TSR prettier
Get pretty code with prettier the way Two Story Robot likes it.
npm install --save-dev @twostoryrobot/prettier-config
Then you can source the config from your own .prettierrc.js
module.exports = require('@twostoryrobot/prettier-config')
Now you can add a script to your project's package.json that calls prettier and
it will reference the config file in the root of your project directory.
"scripts": {
"prettier": "prettier --write 'src/**/*.js'",
"prettier-check": "prettier --list-different 'src/**/*.js'"
Custom configuration
If you want to override the defaults at all, use this method:
const prettierConfig = require('@twostoryrobot/prettier-config')
module.exports = Object.assign({}, prettierConfig, { semi: true })
Note: please consider making a PR if you think the override will be useful for
other projects.