is a React component that can be used to view and display any kind of data, not just JSON.
Json Viewer?
ANY Data Viewer ✅
Features 🚀
- 🦾 100% TypeScript
- 🎨 Customizable: Key, value, editable, copy, select... Anything you can think of!
- 🌈 Theme support: light or dark, or use Base16 themes.
- ⚛️ SSR Ready
- 📋 Copy to Clipboard
- 🔍 Inspect anything:
, Array
, primitive types, and even Map
and Set
. - 📊 Metadata preview: Total items, length of string...
- ✏️ Editor: Comes with an editor for basic types, which you can also customize to fit your use case.
is using Material-UI as the base component library, so you need to install it and its peer dependencies first.
npm install @textea/json-viewer @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<div id="json-viewer"></div>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@textea/json-viewer@3"></script>
new JsonViewer({
value: {
Here is a basic example:
import { JsonViewer } from '@textea/json-viewer'
const object = {
const Component = () => <JsonViewer value={object} />
You can define custom data types to handle data that is not supported out of the box. Here is an example of how to display an image:
import { JsonViewer, defineDataType } from '@textea/json-viewer'
const object = {
image: 'https://i.imgur.com/1bX5QH6.jpg'
const imageDataType = defineDataType({
is: (value) => typeof value === 'string' && value.startsWith('https://i.imgur.com'),
Component: (props) => <Image height={50} width={50} src={props.value} alt={props.value} />
const Component = () => <JsonViewer value={object} valueTypes={[imageDataType]} />
see the full code
Please refer to Styling and Theming
This package is originally based on mac-s-g/react-json-view.
Also thanks open source projects that make this possible.
Netlify lets us distribute the site.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.