A Caching component that provides helpers for caching in Loopback4 based microservices.
Install CachingComponent using npm
$ [npm install | yarn add] @sourceloop/cache
Basic Usage
Configure and load CachingComponent in the application constructor
as shown below.
import {CachingComponent} from '@sourceloop/cache';
export class MyApplication extends BootMixin(
) {
constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {
ttl: 1000,
strategy: RedisStoreStrategy,
datasourceName: 'redisCacheStore',
In a repository
To add caching to a repository, just add it as a mixin to the base class -
export class TestWithMixinRepository extends CacheMixin(
DefaultCrudRepository<Test, number, {}>,
) {
cacheIdentifier = 'testRepo';
constructor(@inject('datasources.memorydb') dataSource: juggler.DataSource) {
super(Test, dataSource);
In a controller or service
To add caching to a service or controller, just implement the ICachedService
interface, adding a binding for the ICacheService
and the applying the relevant decorators to the methods you want cached -
export class TestController implements ICachedService {
public testModelRepository: TestWithoutCachingRepository,
public cache: ICacheService,
) {}
cacheIdentifier = 'testRepo';
@response(200, {
description: 'Test model instance',
content: {'application/json': {schema: getModelSchemaRef(Test)}},
async create(
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: getModelSchemaRef(Test, {
title: 'NewTest',
exclude: ['id'],
testModel: Omit<Test, 'id'>,
): Promise<Test> {
return this.testModelRepository.create(testModel);
@response(200, {
description: 'Test model count',
content: {'application/json': {schema: CountSchema}},
async count(@param.where(Test) where?: Where<Test>): Promise<Count> {
return this.testModelRepository.count(where);