What is @tiptap/extension-heading?
@tiptap/extension-heading is an extension for the Tiptap text editor that allows you to add and manage heading elements in your rich text content. It provides a straightforward way to include headings of various levels (e.g., H1, H2, H3) in your editor, making it easier to structure and format your text.
What are @tiptap/extension-heading's main functionalities?
Add Heading
This feature allows you to add heading elements to your Tiptap editor. You can configure which heading levels are available (e.g., H1, H2, H3).
const editor = new Editor({
extensions: [
levels: [1, 2, 3],
Set Heading Level
This feature allows you to set the heading level for a selected text. In this example, the selected text is set to a level 2 heading (H2).
editor.chain().focus().toggleHeading({ level: 2 }).run()
Check Heading Level
This feature allows you to check if the current selection is a heading of a specific level. In this example, it checks if the selection is an H1 heading.
const isHeading = editor.isActive('heading', { level: 1 })
Other packages similar to @tiptap/extension-heading
prosemirror-schema-basic provides a basic schema for ProseMirror, including heading nodes. It is more low-level compared to @tiptap/extension-heading and requires more manual setup.
draft-js is a rich text editor framework for React. It includes support for headings, but the API and configuration are different from Tiptap. It is more integrated with React and offers a different set of features.
quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility. It supports headings out of the box and offers a different user experience and API compared to Tiptap.

Tiptap is a headless wrapper around ProseMirror – a toolkit for building rich text WYSIWYG editors, which is already in use at many well-known companies such as New York Times, The Guardian or Atlassian.
Official Documentation
Documentation can be found on the Tiptap website.
Tiptap is open sourced software licensed under the MIT license.