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@@ -22,2 +22,5 @@ import { EmitterBase, Base, Reply } from '../base';

export interface LogInfo {
logId: string;
export declare class NavigationRejectedReply extends Reply<'window-navigation-rejected', void> {

@@ -39,2 +42,60 @@ sourceName: string;

* @typedef {object} Application~options
* @summary Application creation options.
* @desc This is the options object required by {@link Application.create Application.create}.
* The following options are required:
* * `uuid` is required in the app manifest as well as by {@link Application.create Application.create}
* * `name` is optional in the app manifest but required by {@link Application.create Application.create}
* * `url` is optional in both the app manifest {@link Application.create Application.create} and but is usually given
* (defaults to `"about:blank"` when omitted).
* _This jsdoc typedef mirrors the `ApplicationOptions` TypeScript interface in `@types/openfin`._
* This object inherits all the properties of the window creation {@link Window~options options} object,
* which will take priority over those of the same name that may be provided in `mainWindowOptions`.
* @property {boolean} [disableIabSecureLogging=false]
* When set to `true` it will disable IAB secure logging for the app.
* @property {string} [loadErrorMessage="There was an error loading the application."]
* An error message to display when the application (launched via manifest) fails to load.
* A dialog box will be launched with the error message just before the runtime exits.
* Load fails such as failed DNS resolutions or aborted connections as well as cancellations, _e.g.,_ `window.stop()`,
* will trigger this dialog.
* Client response codes such as `404 Not Found` are not treated as fails as they are valid server responses.
* @property {Window~options} [mainWindowOptions]
* The options of the main window of the application.
* For a description of these options, click the link (in the Type column).
* @property {string} [name]
* The name of the application (and the application's main window).
* If provided, _must_ match `uuid`.
* @property {boolean} [nonPersistent=false]
* A flag to configure the application as non-persistent.
* Runtime exits when there are no persistent apps running.
* @property {boolean} [plugins=false]
* Enable Flash at the application level.
* @property {boolean} [spellCheck=false]
* Enable spell check at the application level.
* @property {string} [url="about:blank"]
* The url to the application (specifically the application's main window).
* @property {string} uuid
* The _Unique Universal Identifier_ (UUID) of the application, unique within the set of all other applications
* running in the OpenFin Runtime.
* Note that `name` and `uuid` must match.
* @property {boolean} [webSecurity=true]
* When set to `false` it will disable the same-origin policy for the app.
* @lends Application

@@ -59,11 +120,13 @@ */

wrapSync(identity: Identity): Application;
* Creates a new Application.
* @param { ApplicationOption } appOptions
* @return {Promise.<Application>}
* @tutorial Application.create
* @static
private _create;
create(appOptions: ApplicationOption): Promise<Application>;
* Creates and starts a new Application.
* @param { ApplicationOption } appOptions
* @return {Promise.<Application>}
* @tutorial Application.start
* @static
start(appOptions: ApplicationOption): Promise<Application>;
* Asynchronously returns an Application object that represents the current application

@@ -83,8 +146,9 @@ * @return {Promise.<Application>}

* Retrieves application's manifest and returns a wrapped application.
* Retrieves application's manifest and returns a running instance of the application.
* @param {string} manifestUrl - The URL of app's manifest.
* @return {Promise.<Application>}
* @tutorial Application.createFromManifest
* @tutorial Application.startFromManifest
* @static
startFromManifest(manifestUrl: string): Promise<Application>;
createFromManifest(manifestUrl: string): Promise<Application>;

@@ -94,4 +158,5 @@ }

* @classdesc An object representing an application. Allows the developer to create,
* execute, show/close an application as well as listen to application events.
* execute, show/close an application as well as listen to <a href="tutorial-Application.EventEmitter.html">application events</a>.
* @class
* @hideconstructor

@@ -105,2 +170,79 @@ export declare class Application extends EmitterBase<ApplicationEvents> {

* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function addListener
* @memberof Application
* @instance
* @tutorial Application.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function on
* @memberof Application
* @instance
* @tutorial Application.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function once
* @memberof Application
* @instance
* @tutorial Application.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the beginning of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependListener
* @memberof Application
* @instance
* @tutorial Application.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependOnceListener
* @memberof Application
* @instance
* @tutorial Application.EventEmitter
* Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.
* Caution: Calling this method changes the array indices in the listener array behind the listener.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeListener
* @memberof Application
* @instance
* @tutorial Application.EventEmitter
* Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } [eventType] - The type of the event.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeAllListeners
* @memberof Application
* @instance
* @tutorial Application.EventEmitter
* Determines if the application is currently running.

@@ -113,7 +255,10 @@ * @return {Promise.<boolean>}

* Closes the application and any child windows created by the application.
* Cleans the application from state so it is no longer found in getAllApplications.
* @param { boolean } [force = false] Close will be prevented from closing when force is false and
* ‘close-requested’ has been subscribed to for application’s main window.
* @return {Promise.<boolean>}
* @tutorial Application.close
* @tutorial Application.quit
quit(force?: boolean): Promise<void>;
private _close;
close(force?: boolean): Promise<void>;

@@ -185,7 +330,2 @@ /**

restart(): Promise<void>;
* Runs the application. When the application is created, run must be called.
* @return {Promise.<void>}
* @tutorial
run(): Promise<void>;

@@ -199,3 +339,10 @@ /**

* Adds a customizable icon in the system tray and notifies the application when clicked.
* Sends a message to the RVM to upload the application's logs. On success,
* an object containing logId is returned.
* @return {Promise.<any>}
* @tutorial Application.sendApplicationLog
sendApplicationLog(): Promise<LogInfo>;
* Adds a customizable icon in the system tray. To listen for a click on the icon use the `tray-icon-clicked` event.
* @param { string } iconUrl Image URL to be used as the icon

@@ -208,6 +355,6 @@ * @return {Promise.<void>}

* Sets new application's shortcut configuration.
* @param { Object } config New application's shortcut configuration.
* @param {Boolean} [config.desktop] - Enable/disable desktop shortcut.
* @param {Boolean} [config.startMenu] - Enable/disable start menu shortcut.
* @param {Boolean} [config.systemStartup] - Enable/disable system startup shortcut.
* @param { ShortCutConfig } config New application's shortcut configuration.
* @param { boolean } [config.desktop] - Enable/disable desktop shortcut.
* @param { boolean } [config.startMenu] - Enable/disable start menu shortcut.
* @param { boolean } [config.systemStartup] - Enable/disable system startup shortcut.
* @return {Promise.<void>}

@@ -226,2 +373,9 @@ * @tutorial Application.setShortcuts

* Sets a username to correlate with App Log Management.
* @param { string } username Username to correlate with App's Log.
* @return {Promise.<void>}
* @tutorial Application.setAppLogUsername
setAppLogUsername(username: string): Promise<void>;
* @summary Retrieves information about the system tray.

@@ -228,0 +382,0 @@ * @desc The only information currently returned is the position and dimensions.



@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

import { BaseEventMap } from './events/base';
interface SubOptions {
export interface SubOptions {
timestamp?: number;

@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ }

protected deregisterEventListener: (eventType: string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>, options?: SubOptions) => Promise<void | EventEmitter>;
on<E extends Extract<keyof EventTypes, string> | string | symbol>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions): Promise<this>;
on: <E extends string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions) => Promise<this>;
addListener: <E extends string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions) => Promise<this>;
once<E extends Extract<keyof EventTypes, string> | string | symbol>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions): Promise<this>;
prependListener<E extends Extract<keyof EventTypes, string> | string | symbol>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions): Promise<this>;
prependOnceListener<E extends Extract<keyof EventTypes, string> | string | symbol>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions): Promise<this>;
removeListener<E extends Extract<keyof EventTypes, string> | string | symbol>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions): Promise<this>;
once: <E extends string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions) => Promise<this>;
prependListener: <E extends string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions) => Promise<this>;
prependOnceListener: <E extends string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions) => Promise<this>;
removeListener: <E extends string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>>(eventType: E, listener: (payload: E extends keyof EventTypes ? EventTypes[E] : any, ...args: any[]) => void, options?: SubOptions) => Promise<this>;
protected deregisterAllListeners: (eventType: string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>) => Promise<void | EventEmitter>;
removeAllListeners(eventType?: Extract<keyof EventTypes, string> | string | symbol): Promise<this>;
removeAllListeners: (eventType?: string | symbol | Extract<keyof EventTypes, string>) => Promise<this>;

@@ -48,2 +48,1 @@ export declare class Reply<TOPIC extends string, TYPE extends string | void> implements Identity {

export {};

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ import { Base } from '../base';

* WriteRequestType interface
* @typedef { Object } WriteRequestType
* @typedef { object } WriteRequestType
* @property { string } name The name of the running application

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ * @property { string } uuid The uuid of the running application

@@ -116,4 +116,4 @@ import { CrashedEvent } from './application';

'crashed': CrashedEvent & WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'disabled-frame-bounds-changed': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'disabled-frame-bounds-changing': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'disabled-movement-bounds-changed': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'disabled-movement-bounds-changing': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'embedded': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;

@@ -124,4 +124,2 @@ 'end-user-bounds-changing': WindowBeginBoundsChangingEvent<Topic, Type>;

'focused': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'frame-disabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'frame-enabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'group-changed': WindowGroupChanged<Topic, Type>;

@@ -141,2 +139,4 @@ 'hidden': WindowHiddenEvent<Topic, Type>;

'shown': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'user-movement-disabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'user-movement-enabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;

@@ -151,4 +151,4 @@ export interface PropagatedWindowEventMapping<Topic = string, Type = string> extends BaseEventMap {

'window-crashed': CrashedEvent & WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'window-disabled-frame-bounds-changed': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'window-disabled-frame-bounds-changing': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'window-disabled-movement-bounds-changed': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'window-disabled-movement-bounds-changing': WindowBoundsChange<Topic, Type>;
'window-embedded': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;

@@ -159,4 +159,2 @@ 'window-end-user-bounds-changing': WindowBeginBoundsChangingEvent<Topic, Type>;

'window-focused': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'window-frame-disabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'window-frame-enabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'window-group-changed': WindowGroupChanged<Topic, Type>;

@@ -175,2 +173,4 @@ 'window-hidden': WindowHiddenEvent<Topic, Type>;

'window-shown': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'window-user-movement-disabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;
'window-user-movement-enabled': WindowEvent<Topic, Type>;

@@ -177,0 +177,0 @@ export declare type WindowEvents = {

@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ import { Base, EmitterBase } from '../base';

* the developer to create, execute, show and close an external application as
* well as listen to application events.
* well as listen to <a href="tutorial-ExternalApplication.EventEmitter.html">application events</a>.
* @class
* @hideconstructor

@@ -40,2 +41,79 @@ export declare class ExternalApplication extends EmitterBase<ExternalApplicationEvents> {

* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function addListener
* @memberof ExternalApplication
* @instance
* @tutorial ExternalApplication.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function on
* @memberof ExternalApplication
* @instance
* @tutorial ExternalApplication.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function once
* @memberof ExternalApplication
* @instance
* @tutorial ExternalApplication.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the beginning of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependListener
* @memberof ExternalApplication
* @instance
* @tutorial ExternalApplication.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependOnceListener
* @memberof ExternalApplication
* @instance
* @tutorial ExternalApplication.EventEmitter
* Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.
* Caution: Calling this method changes the array indices in the listener array behind the listener.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeListener
* @memberof ExternalApplication
* @instance
* @tutorial ExternalApplication.EventEmitter
* Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } [eventType] - The type of the event.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeAllListeners
* @memberof ExternalApplication
* @instance
* @tutorial ExternalApplication.EventEmitter
* Retrieves information about the external application.

@@ -42,0 +120,0 @@ * @return {Promise.<ExternalApplicationInfo>}

@@ -49,5 +49,6 @@ import { Base, EmitterBase } from '../base';

* @classdesc Represents a way to interact with `iframes`. Facilitates discovery of current context
* (iframe or main window) as well as the ability to listen for frame-specific events.
* (iframe or main window) as well as the ability to listen for <a href="tutorial-Frame.EventEmitter.html">frame-specific events</a>.
* @class
* @alias Frame
* @hideconstructor

@@ -58,2 +59,79 @@ export declare class _Frame extends EmitterBase<FrameEvents> {

* Adds the listener function to the end of the listeners array for the specified event type.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function addListener
* @memberof Frame
* @instance
* @tutorial Frame.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function on
* @memberof Frame
* @instance
* @tutorial Frame.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function once
* @memberof Frame
* @instance
* @tutorial Frame.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the beginning of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependListener
* @memberof Frame
* @instance
* @tutorial Frame.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependOnceListener
* @memberof Frame
* @instance
* @tutorial Frame.EventEmitter
* Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.
* Caution: Calling this method changes the array indices in the listener array behind the listener.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeListener
* @memberof Frame
* @instance
* @tutorial Frame.EventEmitter
* Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } [eventType] - The type of the event.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeAllListeners
* @memberof Frame
* @instance
* @tutorial Frame.EventEmitter
* Returns a frame info object for the represented frame

@@ -60,0 +138,0 @@ * @return {Promise.<FrameInfo>}

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { Identity } from '../../../identity';

export declare class ChannelBase {
protected removeChannel: (mapKey: string) => void;
protected subscriptions: any;

@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ defaultAction: (action?: string, payload?: any, senderIdentity?: ProviderIdentity) => any;

protected providerIdentity: ProviderIdentity;
protected sendRaw: Transport['sendAction'];
constructor(providerIdentity: ProviderIdentity, send: Transport['sendAction']);
processAction(action: string, payload: any, senderIdentity: ProviderIdentity): Promise<any>;
beforeAction(func: Action): void;
onError(func: (e: any, action: string, id: Identity) => any): void;
onError(func: (action: string, error: any, id: Identity) => any): void;
afterAction(func: Action): void;

@@ -30,0 +32,0 @@ remove(action: string): void;

import { ChannelBase, ProviderIdentity } from './channel';
import Transport from '../../../transport/transport';
declare type DisconnectionListener = (providerIdentity: ProviderIdentity) => any;
export declare class ChannelClient extends ChannelBase {
private disconnectListener;
constructor(providerIdentity: ProviderIdentity, send: Transport['sendAction']);
dispatch(action: string, payload?: any): Promise<any>;
onDisconnection(listener: DisconnectionListener): void;
disconnect(): Promise<void>;
export {};

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ import { ChannelClient } from './client';

create(channelName: string): Promise<ChannelProvider>;
protected removeChannelFromMap(mapKey: string): void;
onmessage: (msg: ChannelMessage) => boolean;

@@ -31,0 +32,0 @@ private processChannelMessage;

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ import { ChannelBase, ProviderIdentity } from './channel';

export declare type ConnectionListener = (identity: Identity, connectionMessage?: any) => any;
export declare type DisconnectionListener = (identity: Identity) => any;
export declare class ChannelProvider extends ChannelBase {

@@ -15,3 +16,4 @@ private connectListener;

onConnection(listener: ConnectionListener): void;
onDisconnection(listener: ConnectionListener): void;
onDisconnection(listener: DisconnectionListener): void;
destroy(): Promise<void>;

@@ -35,3 +35,3 @@ /// <reference types="node" />

* Sends a message to a specific application on a specific topic.
* @param { object } destination The uuid of the application to which the message is sent
* @param { Identity } destination The uuid of the application to which the message is sent
* @param { string } topic The topic on which the message is sent

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ * @param { any } message The message to be sent. Can be either a primitive data

@@ -25,2 +25,3 @@ import { Base, EmitterBase } from '../base';

* @alias Notification
* @hideconstructor

@@ -60,2 +61,5 @@ export declare class _Notification extends EmitterBase<NotificationEvents> {

* @lends Notification
export default class _NotificationModule extends Base {

@@ -71,3 +75,10 @@ private nextNoteId;

* Creates a new Notification.
* @param { object } options
* @return {_Notification}
* @tutorial Notification.create
* @static
create(options: any): _Notification;

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ import { Point } from './point';

monitorRect: Rect;
name: number;
name: string;
dpi: Point;

@@ -21,0 +21,0 @@ monitor: DipScaleRects;

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@ import { EmitterBase } from '../base';

* AppAssetInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } AppAssetInfo
* @typedef { object } AppAssetInfo
* @property { string } src The URL to a zip file containing the package files (executables, dlls, etc…)

@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ * @property { string } alias The name of the asset

* @property { string } target Specify default executable to launch. This option can be overridden in launchExternalProcess
* @property { args } args The default command line arguments for the aforementioned target.
* @property { string } args The default command line arguments for the aforementioned target.
* @property { boolean } mandatory When set to true, the app will fail to load if the asset cannot be downloaded.

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ * When set to false, the app will continue to load if the asset cannot be downloaded. (Default: true)

* AppAssetRequest interface
* @typedef { Object } AppAssetRequest
* @typedef { object } AppAssetRequest
* @property { string } alias The name of the asset

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ */

* ApplicationInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } ApplicationInfo
* @typedef { object } ApplicationInfo
* @property { boolean } isRunning true when the application is running

@@ -51,3 +51,3 @@ * @property { string } uuid uuid of the application

* @typedef { Object } ClearCacheOption
* @typedef { object } ClearCacheOption
* @summary Clear cache options.

@@ -63,3 +63,3 @@ * @desc These are the options required by the clearCache function.

* CookieInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } CookieInfo
* @typedef { object } CookieInfo
* @property { string } name The name of the cookie

@@ -71,3 +71,3 @@ * @property { string } domain The domain of the cookie

* CookieOption interface
* @typedef { Object } CookieOption
* @typedef { object } CookieOption
* @property { string } name The name of the cookie

@@ -77,3 +77,3 @@ */

* CpuInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } CpuInfo
* @typedef { object } CpuInfo
* @property { string } model The model of the cpu

@@ -85,3 +85,3 @@ * @property { number } speed The number in MHz

* CrashReporterOption interface
* @typedef { Object } CrashReporterOption
* @typedef { object } CrashReporterOption
* @property { boolean } diagnosticMode In diagnostic mode the crash reporter will send diagnostic logs to

@@ -92,4 +92,16 @@ * the OpenFin reporting service on runtime shutdown

* DipRect interface
* @typedef { object } DipRect
* @property { Rect } dipRect The DIP coordinates
* @property { Rect } scaledRect The scale coordinates
* DipScaleRects interface
* @typedef { object } DipScaleRects
* @property { Rect } dipRect The DIP coordinates
* @property { Rect } scaledRect The scale coordinates
* DownloadPreloadInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } DownloadPreloadInfo
* @typedef { object } DownloadPreloadInfo
* @desc downloadPreloadScripts function return value

@@ -102,3 +114,3 @@ * @property { string } url url to the preload script

* DownloadPreloadOption interface
* @typedef { Object } DownloadPreloadOption
* @typedef { object } DownloadPreloadOption
* @desc These are the options object required by the downloadPreloadScripts function

@@ -109,3 +121,3 @@ * @property { string } url url to the preload script

* Entity interface
* @typedef { Object } Entity
* @typedef { object } Entity
* @property { string } type The type of the entity

@@ -116,3 +128,3 @@ * @property { string } uuid The uuid of the entity

* EntityInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } EntityInfo
* @typedef { object } EntityInfo
* @property { string } name The name of the entity

@@ -124,4 +136,9 @@ * @property { string } uuid The uuid of the entity

* ExternalApplicationInfo interface
* @typedef { object } ExternalApplicationInfo
* @property { Identity } parent The parent identity
* ExternalConnection interface
* @typedef { Object } ExternalConnection
* @typedef { object } ExternalConnection
* @property { string } token The token to broker an external connection

@@ -132,10 +149,18 @@ * @property { string } uuid The uuid of the external connection

* ExternalProcessRequestType interface
* @typedef { Object } ExternalProcessRequestType
* @typedef { object } ExternalProcessRequestType
* @property { string } path The file path to where the running application resides
* @property { string } arguments The argument passed to the running application
* @property { Object } listener This is described in the {LaunchExternalProcessListner} type definition
* @property { LaunchExternalProcessListener } listener This is described in the {LaunchExternalProcessListner} type definition
* FrameInfo interface
* @typedef { object } FrameInfo
* @property { string } name The name of the frame
* @property { string } uuid The uuid of the frame
* @property { entityType } entityType The entity type, could be 'window', 'iframe', 'external connection' or 'unknown'
* @property { Identity } parent The parent identity
* GetLogRequestType interface
* @typedef { Object } GetLogRequestType
* @typedef { object } GetLogRequestType
* @property { string } name The name of the running application

@@ -147,3 +172,3 @@ * @property { number } endFile The file length of the log file

* GpuInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } GpuInfo
* @typedef { object } GpuInfo
* @property { string } name The graphics card name

@@ -153,3 +178,3 @@ */

* HostSpecs interface
* @typedef { Object } HostSpecs
* @typedef { object } HostSpecs
* @property { boolean } aeroGlassEnabled Value to check if Aero Glass theme is supported on Windows platforms

@@ -165,3 +190,3 @@ * @property { string } arch "x86" for 32-bit or "x86_64" for 64-bit

* Identity interface
* @typedef { Object } Identity
* @typedef { object } Identity
* @property { string } name The name of the application

@@ -172,3 +197,3 @@ * @property { string } uuid The uuid of the application

* LogInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } LogInfo
* @typedef { object } LogInfo
* @property { string } name The filename of the log

@@ -179,2 +204,26 @@ * @property { number } size The size of the log in bytes

* MonitorDetails interface
* @typedef { object } MonitorDetails
* @property { DipScaleRects } available The available DIP scale coordinates
* @property { Rect } availableRect The available monitor coordinates
* @property { string } deviceId The device id of the display
* @property { boolean } displayDeviceActive true if the display is active
* @property { number } deviceScaleFactor The device scale factor
* @property { Rect } monitorRect The monitor coordinates
* @property { string } name The name of the display
* @property { Point } dpi The dots per inch
* @property { DipScaleRects } monitor The monitor coordinates
* MonitorInfo interface
* @typedef { object } MonitorInfo
* @property { number } deviceScaleFactor The device scale factor
* @property { Point } dpi The dots per inch
* @property { Array<MonitorDetails> } nonPrimaryMonitors The array of monitor details
* @property { MonitorDetails } primaryMonitor The monitor details
* @property { string } reason always "api-query"
* @property { TaskBar } taskBar The taskbar on monitor
* @property { DipRect } virtualScreen The virtual display screen coordinates
* @typedef { verbose | info | warning | error | fatal } LogLevel

@@ -192,3 +241,3 @@ * @summary Log verbosity levels.

* PointTopLeft interface
* @typedef { Object } PointTopLeft
* @typedef { object } PointTopLeft
* @property { number } top The mouse top position in virtual screen coordinates

@@ -198,4 +247,10 @@ * @property { number } left The mouse left position in virtual screen coordinates

* Point interface
* @typedef { object } Point
* @property { number } x The mouse x position
* @property { number } y The mouse y position
* ProcessInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } ProcessInfo
* @typedef { object } ProcessInfo
* @property { numder } cpuUsage The percentage of total CPU usage

@@ -217,3 +272,3 @@ * @property { string } name The application name

* ProxyConfig interface
* @typedef { Object } ProxyConfig
* @typedef { object } ProxyConfig
* @property { string } proxyAddress The configured proxy address

@@ -225,3 +280,3 @@ * @property { numder } proxyPort The configured proxy port

* ProxyInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } ProxyInfo
* @typedef { object } ProxyInfo
* @property { ProxyConfig } config The proxy config

@@ -232,3 +287,3 @@ * @property { ProxySystemInfo } system The proxy system info

* ProxySystemInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } ProxySystemInfo
* @typedef { object } ProxySystemInfo
* @property { string } autoConfigUrl The auto configuration url

@@ -240,4 +295,12 @@ * @property { string } bypass The proxy bypass info

* Rect interface
* @typedef { object } Rect
* @property { number } bottom The bottom-most coordinate
* @property { nubmer } left The left-most coordinate
* @property { number } right The right-most coordinate
* @property { nubmer } top The top-most coordinate
* RegistryInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } RegistryInfo
* @typedef { object } RegistryInfo
* @property { any } data The registry data

@@ -251,3 +314,3 @@ * @property { string } rootKey The registry root key

* RuntimeDownloadOptions interface
* @typedef { Object } RuntimeDownloadOptions
* @typedef { object } RuntimeDownloadOptions
* @desc These are the options object required by the downloadRuntime function.

@@ -257,4 +320,13 @@ * @property { string } version The given version to download

* RuntimeInfo interface
* @typedef { object } RuntimeInfo
* @property { string } architecture The runtime build architecture
* @property { string } manifestUrl The runtime manifest URL
* @property { nubmer } port The runtime websocket port
* @property { string } securityRealm The runtime security realm
* @property { string } version The runtime version
* RVMInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } RVMInfo
* @typedef { object } RVMInfo
* @property { string } action The name of action: "get-rvm-info"

@@ -268,4 +340,22 @@ * @property { string } appLogDirectory The app log directory

* ShortCutConfig interface
* @typedef { object } ShortCutConfig
* @property { boolean } desktop true if application has a shortcut on the desktop
* @property { boolean } startMenu true if application has shortcut in the start menu
* @property { boolean } systemStartup true if application will be launched on system startup
* SubOptions interface
* @typedef { Object } SubOptions
* @property { number } timestamp The event timestamp
* TaskBar interface
* @typedef { object } TaskBar
* @property { string } edge which edge of a monitor the taskbar is on
* @property { Rect } rect The taskbar coordinates
* TerminateExternalRequestType interface
* @typedef { Object } TerminateExternalRequestType
* @typedef { object } TerminateExternalRequestType
* @property { string } uuid The uuid of the running application

@@ -277,3 +367,3 @@ * @property { number } timeout Time out period before the running application terminates

* Time interface
* @typedef { Object } Time
* @typedef { object } Time
* @property { number } user The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in user mode

@@ -286,4 +376,12 @@ * @property { number } nice The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in nice mode

* TrayInfo interface
* @typedef { object } TrayInfo
* @property { Bounds } bounds The bound of tray icon in virtual screen pixels
* @property { MonitorInfo } monitorInfo Please see fin.System.getMonitorInfo for more information
* @property { number } x copy of bounds.x
* @property { number } y copy of bounds.y
* WindowDetail interface
* @typedef { Object } WindowDetail
* @typedef { object } WindowDetail
* @property { number } bottom The bottom-most coordinate of the window

@@ -301,3 +399,3 @@ * @property { number } height The height of the window

* WindowInfo interface
* @typedef { Object } WindowInfo
* @typedef { object } WindowInfo
* @property { Array<WindowDetail> } childWindows The array of child windows details

@@ -310,3 +408,3 @@ * @property { WindowDetail } mainWindow The main window detail

* to perform system-level actions, such as accessing logs, viewing processes,
* clearing the cache and exiting the runtime.
* clearing the cache and exiting the runtime as well as listen to <a href="tutorial-System.EventEmitter.html">system events</a>.
* @namespace

@@ -316,3 +414,81 @@ */

constructor(wire: Transport);
private sendExternalProcessRequest;
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function addListener
* @memberof System
* @instance
* @tutorial System.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function on
* @memberof System
* @instance
* @tutorial System.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function once
* @memberof System
* @instance
* @tutorial System.EventEmitter
* Adds a listener to the beginning of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependListener
* @memberof System
* @instance
* @tutorial System.EventEmitter
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependOnceListener
* @memberof System
* @instance
* @tutorial System.EventEmitter
* Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.
* Caution: Calling this method changes the array indices in the listener array behind the listener.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeListener
* @memberof System
* @instance
* @tutorial System.EventEmitter
* Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } [eventType] - The type of the event.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeAllListeners
* @memberof System
* @instance
* @tutorial System.EventEmitter
* Returns the version of the runtime. The version contains the major, minor,

@@ -319,0 +495,0 @@ * build and revision numbers.

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ import { Base, EmitterBase } from '../base';

import { WindowOption } from './windowOption';
import { EntityType } from '../frame/frame';

@@ -33,3 +34,3 @@ * @lends Window

* Creates a new Window.
* @param { WindowOption } options - Window creation options
* @param { Window~options } options - Window creation options
* @return {Promise.<_Window>}

@@ -71,3 +72,3 @@ * @tutorial Window.create

uuid: string;
entityType: string;
entityType: EntityType;
parent?: Identity;

@@ -82,2 +83,199 @@ }

* @typedef {object} Window~options
* @summary Window creation options.
* @desc This is the options object required by {@link Window.create Window.create}.
* Note that `name` is the only required property — albeit the `url` property is usually provided as well
* (defaults to `"about:blank"` when omitted).
* _This jsdoc typedef mirrors the `WindowOptions` TypeScript interface in `@types/openfin`._
* @property {object} [accelerator]
* Enable keyboard shortcuts for devtools, zoom, reload, and reload ignoring cache.
* @property {boolean} [accelerator.devtools=false]
* If `true`, enables the devtools keyboard shortcut:<br>
* `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `I` _(Toggles Devtools)_
* @property {boolean} [accelerator.reload=false]
* If `true`, enables the reload keyboard shortcuts:<br>
* `Ctrl` + `R` _(Windows)_<br>
* `F5` _(Windows)_<br>
* `Command` + `R` _(Mac)_
* @property {boolean} [accelerator.reloadIgnoringCache=false]
* If `true`, enables the reload-from-source keyboard shortcuts:<br>
* `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `R` _(Windows)_<br>
* `Shift` + `F5` _(Windows)_<br>
* `Command` + `Shift` + `R` _(Mac)_
* @property {boolean} [accelerator.zoom=false]
* If `true`, enables the zoom keyboard shortcuts:<br>
* `Ctrl` + `+` _(Zoom In)_<br>
* `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `+` _(Zoom In)_<br>
* `Ctrl` + `-` _(Zoom Out)_<br>
* `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `-` _(Zoom Out)_<br>
* `Ctrl` + `Scroll` _(Zoom In & Out)_<br>
* `Ctrl` + `0` _(Restore to 100%)_
* @property {boolean} [alwaysOnTop=false] - _Updatable._
* A flag to always position the window at the top of the window stack.
* @property {object} [api]
* Configurations for API injection.
* @property {object} [api.iframe] Configure if the the API should be injected into iframes based on domain.
* @property {boolean} [api.iframe.crossOriginInjection=false] Controls if the `fin` API object is present for cross origin iframes.
* @property {boolean} [api.iframe.sameOriginInjection=true] Controls if the `fin` API object is present for same origin iframes.
* @property {number} [aspectRatio=0] - _Updatable._
* The aspect ratio of width to height to enforce for the window. If this value is equal to or less than zero,
* an aspect ratio will not be enforced.
* @property {boolean} [autoShow=true]
* A flag to automatically show the window when it is created.
* @property {string} [backgroundColor="#FFF"]
* The window’s _backfill_ color as a hexadecimal value. Not to be confused with the content background color
* (``),
* this color briefly fills a window’s (a) content area before its content is loaded as well as (b) newly exposed
* areas when growing a window. Setting
* this value to the anticipated content background color can help improve user experience.
* Default is white.
* @property {object} [contentNavigation]
* Restrict navigation to URLs that match a whitelisted pattern. See [here](
* for more details.
* @property {string[]} [contentNavigation.whitelist=[]] List of whitelisted URLs.
* @property {boolean} [contextMenu=true] - _Updatable._
* A flag to show the context menu when right-clicking on a window.
* Gives access to the devtools for the window.
* @property {object} [cornerRounding] - _Updatable._
* Defines and applies rounded corners for a frameless window. **NOTE:** On macOS corner is not ellipse but circle rounded by the
* average of _height_ and _width_.
* @property {number} [cornerRounding.height=0] The height in pixels.
* @property {number} [cornerRounding.width=0] The width in pixels.
* @property {string} [customData=""] - _Updatable._
* A field that the user can attach serializable data to to be ferried around with the window options.
* _When omitted, the default value of this property is the empty string (`""`)._
* @property {customRequestHeaders[]} [customRequestHeaders]
* Defines list of {@link customRequestHeaders} for requests sent by the window.
* @property {boolean} [defaultCentered=false]
* Centers the window in the primary monitor. This option overrides `defaultLeft` and `defaultTop`. When `saveWindowState` is `true`,
* this value will be ignored for subsequent launches in favor of the cached value. **NOTE:** On macOS _defaultCenter_ is
* somewhat above center vertically.
* @property {number} [defaultHeight=500]
* The default height of the window. When `saveWindowState` is `true`, this value will be ignored for subsequent launches
* in favor of the cached value.
* @property {number} [defaultLeft=100]
* The default left position of the window. When `saveWindowState` is `true`, this value will be ignored for subsequent
* launches in favor of the cached value.
* @property {number} [defaultTop=100]
* The default top position of the window. When `saveWindowState` is `true`, this value will be ignored for subsequent
* launches in favor of the cached value.
* @property {number} [defaultWidth=800]
* The default width of the window. When `saveWindowState` is `true`, this value will be ignored for subsequent
* launches in favor of the cached value.
* @property {boolean} [frame=true] - _Updatable._
* A flag to show the frame.
* @hidden-property {boolean} [hideOnClose=false] - A flag to allow a window to be hidden when the close button is clicked.
* @property {string} [icon] - _Updatable. Inheritable._
* A URL for the icon to be shown in the window title bar and the taskbar.
* _When omitted, inherits from the parent application._
* @property {number} [maxHeight=-1] - _Updatable._
* The maximum height of a window. Will default to the OS defined value if set to -1.
* @property {boolean} [maximizable=true] - _Updatable._
* A flag that lets the window be maximized.
* @property {number} [maxWidth=-1] - _Updatable._
* The maximum width of a window. Will default to the OS defined value if set to -1.
* @property {number} [minHeight=0] - _Updatable._
* The minimum height of a window.
* @property {boolean} [minimizable=true] - _Updatable._
* A flag that lets the window be minimized.
* @property {number} [minWidth=0] - _Updatable._
* The minimum width of a window.
* @property {string} name
* The name of the window.
* @property {number} [opacity=1.0] - _Updatable._
* A flag that specifies how transparent the window will be.
* This value is clamped between `0.0` and `1.0`.
* @property {preloadScript[]} [preloadScripts] - _Inheritable_
* A list of scripts that are eval'ed before other scripts in the page. When omitted, _inherits_
* from the parent application.
* @property {boolean} [resizable=true] - _Updatable._
* A flag to allow the user to resize the window.
* @property {object} [resizeRegion] - _Updatable._
* Defines a region in pixels that will respond to user mouse interaction for resizing a frameless window.
* @property {number} [resizeRegion.bottomRightCorner=9]
* The size in pixels of an additional square resizable region located at the bottom right corner of a frameless window.
* @property {number} [resizeRegion.size=7]
* The size in pixels.
* @property {object} [resizeRegion.sides={top:true,right:true,bottom:true,left:true}]
* Sides that a window can be resized from.
* @property {boolean} [saveWindowState=true]
* A flag to cache the location of the window.
* @property {boolean} [shadow=false]
* A flag to display a shadow on frameless windows.
* `shadow` and `cornerRounding` are mutually exclusive.
* On Windows 7, Aero theme is required.
* @property {boolean} [showTaskbarIcon=true] - _Updatable._ _Windows_.
* A flag to show the window's icon in the taskbar.
* @property {boolean} [smallWindow=false]
* A flag to specify a frameless window that can be be created and resized to less than 41x36px (width x height).
* _Note: Caveats of small windows are no Aero Snap and drag to/from maximize._
* @property {string} [state="normal"]
* The visible state of the window on creation.
* One of:
* * `"maximized"`
* * `"minimized"`
* * `"normal"`
* @property {string} [taskbarIconGroup=<application uuid>] - _Windows_.
* Specify a taskbar group for the window.
* _If omitted, defaults to app's uuid (`fin.desktop.Application.getCurrent().uuid`)._
* @property {string} [url="about:blank"]
* The URL of the window.
* @property {string} [uuid=<application uuid>]
* The `uuid` of the application, unique within the set of all `Application`s running in OpenFin Runtime.
* If omitted, defaults to the `uuid` of the application spawning the window.
* If given, must match the `uuid` of the application spawning the window.
* In other words, the application's `uuid` is the only acceptable value, but is the default, so there's
* really no need to provide it.
* @property {boolean} [waitForPageLoad=false]
* When set to `true`, the window will not appear until the `window` object's `load` event fires.
* When set to `false`, the window will appear immediately without waiting for content to be loaded.
* @typedef { Object } Area

@@ -124,3 +322,3 @@ * @property { number } height Area's height

* width, left, top which are all numbers
* @typedef { Object } Bounds
* @typedef { object } Bounds
* @property { number } height Get the application height bound

@@ -138,333 +336,87 @@ * @property { number } width Get the application width bound

* must be invoked manually. The new window appears in the same process as the parent window.
* It has the ability to listen for <a href="tutorial-Window.EventEmitter.html">window specific events</a>.
* @class
* @alias Window
* @hideconstructor
export declare class _Window extends EmitterBase<WindowEvents> {
identity: Identity;
constructor(wire: Transport, identity: Identity);
* Raised when a window within this application requires credentials from the user.
* @event Window#auth-requested
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {object} authInfo
* @property {string} - Host server.
* @property {boolean} authInfo.isProxy - Indicates if the request involves a proxy.
* @property {number} authInfo.port - Port number.
* @property {string} authInfo.realm - Authentication request realm.
* @property {string} authInfo.scheme - Authentication scheme.
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function addListener
* @memberof Window
* @instance
* @tutorial Window.EventEmitter
* Raised when a window loses focus.
* @event Window#blurred
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - Called whenever an event of the specified type occurs.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function on
* @memberof Window
* @instance
* @tutorial Window.EventEmitter
* Raised after changes in a window's size and/or position.
* @event Window#bounds-changed
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {number} changeType - Describes what kind of change occurred.
0 means a change in position.
1 means a change in size.
2 means a change in position and size.
* @property {string} deferred - Indicated whether pending changes have been applied.
* @property {number} height - New height of the window.
* @property {number} left - New left most coordinate of the window.
* @property {number} top - New top most coordinate of the window.
* @property {number} width - New width of the window.
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function once
* @memberof Window
* @instance
* @tutorial Window.EventEmitter
* Raised when a window has been prevented from closing. A window will be prevented from closing by default,
either through the API or by a user when ‘close-requested’ has been subscribed to and the Window.close(force) flag is false.
* @event Window#close-requested
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Adds a listener to the beginning of the listeners array for the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependListener
* @memberof Window
* @instance
* @tutorial Window.EventEmitter
* Raised when a window has closed.
* @event Window#closed
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function prependOnceListener
* @memberof Window
* @instance
* @tutorial Window.EventEmitter
* Raised when a window has crashed.
* @event Window#crashed
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.
* Caution: Calling this method changes the array indices in the listener array behind the listener.
* @param { string | symbol } eventType - The type of the event.
* @param { Function } listener - The callback function.
* @param { SubOptions } [options] - Option to support event timestamps.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeListener
* @memberof Window
* @instance
* @tutorial Window.EventEmitter
* Raised when the frame is disabled after all prevent user changes in window's size and/or position have completed.
* @event Window#disabled-frame-bounds-changed
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {number} changeType - Describes what kind of change occurred.
0 means a change in position.
1 means a change in size.
2 means a change in position and size.
* @property {string} deferred - Indicated whether pending changes have been applied.
* @property {number} height - New height of the window.
* @property {number} left - New left most coordinate of the window.
* @property {number} top - New top most coordinate of the window.
* @property {number} width - New width of the window.
* Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.
* @param { string | symbol } [eventType] - The type of the event.
* @return {Promise.<this>}
* @function removeAllListeners
* @memberof Window
* @instance
* @tutorial Window.EventEmitter
* Raised when the frame is disabled during prevented user changes to a window's size and/or position.
* @event Window#disabled-frame-bounds-changing
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {number} changeType - Describes what kind of change occurred.
0 means a change in position.
1 means a change in size.
2 means a change in position and size.
* @property {string} deferred - Indicated whether pending changes have been applied.
* @property {number} height - New height of the window.
* @property {number} left - New left most coordinate of the window.
* @property {number} top - New top most coordinate of the window.
* @property {number} width - New width of the window.
* Raised when the window has been embedded.
* @event Window#embedded
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when an external process has exited.
* @event Window#external-process-exited
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {string} processUuid - The process handle UUID.
* @property {number} exitCode - The process exit code
* Raised when an external process has started.
* @event Window#external-process-started
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {string} processUuid - The process handle UUID.
* Raised when a window's frame becomes disabled.
* @event Window#frame-disabled
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when a window's frame becomes enabled.
* @event Window#frame-enabled
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when a window joins/leaves a group and/or when the group a window is a member of changes.
* @event Window#group-changed
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {string} source - Which group array the window that the event listener was registered on is included in:
'source' The window is included in sourceGroup.
'target' The window is included in targetGroup.
'nothing' The window is not included in sourceGroup nor targetGroup.
* @property {string} reason - The reason this event was triggered.
'leave' A window has left the group due to a leave or merge with group.
'join' A window has joined the group.
'merge' Two groups have been merged together.
'disband' There are no other windows in the group.
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {legacyWindowIdentity[]} sourceGroup - All the windows in the group the sourceWindow originated from.
* @property {string} sourceWindowAppUuid - UUID of the application the sourceWindow belongs to the
source window is the window in which (merge/join/leave)group(s) was called.
* @property {string} sourceWindowName - Name of the sourcewindow.
The source window is the window in which (merge/join/leave)group(s) was called.
* @property {legacyWindowIdentity[]} targetGroup - All the windows in the group the targetWindow orginated from.
* @property {string} targetWindowAppUuid - UUID of the application the targetWindow belongs to.
The target window is the window that was passed into (merge/join)group(s).
* @property {string} targetWindowName - Name of the targetWindow.
The target window is the window that was passed into (merge/join)group(s).
* Raised when a window has been hidden.
* @event Window#hidden
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {string} reason - Action prompted the close The reasons are:
* Raised when a window is initialized.
* @event Window#initialized
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when a window is maximized.
* @event Window#maximized
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when a window is minimized.
* @event Window#minimized
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when window navigation is rejected as per ContentNavigation whitelist/blacklist rules.
* @event Window#navigation-rejected
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {string} sourceName - source of navigation window name.
* @property {string} url - Blocked content url.
* Raised when a window is out of memory.
* @event Window#out-of-memory
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised after the execution of all of a window's preload scripts. Contains
information about all window's preload scripts' final states.
* @event Window#preload-scripts-state-changed
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {preloadScriptState[]} preloadState - An array of all final preload scripts' states
* Raised during the execution of a window's preload script. Contains information
about a single window's preload script's state, for which the event has been raised.
* @event Window#preload-scripts-state-changing
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {preloadScriptState[]} preloadState - An array of all final preload scripts' states
* Raised when an HTTP load was cancelled or failed.
* @event Window#resource-load-failed
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {number} errorCode - The Chromium error code.
* @property {string} errorDescription - The Chromium error description.
* @property {string} validatedURL - The url attempted.
* @property {boolean} isMainFrame - Was the attempt made from the main frame.
* Raised when an HTTP resource request has received response details.
* @event Window#resource-response-received
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {boolean} status - Status of the request.
* @property {string} newUrl - The URL of the responded resource.
* @property {string} originalUrl - The requested URL.
* @property {number} httpResponseCode - The HTTP Response code.
* @property {string} requestMethod - The HTTP request method.
* @property {string} referrer - The HTTP referrer.
* @property {object} headers - The HTTP headers.
* @property {string} resourceType - Resource type:
"mainFrame", "subFrame",
"styleSheet", "script", "image",
"object", "xhr", or "other"
* Raised when a window has reloaded.
* @event Window#reloaded
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @property {string} url - Url has has been reloaded.
* Raised when a window is displayed after having been minimized or
when a window leaves the maximize state without minimizing.
* @event Window#restored
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when a window has been prevented from showing.
A window will be prevented from showing by default, either through the API or by a user when
‘show-requested’ has been subscribed to on the window or 'window-show-requested'
on the parent application and the flag is false.
* @event Window#show-requested
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* Raised when a window been shown.
* @event Window#shown
* @type {object}
* @property {string} name - Name of the window.
* @property {string} uuid - UUID of the application that the window belongs to.
* @typedef {object} legacyWindowIdentity
* @summary Object summary
* @desc Object description
* @property {string} appUuid - The UUID of the application this window entry belongs to.
* @property {string} windowName - The name of this window entry.
* @typedef {object} preloadScriptState
* @summary Object summary
* @desc Object description
* @property {string} url - The url of the preload script.
* @property {string} state - The preload script state:
"load-failed", "failed", "succeeded"
constructor(wire: Transport, identity: Identity);
createWindow(options: WindowOption): Promise<_Window>;

@@ -527,3 +479,4 @@ private windowListFromNameList;

* Returns then running applications uuid
* Returns the native OS level Id.
* In Windows, it will return the Windows [handle](
* @return {Promise.<string>}

@@ -533,14 +486,16 @@ * @tutorial Window.getNativeId

getNativeId(): Promise<string>;
disableFrame(): Promise<void>;
* Prevents a user from changing a window's size/position when using the window's frame.
* @return {Promise.<void>}
* @tutorial Window.disableFrame
* @tutorial Window.disableUserMovement
disableFrame(): Promise<void>;
disableUserMovement(): Promise<void>;
enableFrame(): Promise<void>;
* Re-enables user changes to a window's size/position when using the window's frame.
* @return {Promise.<void>}
* @tutorial Window.enableFrame
* @tutorial Window.enableUserMovement
enableFrame(): Promise<void>;
enableUserMovement(): Promise<void>;

@@ -613,2 +568,8 @@ * Executes Javascript on the window, restricted to windows you own or windows owned by

* Determines if the window is a main window.
* @return {boolean}
* @tutorial Window.isMainWindow
isMainWindow(): boolean;
* Determines if the window is currently showing.

@@ -621,3 +582,3 @@ * @return {Promise.<boolean>}

* Joins the same window group as the specified window.
* @param { class } target The window whose group is to be joined
* @param { _Window } target The window whose group is to be joined
* @return {Promise.<void>}

@@ -647,3 +608,3 @@ * @tutorial Window.joinGroup

* Merges the instance's window group with the same window group as the specified window
* @param { class } target The window whose group is to be merged with
* @param { _Window } target The window whose group is to be merged with
* @return {Promise.<void>}

@@ -784,2 +745,8 @@ * @tutorial Window.mergeGroups

* Navigates the window forward one page.
* @return {Promise.<void>}
* @tutorial Window.navigateForward
navigateForward(): Promise<void>;
* Stops any current navigation the window is performing.

@@ -786,0 +753,0 @@ * @return {Promise.<void>}

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// Type definitions for OpenFin API 37.0
// Type definitions for OpenFin API 39.0
// Project:

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ // Definitions by: Chris Barker <>

// based on v9.61.37.14
// based on v10.66.39.25
// see

@@ -41,2 +41,3 @@

type Identity = import('./_v2/identity').Identity;
type applicationLogInfo = import('./_v2/api/application/application').LogInfo;
type LaunchInfo = import('./_v2/api/application/application').ApplicationInfo;

@@ -51,2 +52,3 @@ type ShortCutConfig = import('./_v2/api/application/application').ShortCutConfig;

type CookieOption = import('./_v2/api/system/cookie').CookieOption;
type CrashReporterOption = import('./_v2/api/system/crashReporterOption').CrashReporterOption;
type AppAssetInfo = import('./_v2/api/system/download-asset').AppAssetInfo;

@@ -71,3 +73,3 @@ type AppAssetRequest = import('./_v2/api/system/download-asset').AppAssetRequest;

type WindowDetail = import('./_v2/api/system/window').WindowDetail;
type WindowInfo = import('./_v2/api/system/window').WindowInfo;
type SystemWindowInfo = import('./_v2/api/system/window').WindowInfo;
type AnchorType = import('./_v2/api/window/anchor-type').AnchorType;

@@ -78,2 +80,4 @@ type Bounds = import('./_v2/api/window/bounds').default;

type WindowOption = import('./_v2/api/window/windowOption').WindowOption;
type WindowInfo = import('./_v2/api/window/window').WindowInfo;
type FrameInfo = import('./_v2/api/window/window').FrameInfo;

@@ -153,2 +157,6 @@ const desktop: OpenFinDesktop;

* Retrieves information about the application.
getInfo(callback?: (info: LaunchInfo) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Retrieves the JSON manifest that was used to create the application. Invokes the error callback if the application was not created from a manifest.

@@ -166,6 +174,2 @@ */

* Retrieves information about the application.
getInfo(callback?: (info: LaunchInfo) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Retrieves information about the system tray.

@@ -175,2 +179,6 @@ */

* Returns the current zoom level of the application.
getZoomLevel(callback?: (level: number) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Determines if the application is currently running.

@@ -214,2 +222,10 @@ */

* Sends a message to the RVM to upload the application's logs. On success, an object containing logId is returned.
sendApplicationLog(callback?: (logInfo: applicationLogInfo) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Sets an associated username with that app for Application Log Management use
setAppLogUsername(username: string, callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Sets new shortcut configuration for current application.

@@ -225,2 +241,7 @@ * Application has to be launched with a manifest and has to have shortcut configuration (icon url, name, etc.) in its manifest to

* Sets the zoom level of the application. The original size is 0 and each increment above or below represents zooming 20%
* larger or smaller to default limits of 300% and 50% of original size, respectively.
setZoomLevel(level: number, callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Closes the application by terminating its process.

@@ -569,3 +590,3 @@ */

getAllWindows(callback?: (windowInfoList: WindowInfo[]) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
getAllWindows(callback?: (windowInfoList: SystemWindowInfo[]) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;

@@ -576,2 +597,6 @@ * Returns information about the app asset.

* Retrieves the command line argument string that started OpenFin Runtime.
getCommandLineArguments(callback?: (args: string) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Get additional info of cookies.

@@ -581,5 +606,5 @@ */

* Retrieves the command line argument string that started OpenFin Runtime.
* Get the current state of the crash reporter.
getCommandLineArguments(callback?: (args: string) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
getCrashReporterState(callback?: (state: CrashReporterOption) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;

@@ -618,2 +643,6 @@ * Retrieves the configuration object that started the OpenFin Runtime.

* Returns a unique identifier (UUID) provided by the machine.
getMachineId(callback?: (uuid: string) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Retrieves the minimum (inclusive) logging level that is currently being written to the logs.

@@ -708,2 +737,8 @@ */

* Start the crash reporter for the browser process if not already running.
* You can optionally specify `diagnosticMode` to have the logs sent to
* OpenFin on runtime close
startCrashReporter(options: CrashReporterOption, callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Attempt to close an external process. The process will be terminated if it has not closed after the elapsed timeout in milliseconds.

@@ -717,7 +752,2 @@ */

errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
processUuid: string,
timeout: number,
callback?: (info: { result: "clean" | "terminated" | "failed" }) => void,
errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;

@@ -827,2 +857,7 @@ * Update the OpenFin Runtime Proxy settings.

* Executes Javascript on the window, restricted to windows you own or windows owned by applications you have created.
* @param code JavaScript code to be executed on the window.
executeJavaScript(code: string, callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Prevents a user from changing a window's size/position when using the window's frame.

@@ -852,2 +887,7 @@ * 'disabled-frame-bounds-changing' is generated at the start of and during a user move/size operation.

* Retrieves an array of frame info objects representing the main frame and any
* iframes that are currently on the page.
getAllFrames(callback?: (frames: FrameInfo[]) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Gets the current bounds (top, left, width, height) of the window.

@@ -862,2 +902,6 @@ */

* Gets an information object for the window.
getInfo(callback?: (info: WindowInfo) => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Gets the current settings of the window.

@@ -915,2 +959,18 @@ */

* Navigates the window to a specified URL.
navigate(url: string, callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Navigates the window back one page.
navigateBack(callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Navigates the window forward one page.
navigateForward(callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Reloads the window current page.
reload(ignoreCacheopt?: boolean, callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Removes a previously registered event listener from the specified event.

@@ -968,2 +1028,6 @@ */

* Stops any current navigation the window is performing.
stopNavigation(callback?: () => void, errorCallback?: (reason: string) => void): void;
* Updates the window using the passed options

@@ -970,0 +1034,0 @@ */

"name": "@types/openfin",
"version": "37.0.3",
"version": "39.0.0",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for OpenFin API",

@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@ "license": "MIT",

"typesPublisherContentHash": "c53a8fd3cb6be5c982884e78ef4eaa0fa34da884e61250b83a562834f6232d00",
"typesPublisherContentHash": "1bcee7426fb7306f9ed339f6bd209af7585a44b8bde7c9789a6ada8c9a0135ca",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.9"

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ # Installation

# Summary
This package contains type definitions for OpenFin API (
This package contains type definitions for OpenFin API ( ).

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ # Details

Additional Details
* Last updated: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 21:58:14 GMT
* Last updated: Fri, 01 Feb 2019 18:40:13 GMT
* Dependencies: @types/node, @types/ws

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ * Global values: fin