A utility project that has helper functions for verifying and displaying
typescript enums.
Checks if a value is a valid member of an enumeration.
@template T - The type of the enumeration.
@param {T} enumObj - The enumeration object.
@param {unknown} value - The value to check.
@returns {value is T[keyof T]} - A boolean indicating whether the value is a
valid member of the enumeration.
enum TestEnum {
One = 'one',
Two = 'two',
Three = 'three',
if (isValidEnumValue(TestEnum, TestEnum.One)) {
} else {
Converts an enumeration to an array of strings.
@template T - The type of the enumeration.
@param {T} enumObj - The enumeration object.
@returns {string} - A comma separated string of the enumeration values.
enum TestEnum {
One = 'one',
Two = 'two',
Three = 'three',
const testEnumArray = enumToStringArray(TestEnum);