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@types/swiper - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.2.0 to 4.2.1


// Type definitions for Swiper 4.2
// Project:
// Definitions by: Sebastián Galiano <>, Luca Trazzi <>, Eugene Matseruk <>
// Definitions by: Sebastián Galiano <>, Luca Trazzi <>, Eugene Matseruk <>, Luiz M. <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.7
// TypeScript Version: 2.9
type CommonEvent =
| 'init'
| 'beforeDestroy'
| 'slideChange'
| 'slideChangeTransitionStart'
| 'slideChangeTransitionEnd'
| 'slideNextTransitionStart'
| 'slideNextTransitionEnd'
| 'slidePrevTransitionStart'
| 'slidePrevTransitionEnd'
| 'transitionStart'
| 'transitionEnd'
| 'touchStart'
| 'touchMove'
| 'touchMoveOpposite'
| 'sliderMove'
| 'touchEnd'
| 'click'
| 'tap'
| 'doubleTap'
| 'imagesReady'
| 'progress'
| 'reachBeginning'
| 'reachEnd'
| 'fromEdge'
| 'setTranslate'
| 'setTransition'
| 'resize';
declare module 'swiper' {
* Common Swiper events.
type CommonEvent =
| 'init'
| 'beforeDestroy'
| 'slideChange'
| 'slideChangeTransitionStart'
| 'slideChangeTransitionEnd'
| 'slideNextTransitionStart'
| 'slideNextTransitionEnd'
| 'slidePrevTransitionStart'
| 'slidePrevTransitionEnd'
| 'transitionStart'
| 'transitionEnd'
| 'touchStart'
| 'touchMove'
| 'touchMoveOpposite'
| 'sliderMove'
| 'touchEnd'
| 'click'
| 'tap'
| 'doubleTap'
| 'imagesReady'
| 'progress'
| 'reachBeginning'
| 'reachEnd'
| 'fromEdge'
| 'setTranslate'
| 'setTransition'
| 'resize';
type PaginationEvent = 'paginationRender' | 'paginationUpdate';
type AutoplayEvent = 'autoplayStart' | 'autoplayStop' | 'autoplay';
type LazyLoadingEvent = 'lazyImageLoad' | 'lazyImageReady';
* Swiper pagination event names.
type PaginationEvent = 'paginationRender' | 'paginationUpdate';
type SwiperEvent = CommonEvent | PaginationEvent | AutoplayEvent | LazyLoadingEvent;
* Swiper autoplay event names.
type AutoplayEvent = 'autoplayStart' | 'autoplayStop' | 'autoplay';
interface NavigationOptions {
nextEl?: string | HTMLElement;
prevEl?: string | HTMLElement;
hideOnClick?: boolean;
disabledClass?: string;
hiddenClass?: string;
* Swiper lazy-loading event names.
type LazyLoadingEvent = 'lazyImageLoad' | 'lazyImageReady';
interface PaginationOptions {
el?: string;
type?: 'bullets' | 'fraction' | 'progressbar' | 'custom';
bulletElement?: string;
dynamicBullets?: boolean;
dynamicMainBullets?: number;
hideOnClick?: boolean;
clickable?: boolean;
progressbarOpposite?: boolean;
* Swiper event names.
type SwiperEvent = CommonEvent | PaginationEvent | AutoplayEvent | LazyLoadingEvent;
bulletClass?: string;
bulletActiveClass?: string;
modifierClass?: string;
currentClass?: string;
totalClass?: string;
hiddenClass?: string;
progressbarFillClass?: string;
clickableClass?: string;
* Swiper module types.
type SwiperModule =
| Navigation
| Pagination
| Scrollbar
| Autoplay
| Parallax
| Lazy
| FadeEffect
| CoverflowEffect
| FlipEffect
| CubeEffect
| Zoom
| Keyboard
| Mousewheel
| Virtual
| HashNavigation
| History
| Controller
| A11y;
renderBullet?: (index: number, className: string) => void;
renderFraction?: (currentClass: string, totalClass: string) => void;
renderProgressbar?: (progressbarFillClass: string) => void;
renderCustom?: (swiper: Swiper, current: number, total: number) => void;
type DOM7Element = any;
type SelectableElement = string | HTMLElement;
interface ScrollbarOptions {
el?: string | HTMLElement;
hide?: boolean;
draggable?: boolean;
snapOnRelease?: boolean;
dragSize?: 'auto' | number;
lockClass?: 'string';
dragClass?: 'string';
* Swiper options and events.
interface AutoplayOptions {
delay?: number;
stopOnLastSlide?: boolean;
disableOnInteraction?: boolean;
reverseDirection?: boolean;
waitForTransition?: boolean;
* Main constructor options.
interface SwiperOptions {
* Whether Swiper should be initialised automatically when you create an instance.
* If disabled, then you need to init it manually by calling mySwiper.init()
* @default true
init?: boolean;
interface LazyLoadingOptions {
loadPrevNext?: string;
loadPrevNextAmount?: number;
loadOnTransitionStart?: boolean;
elementClass?: string;
loadingClass?: string;
loadedClass?: string;
preloaderClass?: string;
* Index number of initial slide.
* @default 0
initialSlide?: number;
interface FadeEffectOptions {
crossFade: boolean;
* Could be 'horizontal' or 'vertical' (for vertical slider).
* @default 'horizontal'
direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
interface CoverflowEffectOptions {
slideShadows?: boolean;
rotate?: number;
stretch?: number;
depth?: number;
modifier?: number;
* Duration of transition between slides (in ms)
* @default 300
speed?: number;
interface FlipEffectOptions {
slideShadows?: boolean;
limitRotation?: boolean;
* Enabled this option and plugin will set width/height on swiper wrapper equal to total size of all slides.
* Mostly should be used as compatibility fallback option for browser that don't support flexbox layout well
setWrapperSize?: boolean;
interface CubeEffectOptions {
slideShadows?: boolean;
shadow?: boolean;
shadowOffset: number;
shadowScale: number;
* Enabled this option and swiper will be operated as usual except it will not move, real translate values on wrapper will not be set.
* Useful when you may need to create custom slide transition
virtualTranslate?: boolean;
interface ZoomOptions {
maxRatio?: number;
minRatio?: number;
toggle?: boolean;
containerClass?: string;
zoomedSlideClass?: string;
* Swiper width (in px). Parameter allows to force Swiper width.
* Useful only if you initialize Swiper when it is hidden.
* @note Setting this parameter will make Swiper not responsive
width?: number;
interface KeyboardControlOptions {
enabled?: boolean;
onlyInViewport?: boolean;
* Swiper height (in px). Parameter allows to force Swiper height.
* Useful only if you initialize Swiper when it is hidden.
* @note Setting this parameter will make Swiper not responsive
height?: number;
interface MouseWheelControlOptions {
forceToAxis?: boolean;
releaseOnEdges?: boolean;
invert?: boolean;
sensitivity?: number;
eventsTarged?: string | HTMLElement;
* Set to true and slider wrapper will adopt its height to the height of the currently active slide
* @default false
autoHeight?: boolean;
interface VirtualSlidesRenderExternalData {
offset: number;
from: number;
to: number;
slides: any[];
* Set to true to round values of slides width and height to prevent blurry texts on usual
* resolution screens (if you have such)
* @default false
roundLengths?: boolean;
interface VirtualSlidesOptions {
slides?: any[];
cache?: boolean;
renderSlide?: (slide: any, index: number) => void;
renderExternal?: (data: VirtualSlidesRenderExternalData) => void;
* Set to true on Swiper for correct touch events interception. Use only on
* swipers that use same direction as the parent one
* @default false
nested?: boolean;
interface HashNavigationOptions {
watchState?: boolean;
replaceState?: boolean;
* If enabled (by default) and navigation elements' parameters passed as a string (like ".pagination")
* then Swiper will look for such elements through child elements first.
* Applies for pagination, prev/next buttons and scrollbar elements
* @default true
uniqueNavElements?: boolean;
interface HistoryNavigationOptions {
replaceState?: boolean;
key?: string;
* Tranisition effect. Could be "slide", "fade", "cube", "coverflow" or "flip"
* @default 'slide'
effect?: 'slide' | 'fade' | 'cube' | 'coverflow' | 'flip';
interface ControllerOptions {
control: Swiper;
inverse: boolean;
by: 'slide' | 'container';
* Fire [Transition/SlideChange][Start/End] events on swiper initialization.
* Such events will be fired on initialization in case of your initialSlide is not 0, or you use loop mode
* @default true
runCallbacksOnInit?: boolean;
interface AccessibilityOptions {
enabled?: boolean;
prevSlideMessage?: string;
nextSlideMessage?: string;
firstSlideMessage?: string;
lastSlideMessage?: string;
paginationBulletMessage?: string;
notificationClass?: string;
* When enabled Swiper will be disabled and hide navigation buttons on
* case there are not enough slides for sliding.
* @default false
watchOverflow?: boolean;
interface SwiperOptions {
// General parameters
init?: boolean;
initialSlide?: number;
direction?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
speed?: number;
setWrapperSize?: boolean;
virtualTranslate?: boolean;
width?: number;
height?: number;
autoHeight?: boolean;
roundLengths?: boolean;
nested?: boolean;
uniqueNavElements?: boolean;
effect?: 'slide' | 'fade' | 'cube' | 'coverflow' | 'flip';
runCallbacksOnInit?: boolean;
watchOverflow?: boolean;
on?: {[key in SwiperEvent]?: () => void };
* Register event handlers.
on?: { [key in SwiperEvent]?: () => void };
// Slides grid
spaceBetween?: number;
slidesPerView?: 'auto' | number;
slidesPerColumn?: number;
slidesPerColumnFill?: 'row' | 'column';
slidesPerGroup?: number;
centeredSlides?: boolean;
slidesOffsetBefore?: number;
slidesOffsetAfter?: number;
normalizeSlideIndex?: boolean;
// Slides grid
spaceBetween?: number;
slidesPerView?: number | 'auto';
slidesPerColumn?: number;
slidesPerColumnFill?: 'row' | 'column';
slidesPerGroup?: number;
centeredSlides?: boolean;
slidesOffsetBefore?: number;
slidesOffsetAfter?: number;
normalizeSlideIndex?: boolean;
// Grab cursor
grabCursor?: boolean;
// Grab Cursor
grabCursor?: boolean;
// Touches
touchEventsTarget?: 'container' | 'wrapper';
touchRatio?: number;
touchAngle?: number;
simulateTouch?: boolean;
shortSwipes?: boolean;
longSwipes?: boolean;
longSwipesRatio?: number;
longSwipesMs?: number;
followFinger?: boolean;
allowTouchMove?: boolean;
threshold?: number;
touchMoveStopPropagation?: boolean;
iOSEdgeSwipeDetection?: boolean;
iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold?: number;
touchReleaseOnEdges?: boolean;
passiveListeners?: boolean;
// Touches
// @TODO: verify next property
touchEventsTarget?: 'container' | 'wrapper';
touchRatio?: number;
touchAngle?: number;
simulateTouch?: boolean;
shortSwipes?: boolean;
longSwipes?: boolean;
longSwipesRatio?: number;
longSwipesMs?: number;
followFinger?: boolean;
allowTouchMove?: boolean;
threshold?: number;
touchMoveStopPropagation?: boolean;
iOSEdgeSwipeDetection?: boolean;
iOSEdgeSwipeThreshold?: number;
touchReleaseOnEdges?: boolean;
passiveListeners?: boolean;
// Touch Resistance
resistance?: boolean;
resistanceRatio?: number;
// Touch Resistance
resistance?: boolean;
resistanceRatio?: number;
// Swiping / No swiping
preventIntercationOnTransition?: boolean;
allowSlidePrev?: boolean;
allowSlideNext?: boolean;
noSwiping?: boolean;
noSwipingClass?: string;
noSwipingSelector?: string;
swipeHandler?: string | HTMLElement;
// Swiping / No swiping
allowSlidePrev?: boolean;
allowSlideNext?: boolean;
noSwiping?: boolean;
noSwipingClass?: string;
// noSwipingSelector?: string;
swipeHandler?: SelectableElement;
// Clicks
preventClicks?: boolean;
preventClicksPropagation?: boolean;
slideToClickedSlide?: boolean;
// Clicks
preventClicks?: boolean;
preventClicksPropagation?: boolean;
slideToClickedSlide?: boolean;
// Freemode
freeMode?: boolean;
freeModeMomentum?: boolean;
freeModeMomentumRatio?: number;
freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio?: number;
freeModeMomentumBounce?: boolean;
freeModeMomentumBounceRatio?: number;
freeModeMinimumVelocity?: number;
freeModeSticky?: boolean;
// Freemode
freeMode?: boolean;
freeModeMomentum?: boolean;
freeModeMomentumRatio?: number;
freeModeMomentumVelocityRatio?: number;
freeModeMomentumBounce?: boolean;
freeModeMomentumBounceRatio?: number;
freeModeMinimumVelocity?: number;
freeModeSticky?: boolean;
// Progress
watchSlidesProgress?: boolean;
watchSlidesVisibility?: boolean;
// Progress
watchSlidesProgress?: boolean;
watchSlidesVisibility?: boolean;
// Images
preloadImages?: boolean;
updateOnImagesReady?: boolean;
// Loop
loop?: boolean;
loopAdditionalSlides?: number;
loopedSlides?: number;
loopFillGroupWithBlank?: boolean;
// Images
preloadImages?: boolean;
updateOnImagesReady?: boolean;
// Breakpoints
breakpoints?: {
// TODO: extract possible parameters for breakpoints to separate interface
[index: number]: any;
// Loop
loop?: boolean;
loopAdditionalSlides?: number;
loopedSlides?: number;
loopFillGroupWithBlank?: boolean;
// Observer
observer?: boolean;
observeParents?: boolean;
// Breakpoints
breakpoints?: {
[index: number]: SwiperOptions;
// Namespace
containerModifierClass?: string;
slideClass?: string;
slideActiveClass?: string;
slideDuplicatedActiveClass?: string;
slideVisibleClass?: string;
slideDuplicateClass?: string;
slideNextClass?: string;
slideDuplicatedNextClass?: string;
slidePrevClass?: string;
slideDuplicatedPrevClass?: string;
wrapperClass?: string;
// Observer
observer?: boolean;
observeParents?: boolean;
// Components
navigation?: NavigationOptions;
pagination?: PaginationOptions;
scrollbar?: ScrollbarOptions;
autoplay?: AutoplayOptions;
parallax?: boolean;
lazy?: LazyLoadingOptions | boolean;
fadeEffect?: FadeEffectOptions;
coverflowEffect?: CoverflowEffectOptions;
flipEffect?: FlipEffectOptions;
cubeEffect?: CubeEffectOptions;
zoom?: ZoomOptions | boolean;
keyboard?: KeyboardControlOptions | boolean;
mousewheel?: MouseWheelControlOptions | boolean;
virtual?: VirtualSlidesOptions;
hashNavigation?: HashNavigationOptions;
history?: HistoryNavigationOptions;
controller?: ControllerOptions;
a11y?: AccessibilityOptions;
// Namespace
containerModifierClass?: string;
slideClass?: string;
slideActiveClass?: string;
slideDuplicatedActiveClass?: string;
slideVisibleClass?: string;
slideDuplicateClass?: string;
slideNextClass?: string;
slideDuplicatedNextClass?: string;
slidePrevClass?: string;
slideDuplicatedPrevClass?: string;
wrapperClass?: string;
interface Navigation {
nextEl: HTMLElement;
prevEl: HTMLElement;
update: () => void;
interface Pagination {
el: HTMLElement;
// TODO: dom7 like array
bullets: any[];
// Components
navigation?: NavigationOptions;
pagination?: PaginationOptions;
scrollbar?: ScrollbarOptions;
autoplay?: AutoplayOptions | boolean;
parallax?: boolean;
lazy?: LazyOptions | boolean;
fadeEffect?: FadeEffectOptions;
coverflowEffect?: CoverflowEffectOptions;
flipEffect?: FlipEffectOptions;
cubeEffect?: CubeEffectOptions;
zoom?: ZoomOptions | boolean;
keyboard?: KeyboardOptions | boolean;
mousewheel?: MousewheelOptions | boolean;
virtual?: VirtualOptions | boolean;
hashNavigation?: HashNavigationOptions | boolean;
history?: HistoryNavigationOptions | boolean;
a11y?: A11yOptions | boolean;
render: () => void;
update: () => void;
interface EventsOptions {
* Fired right after Swiper initialization.
* Note that with swiper.on('init') syntax it will
* work only in case you set init: false parameter.
* @example
* var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
* init: false,
* // other parameters
* });
* @example
* swiper.on('init', function() {
* // do something
* });
* @example
* // init Swiper
* swiper.init();
* @example
* // Otherwise use it as the parameter:
* var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
* // other parameters
* on: {
* init: function () {
* // do something
* },
* }
* });
init?: () => any;
interface Scrollbar {
eL: HTMLElement;
dragEl: HTMLElement;
* Triggered right beforey Swiper destoryed
beforeDestroy?: () => any;
updateSize: () => void;
* Triggered when currently active slide is changed
slideChange?: () => any;
interface Autoplay {
running: boolean;
* Triggered in the beginning of animation to other slide (next or previous).
slideChangeTransitionStart?: () => any;
start: () => void;
stop: () => void;
* Triggered after animation to other slide (next or previous).
slideChangeTransitionEnd?: () => any;
interface LazyLoading {
load: () => void;
loadInSlide: (index: number) => void;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionStart" but for "forward" direction only
slideNextTransitionStart?: () => any;
interface Zoom {
enabled: boolean;
scale: number;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionEnd" but for "forward" direction only
slideNextTransitionEnd?: () => any;
enable: () => void;
disable: () => void;
in: () => void;
out: () => void;
toggle: () => void;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionStart" but for "backward" direction only
slidePrevTransitionStart?: () => any;
// Keyboard and Mousewheel control
interface Control {
enabled: boolean;
* Same as "slideChangeTransitionEnd" but for "backward" direction only
slidePrevTransitionEnd?: () => any;
enable: () => void;
disable: () => void;
* Triggered in the beginning of transition.
transitionStart?: () => any;
interface VirtualSlides {
cache: any;
from: number;
to: number;
slides: any[];
* Triggered after transition.
transitionEnd?: () => any;
appendSlide: (slide: any) => void;
prependSlide: (slide: any) => void;
update: () => void;
* Triggered when user touch Swiper. Receives 'touchstart' event as an arguments.
touchStart?: (event: any) => any;
interface Controller {
control: Swiper;
* Triggered when user touch and move finger over Swiper. Receives 'touchmove' event as an arguments.
touchMove?: (event: any) => any;
declare class Swiper {
constructor(container: string | Element, parameters?: SwiperOptions);
* Fired when user touch and move finger over
* Swiper in direction opposite to direction parameter.
* Receives 'touchmove' event as an arguments.
touchMoveOpposite?: (event: any) => any;
// Properties
params: SwiperOptions;
// TODO: dom7 element
$el: any;
// TODO: dom7 element
$wrapperEl: any;
slides: HTMLElement[];
width: number;
height: number;
translate: number;
progress: number;
activeIndex: number;
realIndex: number;
previousIndex: number;
isBeginning: boolean;
isEnd: boolean;
animating: boolean;
touches: {
startX: number;
startY: number;
currentX: number;
currentY: number;
diff: number;
clickedIndex: number;
clickedSlide: HTMLElement;
allowSlideNext: boolean;
allowSlidePrev: boolean;
allowTouchMove: boolean;
* Triggered when user touch and move finger over Swiper and move it.
* Receives 'touchmove' event as an arguments.
sliderMove?: (event: any) => any;
slideNext: (speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean) => void;
slidePrev: (speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean) => void;
slideTo: (index: number, speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean) => void;
slideToLoop: (index: number, speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean) => void;
slideReset: (speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean) => void;
slideToClosest: (speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean) => void;
updateAutoHeight: (speed?: number) => void;
update: () => void;
detachEvents: () => void;
attachEvents: () => void;
destroy: (deleteInstance?: boolean, cleanStyles?: boolean) => void;
appendSlide: (slides: Array<(HTMLElement | string)> | string | HTMLElement) => void;
prependSlide: (slides: Array<(HTMLElement | string)> | string | HTMLElement) => void;
removeSlide: (index: number) => void;
removeAllSlides: () => void;
setTranslate: (translate: number) => void;
getTranslate: () => void;
on: (event: SwiperEvent, handler: () => void) => void;
once: (event: SwiperEvent, handler: () => void) => void;
off: (event: SwiperEvent, handler?: () => void) => void;
unsetGrabCursor: () => void;
setGrabCursor: () => void;
* Triggered when user release Swiper. Receives 'touchend' event as an arguments.
touchEnd?: (event: any) => any;
// components
navigation: Navigation;
pagination: Pagination;
scrollbar: Scrollbar;
autoplay: Autoplay;
zoom: Zoom;
keyboard: Control;
mousewheel: Control;
virtual: VirtualSlides;
controller: Controller;
* Triggered when user click/tap on Swiper after 300ms delay. Receives 'touchend' event as an arguments.
click?: (event: any) => any;
* Triggered when user click/tap on Swiper. Receives 'touchend' event as an arguments.
tap?: (event: any) => any;
* Triggered when user double tap on Swiper's container. Receives 'touchend' event as an arguments
doubleTap?: (event: any) => any;
* Triggered right after all inner images are loaded. updateOnImagesReady should be also enabled
imagesReady?: () => any;
* Triggered when Swiper progress is changed, as an arguments it receives
* progress that is always from 0 to 1
progress?: (progress: any) => any;
* Triggered when Swiper reach its beginning (initial position)
reachBeginning?: () => any;
* Triggered when Swiper reach last slide
reachEnd?: () => any;
* Triggered when Swiper goes from beginning or end position
fromEdge?: () => any;
* Triggered when swiper's wrapper change its position. Receives current translate value as an arguments
setTranslate?: (translate: any) => any;
* Triggered everytime when swiper starts animation.
* Receives current transition duration (in ms) as an arguments,
setTransition?: (transition: any) => any;
* Triggered on window resize right before swiper's onresize manipulation
resize?: () => any;
interface NavigationOptions {
* String with CSS selector or HTML element of the element that will work
* like "next" button after click on it
* @default null
nextEl?: SelectableElement;
* String with CSS selector or HTML element of the element that will work
* like "prev" button after click on it
* @default null
prevEl?: SelectableElement;
* buttons visibility after click on Slider's container
* @default false Toggle navigation
hideOnClick?: boolean;
* CSS class name added to navigation button when it becomes disabled
* @default 'swiper-button-disabled'
disabledClass?: string;
* CSS class name added to navigation button when it becomes hidden
* @default 'swiper-button-hidden'
hiddenClass?: string;
interface PaginationOptions {
el: SelectableElement;
type?: 'bullets' | 'fraction' | 'progressbar' | 'custom';
bulletElement?: string;
dynamicBullets?: boolean;
hideOnClick?: boolean;
clickable?: boolean;
* format fraction pagination current number. Function receives current number,
* and you need to return formatted value
formatFractionCurrent?: (number: number) => number;
* format fraction pagination total number. Function receives total number, and you
* need to return formatted value
formatFractionTotal?: (number: number) => number;
renderBullet?: (index: number, className: string) => void;
renderFraction?: (currentClass: string, totalClass: string) => void;
renderProgressbar?: (progressbarFillClass: string) => void;
* This parameter is required for custom pagination type where you have to specify
* how it should be rendered.
* @example
* var swiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
* //...
* renderCustom: function (swiper, current, total) {
* return current + ' of ' + total;
* }
* });
renderCustom?: (swiper: Swiper, current: number, total: number) => void;
bulletClass?: string;
bulletActiveClass?: string;
modifierClass?: string;
currentClass?: string;
totalClass?: string;
hiddenClass?: string;
progressbarFillClass?: string;
clickableClass?: string;
* Object with scrollbar parameters.
* @example
* var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
* scrollbar: {
* el: '.swiper-scrollbar',
* draggable: true,
* },
* });
interface ScrollbarOptions {
* String with CSS selector or HTML element of the container with scrollbar.
el: SelectableElement;
* Hide scrollbar automatically after user interaction
* @default true
hide?: boolean;
* Set to true to enable make scrollbar draggable that allows you to control slider position
* @default true
draggable?: boolean;
* Set to true to snap slider position to slides when you release scrollbar
* @default false
snapOnRelease?: boolean;
* Size of scrollbar draggable element in px
* @default 'auto'
dragSize?: 'auto' | number;
* Scrollbar element additional CSS class when it is disabled
* @default 'swiper-scrollbar-lock'
lockClass?: string;
* Scrollbar draggable element CSS class
* @default 'swiper-scrollbar-drag'
dragClass?: string;
* Object with autoplay parameters or boolean true to enable with default settings.
* @example
* var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
* autoplay: {
* delay: 5000,
* },
* });
interface AutoplayOptions {
* Delay between transitions (in ms). If this parameter is not specified, auto play will be disabled
* If you need to specify different delay for specifi slides you can do it by using
* data-swiper-autoplay (in ms) attribute on slide.
* @example
* <!-- hold this slide for 2 seconds -->
* <div class="swiper-slide" data-swiper-autoplay="2000">
* @default 3000
delay?: number;
* Enable this parameter and autoplay will be stopped when it reaches last slide (has no effect in loop mode)
* @default false
stopOnLastSlide?: boolean;
* Set to false and autoplay will not be disabled after
* user interactions (swipes), it will be restarted
* every time after interaction
* @default true
disableOnInteraction?: boolean;
* Enables autoplay in reverse direction
* @default false
reverseDirection?: boolean;
* When enabled autoplay will wait for wrapper transition to continue.
* Can be disabled in case of using Virtual Translate when your
* slider may not have transition
* @default true
waitForTransition?: boolean;
interface LazyOptions {
loadPrevNext?: boolean;
loadPrevNextAmount?: number;
loadOnTransitionStart?: boolean;
elementClass?: string;
loadingClass?: string;
loadedClass?: string;
preloaderClass?: string;
* Options - Effect
interface FadeEffectOptions {
crossfade?: boolean;
interface CoverflowEffectOptions {
slideShadows?: boolean;
rotate?: number;
stretch?: number;
depth?: number;
modifier?: number;
interface FlipEffectOptions {
slideShadows?: boolean;
limitRotation?: boolean;
interface CubeEffectOptions {
slideShadows?: boolean;
shadow?: boolean;
shadowOffset?: number;
shadowScale?: number;
interface ZoomOptions {
maxRatio?: number;
minRatio?: number;
toggle?: boolean;
containerClass?: string;
zoomedSlideClass?: string;
interface KeyboardOptions {
enabled?: boolean;
onlyInViewport?: boolean;
interface MousewheelOptions {
forceToAxis?: boolean;
releaseOnEdges?: boolean;
invert?: boolean;
sensitivity?: number;
eventsTarged?: SelectableElement;
interface VirtualOptions {
slides?: any[];
cache?: boolean;
renderSlide?: (slide: any, index: any) => any;
renderExternal?: (data: any) => any;
interface HashNavigationOptions {
* Set to true to enable also navigation through slides (when hashnav
* is enabled) by browser history or by setting directly hash on document location
* @default false
watchState?: boolean;
* Works in addition to hashnav to replace current url state with the
* new one instead of adding it to history
* @default false
replaceState?: boolean;
interface HistoryNavigationOptions {
* Works in addition to hashnav or history to replace current url state with the
* new one instead of adding it to history
* @default false
replaceState?: boolean;
* Url key for slides
* @default 'slides'
key?: string;
* Object with controller parameters or boolean true to enable with default settings. For example:
* @example
* var mySwiper = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
* controller: {
* inverse: true,
* },
* });
interface ControllerOptions {
* Pass here another Swiper instance or array with Swiper instances that should be controlled
* by this Swiper
control?: Swiper;
* Set to true and controlling will be in inverse direction
* @default false
inverse?: boolean;
* Can be 'slide' or 'container'. Defines a way how to control another slider: slide by slide
* (with respect to other slider's grid) or depending on all slides/container
* (depending on total slider percentage).
* @default 'slide'
by?: 'slide' | 'container';
interface A11yOptions {
* Enables A11y
* @default true
enabled?: boolean;
* Message for screen readers for previous button
* @default 'Previous slide'
prevSlideMessage?: string;
* Message for screen readers for next button
* @default 'Next slide'
nextSlideMessage?: string;
* Message for screen readers for previous button when swiper is on first slide
* @default 'This is the first slide'
firstSlideMessage?: string;
* Message for screen readers for previous button when swiper is on last slide
* @default 'This is the last slide'
lastSlideMessage?: string;
* Message for screen readers for single pagination bullet
* @default 'Go to slide {{index}}'
paginationBulletMessage?: string;
* CSS class name of a11 notification
* @default 'swiper-notification'
notificationClass?: string;
* Swiper exports the following as ES5 module (in swiper.esm.js).
* Virtual Slides module.
class Virtual {
* Object with cached slides HTML elements
cache: object;
* Index of first rendered slide
from: number;
* Index of last rendered slide
to: number;
* Array with slide items passed by virtual.slides parameter
slides: any[];
* Methods
* Add new slides to the end. slides could be HTMLElement or HTML string with new slide or array
* with such slides, for example:
* @example
* mySwiper.appendSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>')
* mySwiper.appendSlide([
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>',
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 11"</div>'
* ]);
appendSlide(slide: HTMLElement | string): void;
* Add new slides to the beginning. slides could be HTMLElement or HTML string with new slide or
* array with such slides, for example:
* @example
* mySwiper.prependSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 0"</div>')
* mySwiper.prependSlide([
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1"</div>',
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 2"</div>'
* ]);
prependSlide(slide: HTMLElement | string): void;
* Update virutal slides state
update(): void;
* Keyboard Control module.
class Keyboard {
* Whether the keyboard control is enabled
enabled: boolean;
// Methods
* Enable keyboard control
enable(): void;
* Disable keyboard control
disable(): void;
* Mousewheel Control module.
class Mousewheel {
* Whether the mousewheel control is enabled
enabled: boolean;
// Methods
* Enable mousewheel control
enable(): void;
* Disable mousewheel control
disable(): void;
* Navigation module.
class Navigation {
* HTMLElement of "next" navigation button
nextEl: HTMLElement;
* HTMLElement of "previous" navigation button
prevEl: HTMLElement;
* Update navigation buttons state (enabled/disabled)
update(): void;
* Pagination module.
class Pagination {
* HTMLElement of pagination container element
el: HTMLElement;
* Dom7 array-like collection of pagination bullets
* HTML elements. To get specific slide HTMLElement
* use `mySwiper.pagination.bullets[1]`.
bullets: DOM7Element[];
* Render pagination layout
render(): void;
* Update pagination state (enabled/disabled/active)
update(): void;
* Scrollbar module.
class Scrollbar {
// Properties
* HTMLElement of Scrollbar container element
el: HTMLElement;
* HTMLElement of Scrollbar draggable handler element
dragEl: HTMLElement;
// Methods
* Updates scrollbar track and handler sizes
updateSize(): void;
* Parallax module.
class Parallax { }
* Zoom module.
class Zoom {
* Whether the zoom module is enabled
enabled: boolean;
* Current image scale ratio
scale: number;
* Enable zoom module
enable(): void;
* Disable zoom module
disable(): void;
* Zoom in image of the currently active slide
in(): void;
* Zoom out image of the currently active slide
out(): void;
* Toggle image zoom of the currently active slide
toggle(): void;
* Lazy module.
class Lazy {
* Load/update lazy images based on current slider state (position)
load(): void;
* Force to load lazy images in slide by specified index
* @param number index number of slide to load lazy images in
loadInSlide(index: number): void;
* Controller module.
class Controller {
* Pass here another Swiper instance or array with Swiper instances that should be controlled
* by this Swiper
control?: Swiper;
* Accessibility module (a11y$)
class A11y { }
* History Navigation module.
class History { }
* Hash Navigation module.
class HashNavigation {
* Autoplay module.
class Autoplay {
// Properties
* Whether autoplay enabled and running
running: boolean;
// Methods
* Start autoplay
start(): boolean;
* Stop autoplay
stop(): boolean;
* Fade Effect module.
class FadeEffect { }
* Cube Effect module.
class CubeEffect { }
* Flip Effect module.
class FlipEffect { }
* Coverflow Effect module.
class CoverflowEffect { }
* Core module
class Swiper {
* Constructs a new Swiper instance.
* @param container Where Swiper applies to.
* @param options Instance options.
constructor(container: SelectableElement, options?: SwiperOptions);
* Object with passed initialization parameters
params: SwiperOptions;
* Element with slider container.
el: HTMLElement;
* Dom7 element with slider container HTML element. To get vanilla HTMLElement use el
$el: DOM7Element;
* Slider wrapper HTML element.
wrapperEl: HTMLElement;
* Dom7 element with slider wrapper HTML element. To get vanilla HTMLElement use wrapperEl
$wrapperEl: DOM7Element;
* Dom7 array-like collection of slides HTML elements. To get specific slide HTMLElement use slides[1]
slides: DOM7Element[];
* Width of container
width: number;
* Height of container
height: number;
* Current value of wrapper translate
translate: number;
* Current progress of wrapper translate (from 0 to 1)
progress: number;
* Index number of currently active slide.
* @note Note, that in loop mode active index value will be always shifted
* on a number of looped/duplicated slides.
activeIndex: number;
* Index number of currently active slide considering duplicated slides in loop mode
realIndex: number;
* Index number of previously active slide
previousIndex: number;
* true if slider on most "left"/"top" position
isBeginning: true;
* true if slider on most "right"/"bottom" position
isEnd: boolean;
* true if swiper is in transition
animating: boolean;
* Object with the following touch event properties:
touches: {
startX: number;
startY: number;
currentX: number;
currentY: number;
diff: number;
* Index number of last clicked slide
clickedIdex: number;
* Link to last clicked slide (HTMLElement)
clickedSlide: HTMLElement;
* Disable/enable ability to slide to the next slides by assigning false/true to this property
* @default true
allowSlideNext: boolean;
* Disable/enable ability to slide to the previous slides by assigning false/true to this property
* @default true
allowSlidePrev: boolean;
* Disable/enable ability move slider by grabbing it with
* mouse or by touching it with finger (on touch screens)
* by assigning false/true to this property
* @default true
allowTouchMove: boolean;
// Methods
* Run transition to next slide.
* @param speed Transition duration (in ms).
* @param runCallbacks Set it to false (by default it is true) and transition will
* not produce transition events.
slideNext(speed: number, runCallbacks: boolean): void;
* Run transition to previous slide.
* @param speed Transition duration (in ms).
* @param runCallbacks Set it to false (by default it is true) and transition will
* not produce transition events.
slidePrev(speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean): void;
* Run transition to the slide with index number equal to 'index' parameter for the
* duration equal to 'speed' parameter.
* @param index Index number of slide.
* @param speed Transition duration (in ms).
* @param runCallbacks Set it to false (by default it is true) and transition will
* not produce transition events.
slideTo(index: number, speed?: number, runCallbacks?: boolean): void;
* You should call it after you add/remove slides
* manually, or after you hide/show it, or do any
* custom DOM modifications with Swiper
* This method also includes subcall of the following
* methods which you can use separately:
update(): void;
* recalculate size of swiper container
updateSize(): void;
* recalculate number of slides and their offsets. Useful after you add/remove slides with JavaScript
updateSlides(): void;
* recalculate swiper progress
updateProgress(): void;
* update active/prev/next classes on slides and bullets
updateSlidesClasses(): void;
* tach all events listeners
detachEvents(): void;
* Atach all events listeners again
attachEvents(): void;
* Destroy slider instance and detach all events listeners, where
destroy(deleteInstance: boolean, cleanupStyles: boolean): void;
* Set it to false (by default it is true) to not to delete Swiper instance
deleteInstance: boolean;
* Set it to true (by default it is true) and all
* custom styles will be removed from slides,
* wrapper and container. Useful if you need to
* destroy Swiper and to init again with new
* options or in different direction
cleanStyles: boolean;
* Installs modules on Swiper in runtime.
static use(modules: SwiperModule[]): void;
* Add new slides to the end. slides could be
* HTMLElement or HTML string with new slide or
* array with such slides, for example:
* @example appendSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>')
* @example
* appendSlide([
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 10"</div>',
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 11"</div>'
* ]);
appendSlide(slides: HTMLElement | string | string[]): void;
* Add new slides to the beginning. slides could be
* HTMLElement or HTML string with new slide or array with such slides, for example:
* @example prependSlide('<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 0"</div>')
* @example prependSlide([
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 1"</div>',
* '<div class="swiper-slide">Slide 2"</div>'
* ]);
prependSlide(slides: HTMLElement | string | string[]): void;
* Remove selected slides. slideIndex could be a number with slide index to remove or array with indexes.
* @example removeSlide(0); // remove first slide
* @example removeSlide([0, 1]); // remove first and second slides
* @example removeAllSlides(); // Remove all slides
removeSlide(slideIndex: number | number[]): void;
* Set custom css3 transform's translate value for swiper wrapper
setTranslate(translate: any): void;
* Get current value of swiper wrapper css3 transform translate
getTranslate(): any;
* Add event listener
on(event: SwiperEvent, handler: () => void): void;
* Add event listener that will be executed only once
once(event: SwiperEvent, handler: () => void): void;
* Remove event listener for specified event
* If no handler specified, removes all listeners for specified event
off(event: SwiperEvent, handler?: () => void): void;
* Disable mousewheel control
disableMousewheelControl(): void;
* Enable mousewheel control
enableMousewheelControl(): void;
* Disable keyboard control
disableKeyboardControl(): void;
* Enable keyboard control
enableKeyboardControl(): void;
* Unset grab cursor
unsetGrabCursor(): void;
* Set grab cursor
setGrabCursor(): void;
// Components
* Swiper Navigation module.
navigation?: Navigation;
* Swiper Pagination module.
pagination?: Pagination;
* Swiper Scrollbar module.
scrollbar?: Scrollbar;
* Swiper Autoplay module.
autoplay?: Autoplay;
* Swiper Parallax module.
parallax?: Parallax;
* Swiper Lazy module.
lazy?: Lazy;
* Swiper FadeEffect module.
fadeEffect?: FadeEffect;
* Swiper CoverflowEffect module.
coverflowEffect?: CoverflowEffect;
* Swiper FlipEffect module.
flipEffect?: FlipEffect;
* Swiper CubeEffect module.
cubeEffect?: CubeEffect;
* Swiper Zoom module.
zoom?: Zoom;
* Swiper Keyboard module.
keyboard?: Keyboard;
* Swiper Mousewheel module.
mousewheel?: Mousewheel;
* Swiper Virtual module.
virtual?: Virtual;
* Swiper HashNavigation module.
hashNavigation?: HashNavigation;
* Swiper History module.
history?: History;
* Swiper Controller module.
controller?: Controller;
* Swiper A11y module.
a11y?: A11y;
declare module 'swiper' {
export = Swiper;
// Use thru this when in TypeScript
declare module 'swiper/dist/js/swiper.esm' {
import alias = require('swiper');
export = alias;
"name": "@types/swiper",
"version": "4.2.0",
"version": "4.2.1",
"description": "TypeScript definitions for Swiper",

@@ -21,2 +21,7 @@ "license": "MIT",

"githubUsername": "ematseruk"
"name": "Luiz M.",
"url": "",
"githubUsername": "odahcam"

@@ -27,8 +32,8 @@ ],

"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"scripts": {},
"dependencies": {},
"typesPublisherContentHash": "a61570caadf9e5dca99592253407930647e4cc429c042cc5eeb808238bbbb4c2",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.7"
"typesPublisherContentHash": "540d9eead6114da31f7e3163c585c2c48ac151d56f958f751aa1454139a00188",
"typeScriptVersion": "2.9"

@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ # Installation

# Details
Files were exported from
Files were exported from
Additional Details
* Last updated: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 00:46:12 GMT
* Last updated: Wed, 05 Sep 2018 16:09:37 GMT
* Dependencies: none
* Global values: Swiper
* Global values: none
# Credits
These definitions were written by Sebastián Galiano <>, Luca Trazzi <>, Eugene Matseruk <>.
These definitions were written by Sebastián Galiano <>, Luca Trazzi <>, Eugene Matseruk <>, Luiz M. <>.
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