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@udecode/plate-indent-list - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 31.2.0 to 31.2.2


import * as _udecode_plate_core from '@udecode/plate-core';
import * as _udecode_slate from '@udecode/slate';
import { EElement, Value, TNodeEntry, EElementOrText, TNode, TEditor, EElementEntry, TElement, PlateEditor, InjectComponentProps, InjectComponentReturnType, ENodeEntry, WithPlatePlugin, KeyboardHandlerReturnType } from '@udecode/plate-common';
import { EElement, Value, TNodeEntry, EElementOrText, TNode, TEditor, EElementEntry, PlateRenderElementProps, TElement, InjectComponentProps, InjectComponentReturnType, ENodeEntry, PlateEditor, WithPlatePlugin, KeyboardHandlerReturnType } from '@udecode/plate-common';
import { SetIndentOptions } from '@udecode/plate-indent';

@@ -29,10 +29,35 @@ import { Path } from 'slate';

declare enum ListStyleType {
Armenian = "armenian",
Circle = "circle",
CjkIdeographic = "cjk-ideographic",
Decimal = "decimal",
DecimalLeadingZero = "decimal-leading-zero",
Disc = "disc",
ArabicIndic = "arabic-indic",
Armenian = "armenian",
UpperArmenian = "upper-armenian",
LowerArmenian = "lower-armenian",
Bengali = "bengali",
Cambodian = "cambodian",
Khmer = "khmer",
CjkDecimal = "cjk-decimal",
Devanagari = "devanagari",
Georgian = "georgian",
Gujarati = "gujarati",
Gurmukhi = "gurmukhi",
Hebrew = "hebrew",
Kannada = "kannada",
Lao = "lao",
Malayalam = "malayalam",
Mongolian = "mongolian",
Myanmar = "myanmar",
Oriya = "oriya",
Persian = "persian",
LowerRoman = "lower-roman",
UpperRoman = "upper-roman",
Tamil = "tamil",
Telugu = "telugu",
Thai = "thai",
Tibetan = "tibetan",
LowerAlpha = "lower-alpha",
LowerLatin = "lower-latin",
UpperAlpha = "upper-alpha",
UpperLatin = "upper-latin",
LowerGreek = "lower-greek",
Hiragana = "hiragana",

@@ -42,23 +67,24 @@ HiraganaIroha = "hiragana-iroha",

KatakanaIroha = "katakana-iroha",
LowerAlpha = "lower-alpha",
LowerGreek = "lower-greek",
LowerLatin = "lower-latin",
LowerRoman = "lower-roman",
CjkEarthlyBranch = "cjk-earthly-branch",
CjkHeavenlyStem = "cjk-heavenly-stem",
JapaneseInformal = "japanese-informal",
JapaneseFormal = "japanese-formal",
KoreanHangulFormal = "korean-hangul-formal",
KoreanHanjaInformal = "korean-hanja-informal",
KoreanHanjaFormal = "korean-hanja-formal",
SimpChineseInformal = "simp-chinese-informal",
SimpChineseFormal = "simp-chinese-formal",
TradChineseInformal = "trad-chinese-informal",
TradChineseFormal = "trad-chinese-formal",
EthiopicNumeric = "ethiopic-numeric",
DisclosureOpen = "disclosure-open",
DisclosureClosed = "disclosure-closed",
None = "none",
Circle = "circle",
Disc = "disc",
Square = "square",
UpperAlpha = "upper-alpha",
UpperLatin = "upper-latin",
UpperRoman = "upper-roman",
Initial = "initial",
Inherit = "inherit"
interface LiComponentProps {
element: TElement;
children: any;
interface MarkerComponentProps {
onChange?: (checked: boolean) => void;
element: TElement;
editor: PlateEditor<Value>;
declare const ULIST_STYLE_TYPES: readonly [ListStyleType.Disc, ListStyleType.Circle, ListStyleType.Square, ListStyleType.DisclosureOpen, ListStyleType.DisclosureClosed];

@@ -70,2 +96,4 @@ declare const KEY_LIST_STYLE_TYPE = "listStyleType";

declare const KEY_TODO_STYLE_TYPE = "todo";
type MarkerFC = React.FC<Omit<PlateRenderElementProps, 'children'>>;
type LiFC = React.FC<PlateRenderElementProps>;
interface IndentListPlugin {

@@ -79,5 +107,5 @@ getSiblingIndentListOptions?: GetSiblingIndentListOptions<TElement>;

type: string;
markerComponent?: React.FC<MarkerComponentProps>;
liComponent?: React.FC<LiComponentProps>;
isNumbered?: boolean;
markerComponent?: MarkerFC;
liComponent?: LiFC;
isOrdered?: boolean;

@@ -87,3 +115,3 @@ }

declare const injectIndentListComponent: (props: InjectComponentProps) => InjectComponentReturnType;
declare const injectIndentListComponent: (injectProps: InjectComponentProps) => InjectComponentReturnType;

@@ -227,2 +255,2 @@ declare const normalizeIndentList: <V extends Value>(editor: TEditor<V>, { getSiblingIndentListOptions }?: IndentListPlugin) => ([node, path]: ENodeEntry<V>) => void;

export { type GetIndentListSiblingsOptions, type GetSiblingIndentListOptions, type IndentListOptions, type IndentListPlugin, KEY_LIST_CHECKED, KEY_LIST_RESTART, KEY_LIST_START, KEY_LIST_STYLE_TYPE, KEY_TODO_STYLE_TYPE, type LiComponentProps, ListStyleType, type MarkerComponentProps, areEqListStyleType, createIndentListPlugin, getIndentListSiblings, getNextIndentList, getPreviousIndentList, getSiblingIndentList, getSiblingListStyleType, indentList, indentTodo, injectIndentListComponent, normalizeFirstIndentListStart, normalizeIndentList, normalizeIndentListNotIndented, normalizeIndentListStart, normalizeNextIndentListStart, onKeyDownIndentList, outdentList, setIndentListNode, setIndentListNodes, setIndentListSiblingNodes, setIndentTodoNode, someIndentList, toggleIndentList, toggleIndentListSet, toggleIndentListUnset, useIndentListToolbarButton, useIndentListToolbarButtonState, useIndentTodoToolBarButton, useIndentTodoToolBarButtonState, withIndentList };
export { type GetIndentListSiblingsOptions, type GetSiblingIndentListOptions, type IndentListOptions, type IndentListPlugin, KEY_LIST_CHECKED, KEY_LIST_RESTART, KEY_LIST_START, KEY_LIST_STYLE_TYPE, KEY_TODO_STYLE_TYPE, type LiFC, ListStyleType, type MarkerFC, ULIST_STYLE_TYPES, areEqListStyleType, createIndentListPlugin, getIndentListSiblings, getNextIndentList, getPreviousIndentList, getSiblingIndentList, getSiblingListStyleType, indentList, indentTodo, injectIndentListComponent, normalizeFirstIndentListStart, normalizeIndentList, normalizeIndentListNotIndented, normalizeIndentListStart, normalizeNextIndentListStart, onKeyDownIndentList, outdentList, setIndentListNode, setIndentListNodes, setIndentListSiblingNodes, setIndentTodoNode, someIndentList, toggleIndentList, toggleIndentListSet, toggleIndentListUnset, useIndentListToolbarButton, useIndentListToolbarButtonState, useIndentTodoToolBarButton, useIndentTodoToolBarButtonState, withIndentList };

@@ -68,2 +68,3 @@ "use strict";

ListStyleType: () => ListStyleType,
areEqListStyleType: () => areEqListStyleType,

@@ -109,4 +110,75 @@ createIndentListPlugin: () => createIndentListPlugin,

var import_clsx = require("clsx");
var injectIndentListComponent = (props) => {
const { element } = props;
// src/types.ts
var ListStyleType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ListStyleType2) => {
ListStyleType2["Decimal"] = "decimal";
ListStyleType2["DecimalLeadingZero"] = "decimal-leading-zero";
ListStyleType2["ArabicIndic"] = "arabic-indic";
ListStyleType2["Armenian"] = "armenian";
ListStyleType2["UpperArmenian"] = "upper-armenian";
ListStyleType2["LowerArmenian"] = "lower-armenian";
ListStyleType2["Bengali"] = "bengali";
ListStyleType2["Cambodian"] = "cambodian";
ListStyleType2["Khmer"] = "khmer";
ListStyleType2["CjkDecimal"] = "cjk-decimal";
ListStyleType2["Devanagari"] = "devanagari";
ListStyleType2["Georgian"] = "georgian";
ListStyleType2["Gujarati"] = "gujarati";
ListStyleType2["Gurmukhi"] = "gurmukhi";
ListStyleType2["Hebrew"] = "hebrew";
ListStyleType2["Kannada"] = "kannada";
ListStyleType2["Lao"] = "lao";
ListStyleType2["Malayalam"] = "malayalam";
ListStyleType2["Mongolian"] = "mongolian";
ListStyleType2["Myanmar"] = "myanmar";
ListStyleType2["Oriya"] = "oriya";
ListStyleType2["Persian"] = "persian";
ListStyleType2["LowerRoman"] = "lower-roman";
ListStyleType2["UpperRoman"] = "upper-roman";
ListStyleType2["Tamil"] = "tamil";
ListStyleType2["Telugu"] = "telugu";
ListStyleType2["Thai"] = "thai";
ListStyleType2["Tibetan"] = "tibetan";
ListStyleType2["LowerAlpha"] = "lower-alpha";
ListStyleType2["LowerLatin"] = "lower-latin";
ListStyleType2["UpperAlpha"] = "upper-alpha";
ListStyleType2["UpperLatin"] = "upper-latin";
ListStyleType2["LowerGreek"] = "lower-greek";
ListStyleType2["Hiragana"] = "hiragana";
ListStyleType2["HiraganaIroha"] = "hiragana-iroha";
ListStyleType2["Katakana"] = "katakana";
ListStyleType2["KatakanaIroha"] = "katakana-iroha";
ListStyleType2["CjkEarthlyBranch"] = "cjk-earthly-branch";
ListStyleType2["CjkHeavenlyStem"] = "cjk-heavenly-stem";
ListStyleType2["JapaneseInformal"] = "japanese-informal";
ListStyleType2["JapaneseFormal"] = "japanese-formal";
ListStyleType2["KoreanHangulFormal"] = "korean-hangul-formal";
ListStyleType2["KoreanHanjaInformal"] = "korean-hanja-informal";
ListStyleType2["KoreanHanjaFormal"] = "korean-hanja-formal";
ListStyleType2["SimpChineseInformal"] = "simp-chinese-informal";
ListStyleType2["SimpChineseFormal"] = "simp-chinese-formal";
ListStyleType2["TradChineseInformal"] = "trad-chinese-informal";
ListStyleType2["TradChineseFormal"] = "trad-chinese-formal";
ListStyleType2["EthiopicNumeric"] = "ethiopic-numeric";
ListStyleType2["DisclosureOpen"] = "disclosure-open";
ListStyleType2["DisclosureClosed"] = "disclosure-closed";
ListStyleType2["None"] = "none";
ListStyleType2["Circle"] = "circle";
ListStyleType2["Disc"] = "disc";
ListStyleType2["Square"] = "square";
ListStyleType2["Initial"] = "initial";
ListStyleType2["Inherit"] = "inherit";
return ListStyleType2;
})(ListStyleType || {});
"disc" /* Disc */,
"circle" /* Circle */,
"square" /* Square */,
"disclosure-open" /* DisclosureOpen */,
"disclosure-closed" /* DisclosureClosed */
// src/injectIndentListComponent.tsx
var injectIndentListComponent = (injectProps) => {
const { element } = injectProps;
const listStyleType = element[KEY_LIST_STYLE_TYPE];

@@ -122,4 +194,5 @@ const listStart = element[KEY_LIST_START];

return function Ul({ editor, children }) {
var _a;
return function Component(_a) {
var _b = _a, { children } = _b, props = __objRest(_b, ["children"]);
const { editor } = props;
const { listStyleTypes = {} } = (0, import_plate_common.getPluginOptions)(

@@ -129,15 +202,19 @@ editor,

const targetList = (_a = listStyleTypes[listStyleType]) != null ? _a : {};
const isNumbered = targetList ? targetList.isNumbered : false;
className = isNumbered ? (0, import_clsx.clsx)(className, "slate-list-number") : (0, import_clsx.clsx)(className, "slate-list-bullet");
let listOptions = listStyleTypes[listStyleType];
let isOrdered = true;
if (listOptions) {
isOrdered = !!listOptions.isOrdered;
} else {
if (ULIST_STYLE_TYPES.includes(listStyleType)) {
isOrdered = false;
listOptions = {};
className = isOrdered ? (0, import_clsx.clsx)(className, "slate-ol") : (0, import_clsx.clsx)(className, "slate-ul");
const List = isOrdered ? "ol" : "ul";
const {
markerComponent = null,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow
liComponent = ({ children: children2 }) => /* @__PURE__ */ import_react.default.createElement("li", null, children2)
} = targetList;
const Wrap = isNumbered ? "ol" : "ul";
return /* @__PURE__ */ import_react.default.createElement(Wrap, { style, className, start: listStart }, markerComponent && markerComponent({ editor, element }), liComponent({
markerComponent: Marker = () => null,
liComponent: Li = (liProps) => /* @__PURE__ */ import_react.default.createElement("li", null, liProps.children)
} = listOptions;
return /* @__PURE__ */ import_react.default.createElement(List, { style, className, start: listStart }, /* @__PURE__ */ import_react.default.createElement(Marker, __spreadValues({}, props)), /* @__PURE__ */ import_react.default.createElement(Li, __spreadValues({}, props), children));

@@ -152,32 +229,2 @@ }

var import_plate_indent = require("@udecode/plate-indent");
// src/types.ts
var ListStyleType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ListStyleType2) => {
ListStyleType2["Armenian"] = "armenian";
ListStyleType2["Circle"] = "circle";
ListStyleType2["CjkIdeographic"] = "cjk-ideographic";
ListStyleType2["Decimal"] = "decimal";
ListStyleType2["DecimalLeadingZero"] = "decimal-leading-zero";
ListStyleType2["Disc"] = "disc";
ListStyleType2["Georgian"] = "georgian";
ListStyleType2["Hebrew"] = "hebrew";
ListStyleType2["Hiragana"] = "hiragana";
ListStyleType2["HiraganaIroha"] = "hiragana-iroha";
ListStyleType2["Katakana"] = "katakana";
ListStyleType2["KatakanaIroha"] = "katakana-iroha";
ListStyleType2["LowerAlpha"] = "lower-alpha";
ListStyleType2["LowerGreek"] = "lower-greek";
ListStyleType2["LowerLatin"] = "lower-latin";
ListStyleType2["LowerRoman"] = "lower-roman";
ListStyleType2["None"] = "none";
ListStyleType2["Square"] = "square";
ListStyleType2["UpperAlpha"] = "upper-alpha";
ListStyleType2["UpperLatin"] = "upper-latin";
ListStyleType2["UpperRoman"] = "upper-roman";
ListStyleType2["Initial"] = "initial";
ListStyleType2["Inherit"] = "inherit";
return ListStyleType2;
})(ListStyleType || {});
// src/transforms/indentList.ts
var indentList = (editor, _a = {}) => {

@@ -1064,2 +1111,3 @@ var _b = _a, { listStyleType = "disc" /* Disc */ } = _b, options = __objRest(_b, ["listStyleType"]);


@@ -1066,0 +1114,0 @@ createIndentListPlugin,

"name": "@udecode/plate-indent-list",
"version": "31.2.0",
"version": "31.2.2",
"description": "Indent list plugin for Plate",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "license": "MIT",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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