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@tanstack/form-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.2 to 0.3.3



@@ -112,5 +112,14 @@ import { Store } from '@tanstack/store';

type FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData> = FieldOptions<TData, TFormData> & {
interface FieldApiOptions<_TData, TFormData,
* This allows us to restrict the name to only be a valid field name while
* also assigning it to a generic
TName = unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>,
* If TData is unknown, we can use the TName generic to determine the type
TData = unknown extends _TData ? DeepValue<TFormData, TName> : _TData> extends FieldOptions<_TData, TFormData, TName, TData> {
form: FormApi<TFormData>;
type FieldMeta = {

@@ -127,32 +136,19 @@ isTouched: boolean;

* TData may not be known at the time of FieldApi construction, so we need to
* use a conditional type to determine if TData is known or not.
* If TData is not known, we use the TFormData type to determine the type of
* the field value based on the field name.
type GetTData<Name, TData, TFormData> = unknown extends TData ? DeepValue<TFormData, Name> : TData;
declare class FieldApi<TData, TFormData> {
type GetTData<TData, TFormData, Opts extends FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>> = Opts extends FieldApiOptions<infer _TData, infer _TFormData, infer _TName, infer RealTData> ? RealTData : never;
declare class FieldApi<_TData, TFormData, Opts extends FieldApiOptions<_TData, TFormData> = FieldApiOptions<_TData, TFormData>, TData extends GetTData<_TData, TFormData, Opts> = GetTData<_TData, TFormData, Opts>> {
uid: number;
form: FormApi<TFormData>;
form: Opts['form'];
name: DeepKeys<TFormData>;
* This is a hack that allows us to use `GetTData` without calling it everywhere
* Unfortunately this hack appears to be needed alongside the `TName` hack
* further up in this file. This properly types all of the internal methods,
* while the `TName` hack types the options properly
_tdata: GetTData<typeof this$, TData, TFormData>;
store: Store<FieldState<typeof this$1._tdata>>;
state: FieldState<typeof this$1._tdata>;
prevState: FieldState<typeof this$1._tdata>;
options: FieldOptions<typeof this$1._tdata, TFormData>;
constructor(opts: FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>);
options: Opts;
store: Store<FieldState<TData>>;
state: FieldState<TData>;
prevState: FieldState<TData>;
constructor(opts: Opts & {
form: FormApi<TFormData>;
mount: () => () => void;
update: (opts: FieldApiOptions<typeof this$1._tdata, TFormData>) => void;
getValue: () => typeof this$1._tdata;
setValue: (updater: Updater<typeof this$1._tdata>, options?: {
update: (opts: FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>) => void;
getValue: () => TData;
setValue: (updater: Updater<TData>, options?: {
touch?: boolean;

@@ -165,12 +161,12 @@ notify?: boolean;

getInfo: () => Record<DeepKeys<TFormData>, FieldInfo<TFormData>>[DeepKeys<TFormData>];
pushValue: (value: typeof this$1._tdata extends any[] ? (typeof this$1._tdata)[number] : never) => void;
insertValue: (index: number, value: typeof this$1._tdata extends any[] ? (typeof this$1._tdata)[number] : never) => void;
pushValue: (value: TData extends any[] ? TData[number] : never) => void;
insertValue: (index: number, value: TData extends any[] ? TData[number] : never) => void;
removeValue: (index: number) => void;
swapValues: (aIndex: number, bIndex: number) => void;
getSubField: <TName extends DeepKeys<GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData>>>(name: TName) => FieldApi<DeepValue<GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData>, TName>, TFormData>;
validateSync: (value: GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData> | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => void;
getSubField: <TName extends DeepKeys<TData>>(name: TName) => FieldApi<DeepValue<TData, TName>, TFormData, FieldApiOptions<DeepValue<TData, TName>, TFormData, unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>, unknown extends DeepValue<TData, TName> ? DeepValue<TFormData, unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>> : DeepValue<TData, TName>>, unknown extends DeepValue<TData, TName> ? DeepValue<TFormData, unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>> : DeepValue<TData, TName>>;
validateSync: (value: TData | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => void;
cancelValidateAsync: () => void;
validateAsync: (value: GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData> | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => Promise<ValidationError[]>;
validate: (cause: ValidationCause, value?: typeof this$1._tdata) => ValidationError[] | Promise<ValidationError[]>;
handleChange: (updater: Updater<typeof this$1._tdata>) => void;
validateAsync: (value: TData | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => Promise<ValidationError[]>;
validate: (cause: ValidationCause, value?: TData) => ValidationError[] | Promise<ValidationError[]>;
handleChange: (updater: Updater<TData>) => void;
handleBlur: () => void;

@@ -177,0 +173,0 @@ }

@@ -112,5 +112,14 @@ import { Store } from '@tanstack/store';

type FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData> = FieldOptions<TData, TFormData> & {
interface FieldApiOptions<_TData, TFormData,
* This allows us to restrict the name to only be a valid field name while
* also assigning it to a generic
TName = unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>,
* If TData is unknown, we can use the TName generic to determine the type
TData = unknown extends _TData ? DeepValue<TFormData, TName> : _TData> extends FieldOptions<_TData, TFormData, TName, TData> {
form: FormApi<TFormData>;
type FieldMeta = {

@@ -127,32 +136,19 @@ isTouched: boolean;

* TData may not be known at the time of FieldApi construction, so we need to
* use a conditional type to determine if TData is known or not.
* If TData is not known, we use the TFormData type to determine the type of
* the field value based on the field name.
type GetTData<Name, TData, TFormData> = unknown extends TData ? DeepValue<TFormData, Name> : TData;
declare class FieldApi<TData, TFormData> {
type GetTData<TData, TFormData, Opts extends FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>> = Opts extends FieldApiOptions<infer _TData, infer _TFormData, infer _TName, infer RealTData> ? RealTData : never;
declare class FieldApi<_TData, TFormData, Opts extends FieldApiOptions<_TData, TFormData> = FieldApiOptions<_TData, TFormData>, TData extends GetTData<_TData, TFormData, Opts> = GetTData<_TData, TFormData, Opts>> {
uid: number;
form: FormApi<TFormData>;
form: Opts['form'];
name: DeepKeys<TFormData>;
* This is a hack that allows us to use `GetTData` without calling it everywhere
* Unfortunately this hack appears to be needed alongside the `TName` hack
* further up in this file. This properly types all of the internal methods,
* while the `TName` hack types the options properly
_tdata: GetTData<typeof this$, TData, TFormData>;
store: Store<FieldState<typeof this$1._tdata>>;
state: FieldState<typeof this$1._tdata>;
prevState: FieldState<typeof this$1._tdata>;
options: FieldOptions<typeof this$1._tdata, TFormData>;
constructor(opts: FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>);
options: Opts;
store: Store<FieldState<TData>>;
state: FieldState<TData>;
prevState: FieldState<TData>;
constructor(opts: Opts & {
form: FormApi<TFormData>;
mount: () => () => void;
update: (opts: FieldApiOptions<typeof this$1._tdata, TFormData>) => void;
getValue: () => typeof this$1._tdata;
setValue: (updater: Updater<typeof this$1._tdata>, options?: {
update: (opts: FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>) => void;
getValue: () => TData;
setValue: (updater: Updater<TData>, options?: {
touch?: boolean;

@@ -165,12 +161,12 @@ notify?: boolean;

getInfo: () => Record<DeepKeys<TFormData>, FieldInfo<TFormData>>[DeepKeys<TFormData>];
pushValue: (value: typeof this$1._tdata extends any[] ? (typeof this$1._tdata)[number] : never) => void;
insertValue: (index: number, value: typeof this$1._tdata extends any[] ? (typeof this$1._tdata)[number] : never) => void;
pushValue: (value: TData extends any[] ? TData[number] : never) => void;
insertValue: (index: number, value: TData extends any[] ? TData[number] : never) => void;
removeValue: (index: number) => void;
swapValues: (aIndex: number, bIndex: number) => void;
getSubField: <TName extends DeepKeys<GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData>>>(name: TName) => FieldApi<DeepValue<GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData>, TName>, TFormData>;
validateSync: (value: GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData> | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => void;
getSubField: <TName extends DeepKeys<TData>>(name: TName) => FieldApi<DeepValue<TData, TName>, TFormData, FieldApiOptions<DeepValue<TData, TName>, TFormData, unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>, unknown extends DeepValue<TData, TName> ? DeepValue<TFormData, unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>> : DeepValue<TData, TName>>, unknown extends DeepValue<TData, TName> ? DeepValue<TFormData, unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>> : DeepValue<TData, TName>>;
validateSync: (value: TData | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => void;
cancelValidateAsync: () => void;
validateAsync: (value: GetTData<DeepKeys<TFormData>, TData, TFormData> | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => Promise<ValidationError[]>;
validate: (cause: ValidationCause, value?: typeof this$1._tdata) => ValidationError[] | Promise<ValidationError[]>;
handleChange: (updater: Updater<typeof this$1._tdata>) => void;
validateAsync: (value: TData | undefined, cause: ValidationCause) => Promise<ValidationError[]>;
validate: (cause: ValidationCause, value?: TData) => ValidationError[] | Promise<ValidationError[]>;
handleChange: (updater: Updater<TData>) => void;
handleBlur: () => void;

@@ -177,0 +173,0 @@ }

"name": "@tanstack/form-core",
"version": "0.3.2",
"version": "0.3.3",
"description": "Powerful, type-safe, framework agnostic forms.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "author": "tannerlinsley",

@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ import { type DeepKeys, type DeepValue, type Updater } from './utils'

export type FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData> = FieldOptions<
> & {
export interface FieldApiOptions<
* This allows us to restrict the name to only be a valid field name while
* also assigning it to a generic
TName = unknown extends TFormData ? string : DeepKeys<TFormData>,
* If TData is unknown, we can use the TName generic to determine the type
TData = unknown extends _TData ? DeepValue<TFormData, TName> : _TData,
> extends FieldOptions<_TData, TFormData, TName, TData> {
form: FormApi<TFormData>

@@ -69,31 +78,41 @@ }

* TData may not be known at the time of FieldApi construction, so we need to
* use a conditional type to determine if TData is known or not.
* If TData is not known, we use the TFormData type to determine the type of
* the field value based on the field name.
type GetTData<Name, TData, TFormData> = unknown extends TData
? DeepValue<TFormData, Name>
: TData
type GetTData<
Opts extends FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>,
> = Opts extends FieldApiOptions<
infer _TData,
infer _TFormData,
infer _TName,
infer RealTData
? RealTData
: never
export class FieldApi<TData, TFormData> {
export class FieldApi<
Opts extends FieldApiOptions<_TData, TFormData> = FieldApiOptions<
TData extends GetTData<_TData, TFormData, Opts> = GetTData<
> {
uid: number
form: FormApi<TFormData>
form: Opts['form']
name!: DeepKeys<TFormData>
* This is a hack that allows us to use `GetTData` without calling it everywhere
* Unfortunately this hack appears to be needed alongside the `TName` hack
* further up in this file. This properly types all of the internal methods,
* while the `TName` hack types the options properly
_tdata!: GetTData<typeof, TData, TFormData>
store!: Store<FieldState<typeof this._tdata>>
state!: FieldState<typeof this._tdata>
prevState!: FieldState<typeof this._tdata>
options: FieldOptions<typeof this._tdata, TFormData> = {} as any
options: Opts = {} as any
store!: Store<FieldState<TData>>
state!: FieldState<TData>
prevState!: FieldState<TData>
constructor(opts: FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>) {
opts: Opts & {
form: FormApi<TFormData>
) {
this.form = opts.form

@@ -109,3 +128,3 @@ this.uid = uid++ = new Store<FieldState<typeof this._tdata>>( = new Store<FieldState<TData>>(

@@ -144,3 +163,3 @@ value: this.getValue(),

const info = this.getInfo()
info.instances[this.uid] = this
info.instances[this.uid] = this as never

@@ -174,3 +193,3 @@ const unsubscribe = => {

update = (opts: FieldApiOptions<typeof this._tdata, TFormData>) => {
update = (opts: FieldApiOptions<TData, TFormData>) => {
// Default Value

@@ -197,3 +216,3 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition

getValue = (): typeof this._tdata => {
getValue = (): TData => {
return this.form.getFieldValue(

@@ -203,3 +222,3 @@ }

setValue = (
updater: Updater<typeof this._tdata>,
updater: Updater<TData>,
options?: { touch?: boolean; notify?: boolean },

@@ -228,13 +247,8 @@ ) => {

pushValue = (
value: typeof this._tdata extends any[]
? (typeof this._tdata)[number]
: never,
) => this.form.pushFieldValue(, value as any)
pushValue = (value: TData extends any[] ? TData[number] : never) =>
this.form.pushFieldValue(, value as any)
insertValue = (
index: number,
value: typeof this._tdata extends any[]
? (typeof this._tdata)[number]
: never,
value: TData extends any[] ? TData[number] : never,
) => this.form.insertFieldValue(, index, value as any)

@@ -247,4 +261,4 @@

getSubField = <TName extends DeepKeys<typeof this._tdata>>(name: TName) =>
new FieldApi<DeepValue<typeof this._tdata, TName>, TFormData>({
getSubField = <TName extends DeepKeys<TData>>(name: TName) =>
new FieldApi<DeepValue<TData, TName>, TFormData>({
name: `${}.${name}` as never,

@@ -383,3 +397,3 @@ form: this.form,

cause: ValidationCause,
value?: typeof this._tdata,
value?: TData,
): ValidationError[] | Promise<ValidationError[]> => {

@@ -402,3 +416,3 @@ // If the field is pristine and validatePristine is false, do not validate

handleChange = (updater: Updater<typeof this._tdata>) => {
handleChange = (updater: Updater<TData>) => {
this.setValue(updater, { touch: true })

@@ -405,0 +419,0 @@ }

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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