to enable autcomplete for any object property or variable ending with ClassNames
"tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex": [
["ClassNames \\=([^;]*);", "'([^']*)'"],
["ClassNames \\=([^;]*);", "\"([^\"]*)\""],
["ClassNames \\=([^;]*);", "\\`([^\\`]*)\\`"]
Basic styles
This package ships with zero css. Initial styles enough to see the component in action may match the following properties:
.my-input {
position: relative;
.my-suggestion {
font-size: inherit;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
.my-dropdown {
position: absolute;
margin: 0.45rem 0 0 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;
z-index: 999;
.my-suggestion {
cursor: pointer;
user-select: none;
overflow: hidden;
Focus/Hover styles
Although you can target the pseudo classes :hover
and :focus
, it is recommended instead to target the attribute data-active-email
in order to avoid :hover
styles to be applied to a suggestion as soon as the dropdown is opened (in case the cursor is hovering it).
.my-suggestion[data-active-email='true'] {
background-color: aliceblue;
.my-suggestion:focus-visible {
outline: none;
The attribute name can also be customized via activeDataAttr
suggestion: 'my-suggestion',
.my-suggestion[data-custom-attr='true'] {
background-color: aliceblue;
:dna: Modes
1. Basic Mode
Once users start typing, it displays a list of base suggestions and hides it once they type @
. It already gives a nice UX and should be enough for the vast majority of websites:
Before typing @ | After typing @ |
![@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete]( | ![@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete]( |
import { Email } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
const baseList = [
function App() {
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
onChange={setEmail} // or (newValue) => customSetter(newValue)
2. Refine Mode (optional)
Acts like Basic Mode until users type @
. Then as they start typing the domain, it starts refining suggestions according to an extended list of domains.
Before typing @ | After typing @ |
![@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete]( | ![@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete]( |
All you have to do is to provide a second array of domains to refineList
prop. This package ships with a curated list of the ~160 most popular world domains that you can directly import and use (thanks to @mailcheck):
import { Email, domains } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
const baseList = [
function App() {
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
onChange={setEmail} // or (newValue) => customSetter(newValue)
Alternatively, you can use your own array of domains or search for the one that best suits your audience.
:globe_with_meridians: Localization
This package ships with an optional hook that simplifies managing different lists of domains according to the browser's locale.
1 - Create an object and define lists for each browser locale:
export const emailProviders = {
default: [
it: [
'it-CH': [
import type { LocalizedList } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
export const emailProviders: LocalizedList = {
default: [
You may define lang codes with or without country codes.
For languages without country code (such as it
), by default it will match all browser locales beginning with it such as it
, it-CH
, it-IT
and so on.
For languages with country code (it-CH
) it will match it-CH
but not it
or it-IT
If you define both it-CH
and it
, it-CH
will match only it-CH
and it
will match it
, it-IT
and so on.
2 - Use the hook:
import { Email, useLocalizedList } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
import { emailProviders } from '@/src/static/locales'
function App() {
const baseList = useLocalizedList(emailProviders)
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
onChange={setEmail} // or (newValue) => customSetter(newValue)
Usage with internationalization frameworks or SSR
To manually set the locale, pass its code as second argument:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import { emailProviders } from '@/src/static/locales'
import { Email, useLocalizedList } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
function App() {
const { locale } = useRouter()
const baseList = useLocalizedList(emailProviders, locale)
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
onChange={setEmail} // or (newValue) => customSetter(newValue)
Or with NextJS App router:
'use client'
import {
Email as EmailAutocomplete,
} from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
import { emailProviders } from '@/static/locales'
export function Email({ lang }: { lang: string }) {
const baseList = useLocalizedList(emailProviders, lang)
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
import { Email } from '@/components/Email'
import { headers } from 'next/headers'
export default function Home() {
const headersList = headers()
const lang = headersList.get('accept-language')?.split(',')[0]
return (
<Email lang={lang} />
:8ball: onSelect callback
To invoke a callback everytime a suggestion is selected (either with mouse or keyboard), pass a callback to onSelect
import { Email } from '@smastrom/react-email-autocomplete'
function handleSelect(data) {
function App() {
const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
return (
onChange={setEmail} // or (newValue) => customSetter(newValue)
Type Definition
type OnSelectData = {
value: string
keyboard: boolean
position: number
type OnSelect = (object: OnSelectData) => void | Promise<void>
:cyclone: Props
Prop | Description | Type | Default | Required |
value | State or portion of state that holds the email value | string | undefined | :white_check_mark: |
onChange | State setter or custom dispatcher to update the email | OnChange | undefined | :white_check_mark: |
baseList | Domains to suggest while typing the username | string[] | undefined | :white_check_mark: |
refineList | Domains to refine suggestions after typing @ | string[] | [] | :x: |
onSelect | Custom callback on suggestion select | OnSelect | () => {} | :x: |
minChars | Minimum chars required to display suggestions | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 2 | :x: |
maxResults | Maximum number of suggestions to display | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 6 | :x: |
classNames | Class names for each element | ClassNames | undefined | :x: |
className | Class name of the root element | string | undefined | :x: |
activeDataAttr | Attribute name to set on focused/hovered suggestion | string | data-active-email | :x: |
dropdownAriaLabel | Aria label for the dropdown list | string | Suggestions | :x: |
:bulb: React's ref
and any other HTMLInputElement
attribute can be passed as prop to the component and it will be forwarded to the input element.
:keyboard: Keyboard controls
- ↑ ↓ - Navigate through suggestions / input
- ← → - Move cursor and focus the input field while keeping list open
- Backspace / Alphanumeric keys - Edit the input value and keep refining suggestions
- Enter / Space - Confirm the suggestion
- Escape - Close the list and focus the input field
- Tab / Shift + Tab - Close the list and go to next/prev focusable input
React Hook Form
No special configuration needed, it just works. Just follow the official React Hook Form's Controller documentation.
:dvd: License