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@thisway/next - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.12.0 to 0.12.1



@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var Je = Object.defineProperty;

import { onMount as to, onDestroy as ke, createEventDispatcher as eo } from "svelte";
import { isValidNumber as It, isElement as xe, isTextInputElement as Te, defaults as te, deltaTransform as Oe, transformX as oo, transformY as ro, NOOP_TRANSFORM as so, pick$ as F, noop as xt, toPx as nt, listenWindow as no, clamp as gt, finite as ee, transformDOMRect as io, transformNestedBounding as ao, getElementsBounding as lo, buildScrollHierarchy as co, getFrameElement as po, computeFrameScrollActions as ho, animationFrameThrottle as fo, observeElementBounding as uo, reverseX as oe, reverseY as re, EMPTY_SIZE as wo, resizeObserver as go } from "@thisway/utils";
import { get as I, writable as ft, derived as M, readable as jt } from "svelte/store";
import { PRIMARY_COLOR_WHITE as Se, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLACK as Pe, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLUE as _o, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_NEXT as mo, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_NONE as vo, isNoElement as ut, COMPONENT_SLOT_POPOVER as yo, COMPONENT_SLOT_HIGHLIGHT as bo, POSITION_AUTO as Ft, ORIENTATIONS as se, ALIGNMENTS as $o, EMPTY_POINT as Co, NO_ELEMENT as Ae, ORIENTATIONS_TO_START_END as ne, popoverDefaultValues as ko, highlightDefaultValues as xo, LAYOUT_MODE_1 as kt, LAYOUT_MODE_3 as Ee } from "@thisway/base";
import { isValidNumber as Ft, isElement as xe, isTextInputElement as Te, defaults as te, deltaTransform as Oe, transformX as oo, transformY as ro, NOOP_TRANSFORM as so, pick$ as F, noop as xt, toPx as nt, listenWindow as no, clamp as gt, finite as ee, transformDOMRect as io, transformNestedBounding as ao, getElementsBounding as lo, buildScrollHierarchy as co, getFrameElement as po, computeFrameScrollActions as ho, animationFrameThrottle as fo, observeElementBounding as uo, reverseX as oe, reverseY as re, EMPTY_SIZE as wo, resizeObserver as go } from "@thisway/utils";
import { get as M, writable as ft, derived as I, readable as jt } from "svelte/store";
import { PRIMARY_COLOR_WHITE as Se, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLACK as Pe, PRIMARY_COLOR_BLUE as _o, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_NEXT as mo, CLICK_MASK_ACTION_NONE as vo, isNoElement as ut, COMPONENT_SLOT_POPOVER as yo, COMPONENT_SLOT_HIGHLIGHT as bo, POSITION_AUTO as Vt, ORIENTATIONS as se, ALIGNMENTS as $o, EMPTY_POINT as Co, NO_ELEMENT as Ae, ORIENTATIONS_TO_START_END as ne, popoverDefaultValues as ko, highlightDefaultValues as xo, LAYOUT_MODE_1 as kt, LAYOUT_MODE_3 as Ee } from "@thisway/base";
export * from "@thisway/base";
import { SvelteComponent as bt, init as $t, safe_not_equal as Ct, append_styles as Tt, svg_element as Mt, attr as k, set_style as H, insert as D, append as j, listen as Ot, noop as it, detach as R, component_subscribe as S, binding_callbacks as Ne, construct_svelte_component as Et, element as U, create_component as ct, space as Z, mount_component as pt, action_destroyer as Ie, group_outros as rt, transition_out as L, destroy_component as ht, check_outros as st, transition_in as x, is_function as Me, run_all as To, text as St, set_data as Pt, create_slot as _t, update_slot_base as mt, get_all_dirty_from_scope as vt, get_slot_changes as yt, compute_slots as Oo, empty as Le } from "svelte/internal";
import { SvelteComponent as bt, init as $t, safe_not_equal as Ct, append_styles as Tt, svg_element as It, attr as k, set_style as H, insert as D, append as j, listen as Ot, noop as it, detach as R, component_subscribe as S, binding_callbacks as Ne, construct_svelte_component as Et, element as U, create_component as ct, space as Z, mount_component as pt, action_destroyer as Ie, group_outros as rt, transition_out as L, destroy_component as ht, check_outros as st, transition_in as x, is_function as Me, run_all as To, text as St, set_data as Pt, create_slot as _t, update_slot_base as mt, get_all_dirty_from_scope as vt, get_slot_changes as yt, compute_slots as Oo, empty as Le } from "svelte/internal";
import "svelte/internal/disclose-version";

@@ -27,3 +27,3 @@ import { cubicOut as Wt } from "svelte/easing";

const Be = (o) => new Map(o), At = z("Tour"), Yt = z("Options"), So = z("ElementBounding"), Kt = z("PopoverContainer"), Po = z("PopoverSize"), Xt = z("TotalStepCount"), Ut = z("PopoverPosition"), Lt = z("Delegate"), Ao = z("ForeignView"), qt = z("HighlightBounding"), Zt = z("RenderState"), Bt = z("StepOptions");
const Be = (o) => new Map(o), At = z("Tour"), Yt = z("Options"), So = z("ElementBounding"), Kt = z("PopoverContainer"), Po = z("PopoverSize"), Xt = z("TotalStepCount"), Ut = z("PopoverPosition"), Mt = z("Delegate"), Ao = z("ForeignView"), qt = z("HighlightBounding"), Zt = z("RenderState"), Lt = z("StepOptions");
class Eo {

@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ constructor(t) {

getAllSteps(t = !1) {
return t ? I($) : I($);
return t ? M($) : M($);

@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ /**

getActiveStep() {
return { step: I($), index: I($) };
return { step: M($), index: M($) };
getStepById(t) {
const { steps$: e } =;
return I(e).find((r) => === t);
return M(e).find((r) => === t);
getStepIndex(t) {
const { steps$: e } =;
return I(e).findIndex((r) => === t);
return M(e).findIndex((r) => === t);

@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ goStep(t) {

const { effectiveSteps$: t } =;
return I(t)[0];
return M(t)[0];
getLastStep() {
const { effectiveSteps$: t } =;
return I(t).at(-1);
return M(t).at(-1);
goPrevStep() {
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: e } =, r = I(t);
if (!It(r) || r < 1)
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: e } =, r = M(t);
if (!Ft(r) || r < 1)
const n = I(e)[r - 1];
const n = M(e)[r - 1];

@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ }

isActive() {
return I($) !== void 0;
return M($) !== void 0;
getNextStepId() {
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: e } =, r = I(t), n = I(e);
if (!(!It(r) || r === n.length - 1))
const { effectiveIndex$: t, effectiveSteps$: e } =, r = M(t), n = M(e);
if (!(!Ft(r) || r === n.length - 1))
return n[r + 1].id;

@@ -112,3 +112,3 @@ }

const No = (o, t) => {
const e = ft(o), r = ft(t), n = M(e, (l) => l.filter((f) => !f.isHidden)), s = M([e, r], Dt), i = M([n, r], Dt), a = M([e, s], ([l, f]) => f != null ? l[f] : void 0);
const e = ft(o), r = ft(t), n = I(e, (l) => l.filter((f) => !f.isHidden)), s = I([e, r], Dt), i = I([n, r], Dt), a = I([e, s], ([l, f]) => f != null ? l[f] : void 0);
return {

@@ -126,3 +126,3 @@ steps$: e,

const Ht = (o) => {
const Bt = (o) => {
const t = He(o), e = Math.min(t.clientWidth, window.innerWidth), r = Math.min(t.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);

@@ -161,4 +161,4 @@ return {

const { effectiveSteps$: o } = V(At).store, t = V(Zt);
return M([o, t], ([e, { step: r }]) => Dt([e, r == null ? void 0 :]));
}, je = () => V(Bt).popover, We = () => V(Bt).highlight, Lo = (o) => {
return I([o, t], ([e, { step: r }]) => Dt([e, r == null ? void 0 :]));
}, je = () => V(Lt).popover, We = () => V(Lt).highlight, Lo = (o) => {
const t = (o == null ? void 0 : o.primaryColor) || _o, e = (o == null ? void 0 : o.textColor) || De(t, Se), r = (o == null ? void 0 : o.descColor) || Pe;

@@ -170,5 +170,5 @@ return {

}, Ge = () => V(Bt).theme, Ye = (o, t) => {
}, Ge = () => V(Lt).theme, Ye = (o, t) => {
const { effectiveSteps$: e } = o;
return M([t, e], ([r, n]) => It(r) ? + 1) : void 0);
return I([t, e], ([r, n]) => Ft(r) ? + 1) : void 0);
}, { assign: ie } = Object, Ke = (o, t) => (ie(, t), {

@@ -199,3 +199,3 @@ update(e) {

c() {
t = Mt("svg"), e = Mt("path"), k(
t = It("svg"), e = It("path"), k(

@@ -247,3 +247,3 @@ "d",

let r, n, s, i;
const a = V(At), l = V(Lt), f = V(qt), p = We(), y = F(p, "showMask");
const a = V(At), l = V(Mt), f = V(qt), p = We(), y = F(p, "showMask");
S(o, y, (c) => e(0, r = c));

@@ -255,6 +255,6 @@ const w = F(p, "maskOpacity");

S(o, C, (c) => e(1, n = c));
const g = M([f, y, C, p], ([c, h, _, P], A) => {
const g = I([f, y, C, p], ([c, h, _, P], A) => {
if (!c || !h || !_)
const W = Bo(c, P, Ht(l), I(b));
const W = Bo(c, P, Bt(l), M(b));

@@ -265,3 +265,3 @@ });

var h;
switch ((h = I(p)) == null ? void 0 : h.clickMask) {
switch ((h = M(p)) == null ? void 0 : h.clickMask) {
case vo:

@@ -484,6 +484,6 @@ break;

let r, n, s, i, a, l, f, p, { position: y = "fixed" } = t, w;
const b = V(Yt), C = V(Kt), g = V(Lt), m = je(), $ = V(Zt), c = F($, "step");
const b = V(Yt), C = V(Kt), g = V(Mt), m = je(), $ = V(Zt), c = F($, "step");
S(o, c, (d) => e(3, n = d));
function h(d) {
return M([c, b], ([q, X]) => {
return I([c, b], ([q, X]) => {
if (q)

@@ -505,3 +505,3 @@ return g.getComponent(d, q, X);

let T, u;
const O = M(
const O = I(

@@ -511,3 +511,3 @@ (d, q) => {

return q(void 0), T = d, xt;
const X = u ? I(u) : void 0;
const X = u ? M(u) : void 0;
let N;

@@ -517,3 +517,3 @@ return g.transition && (N = g.transition(d, T, X)), N || (X ? (N = Gt(X, { duration: 300, easing: Wt }), N.set(d.position)) : N = jt(d.position)), T = d, u = N, N.subscribe(q);

void 0
), at = M(O, (d) => ({
), at = I(O, (d) => ({
left: nt(d == null ? void 0 : d.x),

@@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ top: nt(d == null ? void 0 : d.y),

const ot = V(At), { onPrev: dt, onNext: Y, onClose: G } = ot, tt = (d) => {
if (!ot.isActive() || I(b).keyboardControl === !1)
if (!ot.isActive() || M(b).keyboardControl === !1)
const q = g.onKeydown ? g.onKeydown(d) : Io(d);
}, et = M($, ({ element: d }, q) => {
if (!d || ut(d) || I(b).interactive === !1 || I(m).position === "SCREEN")
}, et = I($, ({ element: d }, q) => {
if (!d || ut(d) || M(b).interactive === !1 || M(m).position === "SCREEN")
return xt;

@@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ const X = d.ownerDocument.defaultView;

const qe = (o) => {
if (!o || o === Ft)
return [Ft, void 0];
if (!o || o === Vt)
return [Vt, void 0];
if (Array.isArray(o))
return o;
const t = o.split("_");
return t.length === 1 && se.includes(t[0]) ? [t[0], "CENTER"] : t.length === 2 && se.includes(t[0]) && $o.includes(t[1]) ? t : [Ft, void 0];
return t.length === 1 && se.includes(t[0]) ? [t[0], "CENTER"] : t.length === 2 && se.includes(t[0]) && $o.includes(t[1]) ? t : [Vt, void 0];
}, Ko = (o, t, e, r) => o < e ? e - o : t > r ? t - r : 0, le = (o = "CENTER", t, e, r, n, s) => {

@@ -713,3 +713,3 @@ if (!r)

const l = I(t.popover), f = l.offset, p = qe(l.position), y = I(t.highlight), { padding: w, borderWidth: b } = y, C = n == null ? void 0 :, g = p[0], m = p[1], $ = Ht(o), [c, h] = zt(w, a), _ = c + f + b, P = h + f + b, A = ut(s) ? "SCREEN" : Yo(g, s, i, _, P, $), { position: W, alignment: B } = Xo(
const l = M(t.popover), f = l.offset, p = qe(l.position), y = M(t.highlight), { padding: w, borderWidth: b } = y, C = n == null ? void 0 :, g = p[0], m = p[1], $ = Bt(o), [c, h] = zt(w, a), _ = c + f + b, P = h + f + b, A = ut(s) ? "SCREEN" : Yo(g, s, i, _, P, $), { position: W, alignment: B } = Xo(

@@ -767,3 +767,3 @@ m === e ? r : m,

return {
elementBounding$: M(
elementBounding$: I(
[o, t, s, a],

@@ -795,3 +795,3 @@ ([

) : [g], { highlight: A, popover: W } = r, B = I(A), E = I(W), T = qe(E.position), u = T[0], O = T[1], [at, lt] = Xe(B.padding, B, b), ot = P.length > 0 ? () => io(ao(lo(P), _), b) : () => new DOMRectReadOnly(0, 0, 0, 0);
) : [g], { highlight: A, popover: W } = r, B = M(A), E = M(W), T = qe(E.position), u = T[0], O = T[1], [at, lt] = Xe(B.padding, B, b), ot = P.length > 0 ? () => io(ao(lo(P), _), b) : () => new DOMRectReadOnly(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (g && !ut(g)) {

@@ -826,3 +826,3 @@ [h, _] = co(g, !0, po(e.window));

), tt = G ? "if-needed" : "always", et = G ? ne[G] : ne[u], K = O ? O.toLocaleLowerCase() : "nearest", { padding: d, borderWidth: q } = B, X = (E.offset < 10 ? 10 : E.offset) + q, N = {

@@ -840,4 +840,4 @@ left: X + (Y.left || 0),

v = et, J = K;
const Vt = u === "AUTO" ? "bottom" : u.toLowerCase();
N[Vt] += (w == null ? void 0 : w.height) || 0;
const Ht = u === "AUTO" ? "bottom" : u.toLowerCase();
N[Ht] += (w == null ? void 0 : w.height) || 0;

@@ -870,3 +870,3 @@ }

let r;
return M([o, e.highlight], ([n, { padding: s }], i) => {
return I([o, e.highlight], ([n, { padding: s }], i) => {
const a = {

@@ -880,3 +880,3 @@ x: 0,

if (!n || ut(n)) {
const f = Ht(t), p = r ? I(r) : {
const f = Bt(t), p = r ? M(r) : {
x: f.width / 2,

@@ -911,18 +911,20 @@ y: f.height / 2,

let e;
const { activeStep$: r, activeIndex$: n } = o;
return M(
const { activeStep$: r } = o;
return I(
(s, i) => {
const a = I(n);
if (!s || !It(a))
(n, s) => {
if (!n)
const l = new AbortController();
return t.waitForElement(s, l).then((f) => {
l.signal.aborted || (i({
element: f ?? Ae,
step: s,
index: a
}), t.afterStepChanged && t.afterStepChanged(, e == null ? void 0 :;
element: void 0,
step: e
const i = new AbortController();
return t.waitForElement(n, i).then((a) => {
i.signal.aborted || (s({
element: a ?? Ae,
step: n
}), t.afterStepChanged && t.afterStepChanged(, e == null ? void 0 :;
}), () => {
e = s, l.abort();
e = n, i.abort();

@@ -932,7 +934,6 @@ },

element: void 0,
step: void 0,
index: -1
step: void 0
}, Qo = (o) => M(o, (t, e) => t ? go(t, () => {
}, Qo = (o) => I(o, (t, e) => t ? go(t, () => {

@@ -953,3 +954,3 @@ }) : (e(wo), xt));

var r, n;
const e = I(Ye(,$));
const e = M(Ye(,$));
if (e) {

@@ -977,3 +978,3 @@ const s = (r = this.getActiveStep().step) == null ? void 0 :;

highlight: p("highlight", xo),
theme: M(p("theme", {}), Lo)
theme: I(p("theme", {}), Lo)
}, w = ft(void 0), b = Qo(w), { elementBounding$: C, placement$: g } = Zo(

@@ -986,3 +987,3 @@ l,

), m = r.getTotalCount(e), $ = zo(C, r, y), c = Be(n);
c.set(At, this).set(So, C).set(qt, $).set(Yt, s).set(Kt, w).set(Po, b).set(Xt, m).set(Lt, r).set(Zt, l).set(Bt, y).set(Ut, g), this.subscriptions = a, this.view = new Go({
c.set(At, this).set(So, C).set(qt, $).set(Yt, s).set(Kt, w).set(Po, b).set(Xt, m).set(Mt, r).set(Zt, l).set(Lt, y).set(Ut, g), this.subscriptions = a, this.view = new Go({
target: i,

@@ -1015,3 +1016,3 @@ context: c,

getCurrentElement() {
const { element: e } = I(this.renderState$);
const { element: e } = M(this.renderState$);
return ut(e) ? void 0 : e;

@@ -1027,3 +1028,3 @@ }

const n = F(o, e), s = F(t, e);
return M([n, s], (i) => Mo(r, ...i));
return I([n, s], (i) => Mo(r, ...i));

@@ -1116,10 +1117,10 @@ }

let r, n, s, i, a;
const l = V(Lt), f = V(qt), p = We(), y = Ge(), w = F(p, "borderWidth");
const l = V(Mt), f = V(qt), p = We(), y = Ge(), w = F(p, "borderWidth");
S(o, w, (h) => e(0, r = h));
const b = F(p, "showHeartbeat"), C = M([f, p], ([h, { borderWidth: _, showBorder: P }]) => P && _ > 0 && h.width > 0 && h.height > 0);
const b = F(p, "showHeartbeat"), C = I([f, p], ([h, { borderWidth: _, showBorder: P }]) => P && _ > 0 && h.width > 0 && h.height > 0);
S(o, C, (h) => e(2, s = h));
const g = l.transform$ ?? Jt, m = M([f, w], ([h, _], P) => {
const g = l.transform$ ?? Jt, m = I([f, w], ([h, _], P) => {
if (!h)
const { x: A, y: W, padding: B, width: E, height: T } = h, [u, O] = zt(B, I(g));
const { x: A, y: W, padding: B, width: E, height: T } = h, [u, O] = zt(B, M(g));

@@ -1134,3 +1135,3 @@ left: nt(A - _ - u),

S(o, m, (h) => e(3, i = h));
const $ = M([p, y], ([h, _]) => {
const $ = I([p, y], ([h, _]) => {
if (h != null && h.borderColor)

@@ -1142,3 +1143,3 @@ return h.borderColor;

S(o, $, (h) => e(1, n = h));
const c = M([b, f], ([h, _]) => !!(h && (_ != null && _.width) && (_ != null && _.height)));
const c = I([b, f], ([h, _]) => !!(h && (_ != null && _.width) && (_ != null && _.height)));
return S(o, c, (h) => e(4, a = h)), [

@@ -1194,3 +1195,3 @@ r,

let r;
const n = V(Xt), s = Re(), i = M([s, n], ([a, l]) => l > 1 ? `${a + 1}/${l}` : "");
const n = V(Xt), s = Re(), i = I([s, n], ([a, l]) => l > 1 ? `${a + 1}/${l}` : "");
return S(o, i, (a) => e(0, r = a)), [r, i];

@@ -1519,3 +1520,3 @@ }

c() {
t = Mt("svg"), e = Mt("path"), k(e, "d", "M19 12H6M12 5l-7 7 7 7"), H(t, "pointer-events", "none"), k(t, "width", "20"), k(t, "height", "14"), k(t, "xmlns", ""), k(t, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), k(t, "fill", "none"), k(t, "stroke", "currentColor"), k(t, "stroke-width", "2"), k(t, "stroke-linecap", "round"), k(t, "stroke-linejoin", "round");
t = It("svg"), e = It("path"), k(e, "d", "M19 12H6M12 5l-7 7 7 7"), H(t, "pointer-events", "none"), k(t, "width", "20"), k(t, "height", "14"), k(t, "xmlns", ""), k(t, "viewBox", "0 0 24 24"), k(t, "fill", "none"), k(t, "stroke", "currentColor"), k(t, "stroke-width", "2"), k(t, "stroke-linecap", "round"), k(t, "stroke-linejoin", "round");

@@ -1819,3 +1820,3 @@ m(r, n) {

let { cssClassName: c = "" } = t;
const h = eo(), _ = V(At), P = Re(), A = V(Xt), W = V(Ut), B = V(Yt), E = M(W, (v) => {
const h = eo(), _ = V(At), P = Re(), A = V(Xt), W = V(Ut), B = V(Yt), E = I(W, (v) => {
var J;

@@ -1825,7 +1826,7 @@ return `thisway-popover-${(J = v == null ? void 0 : v.orientation) == null ? void 0 : J.toLowerCase()}`;

S(o, E, (v) => e(1, r = v));
const T = M(W, (v) => `thisway-popover__arrow-${v == null ? void 0 : v.alignment.toLowerCase()}`);
const T = I(W, (v) => `thisway-popover__arrow-${v == null ? void 0 : v.alignment.toLowerCase()}`);
S(o, T, (v) => e(5, a = v));
const u = je(), O = M(A, (v) => v > 1);
const u = je(), O = I(A, (v) => v > 1);
S(o, O, (v) => e(11, b = v));
const at = M([O, P], ([v, J]) => v && (J || 0) > 0);
const at = I([O, P], ([v, J]) => v && (J || 0) > 0);
S(o, at, (v) => e(9, y = v));

@@ -1846,3 +1847,3 @@ const lt = F(u, "title");

S(o, et, (v) => e(2, n = v));
const K = Ye(, P), d = M([u, K, P, et], ([v, J, wt, Vt]) => {
const K = Ye(, P), d = I([u, K, P, et], ([v, J, wt, Ht]) => {
var Qt;

@@ -1852,3 +1853,3 @@ if (wt === 0)

if (J)
if (Vt === Ee) {
if (Ht === Ee) {
const ze = ((Qt = J.popover) == null ? void 0 : Qt.title) ?? "";

@@ -1910,3 +1911,3 @@ return `${v.nextBtnText} ${ze}`;

getTotalCount(t) {
return M(t.effectiveSteps$, (e) => e.length);
return I(t.effectiveSteps$, (e) => e.length);

@@ -1988,3 +1989,3 @@ async waitForElement(t) {

export {
Lt as DelegateContext,
Mt as DelegateContext,
So as ElementBoundingContext,

@@ -2001,3 +2002,3 @@ Ao as ForeignViewContext,

Zt as RenderStateContext,
Bt as StepOptionsContext,
Lt as StepOptionsContext,
Eo as StepsController,

@@ -2004,0 +2005,0 @@ xr as ThisWay,

@@ -32,3 +32,2 @@ /// <reference types="svelte" />

step: Step | undefined;
index: number;

@@ -35,0 +34,0 @@ export declare const RenderStateContext: ContextType<Readable<RenderState>>;

"name": "@thisway/next",
"version": "0.12.0",
"version": "0.12.1",
"type": "module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "dependencies": {

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