6.19.0 (2024-01-15)
🚀 Features
- eslint-plugin: [prefer-promise-reject-errors] add rule (#8011)
- eslint-plugin: [no-array-delete] add new rule (#8067)
- eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] add fix suggestions (#8065)
🩹 Fixes
- eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] detect unnecessary non-null-assertion on a call expression (#8143)
- eslint-plugin: [no-unnecesary-type-assertion] treat unknown/any as nullable (#8089)
- typescript-estree: add JSDocParsingMode enum merge for typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary (#8193)
- typescript-estree: disallow
as the variable keyword for for..in
loops (#7649)
- typescript-estree: fix incorrect backwards-compat augmentation in TS 5.3 (#8181)
❤️ Thank You
- auvred @auvred
- Brad Zacher @bradzacher
- Josh Goldberg ✨
- Joshua Chen
- LJX @lvjiaxuan
- Steven @Solo-steven
- StyleShit @StyleShit
You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.