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@types/estree - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.52 to 1.0.0



@@ -1,174 +0,167 @@

// Type definitions for ESTree AST extensions for Facebook Flow
// Project:
// Definitions by: RReverser <>
// Definitions:
declare namespace ESTree {
interface FlowTypeAnnotation extends Node {}
interface FlowTypeAnnotation extends Node {}
interface FlowBaseTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {}
interface FlowBaseTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {}
interface FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation, Literal {}
interface FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation, Literal {}
interface FlowDeclaration extends Declaration {}
interface FlowDeclaration extends Declaration {}
interface AnyTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface AnyTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface ArrayTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
elementType: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface ArrayTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
elementType: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation {}
interface BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation {}
interface BooleanTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface BooleanTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface ClassImplements extends Node {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface ClassImplements extends Node {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface ClassProperty {
key: Expression;
value?: Expression | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | null;
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
interface ClassProperty {
key: Expression;
value?: Expression | null;
typeAnnotation?: TypeAnnotation | null;
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
interface DeclareClass extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>;
interface DeclareClass extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
extends: InterfaceExtends[];
interface DeclareFunction extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
interface DeclareFunction extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
interface DeclareModule extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Literal | Identifier;
body: BlockStatement;
interface DeclareModule extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Literal | Identifier;
body: BlockStatement;
interface DeclareVariable extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
interface DeclareVariable extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
interface FunctionTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>;
returnType: FlowTypeAnnotation;
rest?: FunctionTypeParam | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
interface FunctionTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
params: FunctionTypeParam[];
returnType: FlowTypeAnnotation;
rest?: FunctionTypeParam | null;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
interface FunctionTypeParam {
name: Identifier;
typeAnnotation: FlowTypeAnnotation;
optional: boolean;
interface FunctionTypeParam {
name: Identifier;
typeAnnotation: FlowTypeAnnotation;
optional: boolean;
interface GenericTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface GenericTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface InterfaceExtends extends Node {
id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface InterfaceExtends extends Node {
id: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterInstantiation | null;
interface InterfaceDeclaration extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
interface InterfaceDeclaration extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
extends: InterfaceExtends[];
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
interface IntersectionTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
types: Array<FlowTypeAnnotation>;
interface IntersectionTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
types: FlowTypeAnnotation[];
interface MixedTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface MixedTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface NullableTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
interface NullableTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
interface NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation {}
interface NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation {}
interface NumberTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface NumberTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface StringLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation {}
interface StringLiteralTypeAnnotation extends FlowLiteralTypeAnnotation {}
interface StringTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface StringTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface TupleTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
types: Array<FlowTypeAnnotation>;
interface TupleTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
types: FlowTypeAnnotation[];
interface TypeofTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
argument: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface TypeofTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
argument: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface TypeAlias extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
right: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface TypeAlias extends FlowDeclaration {
id: Identifier;
typeParameters?: TypeParameterDeclaration | null;
right: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface TypeAnnotation extends Node {
typeAnnotation: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface TypeAnnotation extends Node {
typeAnnotation: FlowTypeAnnotation;
interface TypeCastExpression extends Expression {
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
interface TypeCastExpression extends Expression {
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
interface TypeParameterDeclaration extends Node {
params: Array<Identifier>;
interface TypeParameterDeclaration extends Node {
params: Identifier[];
interface TypeParameterInstantiation extends Node {
params: Array<FlowTypeAnnotation>;
interface TypeParameterInstantiation extends Node {
params: FlowTypeAnnotation[];
interface ObjectTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty>;
indexers: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>;
callProperties: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>;
interface ObjectTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
properties: ObjectTypeProperty[];
indexers: ObjectTypeIndexer[];
callProperties: ObjectTypeCallProperty[];
interface ObjectTypeCallProperty extends Node {
value: FunctionTypeAnnotation;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeCallProperty extends Node {
value: FunctionTypeAnnotation;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeIndexer extends Node {
id: Identifier;
key: FlowTypeAnnotation;
value: FlowTypeAnnotation;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeIndexer extends Node {
id: Identifier;
key: FlowTypeAnnotation;
value: FlowTypeAnnotation;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeProperty extends Node {
key: Expression;
value: FlowTypeAnnotation;
optional: boolean;
static: boolean;
interface ObjectTypeProperty extends Node {
key: Expression;
value: FlowTypeAnnotation;
optional: boolean;
static: boolean;
interface QualifiedTypeIdentifier extends Node {
qualification: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
id: Identifier;
interface QualifiedTypeIdentifier extends Node {
qualification: Identifier | QualifiedTypeIdentifier;
id: Identifier;
interface UnionTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
types: Array<FlowTypeAnnotation>;
interface UnionTypeAnnotation extends FlowTypeAnnotation {
types: FlowTypeAnnotation[];
interface VoidTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}
interface VoidTypeAnnotation extends FlowBaseTypeAnnotation {}

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// Type definitions for ESTree AST specification
// Type definitions for non-npm package estree 1.0
// Project:

@@ -24,280 +24,293 @@ // Definitions by: RReverser <>

interface BaseNodeWithoutComments {
// Every leaf interface that extends BaseNode must specify a type property.
// The type property should be a string literal. For example, Identifier
// has: `type: "Identifier"`
type: string;
loc?: SourceLocation | null | undefined;
range?: [number, number] | undefined;
export interface BaseNodeWithoutComments {
// Every leaf interface that extends BaseNode must specify a type property.
// The type property should be a string literal. For example, Identifier
// has: `type: "Identifier"`
type: string;
loc?: SourceLocation | null | undefined;
range?: [number, number] | undefined;
interface BaseNode extends BaseNodeWithoutComments {
leadingComments?: Array<Comment> | undefined;
trailingComments?: Array<Comment> | undefined;
export interface BaseNode extends BaseNodeWithoutComments {
leadingComments?: Comment[] | undefined;
trailingComments?: Comment[] | undefined;
interface NodeMap {
AssignmentProperty: AssignmentProperty;
CatchClause: CatchClause;
Class: Class;
ClassBody: ClassBody;
Expression: Expression;
Function: Function;
Identifier: Identifier;
Literal: Literal;
MethodDefinition: MethodDefinition;
ModuleDeclaration: ModuleDeclaration;
ModuleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier;
Pattern: Pattern;
PrivateIdentifier: PrivateIdentifier;
Program: Program;
Property: Property;
PropertyDefinition: PropertyDefinition;
SpreadElement: SpreadElement;
Statement: Statement;
Super: Super;
SwitchCase: SwitchCase;
TemplateElement: TemplateElement;
VariableDeclarator: VariableDeclarator;
export interface NodeMap {
AssignmentProperty: AssignmentProperty;
CatchClause: CatchClause;
Class: Class;
ClassBody: ClassBody;
Expression: Expression;
Function: Function;
Identifier: Identifier;
Literal: Literal;
MethodDefinition: MethodDefinition;
ModuleDeclaration: ModuleDeclaration;
ModuleSpecifier: ModuleSpecifier;
Pattern: Pattern;
PrivateIdentifier: PrivateIdentifier;
Program: Program;
Property: Property;
PropertyDefinition: PropertyDefinition;
SpreadElement: SpreadElement;
Statement: Statement;
Super: Super;
SwitchCase: SwitchCase;
TemplateElement: TemplateElement;
VariableDeclarator: VariableDeclarator;
export type Node = NodeMap[keyof NodeMap]
export type Node = NodeMap[keyof NodeMap];
export interface Comment extends BaseNodeWithoutComments {
type: "Line" | "Block";
value: string;
type: 'Line' | 'Block';
value: string;
interface SourceLocation {
source?: string | null | undefined;
start: Position;
end: Position;
export interface SourceLocation {
source?: string | null | undefined;
start: Position;
end: Position;
export interface Position {
/** >= 1 */
line: number;
/** >= 0 */
column: number;
/** >= 1 */
line: number;
/** >= 0 */
column: number;
export interface Program extends BaseNode {
type: "Program";
sourceType: "script" | "module";
body: Array<Directive | Statement | ModuleDeclaration>;
comments?: Array<Comment> | undefined;
type: 'Program';
sourceType: 'script' | 'module';
body: Array<Directive | Statement | ModuleDeclaration>;
comments?: Comment[] | undefined;
export interface Directive extends BaseNode {
type: "ExpressionStatement";
expression: Literal;
directive: string;
type: 'ExpressionStatement';
expression: Literal;
directive: string;
interface BaseFunction extends BaseNode {
params: Array<Pattern>;
generator?: boolean | undefined;
async?: boolean | undefined;
// The body is either BlockStatement or Expression because arrow functions
// can have a body that's either. FunctionDeclarations and
// FunctionExpressions have only BlockStatement bodies.
body: BlockStatement | Expression;
export interface BaseFunction extends BaseNode {
params: Pattern[];
generator?: boolean | undefined;
async?: boolean | undefined;
// The body is either BlockStatement or Expression because arrow functions
// can have a body that's either. FunctionDeclarations and
// FunctionExpressions have only BlockStatement bodies.
body: BlockStatement | Expression;
export type Function =
FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression;
export type Function = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | ArrowFunctionExpression;
export type Statement =
ExpressionStatement | BlockStatement | StaticBlock | EmptyStatement |
DebuggerStatement | WithStatement | ReturnStatement | LabeledStatement |
BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | IfStatement | SwitchStatement |
ThrowStatement | TryStatement | WhileStatement | DoWhileStatement |
ForStatement | ForInStatement | ForOfStatement | Declaration;
| ExpressionStatement
| BlockStatement
| StaticBlock
| EmptyStatement
| DebuggerStatement
| WithStatement
| ReturnStatement
| LabeledStatement
| BreakStatement
| ContinueStatement
| IfStatement
| SwitchStatement
| ThrowStatement
| TryStatement
| WhileStatement
| DoWhileStatement
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| Declaration;
interface BaseStatement extends BaseNode { }
export interface BaseStatement extends BaseNode {}
export interface EmptyStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "EmptyStatement";
type: 'EmptyStatement';
export interface BlockStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "BlockStatement";
body: Array<Statement>;
innerComments?: Array<Comment> | undefined;
type: 'BlockStatement';
body: Statement[];
innerComments?: Comment[] | undefined;
export interface StaticBlock extends Omit<BlockStatement, 'type'> {
type: "StaticBlock";
type: 'StaticBlock';
export interface ExpressionStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "ExpressionStatement";
expression: Expression;
type: 'ExpressionStatement';
expression: Expression;
export interface IfStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "IfStatement";
test: Expression;
consequent: Statement;
alternate?: Statement | null | undefined;
type: 'IfStatement';
test: Expression;
consequent: Statement;
alternate?: Statement | null | undefined;
export interface LabeledStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "LabeledStatement";
label: Identifier;
body: Statement;
type: 'LabeledStatement';
label: Identifier;
body: Statement;
export interface BreakStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "BreakStatement";
label?: Identifier | null | undefined;
type: 'BreakStatement';
label?: Identifier | null | undefined;
export interface ContinueStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "ContinueStatement";
label?: Identifier | null | undefined;
type: 'ContinueStatement';
label?: Identifier | null | undefined;
export interface WithStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "WithStatement";
object: Expression;
body: Statement;
type: 'WithStatement';
object: Expression;
body: Statement;
export interface SwitchStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "SwitchStatement";
discriminant: Expression;
cases: Array<SwitchCase>;
type: 'SwitchStatement';
discriminant: Expression;
cases: SwitchCase[];
export interface ReturnStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "ReturnStatement";
argument?: Expression | null | undefined;
type: 'ReturnStatement';
argument?: Expression | null | undefined;
export interface ThrowStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "ThrowStatement";
argument: Expression;
type: 'ThrowStatement';
argument: Expression;
export interface TryStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "TryStatement";
block: BlockStatement;
handler?: CatchClause | null | undefined;
finalizer?: BlockStatement | null | undefined;
type: 'TryStatement';
block: BlockStatement;
handler?: CatchClause | null | undefined;
finalizer?: BlockStatement | null | undefined;
export interface WhileStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "WhileStatement";
test: Expression;
body: Statement;
type: 'WhileStatement';
test: Expression;
body: Statement;
export interface DoWhileStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "DoWhileStatement";
body: Statement;
test: Expression;
type: 'DoWhileStatement';
body: Statement;
test: Expression;
export interface ForStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "ForStatement";
init?: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null | undefined;
test?: Expression | null | undefined;
update?: Expression | null | undefined;
body: Statement;
type: 'ForStatement';
init?: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null | undefined;
test?: Expression | null | undefined;
update?: Expression | null | undefined;
body: Statement;
interface BaseForXStatement extends BaseStatement {
left: VariableDeclaration | Pattern;
right: Expression;
body: Statement;
export interface BaseForXStatement extends BaseStatement {
left: VariableDeclaration | Pattern;
right: Expression;
body: Statement;
export interface ForInStatement extends BaseForXStatement {
type: "ForInStatement";
type: 'ForInStatement';
export interface DebuggerStatement extends BaseStatement {
type: "DebuggerStatement";
type: 'DebuggerStatement';
export type Declaration =
FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration;
export type Declaration = FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration;
interface BaseDeclaration extends BaseStatement { }
export interface BaseDeclaration extends BaseStatement {}
export interface FunctionDeclaration extends BaseFunction, BaseDeclaration {
type: "FunctionDeclaration";
/** It is null when a function declaration is a part of the `export default function` statement */
id: Identifier | null;
body: BlockStatement;
type: 'FunctionDeclaration';
/** It is null when a function declaration is a part of the `export default function` statement */
id: Identifier | null;
body: BlockStatement;
export interface VariableDeclaration extends BaseDeclaration {
type: "VariableDeclaration";
declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>;
kind: "var" | "let" | "const";
type: 'VariableDeclaration';
declarations: VariableDeclarator[];
kind: 'var' | 'let' | 'const';
export interface VariableDeclarator extends BaseNode {
type: "VariableDeclarator";
id: Pattern;
init?: Expression | null | undefined;
type: 'VariableDeclarator';
id: Pattern;
init?: Expression | null | undefined;
export interface ExpressionMap {
ArrayExpression: ArrayExpression;
ArrowFunctionExpression: ArrowFunctionExpression;
AssignmentExpression: AssignmentExpression;
AwaitExpression: AwaitExpression;
BinaryExpression: BinaryExpression;
CallExpression: CallExpression;
ChainExpression: ChainExpression;
ClassExpression: ClassExpression;
ConditionalExpression: ConditionalExpression;
FunctionExpression: FunctionExpression;
Identifier: Identifier;
ImportExpression: ImportExpression;
Literal: Literal;
LogicalExpression: LogicalExpression;
MemberExpression: MemberExpression;
MetaProperty: MetaProperty;
NewExpression: NewExpression;
ObjectExpression: ObjectExpression;
SequenceExpression: SequenceExpression;
TaggedTemplateExpression: TaggedTemplateExpression;
TemplateLiteral: TemplateLiteral;
ThisExpression: ThisExpression;
UnaryExpression: UnaryExpression;
UpdateExpression: UpdateExpression;
YieldExpression: YieldExpression;
ArrayExpression: ArrayExpression;
ArrowFunctionExpression: ArrowFunctionExpression;
AssignmentExpression: AssignmentExpression;
AwaitExpression: AwaitExpression;
BinaryExpression: BinaryExpression;
CallExpression: CallExpression;
ChainExpression: ChainExpression;
ClassExpression: ClassExpression;
ConditionalExpression: ConditionalExpression;
FunctionExpression: FunctionExpression;
Identifier: Identifier;
ImportExpression: ImportExpression;
Literal: Literal;
LogicalExpression: LogicalExpression;
MemberExpression: MemberExpression;
MetaProperty: MetaProperty;
NewExpression: NewExpression;
ObjectExpression: ObjectExpression;
SequenceExpression: SequenceExpression;
TaggedTemplateExpression: TaggedTemplateExpression;
TemplateLiteral: TemplateLiteral;
ThisExpression: ThisExpression;
UnaryExpression: UnaryExpression;
UpdateExpression: UpdateExpression;
YieldExpression: YieldExpression;
type Expression = ExpressionMap[keyof ExpressionMap]
export type Expression = ExpressionMap[keyof ExpressionMap];
export interface BaseExpression extends BaseNode { }
export interface BaseExpression extends BaseNode {}
type ChainElement = SimpleCallExpression | MemberExpression;
export type ChainElement = SimpleCallExpression | MemberExpression;
export interface ChainExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "ChainExpression";
expression: ChainElement;
type: 'ChainExpression';
expression: ChainElement;
export interface ThisExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "ThisExpression";
type: 'ThisExpression';
export interface ArrayExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "ArrayExpression";
elements: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | null>;
type: 'ArrayExpression';
elements: Array<Expression | SpreadElement | null>;
export interface ObjectExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "ObjectExpression";
properties: Array<Property | SpreadElement>;
type: 'ObjectExpression';
properties: Array<Property | SpreadElement>;
export interface PrivateIdentifier extends BaseNode {
type: "PrivateIdentifier";
type: 'PrivateIdentifier';
name: string;

@@ -307,13 +320,13 @@ }

export interface Property extends BaseNode {
type: "Property";
key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier;
value: Expression | Pattern; // Could be an AssignmentProperty
kind: "init" | "get" | "set";
method: boolean;
shorthand: boolean;
computed: boolean;
type: 'Property';
key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier;
value: Expression | Pattern; // Could be an AssignmentProperty
kind: 'init' | 'get' | 'set';
method: boolean;
shorthand: boolean;
computed: boolean;
export interface PropertyDefinition extends BaseNode {
type: "PropertyDefinition";
type: 'PropertyDefinition';
key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier;

@@ -326,57 +339,57 @@ value?: Expression | null | undefined;

export interface FunctionExpression extends BaseFunction, BaseExpression {
id?: Identifier | null | undefined;
type: "FunctionExpression";
body: BlockStatement;
id?: Identifier | null | undefined;
type: 'FunctionExpression';
body: BlockStatement;
export interface SequenceExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "SequenceExpression";
expressions: Array<Expression>;
type: 'SequenceExpression';
expressions: Expression[];
export interface UnaryExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "UnaryExpression";
operator: UnaryOperator;
prefix: true;
argument: Expression;
type: 'UnaryExpression';
operator: UnaryOperator;
prefix: true;
argument: Expression;
export interface BinaryExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "BinaryExpression";
operator: BinaryOperator;
left: Expression;
right: Expression;
type: 'BinaryExpression';
operator: BinaryOperator;
left: Expression;
right: Expression;
export interface AssignmentExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "AssignmentExpression";
operator: AssignmentOperator;
left: Pattern | MemberExpression;
right: Expression;
type: 'AssignmentExpression';
operator: AssignmentOperator;
left: Pattern | MemberExpression;
right: Expression;
export interface UpdateExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "UpdateExpression";
operator: UpdateOperator;
argument: Expression;
prefix: boolean;
type: 'UpdateExpression';
operator: UpdateOperator;
argument: Expression;
prefix: boolean;
export interface LogicalExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "LogicalExpression";
operator: LogicalOperator;
left: Expression;
right: Expression;
type: 'LogicalExpression';
operator: LogicalOperator;
left: Expression;
right: Expression;
export interface ConditionalExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "ConditionalExpression";
test: Expression;
alternate: Expression;
consequent: Expression;
type: 'ConditionalExpression';
test: Expression;
alternate: Expression;
consequent: Expression;
interface BaseCallExpression extends BaseExpression {
callee: Expression | Super;
arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement>;
export interface BaseCallExpression extends BaseExpression {
callee: Expression | Super;
arguments: Array<Expression | SpreadElement>;

@@ -386,39 +399,37 @@ export type CallExpression = SimpleCallExpression | NewExpression;

export interface SimpleCallExpression extends BaseCallExpression {
type: "CallExpression";
optional: boolean;
type: 'CallExpression';
optional: boolean;
export interface NewExpression extends BaseCallExpression {
type: "NewExpression";
type: 'NewExpression';
export interface MemberExpression extends BaseExpression, BasePattern {
type: "MemberExpression";
object: Expression | Super;
property: Expression | PrivateIdentifier;
computed: boolean;
optional: boolean;
type: 'MemberExpression';
object: Expression | Super;
property: Expression | PrivateIdentifier;
computed: boolean;
optional: boolean;
export type Pattern =
Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | RestElement |
AssignmentPattern | MemberExpression;
export type Pattern = Identifier | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | RestElement | AssignmentPattern | MemberExpression;
interface BasePattern extends BaseNode { }
export interface BasePattern extends BaseNode {}
export interface SwitchCase extends BaseNode {
type: "SwitchCase";
test?: Expression | null | undefined;
consequent: Array<Statement>;
type: 'SwitchCase';
test?: Expression | null | undefined;
consequent: Statement[];
export interface CatchClause extends BaseNode {
type: "CatchClause";
param: Pattern | null;
body: BlockStatement;
type: 'CatchClause';
param: Pattern | null;
body: BlockStatement;
export interface Identifier extends BaseNode, BaseExpression, BasePattern {
type: "Identifier";
name: string;
type: 'Identifier';
name: string;

@@ -429,214 +440,243 @@

export interface SimpleLiteral extends BaseNode, BaseExpression {
type: "Literal";
value: string | boolean | number | null;
raw?: string | undefined;
type: 'Literal';
value: string | boolean | number | null;
raw?: string | undefined;
export interface RegExpLiteral extends BaseNode, BaseExpression {
type: "Literal";
value?: RegExp | null | undefined;
regex: {
pattern: string;
flags: string;
raw?: string | undefined;
type: 'Literal';
value?: RegExp | null | undefined;
regex: {
pattern: string;
flags: string;
raw?: string | undefined;
export interface BigIntLiteral extends BaseNode, BaseExpression {
type: "Literal";
value?: bigint | null | undefined;
bigint: string;
raw?: string | undefined;
type: 'Literal';
value?: bigint | null | undefined;
bigint: string;
raw?: string | undefined;
export type UnaryOperator =
"-" | "+" | "!" | "~" | "typeof" | "void" | "delete";
export type UnaryOperator = '-' | '+' | '!' | '~' | 'typeof' | 'void' | 'delete';
export type BinaryOperator =
"==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" |
">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in" |
| '=='
| '!='
| '==='
| '!=='
| '<'
| '<='
| '>'
| '>='
| '<<'
| '>>'
| '>>>'
| '+'
| '-'
| '*'
| '/'
| '%'
| '**'
| '|'
| '^'
| '&'
| 'in'
| 'instanceof';
export type LogicalOperator = "||" | "&&" | "??";
export type LogicalOperator = '||' | '&&' | '??';
export type AssignmentOperator =
"=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "**=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" |
"|=" | "^=" | "&=";
| '='
| '+='
| '-='
| '*='
| '/='
| '%='
| '**='
| '<<='
| '>>='
| '>>>='
| '|='
| '^='
| '&=';
export type UpdateOperator = "++" | "--";
export type UpdateOperator = '++' | '--';
export interface ForOfStatement extends BaseForXStatement {
type: "ForOfStatement";
await: boolean;
type: 'ForOfStatement';
await: boolean;
export interface Super extends BaseNode {
type: "Super";
type: 'Super';
export interface SpreadElement extends BaseNode {
type: "SpreadElement";
argument: Expression;
type: 'SpreadElement';
argument: Expression;
export interface ArrowFunctionExpression extends BaseExpression, BaseFunction {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression";
expression: boolean;
body: BlockStatement | Expression;
type: 'ArrowFunctionExpression';
expression: boolean;
body: BlockStatement | Expression;
export interface YieldExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "YieldExpression";
argument?: Expression | null | undefined;
delegate: boolean;
type: 'YieldExpression';
argument?: Expression | null | undefined;
delegate: boolean;
export interface TemplateLiteral extends BaseExpression {
type: "TemplateLiteral";
quasis: Array<TemplateElement>;
expressions: Array<Expression>;
type: 'TemplateLiteral';
quasis: TemplateElement[];
expressions: Expression[];
export interface TaggedTemplateExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "TaggedTemplateExpression";
tag: Expression;
quasi: TemplateLiteral;
type: 'TaggedTemplateExpression';
tag: Expression;
quasi: TemplateLiteral;
export interface TemplateElement extends BaseNode {
type: "TemplateElement";
tail: boolean;
value: {
/** It is null when the template literal is tagged and the text has an invalid escape (e.g. - tag`\unicode and \u{55}`) */
cooked?: string | null | undefined;
raw: string;
type: 'TemplateElement';
tail: boolean;
value: {
/** It is null when the template literal is tagged and the text has an invalid escape (e.g. - tag`\unicode and \u{55}`) */
cooked?: string | null | undefined;
raw: string;
export interface AssignmentProperty extends Property {
value: Pattern;
kind: "init";
method: boolean; // false
value: Pattern;
kind: 'init';
method: boolean; // false
export interface ObjectPattern extends BasePattern {
type: "ObjectPattern";
properties: Array<AssignmentProperty | RestElement>;
type: 'ObjectPattern';
properties: Array<AssignmentProperty | RestElement>;
export interface ArrayPattern extends BasePattern {
type: "ArrayPattern";
elements: Array<Pattern | null>;
type: 'ArrayPattern';
elements: Array<Pattern | null>;
export interface RestElement extends BasePattern {
type: "RestElement";
argument: Pattern;
type: 'RestElement';
argument: Pattern;
export interface AssignmentPattern extends BasePattern {
type: "AssignmentPattern";
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
type: 'AssignmentPattern';
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
export type Class = ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression;
interface BaseClass extends BaseNode {
superClass?: Expression | null | undefined;
body: ClassBody;
export interface BaseClass extends BaseNode {
superClass?: Expression | null | undefined;
body: ClassBody;
export interface ClassBody extends BaseNode {
type: "ClassBody";
body: Array<MethodDefinition | PropertyDefinition | StaticBlock>;
type: 'ClassBody';
body: Array<MethodDefinition | PropertyDefinition | StaticBlock>;
export interface MethodDefinition extends BaseNode {
type: "MethodDefinition";
key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier;
value: FunctionExpression;
kind: "constructor" | "method" | "get" | "set";
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
type: 'MethodDefinition';
key: Expression | PrivateIdentifier;
value: FunctionExpression;
kind: 'constructor' | 'method' | 'get' | 'set';
computed: boolean;
static: boolean;
export interface ClassDeclaration extends BaseClass, BaseDeclaration {
type: "ClassDeclaration";
/** It is null when a class declaration is a part of the `export default class` statement */
id: Identifier | null;
type: 'ClassDeclaration';
/** It is null when a class declaration is a part of the `export default class` statement */
id: Identifier | null;
export interface ClassExpression extends BaseClass, BaseExpression {
type: "ClassExpression";
id?: Identifier | null | undefined;
type: 'ClassExpression';
id?: Identifier | null | undefined;
export interface MetaProperty extends BaseExpression {
type: "MetaProperty";
meta: Identifier;
property: Identifier;
type: 'MetaProperty';
meta: Identifier;
property: Identifier;
export type ModuleDeclaration =
ImportDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportDefaultDeclaration |
interface BaseModuleDeclaration extends BaseNode { }
| ImportDeclaration
| ExportNamedDeclaration
| ExportDefaultDeclaration
| ExportAllDeclaration;
export interface BaseModuleDeclaration extends BaseNode {}
export type ModuleSpecifier =
ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier |
interface BaseModuleSpecifier extends BaseNode {
local: Identifier;
export type ModuleSpecifier = ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportSpecifier;
export interface BaseModuleSpecifier extends BaseNode {
local: Identifier;
export interface ImportDeclaration extends BaseModuleDeclaration {
type: "ImportDeclaration";
specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>;
source: Literal;
type: 'ImportDeclaration';
specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>;
source: Literal;
export interface ImportSpecifier extends BaseModuleSpecifier {
type: "ImportSpecifier";
imported: Identifier;
type: 'ImportSpecifier';
imported: Identifier;
export interface ImportExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "ImportExpression";
source: Expression;
type: 'ImportExpression';
source: Expression;
export interface ImportDefaultSpecifier extends BaseModuleSpecifier {
type: "ImportDefaultSpecifier";
type: 'ImportDefaultSpecifier';
export interface ImportNamespaceSpecifier extends BaseModuleSpecifier {
type: "ImportNamespaceSpecifier";
type: 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier';
export interface ExportNamedDeclaration extends BaseModuleDeclaration {
type: "ExportNamedDeclaration";
declaration?: Declaration | null | undefined;
specifiers: Array<ExportSpecifier>;
source?: Literal | null | undefined;
type: 'ExportNamedDeclaration';
declaration?: Declaration | null | undefined;
specifiers: ExportSpecifier[];
source?: Literal | null | undefined;
export interface ExportSpecifier extends BaseModuleSpecifier {
type: "ExportSpecifier";
exported: Identifier;
type: 'ExportSpecifier';
exported: Identifier;
export interface ExportDefaultDeclaration extends BaseModuleDeclaration {
type: "ExportDefaultDeclaration";
declaration: Declaration | Expression;
type: 'ExportDefaultDeclaration';
declaration: Declaration | Expression;
export interface ExportAllDeclaration extends BaseModuleDeclaration {
type: "ExportAllDeclaration";
exported: Identifier | null;
source: Literal;
type: 'ExportAllDeclaration';
exported: Identifier | null;
source: Literal;
export interface AwaitExpression extends BaseExpression {
type: "AwaitExpression";
argument: Expression;
type: 'AwaitExpression';
argument: Expression;
"name": "@types/estree",
"version": "0.0.52",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for ESTree AST specification",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for estree",
"homepage": "",

@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ "license": "MIT",

"dependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "b0676d90e8ad8d4e2e79cad828f7376d13fcbceea7d6df658e0910ff66daa200",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "a2ea4a390167d173308db373b92a5dc4b94a7e8263cc0de049320c577bb30fc1",
"typeScriptVersion": "4.0"

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ # Installation

# Summary
This package contains type definitions for ESTree AST specification (
This package contains type definitions for estree (

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ # Details

### Additional Details
* Last updated: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 10:01:36 GMT
* Last updated: Tue, 12 Jul 2022 20:32:23 GMT
* Dependencies: none

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ * Global values: none

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