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Comparing version 5.1.1 to 7.4.0



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// Type definitions for lru-cache 5.1
// Type definitions for lru-cache 7.4
// Project:

@@ -8,126 +8,165 @@ // Definitions by: Bart van der Schoor <>

declare class LRUCache<K, V> {
declare class LRUCache<K, V> implements Iterable<[K, V]> {
constructor(options?: LRUCache.Options<K, V>);
constructor(max: number);
* Return total length of objects in cache taking into account `length` options function.
* @deprecated use `cache.size` instead
* @since 7.0.0
readonly length: number;
// values populated from the constructor options
readonly max: number;
readonly maxSize: number;
readonly sizeCalculation: LRUCache.SizeCalculator<K, V> | undefined;
readonly dispose: LRUCache.Disposer<K, V>;
readonly disposeAfter: LRUCache.Disposer<K, V> | null;
readonly noDisposeOnSet: boolean;
readonly ttl: number;
readonly ttlResolution: number;
readonly ttlAutopurge: boolean;
readonly allowStale: boolean;
readonly updateAgeOnGet: boolean;
* Return total quantity of objects currently in cache. Note,
* that `stale` (see options) items are returned as part of this item count.
* The total number of items held in the cache at the current moment.
readonly itemCount: number;
readonly size: number;
* Same as Options.allowStale.
* The total size of items in cache when using size tracking.
allowStale: boolean;
readonly calculatedSize: number;
* Same as Options.length.
* Add a value to the cache.
lengthCalculator(value: V): number;
set(key: K, value: V, options?: LRUCache.SetOptions<K, V>): this;
* Same as Options.max. Resizes the cache when the `max` changes.
* Return a value from the cache.
* Will update the recency of the cache entry found.
* If the key is not found, `get()` will return `undefined`.
* This can be confusing when setting values specifically to `undefined`,
* as in `cache.set(key, undefined)`. Use `cache.has()` to determine
* whether a key is present in the cache at all.
max: number;
get(key: K, options?: LRUCache.GetOptions): V | undefined;
* Same as Options.maxAge. Resizes the cache when the `maxAge` changes.
* Like `get()` but doesn't update recency or delete stale items.
* Returns `undefined` if the item is stale, unless `allowStale` is set either on the cache or in the options object.
maxAge: number;
peek(key: K, options?: LRUCache.PeekOptions): V | undefined;
* Will update the "recently used"-ness of the key. They do what you think.
* `maxAge` is optional and overrides the cache `maxAge` option if provided.
* Check if a key is in the cache, without updating the recency or age.
* Will return false if the item is stale, even though it is technically in the cache.
set(key: K, value: V, maxAge?: number): boolean;
has(key: K): boolean;
* Will update the "recently used"-ness of the key. They do what you think.
* `maxAge` is optional and overrides the cache `maxAge` option if provided.
* If the key is not found, will return `undefined`.
* Deletes a key out of the cache.
* Returns true if the key was deleted, false otherwise.
get(key: K): V | undefined;
delete(key: K): boolean;
* Returns the key value (or `undefined` if not found) without updating
* the "recently used"-ness of the key.
* (If you find yourself using this a lot, you might be using the wrong
* sort of data structure, but there are some use cases where it's handy.)
* Clear the cache entirely, throwing away all values.
peek(key: K): V | undefined;
clear(): void;
* Check if a key is in the cache, without updating the recent-ness
* or deleting it for being stale.
* Delete any stale entries. Returns true if anything was removed, false otherwise.
has(key: K): boolean;
purgeStale(): boolean;
* Deletes a key out of the cache.
* Find a value for which the supplied fn method returns a truthy value, similar to Array.find().
* fn is called as fn(value, key, cache).
del(key: K): void;
find(callbackFn: (value: V, key: K, cache: this) => boolean, options?: LRUCache.GetOptions): V;
* Clear the cache entirely, throwing away all values.
* Same as cache.forEach(fn, thisp), but in order from least recently used to most recently used.
reset(): void;
forEach<T = this>(callbackFn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, cache: this) => void, thisArg?: T): void;
* Manually iterates over the entire cache proactively pruning old entries.
* The same as `cache.forEach(...)` but items are iterated over in reverse order.
* (ie, less recently used items are iterated over first.)
prune(): void;
rforEach<T = this>(callbackFn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, cache: this) => void, thisArg?: T): void;
* Just like `Array.prototype.forEach`. Iterates over all the keys in the cache,
* in order of recent-ness. (Ie, more recently used items are iterated over first.)
* Return a generator yielding the keys in the cache.
forEach<T = this>(callbackFn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, cache: this) => void, thisArg?: T): void;
keys(): Generator<K>;
* The same as `cache.forEach(...)` but items are iterated over in reverse order.
* (ie, less recently used items are iterated over first.)
* Return a generator yielding [key, value] pairs.
rforEach<T = this>(callbackFn: (this: T, value: V, key: K, cache: this) => void, thisArg?: T): void;
values(): Generator<V>;
* Return an array of the keys in the cache.
* Return an array of the entries in the cache.
keys(): K[];
entries(): Generator<[K, V]>;
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<[K, V]>;
* Return an array of the values in the cache.
* Return an array of [key, entry] objects which can be passed to cache.load()
values(): V[];
dump(): Array<[K, LRUCache.Entry<V>]>;
* Return an array of the cache entries ready for serialization and usage with `destinationCache.load(arr)`.
* Reset the cache and load in the items in entries in the order listed.
* Note that the shape of the resulting cache may be different if the
* same options are not used in both caches.
dump(): Array<LRUCache.Entry<K, V>>;
load(cacheEntries: ReadonlyArray<[K, LRUCache.Entry<V>]>): void;
* Loads another cache entries array, obtained with `sourceCache.dump()`,
* into the cache. The destination cache is reset before loading new entries
* Evict the least recently used item, returning its value or `undefined` if cache is empty.
pop(): V | undefined;
// ========================= Deprecated
* Deletes a key out of the cache.
* @param cacheEntries Obtained from `sourceCache.dump()`
* @deprecated use delete() instead
* @since 7.0.0
load(cacheEntries: ReadonlyArray<LRUCache.Entry<K, V>>): void;
del(key: K): boolean;
* Clear the cache entirely, throwing away all values.
* @deprecated use clear() instead
* @since 7.0.0
reset(): void;
* Manually iterates over the entire cache proactively pruning old entries.
* @deprecated use purgeStale() instead
* @since 7.0.0
prune(): boolean;
declare namespace LRUCache {
interface Options<K, V> {
* The maximum size of the cache, checked by applying the length
* function to all values in the cache. Not setting this is kind of silly,
* since that's the whole purpose of this lib, but it defaults to `Infinity`.
max?: number | undefined;
type DisposeReason = "evict" | "set" | "delete";
type SizeCalculator<K, V> = (value: V, key: K) => number;
type Disposer<K, V> = (value: V, key: K, reason: DisposeReason) => void;
interface DeprecatedOptions<K, V> {

@@ -137,4 +176,7 @@ * Maximum age in ms. Items are not pro-actively pruned out as they age,

* undefined instead of giving it to you.
* @deprecated use options.ttl instead
* @since 7.0.0
maxAge?: number | undefined;
maxAge?: number;

@@ -148,2 +190,5 @@ /**

* and the key is passed as the second argument.
* @deprecated use options.sizeCalculation instead
* @since 7.0.0

@@ -153,2 +198,42 @@ length?(value: V, key?: K): number;

* By default, if you set a `maxAge`, it'll only actually pull stale items
* out of the cache when you `get(key)`. (That is, it's not pre-emptively
* doing a `setTimeout` or anything.) If you set `stale:true`, it'll return
* the stale value before deleting it. If you don't set this, then it'll
* return `undefined` when you try to get a stale entry,
* as if it had already been deleted.
* @deprecated use options.allowStale instead
* @since 7.0.0
stale?: boolean;
interface Options<K, V> extends DeprecatedOptions<K, V> {
* The number of most recently used items to keep.
* Note that we may store fewer items than this if maxSize is hit.
max: number;
* If you wish to track item size, you must provide a maxSize
* note that we still will only keep up to max *actual items*,
* so size tracking may cause fewer than max items to be stored.
* At the extreme, a single item of maxSize size will cause everything
* else in the cache to be dropped when it is added. Use with caution!
* Note also that size tracking can negatively impact performance,
* though for most cases, only minimally.
maxSize?: number;
* Function to calculate size of items. Useful if storing strings or
* buffers or other items where memory size depends on the object itself.
* Also note that oversized items do NOT immediately get dropped from
* the cache, though they will cause faster turnover in the storage.
sizeCalculation?: SizeCalculator<K, V>;
* Function that is called on items when they are dropped from the cache.

@@ -161,38 +246,119 @@ * This can be handy if you want to close file descriptors or do other

dispose?(key: K, value: V): void;
dispose?: Disposer<K, V>;
* By default, if you set a `maxAge`, it'll only actually pull stale items
* out of the cache when you `get(key)`. (That is, it's not pre-emptively
* doing a `setTimeout` or anything.) If you set `stale:true`, it'll return
* the stale value before deleting it. If you don't set this, then it'll
* return `undefined` when you try to get a stale entry,
* as if it had already been deleted.
* The same as dispose, but called *after* the entry is completely removed
* and the cache is once again in a clean state
* It is safe to add an item right back into the cache at this point.
* However, note that it is *very* easy to inadvertently create infinite
* recursion this way.
stale?: boolean | undefined;
disposeAfter?: Disposer<K, V>;
* By default, if you set a `dispose()` method, then it'll be called whenever
* a `set()` operation overwrites an existing key. If you set this option,
* `dispose()` will only be called when a key falls out of the cache,
* not when it is overwritten.
* Set to true to suppress calling the dispose() function if the entry
* key is still accessible within the cache.
* This may be overridden by passing an options object to cache.set().
* @default false
noDisposeOnSet?: boolean | undefined;
noDisposeOnSet?: boolean;
* When using time-expiring entries with `maxAge`, setting this to `true` will make each
* item's effective time update to the current time whenever it is retrieved from cache,
* causing it to not expire. (It can still fall out of cache based on recency of use, of
* course.)
* Boolean flag to tell the cache to not update the TTL when
* setting a new value for an existing key (ie, when updating a value rather
* than inserting a new value). Note that the TTL value is _always_ set
* (if provided) when adding a new entry into the cache.
* @default false
updateAgeOnGet?: boolean | undefined;
noUpdateTTL?: boolean;
* Max time to live for items before they are considered stale.
* Note that stale items are NOT preemptively removed by default,
* and MAY live in the cache, contributing to its LRU max, long after
* they have expired.
* Also, as this cache is optimized for LRU/MRU operations, some of
* the staleness/TTL checks will reduce performance, as they will incur
* overhead by deleting items.
* Must be a positive integer in ms, defaults to 0, which means "no TTL"
ttl?: number;
* Minimum amount of time in ms in which to check for staleness.
* Defaults to 1, which means that the current time is checked
* at most once per millisecond.
* Set to 0 to check the current time every time staleness is tested.
* Note that setting this to a higher value will improve performance
* somewhat while using ttl tracking, albeit at the expense of keeping
* stale items around a bit longer than intended.
* @default 1
ttlResolution?: number;
* Preemptively remove stale items from the cache.
* Note that this may significantly degrade performance,
* especially if the cache is storing a large number of items.
* It is almost always best to just leave the stale items in
* the cache, and let them fall out as new items are added.
* Note that this means that allowStale is a bit pointless,
* as stale items will be deleted almost as soon as they expire.
* Use with caution!
* @default false
ttlAutopurge?: boolean;
* Return stale items from cache.get() before disposing of them
* @default false
allowStale?: boolean;
* Update the age of items on cache.get(), renewing their TTL
* @default false
updateAgeOnGet?: boolean;
interface Entry<K, V> {
k: K;
v: V;
e: number;
interface SetOptions<K, V> {
* A value for the size of the entry, prevents calls to `sizeCalculation` function
size?: number;
sizeCalculation?: SizeCalculator<K, V>;
ttl?: number;
noDisposeOnSet?: boolean;
noUpdateTTL?: boolean;
interface GetOptions {
allowStale?: boolean;
updateAgeOnGet?: boolean;
interface PeekOptions {
allowStale?: boolean;
interface Entry<V> {
value: V;
ttl?: number;
size?: number;
export = LRUCache;
"name": "@types/lru-cache",
"version": "5.1.1",
"version": "7.4.0",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for lru-cache",

@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ "homepage": "",

"dependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "0ca9e508a03760598fc46f2d2546f293575b69fd823ccc42a80c56f579d650db",
"typeScriptVersion": "3.6"
"typesPublisherContentHash": "8d213ce8de5a5b4ef35693ff4826d605e1cd328af7fc776964a345d3c5898edc",
"typeScriptVersion": "3.8"

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ # Installation

### Additional Details
* Last updated: Tue, 06 Jul 2021 22:02:58 GMT
* Last updated: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 18:31:55 GMT
* Dependencies: none

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ * Global values: none

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