This package contains types and helpers for fetching and decoding Solana sysvars. It can be used standalone, but it is also exported as part of Kit @solana/kit
More information about the available sysvars on Solana can be found in the docs
at https://docs.solanalabs.com/runtime/sysvars.
All currently available sysvars can be retrieved and/or decoded using this
Sysvar API
This package offers a simple API for working with sysvars.
One can fetch an encoded sysvar account using an RPC client.
const maybeEncodedClock = await fetchEncodedSysvarAccount(rpc, SYSVAR_CLOCK_ADDRESS);
maybeEncodedClock satisfies MaybeEncodedAccount<'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111'>;
One can also attempt to fetch a JSON-parsed sysvar account.
const maybeJsonParsedClock = await fetchJsonParsedSysvarAccount(rpc, SYSVAR_CLOCK_ADDRESS);
maybeJsonParsedClock satisfies
| MaybeAccount<JsonParsedSysvarAccount, 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111'>
| MaybeEncodedAccount<'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111'>;
Each sysvar within the library ships with its own
for deserializing the account data.
You can pair this codec with the helpers from
to assert and decode sysvar account data.
const clock = await fetchEncodedSysvarAccount(rpc, SYSVAR_CLOCK_ADDRESS);
clock satisfies MaybeEncodedAccount<'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111'>;
clock satisfies EncodedAccount<'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111'>;
const decodedClock = decodeAccount(clock, getSysvarClockDecoder());
decodedClock satisfies Account<SysvarClock, 'SysvarC1ock11111111111111111111111111111111'>;
Each supported sysvar also ships with its own fetch-and-decode function to
perform the steps above and return the decoded sysvar data.
const clock: SysvarClock = await fetchSysvarClock(rpc);
Supported Sysvars:
This package supports the following Solana sysvars:
The Instructions
sysvar is also supported but does not exist on-chain,
therefore has no corresponding module or codec.