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@t0ri/strings - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.0 to 1.2.1



"name": "@t0ri/strings",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "1.2.1",
"description": "",

@@ -18,4 +18,5 @@ "repository": "",

"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.18.2",
"jest": "^24.9.0"
"jest": "^24.9.0",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^5.1.2"



@@ -1,8 +0,21 @@

export default {
input: 'src/index.js',
output: {
file: 'umd/strings.js',
format: 'umd',
name: 'strings',
import { terser } from 'rollup-plugin-terser'
export default [
input: 'src/index.js',
plugins: [terser()],
output: {
file: 'umd/strings.js',
format: 'umd',
name: 'strings',
esModule: false,
input: 'src/index.js',
output: {
file: 'esm/strings.js',
format: 'esm',

@@ -1,199 +0,1 @@

(function (factory) {
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
}((function () { 'use strict';
String.prototype.capitalize = function (option) {
const string = String(this);
if (string.validString()) {
// Challenge 1: capitalize()
// Make the first character of a given string uppercase
if (option === 'firstLetter') {
return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)
// Challenge 3: capitalizeWords()
// Make the first letter of each word uppercase
if (option === 'allFirstLetter') {
let capitalized = '';
string.split(' ').forEach((word) => {
capitalized += word.capitalize('firstLetter') + ' ';
return capitalized.trim()
// Challenge 2: allCaps()
// Makes all characters uppercase
if (option === 'all') {
let capitalized = ''; // spread operator below won't work without this semicolon and i hate it 😓
[...string].forEach((char) => {
capitalized += char.toUpperCase();
return capitalized
return string
String.prototype.clean = function (option) {
let string = String(this);
if (string.validString()) {
// Challenge 4: removeExtraSpace()
// Remove all spaces from the beginning and end of a String
if (option === 'trimSpaces') {
string = string.trim();
if (string !== '') {
return string
// Challenge 4.5: removeExtraSpaces()
// Remove any extra spaces in the middle, and the beginning/end
if (option === 'trimAllSpaces') {
let cleaned = '';
string.split(' ').forEach((word) => {
const trimmed = word.clean('trimSpaces');
if (trimmed !== undefined) {
cleaned += word.clean('trimSpaces') + ' ';
return cleaned.trim()
String.prototype.changeCase = function (option) {
// Challenge 5: kabobCase()
// Removes extra spaces and replaces spaces with "-", & makes all characters lowercase
if (option === 'kabob') {
const string = String(this).removePunctuation().clean('trimAllSpaces');
return string.split(' ').join('-').slice(0, string.length).toLowerCase()
// Challenge 6: snakeCase()
// Removes extra space and replaces spaces with "_", & makes all characters lowercase
if (option === 'snake') {
const string = String(this).removePunctuation().clean('trimAllSpaces');
return string.split(' ').join('_').slice(0, string.length).toLowerCase()
// Challenge 7 camelCase()
// Lowercases the first character of the first word;
// uppercases the first character of all other words; & removes all spaces
if (option === 'camel') {
const string = String(this).removePunctuation().clean('trimAllSpaces').toLowerCase();
let capitalized = string.split(' ').map((word) => {
if (word === string[0]) {
return word
if (word !== '') {
return word.capitalize('firstLetter')
capitalized = capitalized.join('');
return capitalized.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + capitalized.slice(1, string.length)
// ⬇️ Helpers! ⬇️
// removePunctuation: filters out punctuation, keeps ' '
String.prototype.removePunctuation = function () {
const string = String(this);
const noPunct = [...string].filter((char) => {
if (char === ' ') {
return char
return char.isAlpha()
return noPunct.join('')
// validString: checks if string is longer than 1 (except I forgot to use it)
String.prototype.validString = function () {
const string = String(this);
if (string) {
return true
return false
// isAlpha: checks if string is a single letter
String.prototype.isAlpha = function () {
const string = String(this);
return string.length === 1 && string.match(/[a-z]/i)
// """Test""" Methods
// function test() {
// function capitalize(input) {
// console.log('--- Testing Challenge 1: capitalize() ---')
// console.log('testInput =', input)
// console.log('testIinput.capitalize(\'firstLetter\') =', input.capitalize('firstLetter'), '\n')
// }
// function allCaps(input) {
// console.log('--- Testing Challenge 2: allCaps() ---')
// console.log('testInput =', input)
// console.log('testIinput.capitalize(\'all\') =', input.capitalize('all'), '\n')
// }
// function capitalizeWords(input) {
// console.log('--- Testing Challenge 3: capitalizeWords() ---')
// console.log('testInput =', input)
// console.log('testIinput.capitalize(\'allFirstLetter\') =', input.capitalize('allFirstLetter'), '\n')
// }
// function removeExtraSpaces(input) {
// console.log('--- Testing Challenge 4: removeExtraSpaces() ---')
// console.log('testInput =', input)
// console.log('testIinput.clean(\'trimAllSpaces\') =', input.clean('trimAllSpaces'), '\n')
// }
// function kabobCase(input) {
// console.log('--- Testing Challenge 5: kabobCase() ---')
// console.log('testInput =', spaceInput)
// console.log('testIinput.changeCase(\'kabob\') =', spaceInput.changeCase('kabob'), '\n')
// }
// function snakeCase(input) {
// console.log('--- Testing Challenge 6: snakeCase() ---')
// console.log('testInput =', spaceInput)
// console.log('testIinput.changeCase(\'snake\') =', spaceInput.changeCase('snake'), '\n')
// }
// function camelCase(input) {
// console.log('--- Testing Challenge 7: camelCase() ---')
// console.log('testInput =', spaceInput)
// console.log('testIinput.changeCase(\'camel\') =', spaceInput.changeCase('camel'))
// }
// let capitalizeInput = 'hello mitchell or ki'
// capitalize(capitalizeInput)
// allCaps(capitalizeInput)
// capitalizeWords(capitalizeInput)
// let spaceInput = ' hello Mitchell? OR ki!'
// removeExtraSpaces(spaceInput)
// kabobCase(spaceInput)
// snakeCase(spaceInput)
// camelCase(spaceInput)
// }
// test()
!function(t){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(t):t()}((function(){"use strict";String.prototype.capitalize=function(t){const i=String(this);if(i.validString()){if("firstLetter"===t)return i[0].toUpperCase()+i.slice(1);if("allFirstLetter"===t){let t="";return i.split(" ").forEach(i=>{t+=i.capitalize("firstLetter")+" "}),t.trim()}if("all"===t){let t="";return[...i].forEach(i=>{t+=i.toUpperCase()}),t}}return i},String.prototype.clean=function(t){let i=String(this);if(i.validString()){if("trimSpaces"===t&&""!==(i=i.trim()))return i;if("trimAllSpaces"===t){let t="";return i.split(" ").forEach(i=>{void 0!==i.clean("trimSpaces")&&(t+=i.clean("trimSpaces")+" ")}),t.trim()}}},String.prototype.changeCase=function(t){if("kabob"===t){const t=String(this).removePunctuation().clean("trimAllSpaces");return t.split(" ").join("-").slice(0,t.length).toLowerCase()}if("snake"===t){const t=String(this).removePunctuation().clean("trimAllSpaces");return t.split(" ").join("_").slice(0,t.length).toLowerCase()}if("camel"===t){const t=String(this).removePunctuation().clean("trimAllSpaces").toLowerCase();let i=t.split(" ").map(i=>i===t[0]?i:""!==i?i.capitalize("firstLetter"):void 0);return(i=i.join("")).charAt(0).toLowerCase()+i.slice(1,t.length)}},String.prototype.removePunctuation=function(){return[...String(this)].filter(t=>" "===t?t:t.isAlpha()).join("")},String.prototype.validString=function(){return!!String(this)},String.prototype.isAlpha=function(){const t=String(this);return 1===t.length&&t.match(/[a-z]/i)}}));
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