preview: changed type of CommonmarkOptions.preview.renderer from a MarkdownIt instance to
an arbitrary rendering function; removed default preview renderer in favor of always requiring a
renderer method when enabled
preview: update markdown preview renderer to support an arbitrary renderer callback (13bc4df)
tag-link: TagLinkOptions.allowNonAscii and TagLinkOptions.allowMetaTags have been removed in
favor of the consumer handling all validation using the new TagLinkOptions.validate option
TagLinkOptions.renderer has been renamed to TagLinkOptions.render
commands: change all shortcut labels to use capital letters (#204) (0bc5c65), closes #166
commonmark-editor: move commonmark syntax highlighting to a new Lezer based system (#176) (693a402), closes #21
link-editor: open link on Mod-Click (#130) (ea8da4b), closes #62
markdown-serializer: prefer sorting numeric link references in number order (20f338a), closes #163
markdown-serializer: serialize code_block nodes to use fences by default (f658969), closes #168