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Comparing version 4.0.3 to 4.0.4


"name": "@uiw/react-amap-types",
"version": "4.0.3",
"version": "4.0.4",
"description": "基于 React 封装的高德地图组件。AMap Component Based On React.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "homepage": "",

@@ -145,3 +145,3 @@ /// <reference path="./base.d.ts" />

setLayers(layers:Array<TileLayer | Satellite | Traffic | RoadNet>): void;
setLayers(layers: Array<TileLayer | Satellite | Traffic | RoadNet>): void;

@@ -151,3 +151,3 @@ * 添加覆盖物/图层。参数为单个覆盖物/图层,或覆盖物/图层的数组。

add(features: Array<any> | TileLayer | Polyline | Marker | Rectangle | Text | Polygon | InfoWindow | Ellipse | BezierCurve | CircleMarker | Circle | MassMarks): void;
add(features: Array<any> | TileLayer | Polyline | Marker | LabelMarker | Rectangle | Text | Polygon | InfoWindow | Ellipse | BezierCurve | CircleMarker | Circle | MassMarks): void;

@@ -157,3 +157,3 @@ * 删除覆盖物/图层。参数为单个覆盖物/图层,或覆盖物/图层的数组。

remove(features: Array<any> | TileLayer | Polyline | Marker | Rectangle | Text | Polygon | InfoWindow | Ellipse | BezierCurve | CircleMarker | Circle | MassMarks): void;
remove(features: Array<any> | TileLayer | Polyline | Marker | LabelMarker | Rectangle | Text | Polygon | InfoWindow | Ellipse | BezierCurve | CircleMarker | Circle | MassMarks): void;

@@ -315,3 +315,3 @@ * 注销地图对象,并清空地图容器

type ControlType =
type ControlType =
'AMap.AutoComplete' |

@@ -348,103 +348,103 @@ 'AMap.ControlBar' |

onZoomChange?:() => void;
onZoomChange?: () => void;
* 地图平移时触发事件
onMapMove?:() => void;
onMapMove?: () => void;
* 鼠标在地图上移动时触发
onMouseMove?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onMouseMove?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 鼠标滚轮开始缩放地图时触发
onMouseWheel?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onMouseWheel?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 鼠标移入地图容器内时触发
onMouseOver?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onMouseOver?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 鼠标移出地图容器时触发
onMouseOut?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onMouseOut?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 鼠标在地图上单击抬起时触发
onMouseUp?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onMouseUp?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 鼠标在地图上单击按下时触发
onMouseDown?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onMouseDown?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 缩放开始时触发
onZoomStart?:() => void;
onZoomStart?: () => void;
* 鼠标左键双击事件
onDblClick?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onDblClick?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 鼠标左键单击事件
onClick?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onClick?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 缩放结束时触发
onZoomEnd?:() => void;
onZoomEnd?: () => void;
* 地图移动结束后触发,包括平移,以及中心点变化的缩放。如地图有拖拽缓动效果,则在缓动结束后触发
onMoveEnd?:() => void;
onMoveEnd?: () => void;
* 鼠标右键单击事件
onRightClick?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onRightClick?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 地图平移开始时触发
onMoveStart?:() => void;
onMoveStart?: () => void;
* 开始拖拽地图时触发
onDragStart?:() => void;
onDragStart?: () => void;
* 拖拽地图过程中触发
onDragging?:() => void;
onDragging?: () => void;
* 停止拖拽地图时触发。如地图有拖拽缓动效果,则在拽停止,缓动开始前触发
onDragEnd?:() => void;
onDragEnd?: () => void;
* 鼠标点击热点时触发
onHotspotClick?:(event: { type: string, lnglat: LngLat, name: string, id: string }) => void;
onHotspotClick?: (event: { type: string, lnglat: LngLat, name: string, id: string }) => void;
* 鼠标移出热点时触发
onHotspotOut?:(event: { type: string, lnglat: LngLat, name: string, id: string }) => void;
onHotspotOut?: (event: { type: string, lnglat: LngLat, name: string, id: string }) => void;
* 鼠标滑过热点时触发
onHotspotOver?:(event: { type: string, lnglat: LngLat, name: string, id: string }) => void;
onHotspotOver?: (event: { type: string, lnglat: LngLat, name: string, id: string }) => void;
* 触摸开始时触发事件,仅适用移动设备
onTouchStart?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onTouchStart?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 地图资源加载完成后触发事件
onComplete?:(event: { type: 'complete'}) => void;
onComplete?: (event: { type: 'complete' }) => void;
* 拖拽地图过程中触发,仅适用移动设备
onTouchMove?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onTouchMove?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 触摸结束时触发事件,仅适用移动设备
onTouchEnd?:(event: MapsEvent) => void;
onTouchEnd?: (event: MapsEvent) => void;
* 地图容器尺寸改变事件
onResize?:() => void;
onResize?: () => void;

@@ -451,0 +451,0 @@ /**

@@ -65,3 +65,3 @@ /// <reference path="./base.d.ts" />

/** 文本标注方位 可选值,默认值: `right`。 */
direction?: 'top'|'right'|'bottom'|'left'|'center';
direction?: 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'center';
/** 为偏移量。如设置了 direction,以 direction 方位为基准点进行偏移。 */

@@ -268,3 +268,3 @@ offset?: AMap.Pixel;

label?: { content: string; offset: Pixel, direction: 'top'|'right'|'bottom'|'left'|'center' };
label?: { content: string; offset: Pixel, direction: 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'center' };

@@ -292,3 +292,3 @@ interface MarkerEvents extends EventsCommonProps {

onMoving?(obj: { passedPath:Array<LngLat> }): void;
onMoving?(obj: { passedPath: Array<LngLat> }): void;

@@ -370,3 +370,3 @@ * 点标记执行moveTo动画结束时触发事件,也可以由moveAlong方法触发

interface PolylineEvents extends EventsCommonProps {}
interface PolylineEvents extends EventsCommonProps { }
interface PolylineOptions {

@@ -487,3 +487,3 @@ /**

interface CircleEvents extends EventsCommonProps {}
interface CircleEvents extends EventsCommonProps { }
interface CircleOptions {

@@ -551,3 +551,3 @@ /** 圆心位置 */

/** 修改圆点标记的属性(样式风格,包括轮廓线、填充色等。属性详情参看CircleMarkerOptions列表) */
setOptions(optsArg: CircleMarkerOptions): void;
setOptions(optsArg: CircleMarkerOptions): void;
/** 判断指定点坐标是否在圆内 */

@@ -839,5 +839,5 @@ contains(point: LngLatLike): void;

/** 隐藏 */
onHide?(data: {type: string, target: any}): void;
onHide?(data: { type: string, target: any }): void;
/** 显示 */
onShow?(data: {type: string, target: any}): void;
onShow?(data: { type: string, target: any }): void;

@@ -852,3 +852,3 @@ /** 多边形 */

/** 修改多边形属性(样式风格,包括组成多边形轮廓线的节点、轮廓线样式等。属性详情参看PolygonOptions列表) */
setOptions(opt:PolygonOptions): void;
setOptions(opt: PolygonOptions): void;
/** 获取多边形的属性 */

@@ -861,3 +861,3 @@ getOptions(): PolygonOptions;

/** 在指定地图上显示当前的多边形。参数取值为null时,在地图上移除当前多边形(自v1.2 新增) */
setMap(map:Map): void;
setMap(map: Map): void;
/** 设置用户自定义属性,支持JavaScript API任意数据类型,如Polygon的id等 */

@@ -868,3 +868,3 @@ setExtData(ext: any): void;

/** 判断指定点坐标是否在多边形范围内 */
contains(point: LngLat): boolean;
contains(point: LngLat): boolean;

@@ -937,11 +937,11 @@ interface PolygonOptions {

/** 调用 close 之后触发该事件,target即为编辑后的覆盖物对象 */
onEnd(data: { target: Polygon}): void;
onEnd(data: { target: Polygon }): void;
/** 增加一个节点时触发此事件 */
onAddnode(data: { target: Polygon, lnglat: LngLat, pixel: Pixel }): void;
/** 调整折线上某个点时触发此事件 */
onAdjust(data: { target: Polygon, lnglat: LngLat, pixel: Pixel}): void;
onAdjust(data: { target: Polygon, lnglat: LngLat, pixel: Pixel }): void;
/** 移动覆盖物时触发此事件 */
onMove(data: { target: Polygon, lnglat: LngLat, pixel: Pixel}): void;
onMove(data: { target: Polygon, lnglat: LngLat, pixel: Pixel }): void;
/** 创建一个覆盖物之后触发该事件,target即为创建对象。当editor编辑对象为空时,调用open接口,再点击一次屏幕就会创建新的覆盖物对象 */
onAdd(data: { target: Polygon}): void;
onAdd(data: { target: Polygon }): void;

@@ -952,3 +952,3 @@ /**

class InfoWindow extends MapEventListener<'open' | 'close'> {
constructor(opt: InforWindowOptions);
/** 打开信息窗体 */

@@ -965,3 +965,3 @@ open(map: Map, pos: LngLat, height?: number): void;

/** 设置信息窗体锚点 默认值:'bottom-center'。 */
setAnchor(anchor: 'top-left'|'top-center'|'top-right'|'middle-left'|'center'|'middle-right'|'bottom-left'|'bottom-center'|'bottom-right'): void;
setAnchor(anchor: 'top-left' | 'top-center' | 'top-right' | 'middle-left' | 'center' | 'middle-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-center' | 'bottom-right'): void;

@@ -998,4 +998,4 @@ interface InforWindowOptions {

/** 文本标记 */
class Text extends MapEventListener<'moving' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'movealong' | 'touchstart' | 'moveend' | 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'rightclick' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'dragstart' | 'dragend' | 'dragging'> {
/** 文本标记 */
class Text extends MapEventListener<'moving' | 'touchmove' | 'touchend' | 'movealong' | 'touchstart' | 'moveend' | 'click' | 'dblclick' | 'rightclick' | 'mousemove' | 'mouseover' | 'mouseout' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'dragstart' | 'dragend' | 'dragging'> {
constructor(opts: TextOptions);

@@ -1050,3 +1050,3 @@ /** 获取文本标记内容 */

onMoveaLong?(): void;
onMoving?(obj: { passedPath:Array<LngLat> }): void;
onMoving?(obj: { passedPath: Array<LngLat> }): void;
onMoveEnd?(): void;

@@ -1093,2 +1093,6 @@ onDragStart?(event: MapsEvent): void;

style?: TextStyleOptions;
// 文本标注的内容,该属性为直接显示在标注上的文本内容。
content?: string
// 文本标注方位。若设置了 icon,则 direction 是以 icon 为中心的偏移,若未设置 icon,则相对 position 偏移。 可选值:'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'center'。默认值: right
direction?: 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'center'

@@ -1195,3 +1199,3 @@ type TextStyleOptions = Record<string, any>;

class MassMarks extends MapEventListener<'touchstart' | 'touchend' | 'mousemove' | 'dbclick' | 'click' | 'complete' | 'mouseover' | 'mousedown' | 'mouseup' | 'mouseout'> {
/** 官方文档示例, **/
/** 官方文档示例, **/
constructor(data: MassMarkersDataOptions, opts?: Array<MassMarkersOptions> | MassMarkersOptions)

@@ -1223,3 +1227,3 @@ setMap(map: Map): void;

interface MassMarkersStyleOptions {
interface MassMarkersStyleOptions {
/** 图标 url */

@@ -1236,3 +1240,3 @@ url?: string;

/** 海量点加载完成事件 */
onComplete?: (event: { type: 'complete'}) => void;
onComplete?: (event: { type: 'complete' }) => void;

@@ -1253,3 +1257,3 @@ /**

interface MoveAlongObj {}
interface MoveAlongObj { }
type MoveToOptions = {

@@ -1302,23 +1306,2 @@ /** 每段动画持续时长, 单位:ms */

setText(textOpts: TextOptions): void;
getIcon(): IconOptions | undefined;
setIcon(iconOpts: IconOptions): void;
getOptions(): LabelMarkerOptions;
getExtData(): any | undefined;
setExtData(extData: any): void;
setTop(isTop: boolean): void;
getVisible(): boolean | undefined;
getCollision(): boolean | undefined;
remove(): void;
/** 以指定的时长,点标记沿指定的路径移动,加载 AMap.MoveAnimation 后可以使用 */
moveAlong(path: Array<LngLat> | Array<Vector> | Array<MoveAlongObj>, opts?: MoveAlongOptions): void;
/** 暂停点标记动画,加载 AMap.MoveAnimation 后创建的点标记可以使用 */
pauseMove(): void;
/** 重新启动点标记动画,加载 AMap.MoveAnimation 后可以使用 */
resumeMove(): void;
/** 停止点标记动画,加载 AMap.MoveAnimation 后可以使用 */
stopMove(): void;
/** 开启点标记动画,加载 AMap.MoveAnimation 后可以使用 */
startMove(): void;
/** 以给定时间移动点标记到指定位置,加载 AMap.MoveAnimation 后可以使用 */
moveTo(targetPosition: MoveToOptions, opts?: MoveAlongOptions): void;

@@ -1346,7 +1329,49 @@ interface LabelMarkerOptions {

text?: TextOptions;
/** 设置文本样式,Object同css样式表,如:{'background-color':'red'} */
style?: TextStyleOptions;
interface LabelMarkerEvents extends EventsCommonProps {
* 鼠标在点标记上按下时触发事件
onMouseDown?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 鼠标在点标记上按下抬起时触发事件
onMouseUp?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 触摸开始时触发事件,仅适用移动设备
onTouchStart?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 触摸移动进行中时触发事件,仅适用移动设备
onTouchMove?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 触摸结束时触发事件,仅适用移动设备
onTouchEnd?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 鼠标左键单击事件
onClick?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 鼠标移动
onMouseMove?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 鼠标移近点标记时触发事件
onMouseOver?(event: MapsEvent): void;
* 鼠标移出点标记时触发事件
onMouseOut?(event: MapsEvent): void;
class ContextMenu extends MapEventListener<'open' | 'close'> {
constructor(opts: ContextMenuOptions);
/** 打开右键菜单 */
open(map: Map, position: Vector| LngLat): void;
open(map: Map, position: Vector | LngLat): void;
/** 关闭右键菜单 */

@@ -1353,0 +1378,0 @@ close(): void;

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