What is @statsig/js-client?
@statsig/js-client is a JavaScript client library for integrating with Statsig, a feature management and experimentation platform. It allows developers to manage feature flags, run A/B tests, and gather insights on user behavior to make data-driven decisions.
What are @statsig/js-client's main functionalities?
Initialize Statsig Client
This feature allows you to initialize the Statsig client with your client API key, which is necessary to start using the Statsig services in your application.
const statsig = require('@statsig/js-client');
Check Feature Gate
This feature allows you to check if a particular feature gate is enabled for the current user. It helps in conditionally rendering features based on the gate status.
const isFeatureEnabled = statsig.checkGate('new_feature');
Get Experiment Parameter
This feature allows you to retrieve a specific parameter from an experiment, enabling you to customize user experiences based on experiment configurations.
const parameter = statsig.getExperimentParameter('experiment_name', 'parameter_name');
Other packages similar to @statsig/js-client
LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that provides similar functionality to Statsig, such as feature flagging and experimentation. It offers a robust set of tools for managing feature releases and conducting A/B tests, with a focus on real-time updates and scalability.
Unleash is an open-source feature management solution that provides feature toggling capabilities. It is a lightweight alternative to Statsig, focusing on simplicity and ease of integration, especially for teams looking for an open-source option.
Statsig helps you move faster with feature gates (feature flags), and/or dynamic configs. It also allows you to run A/B/n tests to validate your new features and understand their impact on your KPIs. If you're new to Statsig, check out our product and create an account at statsig.com.
Getting Started
Read through the Documentation or check out the Samples.
Product Bundles
Framework Specific Bindings
If you need any assistance or just have a question, feel free to reach out to us on Slack.