What is @types/d3?
The @types/d3 package provides TypeScript type definitions for D3.js, a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers. It enables TypeScript developers to use D3.js with type checking, making development more robust and error-free. The package covers a wide range of visualization techniques and utilities provided by D3.js.
What are @types/d3's main functionalities?
Selecting Elements
Selects the body of the document and appends an SVG element to it. This is foundational for creating any visualizations with D3, as it involves manipulating the DOM based on data.
Data Binding
Binds an array of data to a list and creates a list item for each element. This demonstrates D3's data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.
d3.select('ul').selectAll('li').data([1, 2, 3]).enter().append('li').text(function(d) { return d; })
Creating Scales
Creates a linear scale for mapping a domain of input data to a range of output values. Scales are crucial for creating charts and graphs.
d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 100]).range([0, 200])
Generating Axes
Generates a bottom-oriented axis using a specified scale, with a specified number of ticks. Axes are essential for charting, providing context to the data being visualized.
Other packages similar to @types/d3
Chart.js is a powerful, easy-to-use, pure JavaScript charting library. It provides a simpler API for creating a wide variety of charts. While it doesn't offer the same level of customization or low-level control as D3.js, it's a great choice for quickly creating common chart types without needing to manage SVG or Canvas directly.
Highcharts is a comprehensive charting library that makes it easy to add interactive charts to web and mobile projects. It offers a wide range of chart types and is designed for ease of use. Compared to D3.js, Highcharts abstracts more of the chart creation process, offering a higher-level API that requires less coding to produce charts, but with less flexibility for custom visualizations.
Plotly.js is a high-level, declarative charting library built on top of D3.js and stack.gl. It provides an easy way to create interactive, multi-platform graphs and charts. Plotly.js abstracts much of the complexity of D3.js, offering a simpler interface for creating complex visualizations, including 3D charts and statistical graphs.
npm install --save @types/d3
This package contains type definitions for d3 (https://github.com/d3/d3).
Files were exported from https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/d3.
export as namespace d3;
* Version number in format _Major.Minor.BugFix_, like 7.0.0.
export const version: string;
export * from "d3-array";
export * from "d3-axis";
export * from "d3-brush";
export * from "d3-chord";
export * from "d3-color";
export * from "d3-contour";
export * from "d3-delaunay";
export * from "d3-dispatch";
export * from "d3-drag";
export * from "d3-dsv";
export * from "d3-ease";
export * from "d3-fetch";
export * from "d3-force";
export * from "d3-format";
export * from "d3-geo";
export * from "d3-hierarchy";
export * from "d3-interpolate";
export * from "d3-path";
export * from "d3-polygon";
export * from "d3-quadtree";
export * from "d3-random";
export * from "d3-scale";
export * from "d3-scale-chromatic";
export * from "d3-selection";
export * from "d3-shape";
export * from "d3-time";
export * from "d3-time-format";
export * from "d3-timer";
export * from "d3-transition";
export * from "d3-zoom";
Additional Details
- Last updated: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:11:36 GMT
- Dependencies: @types/d3-array, @types/d3-axis, @types/d3-brush, @types/d3-chord, @types/d3-color, @types/d3-contour, @types/d3-delaunay, @types/d3-dispatch, @types/d3-drag, @types/d3-dsv, @types/d3-ease, @types/d3-fetch, @types/d3-force, @types/d3-format, @types/d3-geo, @types/d3-hierarchy, @types/d3-interpolate, @types/d3-path, @types/d3-polygon, @types/d3-quadtree, @types/d3-random, @types/d3-scale, @types/d3-scale-chromatic, @types/d3-selection, @types/d3-shape, @types/d3-time, @types/d3-time-format, @types/d3-timer, @types/d3-transition, @types/d3-zoom
These definitions were written by Tom Wanzek, Alex Ford, Boris Yankov, denisname, Nathan Bierema, and Fil.