SRYDEN Lightning
Lightning is a web server module that supports variable rendering and file imports in HTML templates.
To install Lightning, run the following command:
npm install @sryden/lightning
Here is an example that makes use of all of Lightning's features:
- Create the Lightning index file (views/index.ltn)
<!-- views/index.ltn -->
:{ '/header' }:
:{ '/footer' }:
- Use the imports feature to make your code cleaner
<!-- views/header.ltn -->
<!-- views/footer.ltn -->
- Create the main file (app.js)
const lightning = require('@sryden/lightning');
let example = "Lightning fast";
let headerTitle = "Header";
let footerContent = "Footer";
lightning.get('/', './views/index', (req, res) => {
res.locals = { title: 'Lightning fast', content: example };
lightning.all('/styles', './public/styles', 'text/css');